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Everything posted by Combine

  1. I've made the poll
  2. Just a question, why dont you mod yourself the vehicles you want then, because they are all about personal preference/taste and not all players may agree with a car being modded for example. Also I guess they need to be careful with the MB they occuping. I think votes should be made to see how many from the community agree with a certain vehicle being modded, other than that, my opinion is just to keep then vanilla/un-modded and put the mods ourselves.
  3. Not really a quote. It was fun though.
  4. @siddman Did you even read what I said: @combine said in [TUTORIAL] How to add photo to your topic!: @Ramos I PMed asking you to justify your opinion, obviously because you're disliking what I said. Also I asked you privately because I didn't want to make an argument here, it's logic mate, it would've been better to keep things private. And yes, I should have kept out of here in first place
  5. @ramos said in [TUTORIAL] How to add photo to your topic!: @combine said in [TUTORIAL] How to add photo to your topic!: First of all there's a difference between the terms "Photo" and "Picture/Image" A photo is always taken with a camera. Secondly, did you just make a tutorial of how to go into an image hosting website, copy a link, and use a button? Holy fuck, what's the next tutorial, how to put on diapers? Firstly, difference between the photo and picture/image, I know, who doesn't? Are we here to teach someone, what is what? I ain't here for your bullshit. Secondly, I made the tutorial with the reason, to help someone ... unlike you. After I made the topic, some people reviewed it, gave me a tips to make topic even better, some thanked me for the work i did, some thanked me that I could finally helped them. Next tutorial is you growing up, instead of PMing me on the forums, why I gave you the dislike. @ramos I PMed asking you to justify your opinion, obviously because you're disliking what I said. Also I asked you privately because I didn't want to make an argument here, it's logic mate, it would've been better to keep things private. If you knew the difference between these 2 terms you would've not done that title then, because it's not essentially correct. "Are we here to teach someone, what is what? I ain't here for your bullshit." Well, do I have to teach you too the meaning of "tutorial", because it's even on caps on your title. Are you even talking within reason/logic? Yup, you ain't here for my bullshit you're just like a bad version of Pengo trying to get attention making tutorials, I remember that at least Pengo put effort in things, not like this shitty topic explaining the function of a button. "some thanked me for the work i did" Yeah, great job, I bet it took you much effort to write this, thank you. It was such a hard task it needed a topic of less than a paragraph to explain it. I love argueing with your kind.
  6. First of all there's a difference between the terms "Photo" and "Picture/Image" A photo is always taken with a camera. Secondly, did you just make a tutorial of how to go into an image hosting website, copy a link, and use a button? Holy fuck, what's the next tutorial, how to put on diapers?
  7. @human_ A limit can always be put so there's no abuse
  8. Kool Times News Article Reports: "Aldea Malvada" Know more about this here
  9. PART 1 This is an informative report brought to you by Kool Times News. Written by CMB - KTN CEO Aldea Malvada, translated to "Evil Village" also known as "The Lost Pueblo" is a small, demolished town at the northeastern edge of Tierra Robada, exactly situated on top of a large mesa east of El Quebrados. The area covered by sand and debris from what was an old ancient settlement by Cuban Liberation Organization. It is thought that the government, together with the help of the Desert Eagles, successfully expelled this rebel group after their arrival on the shores of San Andreas, along with their families which its believed they now live on an island far from civilization next to Los Santos city at the south. On many occasions, civilians that live next to the area and its surroundings have reported hearing sounds during nighttime coming from Aldea Malvada. The myth tells that ghosts of families that died burned in the war between DE & CLO are still here and their soul is locked in this place until someone gives them peace. Story also tells this peace can only be achieved by ending the war between sides. These noises have no scientific explanation, even state police groups have already come here to try to find out the origin of these sounds which are literally scaring the whole community that lives nearby the place. On the other hand, the government affirms that these ghost entities are a pure falsehood invented by the residents of the area, and that the noises coming from the place are originated by organized criminal gangs, which use this place as a training ground for their members, especially during the night, when there are fewer police patrols driving through the area. They would even dare to say that here live vagrants, and people excluded from the society of San Andreas, which have no home and need a shelter for their families, the problem is that when the day arrives it seems a completely deserted town by the mere fact that they are not allowed to live in these shattered homes. Today we took the courage to visit the place and call one of the residents of an apartment near the area, which gave us the freedom to interview him about these events that have shaken the whole place for their terrifying stories. Here we have gathered a series of questions we considered interesting: Reporter: So what's exactly the problem and how it's affecting? Resident: As you may know, the problem comes from the sounds that are heard from this place which I personally think they are caused by criminal gangs, these sounds include from gunfire in the wee hours of the morning to screams of women. Reporter: Have you ever had the courage to do something about it? Resident: The truth is that not really, the most I can do is call the police when these noises are happening, but we get zero answers, and the police officers we talked to claimed that there was no one there, this happened a few times. Reporter: Then, as a resident of the area that you plan to do to end this definitely? Resident: I have a family with small children, I have to take them to school and at night it is hell to get them to sleep with these annoying sounds. We are also concerned about our safety so to be brief we have simply thought of moving to another city far from here where there aren't any strange sounds. Reporter: And do you think that the stories that tell about ghosts in the town are a a pure myth invented by people from the zone? Resident: I'm not superstitious, but I would not like to check it either and that's why I have not gone to do it by myself. KTN Official Topic KTN Official Media
  10. Razvan introduced me to the community on mid 2010. Basically he banned me straight away for deathmatch as there weren't adminjails by then, on 2011 I appealed the ban and that's how I discovered forums or everything really. Although who I really met at first was Jolardy that year when I became B~B
  11. I recently came out with the idea that when a wanted player is arrested, from his cell he could type a command to call a Lawyer to do one of these 2 options: Reduce prison time for 'x' time for 'x' amount of money that can be arranged between the two throughout the panel. Release completely the criminal from jail for a larger amount of money than the first option, there could be a minimum for example 100K. To keep abuse out of the way each player can only do one of these 2 options per 15 minutes for example. As there is no ATM at cells in jail the wanted the criminal would get this money taken off from his bank instead of his hand. This is just some stuff I did to make a preview of the concept for test purposes, but nothing definitive... Just so you guys take an idea... A marker next to LSPD I made to start the Lawyer Job, really close to LS jail. The panel you will get opened by pressing 'L' or with a command instead. Name: The name of the selected wanted player. Wanted Lvl: The wanted level of the player. F.e "42" Class: The class in which he is spawned. F.e "Arms Assassins" Crime: A little text with a maximum of chars possible that can be added by the client from his cell. F.e "Rape in a basement" Cost: The cost you are offering your client. Note that not all arrested players will appear here, only those that have used the command to request a Lawyer from his cell. Also they won't be able to request a Lawyer when their time jail is below 100 seconds for example. As a Lawyer you will need to choose the player and offer them a cost, which will pop up a panel for your clients and they will be able to accept or decline. The "Reduce prison time 30%" button would directly take off that percent of the time that the criminal has. Unlike the "Get the criminal out of prison" button which will generate a message that tells you to go to LS prison and find a NPC that will let you take your client out. (This last part of the code hasn't been finished but it's being worked on). So I made this topic to get some feedback of how would this fit the server or not and really just your opinion about this. I would love to see Lawyer have this and I think this could be fair for all sides of the game. If this gets enough people vouching for it maybe it goes.
