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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Well deserved men, best of luck in the near future.
  2. Section I: General Information In-game name: markus_ or Markus. Account name: kalevipoeg Real name: Markus Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr. Date of birth: 23.03.2003 Origin country: Estonia Country in residence: Estonia Timezone: +2 GMT, I think. Spoken languages: Estonian, English and a bit of Russian. English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): 8.5 but some grammar mistakes here & there. Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: I only use Discord. Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: Over a year and I have about +1200h in-game. Previous organization(s): Alright, so my first gang was HSMC, Hampton Saints MC. It was a wonderful MC Club, everyone enjoyed their time in there and we were also super active but one thing led to another and then the gang died and I left it with my friend. Then I decided to try my luck to join OC, OverdoseCrime. OC was a lot of fun and the people were super friendly in there but for an unknown reason the HQs of the gang decided to close it, we were level 2 at the moment so that made me leave. I moved on and got some advice from Cpt.Jones who lured me into applying for ThC, The Company, so I did, I applied for ThC, they were level 2 at the time. I had a lot of fun in there, we were turfing a lot and just having a good time in general, we did this all for fun, nothing too serious. The time there was super but eventually, I got tired of it and decided to try out the Law Enforcement side and that made me leave ThC and join FOX, Fox Operation X. I was never in SAPA so I had no idea how the police side works but eventually I got used to it and earned my way into the FOX Roster which made me an official member of FOX. I didn't have a PC diploma so I was surprised that I got into FOX. One thing led to another and I left FOX to come back to the Criminal side because I understood that I'm meant for the Criminal side. After some time I decided to try my luck in UE, Underground Empire. It was fun there but I did not connect with the members too well and I thought that the High Council did not make good decisions in recruiting several soldiers, so I had enough and left it. The time there was fun tho, no hate towards UE, a very classy gang. After some time not being in a G/S/C, Laza hit me up to help him with STF, Special Task Force. I helped him and with some other members, we got to level 1 which we were very proud of. But, after some thinking, I decided to leave the squad after about 2 months or so. I also re-joined The Company because I play for the members and most of my friends were there so I decided to try my luck and apply, I got accepted but I left once again because I am inspired by the cop life by several things and I chose NNB. Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain: Oops, explained above. Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: Yeees, about like, 7 months ago I was a S.W.A.T. Trainee and I wanted to become apart of it so we were patrolling with DROT and we saw a turf, I climbed on the SF CC Carshop Roof and started sniping down criminals. I thought they were legit blind or I was in a good spot, next thing you know. I wake up in the morning and see that I have a permanent ban, and so does DROT. We discussed it on Discord and he we decided to appeal. I did not know that you don't take damage from enemy bullets on that roof. Luckily Magnus handled the case instead of Nanobob and unbanned me. Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: No, but I used to have it. If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: I got my PC Diploma when I was in Special Task Force (Level 1 at the time) and I decided to apply for PC because I love to RP and pull people over and you could not do that without a Diploma because people do not trust trainees, which is a fact, don't. And once I decided to go to the Store Robbery and start sniping people down. A criminal started running towards me but next thing you know, once I killed him, I got stars and it turned out he was not wanted. But, my first instinct was that he was going to try and murder me so yeah. Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: The Motor Heads - Senior HeadQuarter & Vice Leader of the Racing Division Enternia - Waiter Military Civilian Components - Recruit Lounge Inc. - Host Services San Andreas Medics - Probational Medic Cunning Stunts (Just apart because of TMH & CS Contract) Government - Prime Secretary of Civilian Development & Interests Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): I've been around this Community for over a year and I've learned quite a lot. I've also managed to keep myself calmer on a lot of different situations. I used to get real mad, real quick but it's a game in the end. I follow the rules and keep them in my mind all the time. I've been also to 2 squads and I think I know quite a bit of the Law Enforcement. What is your greatest weakness?: I might get a bit angry or be strict if someone does not understand his commands and keeps fucking around like a headless chicken. Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s):? You see, I am not better than anyone. We're all equal and everyone has their ups and downs. I am just a chill guy who understands that it's a game but also is a bit strict when needed. I also have experience in leading stuff and in the Law Enforcement in general. Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: After seeing the rising activity of NNB and becoming friends with some of the members, it has given me the motivation to join this organization and become apart of it. You all have good and friendly members which I want to see from a squad that I want to be apart of haha. What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: It is an elite police squad based around on stopping the criminal activity in SAES. They mostly focus on catching drug dealers, traffickers and such but they also do the everyday policing. They patrol, attend to stop the Bank Robberies, Store Robberies, and Pursuits. With also their 2nd unit, the Third Echelon which is formed by the most skilled and powerful members of the squad, they're quite unstoppable. How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: Roleplaying is putting real-life scenarios into a video game or just acting as you're a character that has a specified job he has to do. What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: Working together as one, giving out as much information as needed, always there when you need each other the most and always cover each other back. If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: Get their name in the K panel and go fucking arrest them. Actually, I would talk to him first about it, if he has a good enough reason, I would let him go but if it keeps happening, I'll have to eventually report him. How would you describe marker arrest?: Arresting someone who just came thru the marker and has not moved yet and then gets arrested. How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: Well, I am a 15-year-old boy from Estonia who likes to game but I also go to Muay Thai. I've been around the Community for over a year and I am quite used to it and know all of the rules. Nothing much to say, you'll get to know me once you hang around with me. Kind Regards, - markus_
  3. @Cruz If James donates over a 1000 to SAES, I am not even surprised if he has such internet speed.
  4. @James What the fuck, working and playing at NASA HQ?
  5. Go play GTA V FiveM if you want things to be so realistic.
  6. Seems unique and interesting, good luck sir
  7. Damn dude, get well mate. viva kyba
  8. @Zwolle I am quite positive that he got the permission since he told me that.
  9. Department of Civilian Development official Discord server: https://discord.gg/QsURWkf
  10. Tombaa because he is a Sauna Ambassador.
  11. Nice to see you back and good luck with your group.
  12. very emotional journey, tnx u mens
  13. Well deserved brothers. Let the journey begin from here! 1 step closer to beating BBMC's asses in turf wars.
  14. ^[] ^[Back & Better than ever!] ^[Make sure to join the official BloodZ discord server for further announcements and updates on the gang!] ^[~[https://discord.gg/EFFgfru]~(maroon)]
  15. BloodZ discord channel, make sure to join it! https://discord.gg/EFFgfru
  16. Hell yea! I am ready to see in-game CripZ and BloodZ wars and such! Good luck, this seems really interesting.
  17. But, all of a sudden: Aftermath:
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