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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. Breaking bad, Game of Thrones, La Casa De Papel, Stranger things, The 100, Prison break,Limitless,Happy!, Blacklist,Scorpion, Misfits, Disenchantment, Rick and Morty. I think these all are the best ones i ve watched and i cant choose between them the most best one. Ofc there is great movies too but i watch series mostly. And why i like these series? well these all have great story and actors, even some of them are pretty unknown actors. I would recommend "my list" for you if you see there like 3 you liked already. Rick and morty + Disenchantment best series when u have hangover/ braindead
  2. So i have this burger shot business for sale in LV, i dont remember the income but something between 5-10k. The most important thing is that this property has very cool extrerior with neon light signs and sick interior for roleplays etc. ( see pictures ) Also it has carspawn and very much parking space for rp's, events or donation vehicles. Starting bid 20.000.000$ Screenshots ; https://imgur.com/a/lF3bT3l
  3. Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) : My ingame nickname is JoGe and accountname is joge. I am 22-years old boi from finland and my strenghts are my good reputation among the community and ofc shooting and driving skills. My biggest weakness is flying in my opinion. My current memberships in saes are AA and Cluck, also i am ALT applicant and lately i have been doing much work for it. I have been playing MTA and SAES since 2012. i was couple years inactive due to school and finnish defense forces What is our role : Spreading the word of freedom and doing everything for it. Why shall we accept you: As i said before, i have good reputation and also i have experience of many kind of things in server. I have been hq in official squad, i am hq* in official group and i am level 1 member in official gang. Also i would be very loyal member as you have ideology that interests me. Reasons to apply: Well some of your member recommended me to do it and he told me about this new group and i liked it since im not a huge fan of CLO or DE. What agency you would like to join if you get in: The Believers
  4. Gangs - level 1-5 -=(red)[TT] - Tuga Thugs=- : Trouble in the place? Tuga's in ya face! -=(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assasins=- : AA :p -=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : Death by signature -=(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=-: good but dont see ya much around -=(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=- : wait , this the gang which owns all the casinos ? pfff , nothing to say. -=(#493d26)[BS] - Black Syndicate=- : no opinion -=(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : Nice -=(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: Nice to see that you are more active again -=(#00554f)CripZ=-: No opinion -=(#800080)[WA]- Wild Angel=-: Nice -=(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: no opinion yet since new hq's? Squads - level 1-5 -=(#000080)[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : I respect the old squads -=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : I respect the old squads -=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : No opinion -=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : no opinion -=(#97a3d2)[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- : No opinion -=(#17058e)[TST] - The Strike Team=-: I remember the day tst got their ?first? base right next to mi6 base in ls, positive for good old times <3 -=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: Negative, not because everyone says bad things about you, but unfortunately i ve seen alots of bad behaving from you guys. Hope you will make change for that. -=(#2C415A)[STF] - Special Task Force=-: Cool i guess Companies - level 1-5. [RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas; Its always cool to see something different in the server, not just gangs and squads.++++ [Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell: Same as above, unique company which gives more color to the server. If you can't pick the Gang, Squad or Company you are in now. What would be your : Favorite Gang : TT Favorite Squad : MI-6 with el_kebeer , ranger and nanobob.
  5. @iTaze Thx, indeed it is just if you space enough for it :D
  6. Archive this
  7. @Aboody2 Thx for letting me know because this is very first property i ever sell. I dont need your help , thx :)
  8. I have this small base for sale at middle of las venturas. Base has 2 nice roof tops where is good space for heli's or planes. Also some usable space around a building. Even its a business, icon has carspawn ability. Starting bid 20m https://imgur.com/a/jj78fo8
  9. sold @King01
  10. @Radrick Not a business.
  11. 15.00 OR 5min after last bid
  12. @SmoothErik Lol then put it on
  13. Happy birthday ! :)
  14. Auction ends today 15:00 Server time !
  15. @SmoothErik No its not, but it would be even better result if you download adblock :D as you can see there is ads everywhere eating your speed :P
  16. Happy birthday to me
  17. Im selling a warehouse at LS docks, location is good ( right next to sr, disk with boat and carspawn, car modifying place etc.) Startin from 2m ss : https://imgur.com/a/npHnzN8
  18. Address: Accomodation Quarters 4 Account name:ekrem1096 Last seen:27th november 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CH6IIPd
  19. @nicus says the loser lmao, https://eu.guampdn.com/story/sports/2016/11/13/learning-lose-important/93705814/
  20. @nicus @Cruz Nice ones, expect nicus who has lower upload speed than me 8)
  21. Lets see who has the best ping/download/upload stats :D idk if there is already post like this but lets see. Jk, i just wish i had speed like this, here is the real one ; ::: :::
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