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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Hello there! Pretty straight forward about the suggestions. Just make these profile pictures bigger, I don't know if it's possible but hey, you never know. We all love a good profile picture so yeah. @Brophy
  2. That was so fucking cool haha, keep the amazing work up!
  3. ^[] Roleplay N: #3 Scenario: Our business has started slowly but surely growing. We have done multiple deliveries, Private Jet rides and many more things by now. We decided to expand our business even further. What I mean by this is that we decided to contact The Motor Heads for some future business plans and surprisingly, they accepted to meet up at their HeadQuarters. We put on our finest suits, picked out the best looking BMW and started heading towards their HQ's. We finally arrived there and they greeted us fairly well. It was Taj and some of his racers and mechanics who were also interested in the contract. We talked outside about who we are and they also introduced themselves, eventually, we decided to go inside, into the congress room. We started off with the unique qualities we could offer, I will list some of them right now. - Discounted Flights for the Regular Member of TMH - Free Flights for the Top Brass of TMH - Free Delivery of cars, car parts etc. - Access to our Private Airports These are just some of our qualities we can offer to TMH. Here are some they decided to offer to us. - 24/7 Free Mechanic Services - Free repairing for our Jets and Planes - Access to their base, garages and custom mod shop. We didn't start the alliance quite yet since both sides need to prove themselves worthy of the official alliance! For now, we're friendly and work along each other sides and offer these qualities to each other. Participants: Some of TMH Members, @TaJ, @Stay, @Venom & Me. Screenshots: ttps://imgur.com/a/IzpsEyK
  4. ^[] Roleplay N: #2 Scenario: I was just sorting out our private relations and our private airport until I noticed a notice from the Government of San Andreas. They told us that we have to pay some taxes because of our private airport. I did not really know how to respond since it's the first time this has happened to us and we've been owning the airport for over 3 months now. I decided to contact some lawyers for extra information. I contacted the Age of Judgement and the Agent who was serving me was @TaJ. I went to their office in Los Santos near the LSPD. When I arrived he offered me coffee and then we began the discussion. He told me more about the private property tax system. It was quite complicated yet so easy. The total fee of the Agent service was 120$ and the included price with the tax was around 550$ which wasn't that much for a private airport. I finished my coffee, left my business card so they could contact us if they need something from SACA as well. In the end, it was a good day. Participants: @TaJ & Me. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M2KHrmi
  5. @Filex said in San Andreas Cloud Airline: good luck bois @Zodiac :P @Judyes said in San Andreas Cloud Airline: Good luck guys Appreciate it, we will do our best!
  6. ^[] SACA Activity - 05.02.2019 - General activity and offering Private Jet Services
  7. Greetings fellow members of the Community! I'd like to repeat that our recruitment is still open and I suggest applying when it's possible, haha Also, feel free to join our very own discord server!: https://discord.gg/pruzThW - SACA HQ, Markus
  8. @Amine-s said in San Andreas Cloud Airline: inviting in gang plis Hello, first of all, we are not a gang. Second of all, may you fuck off?
  9. We had SAF which is kinda closed/dead now but.. Nice to see another filming and movie based group, best of luck!
  10. ^[] SACA Activity - 02.02.2019 - The beginning of us and our promotional video
  11. ^[] ^[~[Demon Disciples MC Recruitment Results of 02.02.2019]~(maroon,black)] @MacYeizzon - Hello there Mac, first of all, thank you for applying to DDMC. We haven't seen you around in-game that much but that does not mean you do not have a chance in joining us. We are getting back onto our feet and getting back on daily activities, please participate in them and show what you're capable of. You're currently ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(gray), good luck! @Shaggeh - Same words to you as Mac, we've seen you around but I know you're capable of more, ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(gray) as well, good luck brother. That is it for the current application answers, expect a new one soon, good luck to the current valid applicants! - Sergeant At Arms of DDMC, Markus.
