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Everything posted by Markus

  1. ^[] National Narcotics Bureau - Event - 12.01.2019 Event Type: True or False Prize: 4.000.000$ Winner(s): Honer the Cuban Helper(s)(LWS/G6): Stay Location: Bone County/G6 Area. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/qHjscsw
  2. Massive Roadtrip and also recruited 2 new Troopers into the group, welcome @Riley & @Anas_! More screenshots about the RT: https://imgur.com/a/Ld2DQK5
  3. ^[] ^[At the wrong place, at the wrong time] We had been spying on the new and recently launched MC Club called HRMC. We had followed their every single movement and step closely but yet far so they would not have noticed us. Everything was pretty bland in the beginning, they just did road trips, robber stores, arms dealing which we reported to other squads that deal with that but not with drugs. Eventually, they drove towards the Wild Angels base for some obvious reason that we were not quite aware of, since they had gates and walls around the base we could not get in any other way to implement a snake-cam and send a drone flying which we did do. The drone got shot down but the snake-cam was still alive and going. They immediately moved inside of their base when they saw the drone, they knew something was up, even guards were sent outside to protect the exterior of the base and to keep an eye on the movement. Our snake-cam captured everything, they bought about 3KG Of pure Cocaine, some Meth, Speed, and Weed. It was kinda weird because this was the first time we saw an MC Club buying drugs, they usually live off by sniffing gas and drinking beer. I quickly reported the situation to our Executive Team and the Research Team who quickly began investigating the situation. After some hours they came to a realization that they're going to keep reproducing them and trying to make a profit off of them. We were pretty furious about that and we tracked down their base and then the Executive Team sent me a message: Dear Agent Markus, as you are our recent Recruit to the Squad, we truly want to see what you're capable of and will you risk your life for our squad and for the sake of making a drug-free San Andreas. As the recent actions of HRMC of buying drugs and reproducing them to make some illegal money is a no-go. We want you to bust them quickly, furiously and most importantly, we want you to bring yourself to the base, alive and same with the suspects. Good luck, Executive Team of NNB. I had to accept this operation and this was a solo one. I quickly took all of my gear, took the huge enforcer and tracked their asses down. They were hiding in the Palimeno Creek which was a regular place for bikers. I had on my bulletproof vest and I always carried the M4 in-case they would've opened fire. I arrived there with my sirens on and they quickly wanted to run away before I shot 3 warning shots and 2 of them stopped and 1 kept running. I knew that the one running was their Prospect because a President would never do that. The President and his Patched member quickly threw their hands in the air and responded to my commands. I had to be quick before they tried to call back up and before my life could've ended. I did not know where their Prospect was running to and luckily I managed to escape before anyone else arrived. I handcuffed them both and told them to get to the back of my Enforcer which they did. They didn't even try to resist. I drove back to our HeadQuarters and they had to follow me inside, everything was under surveillance and every step they took was watched. I bring them to our jail cells and told them to sit down. I asked about the drug deal they did and why. They revealed everything to us since we already knew the most of it. Currently, they're sitting on trial for a week and then the court will decide the rest. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QeWbLS6 Special Thank's to, @Franks, @Crippin & @HardBass who made the RP possible.
  4. National Narcotics Bureau - Activity - 12.01.2019
  5. ~[Thank you for the positive feedback so far! This is just the beginning, you'll see soon what the future brings! Rule DDMC!]~(maroon,black) - Sergeant at Arms of DDMC, Markus.
  6. FCRP Used to be the best thing back in the day, it was so cool to see concerts, crane crashes and all kind of such stuff happen in a little town. Bring it back.
