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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. i know you can do better than that
  2. -~[T]~(green)MH Racers Take On- Me, Villain, Reggi, Acez, Otto ~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag ~[P]~(green)articipants: Me, Villain, Reggi, Acez, Otto ~[L]~(green)ocation: All around ~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: I am the winner, as usually ~[S]~(green)creenshots: ::: :::
  3. 27.08.2021 Morning Store Robberies :sunrise:
  4. Starting bid 1m Minimum increase 1m
  5. Your ingame username: joge Your ingame alias:JoGe Your year of birth:1996 Your gender: Male Nationality:Finnish Country of residence:Finland How long you have been playing SAES:9-10 years Qualities you can offer: Im a calm person with long experience playing in the server. Im not the one you see arguing with others in mainchat. Also i speak one of the least widespread languages in the world, yet i see weekly new players from my county in the server deathmathcing people. Someone need to tell them the rules since bunny and tombaaa doesnt. Your weaknesses: In my real life work i have been told that sometimes im too kind for people like customers and subordinates. In all situations its not good, sometimes i need to be more strict. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: Honestly, something more to do in the server. It's nice to connect with people by different routes. And of course its nice to help the community. Server Memberships: Currently im member of Arms Assassins, World farming supply, The Motor Heads and Donator group. Additional information: I use this place to tell something about myself. I am 24 years old HVAC engineer currently working as product designer. In my freetime i golf in the summer and ski in the winter. I love to start weekend by going in sauna and having ice cold beer. In additioin to playing in SAES, i play Dota 2 and CS:GO. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: In a whole freaking decade i haven't ever been punished. Either i follow the rules or im god-tier punishment avoider ;) feel free to give achievement trophy for that :) Previous (legitimate) bans: None.
  6. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 40gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 1.2.2021 Why do you need this change? Some of my vehicles has been removed and i want some to be changed Links to your donation topics: 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23357/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3425/donation-joge 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12590/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13562/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp?_=1579105500086 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24655/joge-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: BF injection Location: RC redneck farm ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Jester Location: Grove street Vehicle 2: Old taxi car Location: RC redneck farm Username: joge
  7. Only way not to remove fuel truckers purpose is to make it very expensive to do via that button. Like ten times more expensive so people would think twice before fueling vehicles that way. It would be nice money drain aswell if specially rich people starts using it, which ofc is small improvment for economy.
  8. hbd best indian
  9. 100m, this offer is valid for today only
  10. This conversation above clearly tells that it would be so much easier if these things are written in somewhere where anyone can read the rules according to this. Nobody seems to know (not even staff members) for sure. Alot of "What i know", "Im not sure" and "if im not mistaken" Etc.
  11. Yeah indeed it would clarify it more if that part was removed, but ofc why wouldnt it be reasonable to have it at propeety if its just big enough to store the aircraft and taking it off. Maybe it could "cost" more to have it at personal property?
  12. And it clearly says " or somewhere realistic and reasonable", so atleast how i think that it is, its not necessarily ap or heliport.
  13. Doesnt look so clear if many people are having an aircraft at their properties and admins have sorted those rewards? Or is there some new statement which i havent heard about? if thats the case then this topic is useless but as i mentioned, i didnt find any clear guide according to this.
  14. Background: I have had couple of times donation planes and/or helicopters placed at different properties of mine, sorted by different admins, without any problems. Few days ago an admin told me that my plane is at illegal location at my farm in red county and it needs to removed. I was okay with that since the donation topic says the following: "These are required to be placed at a heliport, airport or somewhere realistic and reasonable. " So today i was driving at vinewood and saw atleast 5 properties with helicopter on their garage's roofs or even at balconies. Can i ask how those can be "more reasonable" locations than my big farm where there is actually room for take off with plane? So i decided to ask an admin ingame that can i have helicopter at my farm since the Shamal was removed and answer was that its not reasonable place. (see the screenshot below) My question / suggestion: Make a strict line what is reasonable and what is not. If there is room for take off without using public roads/land, its reasonable ? Or only small planes like Dodo and maverick allowed at personal properties? Or just ap, heliport and gangbases allowed? something like this maybe? Wouldnt it be easier for everyone that all admins uses the same logic to allow or disallow vehicle locations? Then there would not be need to remove these "illegal" ones or have conversations like this anymore. Wasnt sure should this be suggestion or question. Atleast i didnt find any clear guide for this.
  15. perkele you forgot to sort interior part
  16. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 40gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 3.5.2020 Why do you need this change? I dont own the prop anymore and i want some new vehicles Links to your donation topics: 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23357/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3425/donation-joge 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12590/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13562/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp?_=1579105500086 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18348/joge-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Picador Location: 6 Grove Street Vehicle 2: Burrito with custom wrap Location: RC redneck farm ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: BF injection with standard wrap (gaymen 2) Location: RC redneck farm Vehicle 2: Sultan with standard wrap (camo) Location: RC redneck farm Username: joge Interior: Large interior #23 to replace my current medium interior at RC redneck farm.
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