  12. 12m and quick deal @tut-greco If the property hasn't been sold yet
  13. @ar48953 You need to put that format in the topic you created https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1651/hi-good-i-play-saes-banned-because As Terry said, not here... Also I doubt your serial is "mens"... to get your serial ID open up console ingame pressing F8 and type in 'serial' and that'll do
  14. Proud that you have finally decided to come out, but we all know what SAPA is into
  15. @richard said in End of the line: Its been a good 8 years of gameplay for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ft2knqarAU
  16. It will be the most active group of the server though...
  17. Try repairing my vehicle! - I bet it doesn't even fit through ALT mechanic workshop
  18. I've seen pathetic shit but this tops almost everything
  19. Important to know from now on: Joining KTN Disc. Server will increase the chances of joining, as well as posting articles, or photographs, at our media topic, which link can be found at the very top of this topic.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGakyJi3EpQ @n0vis0ry
  21. It even sounds more fair to me and I'm a criminal
  22. Other Buildings #1 - Airport at Tierra Robada for smaller Aircraft Since there isn't any Airport at TR - I made a small one for emergency landings, or whatever purpose this can be used, I lack of objects and mostly the Airport road one, but doesn't stop me from doing this improvised thing I guess. Construction Code / Pastebin - Don't use without permission
  23. In-game name: [AA]Combine most of the time. Username: My account name is sapience Old French word that means good taste, good sense, intelligence, or wisdom for the curious. Age: Im 23 years old Born the 18th of November of 1994. Nationality: Im Spanish, although that doesnt interfere much at my English language skills. Previous bans/punishments: First ban happened on 2010 when I crashed a plane into an event and got instantly banned by Razvan after that, something which happened due to me not knowing the rules. Second ban was only a 24 hour ban punishment by zZenom on 2011 because I got mad with Jolardy at him, as his SoA guys were having an argument with us at main chat about LS turf zones, and of course I was at the wrong side so I ended like that. The third and last ban happened on 2014 when Sam-B caught me having multiple accounts, an account to play civilian, another to play cop side, and my main to play criminal, by far one of the most stupid actions I have committed here, of which Im absolutely not proud and wouldnt happen to be such foolish again. Past months I also had one adminjail by System for a report which was not really valid to me, as I threw a grenade to myself after killing a couple of cops that were after me, and a cop that wasnt chasing me also known as Richard, appeared at that very moment, and followed a report saying I avoided him which I didn't had the need to do so. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I consider myself enough experienced within the server to take a role of such weight, since Im around here for almost 8 years, and I have been watching other SAHAs from the very first moment the concept was brought. Even though we are at a game I would take the role 100% serious, with a joy & mature attitude enough to fulfill the tasks, which are giving full attention to those who are in need of requesting an inactive owners property at Inactive Property Requests section, or sorting out Icon Requests which as I for example see they are currently closed, or overall being responsible of the common SAHA tasks that Shaun has mentioned in this topic. I offer my availability to be at Discord (#saes_housing_agency), forums (SAHA section), & in-game (keeping an eye at main chat) always focused on giving help to those who are in need of SAHA assistance. So I would freely say that if the chance is given, not to abuse any of the powers given to me but on the contrary, use them for the good cause and purpose by all means. Besides, I would like to have this role to get the nice opportunity of showing that I can put effort like anyone else, considering the fact too that I can put time. What moves me to this application is the pure fact of being helpful in a greater way, to me honestly it's just a matter of being less limited and having a bigger task. So I see myself suitable due to having enough time, will, and much love to put on the job as thats how I would take it, as a job inside the community to get the best out of me and be of the most help possible to others in what SAHA is involved. Also, Im a mentally stable person and dont let any emotions stand between my duty and anything else, although having a new task takes time and effort, that doesnt mean theres not time to enjoy the game without harming anything or anyone, by far to me the most important for a community to thrive, is respect. Quick Edit: I'd like to say about the fact that SAHA is a civilian type class, even though I'm part of a criminal gang I would take priority on being unwanted most of the time so I wouldn't lose time searching for a bribe each time to help someone comes. Enough words I guess, bringing these words to life is what really matters.
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