  12. ^[] Roleplay N: #1 Scenario: I was just promoting our new Company around with banners and had even Radios promote it. Eventually, we managed to get a call from one interested Police Officer. He wanted to order one of our brand new EED-221 Shamals. We were glad that we received the call so I asked for further information. He wanted us to pick him up from the BCAP and departure at the LSAP. I arrived at the BCAP and he was there. He told me that he wanted to take a break from the Real World and just fly to a different location for a little vacation. Seemed like a reasonable man. We always do background searches on our clients just to make sure that they are not any Serial Killers, Terrorist or generally anything that could be a possible threat to us. He was clean. I guided him around the plane as we have a free snack bar with drinks too. We took off from the BCAP at 18:30 and the sun was setting as well so the flight was extra nice. We landed at the LSAP at about 21:30 since the flight took 3 hours. The client was very pleased with the flight and he was charged 3.500$ for the whole flight. Private flights vary from different prices. Participants: @JohnnyEnglish & Me. Captain in charge of the Flight: Markus Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/STAAoaV
  13. ^[] SACA Activity - 01.02.2019 - Recruiting a new Pilot
  14. Just why? Why would this be needed, you get money from turfing, the economy of SAES is already fucked up enough and would get even worse if you get money from turfing and killing cops when they come to the turf. Actually, cops coming to the turfs isn't a big deal since there are so many criminals and they all will eventually be aware if a cop is trying to get them. Just no. There are many other ways to earn your bread.
  15. Wildin' Rednecks discord server: https://discord.gg/zuZHuYp
  16. @Norwing said in Wildin' Rednecks: Good, luck! @XxNetroxX said in Wildin' Rednecks: Good Luck @Riley said in Wildin' Rednecks: Best of luck bro' :) You can do this, <3 @Reggi said in Wildin' Rednecks: gl! Seems fun @King said in Wildin' Rednecks: Very well topic, banners seem good and just good leader. I wish you best of luck! Make it offical. @Spark said in Wildin' Rednecks: Good luck bro Thank you all for the early support! Will try our best to get it going.
  17. ^[] Our personal and private Media Archive, our activities, roleplays, events and such will be posted here. Only WRN members and GMs can post here. Event Format: ::: Event type: Hoster: Winner: Prize: Screenshots: ::: Roleplay format: ::: Make it nice and there is no exact format. :::
  18. ^[] ^[] I was a pretty chill guy back in the day when I had no idea about the Redneck lifestyle, let me get into it. I thought this was total bullshit and decided to become a lawyer when I grow up but turned out things turned out to be the opposite when I got kicked from my University in Las Venturas. As I got older the behavior came and I thought to myself, I had always been a god damn western style motherfucker so I gathered up some of my hillbilly friends and decided to build up a Hierarchy and start my very own club that is based around. It started out simple, we gathered money by working at trucking companies and robbing small-town stores, life was great and even got better as soon as we purchased our first ever property where we now rely on and spend our days there. We were getting noticed around the town by several gangs and citizens. We're not a gang, we're a bunch of hillbillies who just try to fuck your shit up as much as we can. We have the mindset of being untouchable and doing everything we can since we're not scared of the Law. We also own several ranches under fake names where we store our 2nd side which I will expose in a minute, just hang tight. When money wasn't a problem anymore, we decided to launch our small little ammo nation and a trucking business. It started roughly since who would trust a new trucking company started by Rednecks, luckily people started gaining our trust and we eventually became one of the most used trucking services in San Andreas. As money comes and makes the people more greedy, we wanted to start owning territory in San Andreas and guess what, we started to do that. We even almost started a Civil War but the fucking pigs stopped it. Anyways, where was I, we started gaining territory from other organizations by burning and terrorizing their property and buildings. We even created a Warlord rank so we had 1 person-in-charge who took care of the properties and others who took care of our Shops, Trucking services, and Ammo Nations. Everything was good, we owned a lot of lands until the Homeland Security and Desert Eagles raided our base and killed most of our men which I thought was an absolute disgrace but hey, that's life. I wasn't killed and I served 23 years in prison and now I am back and ready to start all of this shit all over again! Hail Rednecks! ^[] Alchohol Industry: After a long while of testing, we have decided to keep Alcohol