  7. Hey, just a bump. Been 3 months since this got approved and compressed and all kind of that shit. Any estimated time when you will upload it to the game, @Blade
  8. ^[] ^[A successful deal with the Rebels MC] As our recent launch as a Motorcycle Club and I being the SAA In-charge. I needed to take care of the ammo supplies of the Club. I called up a fairly old MC Club that roams around San Andreas with their bikes and does some nasty things whoever gets in their way. Their Prez told me that they do Arms Dealing which I was very pleasured to hear. I set up a meeting time and he told me to come to their Bar, Three Green Bottles, was something like that. When I arrived, @Felix was waiting for me outside already with a beer in his hand. He led me inside with his 2 other Prospects. Told me to sit down and bring me a beer and that's where the deal started forming. He asked what I was in need of, I told him that basically of everything since currently the members only had their personal weapons and we didn't want that. As we currently did a huge robbery that brings the economy so high in our Club, I was assigned to just buy weapons, no limits but the budget must be under a million dollars. I had a list what I was in need of, here is the list. - 20 AK-47s - 30 Desert Eagles - 15 M4s - 18 Uzis - 10 Shotguns - 5 Sniper Rifles - 30 Bats - Several liters of Gas so we could make Molotovs. They had it all since they recently resupplied their storage. We negotiated the price for quite a while since I knew what these guns were worth but at the same time, I knew that they needed some profit. We met at a final price which turned out to be a whopping 750.000$ in cash. His Prospects grabbed a truck and went to their Storage. We had a couple of cigars, a couple of beers and just talked for a bit since we had been friends for quite some time. They finally came back to the bar and I decided to test out the weapons and everything worked fine. Money was handed hand to hand and the truck was delivered to our hideout. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7pzCjLW - SAA of DDMC, markus_
  9. Demon Disciples MC! ~[https://discord.gg/dwxWcYm]~(maroon,black)
  10. ^[] ^[Hell is our home, Roads are our yard, We ride, We rule!] ^[Make sure to join our official discord server where you can keep up with the latest and the fastest announcements and updates about the Demon Disciples MC!] ^[~[https://discord.gg/dwxWcYm]~(maroon,black)]
  11. Involved SAI members: Marcus_Lamirez ( @Markus ) and some others that arrived when I called back-up. Date, time and duration of activity: 09.01.2019 & 30 Minutes. Activity type: Patrol. Details: Started off from the SAI HQ and moved on towards LS, it was pretty quiet since most of the citizens were still at work. Was about the afternoon. I was patrolling in our brand new Rancher and I was also testing it out, it was an amazing car. Eventually, I saw a biker driving on the wrong side of the road and I luckily managed to pull him over and requested back-up in-case he had firearms because you never know these bikers. Turned out that he was in an MC because eventually, his boys pulled up but I had back-up already there so everything was under control. Everything was valid but I gave him a ticket for driving on the wrong side of the road. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/A41B1HI
  12. Nickname: markus_ Account name: kalevipoeg Age: 15 Gender: Male Country: Estonia Languages: Estonian, English and a bit of Russian. How long have you been playing SAES: Over a year. How long have you been playing MTA: Over 2 years. How would you rate your activity on forums and in-game: Too much on the forums, I check the forums like every hour or even more often. And I am quite active in-game too, Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it: I am a quite good roleplayer. Roleplaying is just acting our given scenarios. I am also apart of SAI that is full RP. Explain what is [4x4] role: They're a group full of people that like driving badass 4x4 Trucks in the forests and deserts. They're a bunch of hooligans, no rules apply for them when they're on the road. They usually go around TR, RC, and Whetstone. Current memberships: The Motor Heads Honorary Enternia Lounge Inc. San Andreas Medics Cunning Stunts Government, Prime Minister of Civilian Development San Andreas Interceptors, Trooper & SPTU Unit Rate your English skills : Quite decent, some grammar mistakes here and there tho, 8/10. Rate your Map Knowledge skills: 8.5/10 Rate your driving skills: 7.5/10 Rate your Teamwork skills: 8/10 Previous bans: 1 ban, banned by Nanobob for abusing a bug for my advantage. Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group: As I recently retired from my HQ spot in TMH and I am a big fan of cars and offroading, I find this group quite suitable for myself. Hoping to have a lot of fun in it. Strengths: RP, Teamwork, Flying, Communication Weaknesses: Toxic players. Reason for application: I see that this group has potential in becoming official and it has a very unique role. Are you active on Discord: Yes, too much. Additional Information: Well, don't have much to say. Been an HQ in a Car based group. I am 15. Huge roleplayer. ::: :car: :::
