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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. I voted no, most of the people already has multiple car's with full modifications, why should cars/modifications be cheaper ? Everyone can have those if they work for it like everyone else have done. And what comes to newplayers, they dont need custom vehicles, its just good that they are little more expensive so they dont spend all their first millions in one car and then they realize they are buggy as fuck and allows cops to teleport inside etc. I think its good to have some money holes to people who has shitloads of money.
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8GL83499G42449743 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: * list itemVehicle Type: Journey Vehicle Colour: #99004d Specify any upgrades: I can add those myself Usernames to lock: joge, i will add rest Where you want it placed: my prop, RC redneck farm Also i want to have my donator spawn and status ingame and discord (Makezuki#5915) Also i want to move my other donation cars from my house "Perkele" to "RC redneck farm" and interior aswell. Also i want this interior to be upgraded to Medium #15
  3. -TMH Racers Take On [none]- ~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag ~[P]~(green)articipants: @Arone @Teller @ kaseke ~[L]~(green)ocation: San Fierro ~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1. JoGe :second_place_medal: 2. Arone :third_place_medal: 3. Kaseke ~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hZxfSm8
  4. -TMH Racers Take On [none]- ~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag ~[P]~(green)articipants: @Blade @Honer112 @Draven ~[L]~(green)ocation: San Fierro ~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1. Honer :second_place_medal: 2. JoGe :third_place_medal: 3. Draven ~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lTdnNC9
  5. ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: #1 ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: @MakeLove @Ryler @jonas13362 @Trevor ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: One beatiful morning i woke up and i got call which was about invitation to Kart race. Well there was still two months for that race but i decided to start preparing me and my kart for that. I had some problems with my Kart in the past and first thing i had to do was take it to mechanic and only mechanic which was open in the whole San Andreas that day was Trevor from Cuban Cars. So i had to load my Kart to my Picador and drive to San Fierro. There was one customer before me so everything went pretty fast. He cleaned my exhaust system and did some small maintenance things here and there. I went directly to test it into streets in San Fierro but then officers makelove and ryler from Five-0 stopped me because its not very legal to drive Kart in the streets. Well they wrote me huge 23 k$ ticket for that mistake. Next day i went to race track in small island near whetstone and there me and my friend Jonas tested my Kart and it worked like dream for upcoming race. Only sad thing was that it started to snow and it was very slippery, i had to decrease the tire pressures for better grip but after that it was much better to drive. Now i believe i have good chances to win, i just need practise myself but the Kart is now ready. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  6. So im selling this urban clothing store with nice interior and nice role play possibilities for shop rob rp for example. Also near two raceflag spawns and disk is close aswell. 3.2 income. Starting from 2m. ::: :::
  7. Ingame nickname: joge Team you bet for (type Draw if so): Draw Amount you bet: 1m
  8. Involved SAI members: Trooper Jari Aarnio Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: Criminals and Citizens in San Andreas Date, time and duration of activity: 17.11.2019, Couple hours in the morning. Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: This morning was pretty peacefully in San Andreas, only few criminal actions in my sight. I was patrolling by my own and this time i tried to focus on truckers. Managed to pull one trucker over and had a small discuss with him about hes significantly high wanted level but he didnt want to talk about it so I had to arrest him. Also met one criminal in Los Santos near glenpark just standing in middle of driveway and i noticed that he also had high wanted level so i decided to have a small chat with him. At some point he started to run away from me and the situation ended up in gunfire. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tpzXSQM
  9. So since glue was removed from most of the vehicles to make it look more realistic i think there still is vehicle(s) which definitely should have glue / ability to carry more than 4 players. Fox example Limo would we dope to see in the streets, fits very nicely to gang theme. Is it possible to make Limo has unlimited seats or atleast six ? After glue was removed the cars i see daily around the map has been decreased significantly, people uses mainly only couple of them... Lets make it more varied by step by step ? Let this Limo be one example ?
  10. Type: RaceFlag( Co-driver rally commentation roleplay'ish ) Participants: @GoldMine @Nebula Location: San Andreas Winner & Prize: https://imgur.com/a/bwBJfvX
  11. -TMH Racers Take On [@KARIM @TaJ @Kim @Nebula ]- Type: Raceflag Participants: @Makeeeh @antraxx @XPriV @TaaviLaudur @Twister @Blade and many others Location: All around San Andreas Winner & Prize: ::: ::: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QdLU8CC Link to my application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12781/tmh-joge-s-application-for-racing
  12. -TMH Racers Take On [@KARIM @Brooks @GoldMine @FoxZilla @mimyy @Nebula ]- Type: Raceflag Participants: TMH members and many others. Location: All around San Andreas Winner & Prize: ::: ::: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QiFRK3P Link to my application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12781/tmh-joge-s-application-for-racing
  13. -TMH Racers Take On [@Brooks @AdemBygt ]- Type: Raceflag Participants: Location: Bonecounty to San Fierro Winner & Prize: 1.JoGe 2.Brooks 3. Adembygt Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jlUtAqj Link to my application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12781/tmh-joge-s-application-for-racing
  14. -TMH Racers Take On [@KARIM @mimyy @Reus @Ardron ]- Type: Raceflag Participants: @KARIM @mimyy @Reus @Ardron @IceCold @GoldMine @zlatan Location: Around San Andreas Winner & Prize: ::: ::: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SKOWp4P Link to my application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12781/tmh-joge-s-application-for-racing
  15. I think its kinda impossible to calculate value of properties nowdays prices changes so much
  16. Someone make a script that pigs have to get the criminals into jail instead of just teleporting there. Just like VIP npc. When cop hits with nightstick criminal is held by the cop and cop delivers the criminal at the marker front of nearest police station. Of course there should be some kind of maximum value of criminals per time per one cop, like 2 or 3. Maybe arresting prize should be increased aswell. Also criminals could have possibility to save their mate while cop is bringing the criminal at police station ? This would give muuuuuucchhh work to the copside and also make it bit more realistic. Maybe some other changes should be made to police/criminal balancing due to this change because this completely would change the current gameplay between cops and criminals.
  17. I offer my bonestreet house and 7m cash for this (all i got) , oh and my virginity.
  18. ~[H]~(green)ang-Around Number: #2 ~[T]~(green)MH Members Involved: @TaJ @Ardron ~[D]~(green)uration of Hang: Approx 2 hours ~[L]~(green)ink to my application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12781/tmh-joge-s-application-for-racing ~[A]~(green)lso we had little side roleplay in this hangout: We had trackday in race island. Me as Mika Hakkinen, Ardron as Valtteri bottas and Taj as Sebastian Verstappen. Also there were many other players visiting at our trackday. We had alot of fun and also i managed to get few gold and silver medals ! Also i might lost some rounds but lets not talk about that. My point is that there was no guy who had not fun ! ~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6tl2QYS
  19. Starting from 5m. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DtgSfuj Has carspawn, with car like 10 seconds from LS bank. Will be sold for the highest bidder !
  20. ~[H]~(green)ang-Around Number: #1 ~[T]~(green)MH Members Involved: @TaJ @Xtream @Ardron ~[D]~(green)uration of Hang: Approx 1 hour ~[L]~(green)ink to my application: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12781/tmh-joge-s-application-for-racing ~[S]~(green)creenshots: ::: We were driving around... ...Until i got an idea to go for few drinks... ...Then we woke up at middle of the road :::
  21. Small interior #7 it is.
  22. Kart to my prop named "I Ran Out Of Names" with "Sticker1" shader. Also i would like to small interior here, i cant find the list of interiors in forums anymore, can someone link me ?
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