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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. 1976
  2. Updated 16.4.2020: Removed Server Memberships Arms Assassins, left the gang.
  3. Your ingame username: joge Your ingame alias: JoGe Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Finnish Country of residence: Finland How long you have been playing SAES: approx. 8-9 years Qualities you can offer: Systematic, friendly and understanding young adult for your team. I have in-real-life experience of sorting offers, orders and all related. I have a drive on tasks like that. Your weaknesses: Well sometimes in my job as designer i take it too seriously and stress about it, i should learn to relax more and not to take work stuff to home. Also vodka is my weakness, sometimes its hard to know your limits on that stuff you know. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yes i am really active there aswell Reason for application: As i mentioned before i have a good drive to sort stuff like this and since im very active gamer i have much time to spend in this. Also helping people makes me feel nice and not just any people, im friend with most of them. I think i dont even have "enemies" in SAES or never had any bigger arguments. Server Memberships: The Motor Heads San Andreas Interceptors Donator Additional information: I am 23- years old man from Finland, currently im working as designer and more specific i design professional kitchen's ventilation systems for restaurants, schools etc. I would describe myself as techinal, calm and nice person overall i always avoid to be rude to anyone. Probably my friends would describe me as alcholist and the guy who wouldnt even harm a fly. I enjoy living here in Finland and most of my spare time i spend playing games and watching series. Also i love to visit my summer cottage every summer and maintenance it. Also i have passion to everything that has engine. If i dont know something that i want to, i have to get answer. Before that i cant do anything. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I think none, but since i cant remember what i did or not did like 8 years ago its possible that i have been muted back then etc. Previous (legitimate) bans: None, ever. This one i would remember. Do you eat pork: Yes please.
  4. Sausage, grilled vegetables and mushrooms and a good fresh beer.
  5. -TMH Racers Take On []- ~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag ~[P]~(green)articipants: kaewoN, Axestos, Zan, M7 ~[L]~(green)ocation: ALT base ~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1. Axestos :second_place_medal: 2. JoGe :third_place_medal: 3. Zan ~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QlxzaN4
  6. Set to green marker sale 43m, so thats the new and last buyout price. You can also keep bidding.
  7. BUYOUT now 45m, keep bidding !
  8. Starting bid 1m, minimum increase 1m. This has imo better interior that many other similiar, pictures below. Good possibilities for roleplay and donation vehicles etc. BUYOUT 60m https://imgur.com/a/k2zwVnp
  9. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Carshow ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: @Exile ~[D]~(green)ate: 1.2.2020 ~[P]~(green)rize(s): 1st 1m, 2nd 500k, 3rd 250k ~[W]~(green)inner(s): :first_place_medal: @sila :second_place_medal: @Alex :third_place_medal: @JonnyBoss ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/KwxAXWC
  10. @Bartman its not free... offers in pm please
  11. @Brophy Vayran ? Dude this is pure art and this definitely isnt Vayrans production. Vayran would write this from another angle... if you know what i mean
  12. Elementary school at the start of the 21st century (inb4 newfag) our school had also a tard class, with older 15-19 yo. tards the tards have built an epic snow fortress where they hang out during recess we tried to figure out how these sub-humans could have constructed something so great the 5th graders can't deal with this fact we form a resistance movement against the tyrannical tards La resistance lives on motherfuckers! we named ourselves "The Devils of Hell" the devils first secret meeting is held in the schools forest near a huge pine tree and the nettle rock (during summer there grows a fucking lot of them) all the boys from th 5th grade plus me and three other firstgraders appeared to the meeting we agreed that during next recess we will attack the tard without declareing war and spread the word about The Devils of Hell said recess we attack equipped with sticks and rocky snowballs under the element of surprise the tards don't understand the situation at first (DUH! :DD) but when they do, all hell breaks loose! these six foot (aspect of the 130cm 1st grader) drooling hulk tards come out of the fortress to screaming and batshit insane and attack at this part our forces break up under the tards overpowerment and we have to retreat back to the forest luckily, these teenage mutant ninja tards motoric skills are so underdeveloped that we can outrun them we all make it to safety and we've managed to make a hole on the fortress wall. that