  13. Involved SAI members: Marcus_Lamirez @Markus Other involved people: Nicholas_Feeride but he went AFK. Date, time and duration of activity: 09.01.2019 & 40 minutes or over. Activity type: Statewide patrol. Details: I came back from my lunch break and it happened so that Nicholas was around the SAI HQ so he came there and we were ready to patrol. I started heading towards the Desert and it was pretty quiet, no traffic and it was nice. Until I saw a reckless fuel trucker who drove over the grass and not on the road. He pulled over as soon as I put on my sirens and I approached his Fuel Truck. It had Cuban Oil on it and I instantly knew that he is an Immigrant from Cuba. Luckily he was a pretty cheerful man and was worried about what he did wrong. He did not speak English that well and we had some trouble communicating but we eventually worked it out. He gave me his ID and Drivers License. While I was inspecting his documents, he lit a cigar near the Fuel Truck which I quickly grabbed and threw far away into the distance. I explained that we could all blow up in a moment if anything hot gets into the Fuel from your Cigar, it's not worth the risk. He worked along with me very well and I decided to just let him go without a ticket. I reported back to the SAI HQ to work on some documents but before I got there a Black Super GT was in front of our gate which I approached and the driver was alive but not responding on purpose to ignore my commands so I just had to break the glass and eventually drag him out of the car. He is now doing Public Work for the City since he did not respond to my commands and he parked in front of our gate and on the pavement which is not allowed. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6mWATfm
  14. Involved SAI members: Marcus_Lamirez ( @Markus ) Other involved people: Nicholas_Feeride ( @Riley ) Date, time and duration of activity: 09.01.2019 & About 20 minutes. Activity type: Patrol. Details: I picked him up from the SAI HQ and then we headed off towards Bone County but before we reached it a car crashed into us and we had to pull him over, luckily it was a light crash, none was injured. He started apologizing towards us but when my fellow partner asked for the suspect's documents, he started shouting and insulting us. My partner, Nicholas, told him that he is going to be under arrest for ignoring and not following our orders. He told us to wait and then said sorry again but when another citizen approached us out of no-where, he started running and even shot Nicholas in his right knee but luckily we tased him just in time and managed to arrest him, the suspect is now serving 6 years in the Los Santos Prison. Then we went to the hospital and fixed Nicholas up and we went patrolling again, rest of the patrol was pretty bland, we just drove around and we're trying to learn each other more. Screenshots: I only got 2 Screenshots of my car, not necessary.
  15. This has been a group before, right? Glad to see ya'll back, good luck men!
  16. Looks sick as fuck dude, looking forward to the complete topic! Good luck!
  17. The idea is cool for sure but if you think about the aftermaths, this will probably never happen.
  18. I totally agree. As I am apart of SAI which is a full roleplay group. I always try my best to pull-over criminals, citizens or people in general. There are unlimited ways to RP and it truly is fun. I also remember when HSMC was a thing, we had 20+ Club members online and we owned a little ''town'' which we RPed in all the time when we ran out of beer, Beton told us to go get some more and also get some drugs. We would drive away for some time and then get the goods. It was just perfect. But yes, about the name. RPG, at least we should show some effort towards getting more roleplaying action back, there can not be a strict rule that you have to but man, it's worth giving it a shot.
  19. Got a better version of the 3 Noscope HS's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw5s2AvyTFk
  20. The name explains it all, let me start with mine then. https://youtu.be/CN1Ie69XkUg
  21. Just a meme, nothing offensive.
  22. This is truly comedy at it's finest, to see level 5 gang members using Trainers to crack the panels.
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