Producing as our main source of income besides the crops and robbing. It is a legal way and an easy way we make money. We produce our own beer, vodka, and rum on a private property which we will not reveal because of personal reasons. Trucking Services: We do trucking all day, every day. You can book us at some websites and we will make sure to deliver your orders right to your doorstep. We use private cars since this is a private company and this is also our 2nd main source of income. We deliver anything, from phone cases to big trucks, bikes, helicopters and even private jets, we have them all. Starting Civil Wars and Riots: We are Rednecks, we do fight for our honor and we will do that till the day we die. You might know Rednecks as just grimy bastards who act tough and tell you that they will shoot you as soon as you step in their yard but baby, we're different. We start public Riots at night and burn down places with our Cocktail Molotovs and Flamethrowers. We bust down windows with our AK-47s and beat your ass with a Bat. And we try and we WILL gain back our stolen land. ^[] General Information about the Group: Founded by: Markus Creation Date: 29.01.2019 Club Tag: <Wilden>Name Club's financial state: Unknown Motto: You may be a redneck if... you have spent more on your pickup truck than on your education Discord server: https://discord.gg/zuZHuYp Color code: FFE2AC Club Members count: 5 ^[] Group's main base: ^[] ^[] 1. Respect everyone at all times. 2. Follow the F1 Rulebook. 3. Don't act like a headless chicken and roleplay most of the time. 4. Do not pretend to be an HQ member if you're not one. 5. Always listen to the Top Brass of the Group. ^[] Currently, as the group just launched, we will recruit by applications, currently, the in-game activity is not that important since we need to build a good roster first. All you have to do is click onto the first spoiler, copy the application format and just fill it out. You don't need to use words that you don't typically use to make yourself look better, just be chill, make the application nice and good luck. ::: Personal Information: Username: Nickname: Age: Gender: Nationality: Languages you speak: For how long have you been playing on SAES:RPG: Current organization: Detailed Information: Why do you want to join us?: How could you help?: Do you have any benefits?: Have you been banned on SAES:RPG?: What are the roles of WRN and explain them: Do you fully understand the F1 Rulebook?: ::: Topic is still under construction, thanks for understanding.
  19. Involved SAI members: @Markus & @bas260 Responsible SAI Teams involved: Foxtrot Date, time and duration of activity: About 30-40 minutes. Activity type: State-wide Patrol Details: It was the afternoon and I saw Thomas at our HQ so I decided to go for a patrol as well. It was very quiet, barely any cars and if there were, nothing serious, just driving towards their own destination. I started going towards North LV and noticed a light green car parked on the side of the highway where he clearly was not allowed, there are some places where you can but that was the spot where you couldn't. He luckily did not move and came out of his car with his hands in the air. I asked why did he park there and he told me he was doing something he couldn't do while driving. I asked for his ID and personal documents and then Thomas, our Commissioner rolled up and I asked him if he could check his car and documents. He did and nothing bad came back, he had some tickets but they were paid, I gave him a ticket for parking in the wrong place and let him go. Thomas bring me back to the SAI HQ and I went to eat lunch. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/itQR2Q4
  20. Involved SAI members: Marcus Lamirez @Markus Responsible SAI Teams involved: Foxtrot Date, time and duration of activity: 2 hours. Activity type: State-wide Patrol Details: It started off as a really quiet day, I began my journey from the SAI HQ and then went to the nearest coffee shop because it was early in the morning and I did need something to boost my energy. Then I ate some food and drank the coffee and I was off. It was really quiet and nothing much happened until I picked up a partner of mine and we took the Police Rancher. A truck drove by in high speed and also looked like he was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He did pull over and quickly got out and started pointing at his tires, we took our tasers out in-case he had something that could possibly hurt us. We patted him down and then checked out the tire, he told a gang member had shot his tire but it was true, a bullet hole was in the tire. I checked out his ID and personal documents, nothing bad, no warrants, no tickets, no felonies. We got him a towtruck and a mechanic to fix the tire and he moved on, he worked under a private trucking company too. We went back to the SAI HQ and ended the patrol. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/94BFBMl
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