can be counted as a victory! the word about The Devils of Hells achievements and bravery spread like wildfire next days lunchbreak we held a new secret meeting where we recruit new soldiers and organize our strategy and tactics our numbers tripled and we got partisans from every class even a few 6th graders we shared our battle roles according to classes, us the firstgraders got the worst job we were "the little pioneers" our job was to dig trenches near the enemy lines and infiltrate the fortress through the the holes made by the frontline soldiers (3rd and 4th graders) and destroy the castle from the inside the 5th and 6th graders worked as officers (throwing stones at the tards and shouting orders) our job was the most dangerous cause the rumor was that if the tards got you, they would kiss you and suck on your balls and their bite would turn you into one the second attack would be wednesday at the beginning of the second recess wednesday before the attack we gathered to the HQ of the Devils and swore an oath sure about our victory we marched into battle to our surprise, the tards were prepader for our attack, by recruiting more tards and arming themselves with sticks and (stone)snowballs we wont back down the frontline soldiers break the walls a bit >we the pioneers charge inside but are forced to retreat fast when the tard go full hulk mode the biggest tard grabs a 2nd grader we can't stay and help him the Devils of Hell are yet againg forced to retreat to the forest different stories are around about what happened to the one guy left behind but in any case the whole school feels sorry for him and treats him like a honorable war veteran we set up an emergency meeting at lunch break the third meeting of the Devils of Hell the AD/HD special ed. students want to join our resistance we rejoice, cause these daredevils have a legendary reputation at our school for countless misdeeds we re-organize the movement to three divisions 5-6th the elitekorps 1-4th the foreing legion special eds. the daredevils the next grand attack is arranged to fridays lunch break, this time we will charge from three directions and wreck the whole fucking shit friday get ready ATTACK! oh fuck, party poopers! (the recess supervisors) the tards have told about us to the teachers we all end up in detention and our movement is finished, or is it? friday, morning class "we will have a joint outdoor class with the 5th graders" - the teacher with determined minds we march with the 5th graders to a window of the tards classroom, knock a few times and run towards the snow fortress in my 17 years of existing i have never seen anything funnier than about 20 tards glued to their window and their priceless faces when we kick the shit out of their matafaking fabuluos snow fort we were the Devils of Hell
  13. -TMH Racers Take On [Mimyy]- ~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag ~[P]~(green)articipants: @IceCold @mimyy and KuKk ~[L]~(green)ocation: Vinewood hills ~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1. Icecold :second_place_medal: 2. JoGe :third_place_medal: 3. KuKk ~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PVkHc5R
  14. @Vennelle said in Dropammo/weapons: I know but there is not always an arms dealer around a cop Call Arms Assassins ! We deliver best quality weapons all around San Andreas !
  15. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 30gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 14.10.2019 Why do you need this change? I dont own property anymore where the vehicles are Links to your donation topics: 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3425/donation-joge 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12590/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp 10 GBP here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13562/donation-joge-amount-10-00-gbp?_=1579105500086 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12393/joge-s-donation-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Infernus Vehicle 2: Kart Location: Perkele ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Blade with standard shader Location: 6 Grove street Vehicle 2: Kart Location: RC Redneck farm Username: joge
  16. again bmw :vomit: please no, atleast i would like to see more 4 door mods if something... i mean e36 as 4 door would be more reasonable imo if it has to be bmw ps. rip all nanoshop cars if most of vehicles will be replaced :smile:
  17. -TMH Racers Take On [none]- ~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag ~[P]~(green)articipants: @Bartman @Stark @Kim @Rainy and Achelous ~[L]~(green)ocation: Whetstone beach ~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1. Kim :second_place_medal: 2. JoGe :third_place_medal: 3. Stark ~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HXwMKov
  18. @Bartman Lmao, i will send you picture of the vodka u funded for me :laughing:
  19. Thank you for remembering my birthday. Feel free to send your gift directly to my paypal: https://paypal.me/pools/c/8ldMTg7YbS Kind regards, JoGe
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