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Issue Tracker [Donation Vehicle Shaders]
Everything posted by Combine
Ingame name: Combine_Harvester Account name: 'sapience' Age: 24 unfortunately Native language: Spanish Additional languages: English, French, Deutsch, and a bit of Portuguese. Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 7 - not every day, around 4 or 5 days per week. Skill evaluation English language (0/10): 10. I was SANA, for fucks sake. Roleplaying skill (0/10): 7 being honest, not because I lack the skill but for example I'm very bad acting as a cop, on the other hand I'm decent as civilian and criminal. Driving skill (0/10): Outstanding 9, overall driving Combine Harversters, except when I have drunk a couple 10,5% Elephant beers and I'm stoned as fuck. Strengths: I consider myself creative when comes to roleplaying as a civilian, I get a lot into my character and specially if it's farmer class. I'd say driving, shooting and those kind of shits but I guess they're worthless and everyone says 'em to the point it has become some kind of tradition on SAES group applications. Another strength if you may say, is that I'm quite honest and direct, and that helps a lot when it comes to teamwork. Weaknesses: I'm an incurable cunt sometimes. Background Previous organizations you associated with: B~B, ALT, HS, AA, I've been FBI a while but cop side wasn't for me. I may forget some. Criminal history: I joined B~B on 2011 when Jolardy still was a fat cunt and zZenom had all LS controlled by his SoA minions. Then a bit of time in ALT as civilian I went into HS as a criminal again, until it died, after that I joined AA on 2014, now on 2019 I'm currently not part of any. Current organizations: None. Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) I want to join because I can put time into another group else than ZIP and Centrino, and as I want to keep a limited amount of groups I joined to not have so many shits to do, I chose this one even over many other already official ones. I'd say I could contribute to the group with my quality of English, I am actually very good writings stories as I was part of SANA when Soinus was here, and also made my own news agency for a year so I made a bunch of decent articles that are decent to read. I'm also good making photographs, and editing them after so they look respectively cool, you can check one I did for DE rec here. Harvester.
move to archive, duplicate topic
Combine replied to Combine's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@ILLUSION Thanks for saying man, I really had no idea you requested this before. -
move to archive, duplicate topic
Combine replied to Combine's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
sorry, delete, duplicate topic. -
granted, but you only buy the company name i want to get aids
Command to restart race script ig
Combine replied to Filex's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Filex said in Command to restart race script ig: @Jay said in Command to restart race script ig: Or perhaps request for it to be fixed? Why waste someones time developing that when they can attempt to fix it instead. I mean, seems to make more sense no? Its nothing to be developed just 3 lines of code Thats why its easier because i doubt it took all this time for a simple issue @Filex Stop talking shit you don't even know what a variable is. -
Don't touch the huntley
I found this was suggested by @Scorpyo on https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5626/refuel-vehicle But yeah kinda went missing so please vote here
So today I ran out of fuel in middle of the desert miles away from the closest fuel station, and there were no mechanics available to assist me. So who on his fucking right mind pushes his car to a gas station to refill the damn thing, well I tell you, someone stupid or on crack cocaine. I rather kill myself on this situation, and just respawn the car which is not that fun. Who has never gone out in a trip real life and got some extra spare gasoline in the trunk, well, I usually do because I don't want to have to call a towtruck if something happens. So yeah that's my suggestion, being able to go to the trunk of your car, get yourself a petrol can and refill your own car (or even someone elses?). Of course you wouldn't be able to have 100L on the trunk, just like 30L so at least you can drive to the closest fuel station. Have a good one. Edit: I added fucking poll.
Utterly shit
Nicely done, I can see the effort behind. Your drawing looks like the imaginary friend of a child suffering from severe schizophrenia.
If you're searching for filthy tranny sluts better search by the Reeperbahn here at Hamburg
Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 242GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 16 FEB 2019 Why do you need this change? Shaders implementation, coolio. Also some vehicles are police ones and they are no longer of use to me. Links to your donation topics: They are all at old forums. http://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/7535-combine/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6437/combine-s-reward-changes ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Virgo Location: FBI base Vehicle 2: HPV1000 Location: FBI base Vehicle 3: SWAT Tank Location: LVPD Vehicle 4: Police Car Location: LVPD Vehicle 5: FBI Truck Location: LSPD Vehicle 6: HPV1000 Location: LSPD Vehicle 7: Police Boat Location: LV docks ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added So that makes 7 vehicles removed, and 70GBP left to use. At HS base, where my Combine Harvesters are: Generic shaders: 1 CH with weed shader 1 CH with hippie shader 1 CH with hacker shader 1 CH with meme1 shader 1 CH with brophy shader Custom shaders: I'm sending this to @Tut-Greco as soon as I can. Thanks.
Nickname: Combine. Age: 24 years old. Country: Spain, living at Germany. Languages spoken: Spanish and English mainly. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 7 I'd say. How long have you been playing on SAES: Between 2010/2011. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: AA is a family of assassins and weapon dealers, they produce, transport & sell them around SA. They are allied with Tuga Thugs & Black Bullets. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): B~B(2011), TST(2013), ALT(2013), HS(2014?), AA(2014-2018). I left B~B on 2011 because I wanted to turn to cop side, I got my PC on TST so I left to ALT and then got into HS when it got active, until it died, after that I joined AA, I got kicked about a year ago for deathmatching, being a massive utter cunt, etc. I joined FBI this year and my stance there wasn't really a pleasure I would say, as much as I regret not taking the right decision I take a step back because cop side is not for me. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I was banned for massive deathmatching and also placing random constructions everywhere, from there I was expelled from my groups and gang, not proud of it. Name 3 BR rules: No mark-killing at the first door, no more than 2 bankrobs per day, no jumping from rooftop to avoid arrest. Name 3 GR rules: No nades or explosives, no gangrob by yourself, no spawn killing. Name 3 Turf rules: No spawning medic to help your gang, no unclimable roofs, no spawning house to get faster to turf. What is Roleplay?: Playing/performing/acting a role. What is Deathmatching?: A rulebreak. Killing a player without a reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Use /report and not DM back. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Keep on my way. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yea I guess I know everyone except the new members. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My attitude has changed since that last incident on 2018 and most people can see I have been following the rules till now, I have stayed chill. I'm not gonna make a thousand text because words are worthless compared to acts. The last time I tried to join back, @Terry said I was not giving enough interest, well, now I want to prove otherwise with my activity and new perspective in-game. Harvester.
More like on sweets
I have a question @Brophy I donated 242GBP and I have many un-used vehicles, would I be able to change a vehicle for a shader?
Nice glasses @Blade but why dont you get these?
hope you had a good one G
Nikolai for president
https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1339/de-rec-ktn-photo-service/6 I'll be into it to make something like this, it's fun.