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Everything posted by Combine

  1. ZIP Roadblock #1 - LS to LV Highway A trucker had an accident and his cargo of logs that was heading to Las Venturas was on middle of the road, so I got called to build a secure path for safety reasons until the logs were taken out. Construction Code / Pastebin - Don't use without permission
  2. -More to be added
  3. @skerdi Your status is pending for now and because you chose Reporter role you need to make a 1000 words article proving your 8th over 10 scale of English knowledge. Send me the article and we will publish unless we think it's unworthy, you can write about anything you get arsed with, only then after you've completed the task, you'll receive your practical test to enter our group.
  4. @swinftw Even though, you need to request again your vehicle through the rewards change section and correct format. Secondly about the hours, non-donation vehicles, properties, you can't get them back. We all old players who came back from inactivity like you suffered this change, although I personally gave a fuck about losing these. Good luck ;)
  5. Donation rewards get removed when you are inactive a certain time. Money was already given to you so no right to give more again, about the vehicle/s you can get them back as well as the interior/s when you get a property to put them. If you want to get your donation rewards back I suggest using that email you donated with by looking at your PayPal account and tracking the payments you did. If you still have a forums account on the old website, that can work too as that should display how much you donated. Old website: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/
  6. Just to clear that out I was the one who told Ikzelf to remove the vehicles, as they were at a private parking lot belonging to Zombie's property used for KTN group base. Also I recall asking you to remove them some weeks further back, thanks for not creating an argue anyways.
  7. @moenesmjaid said in Meaning of your nickname v2: @turbo you're slow name yourself SlowTurBo You know what commas are? Also don't get off topic and start a talk here. :relaxed:
  8. Kool Times News Article Reports: "Pollution Is No Joke" Know more about this here
  9. Do you enjoy a walk with your dog or your wife through the beautiful parks of San Fierro? This could become impossible if we can not breathe a clean air and unfortunately this is already happening, fair enough the biggest companies have their factories far from the big cities, but that does not mean anything, since the real problem is that Pollution is growing on an unimaginable scale, and the only way to stop it would be to find alternative ways to use fuels and even long productions of armament equipment for bigger organizations like CLO and DE. It is not enough to leave your property and throw the garbage in the container! The real problem is being caused at a much higher level... We are at a critical point for the ecosystem that surrounds us and which allows us to live in our precious state of San Andreas. The data specifies that our state is one of the worst in relation to massive pollution, with San Fierro being the first, Los Santos the second, and followed by Las Venturas. Large factories, and places like All Load Trucking properties are causing irreparable damage to the natural environment due to the excessive fuel transportation and fuel production which is demanded by all San Andreas citizens who use a vehicle, from Police Departments to Organized Criminal Gangs use transports each day at every time. Is this the imminent end of the few natural reserves that surround us? We have little time, and there is still no organization that is responsible for keeping our place safe from contamination, apart from Sanitary Andreas which its work might be the only one that approaches by keeping our streets clean. The progress is made with a beginning and an effort, and for now, from KTN we see very few people interested in this important aspect that by all means is saving the world. In images like the ones below we can see big changes, global warming caused by climate change, which in turn causes the rise in sea level that will cause the emergence of our beaches, the excessive processing of wood logs, the highest mountains can no longer be seen due to the concentration of clouds with toxic gases produced by the same factories that keep us running, but at what price? Is this what we need our trees for? Enjoying a view that will no longer happen in a future? The damage is already done, but the real progress would be not to make the same mistake twice, it is something that is learned over the years and experience. It is quite ironic, we abuse the same trees that give us oxygen, which gives us life, to have a simple bank in which to be more comfortable, everything is a compensation between health and comfort which will end up destroying us. Here we can see the factory owned by All Load Trucking, which produces and transports fuel, which has prospered for many years due to our need to refill our gas stations. But they are not responsible for this, we all play our part on in this money business, which at the same time is totally destructive for everything that surrounds us and for what we live. The most luxurious homes live on the basis of bad electricity, also causing potential light pollution in their neighborhoods. On the other hand, great changes are already being seen in some poor places in Las Venturas, where apartments such as the one below can already be seen with solar panels granting the ecosystem a slight breath and crushing bigger anonymous companies hidden in the shadows of the money they get at the cost of our lives. Thanks for watching once again, This was an article brought to you by KTN, On Behalf of Kool Times News, KTN CEO Combine
  10. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/donations/vehicles They work on the old website but not here, at least for me.
  11. Granted, but DDT doesn't even exist anymore I want my Combine Harvester to fit inside a Pay'n'Spray
  12. https://saesrpg.uk/category/12/blackhole That R2-D2 Spanish flag though...
  13. Basic Building #3 - Dinner at a little beach cove A structure with a roof and a place inside to do anything, great views to San Fierro, has an entrance from the top and another one down next to a little beach cove. Note that I don't have enough decoration objects to make anything decent or RP wise but I put some dinner tables to simulate an open air restaurant. It also has a basement with secret access. Image resolution might be a bit fucked up. Construction Code / Pastebin - Don't use without permission
  14. Basic Building #2 - Party Place Outdoors A place to hang out and chill, make dance competitions, or simply have the time of your life dancing on your own. I prefer to upload this construction during the night, due to the lights. Construction Code / Pastebin - Don't use without permission
  15. Spaniard like me
  16. Kool Times News Photographers Edition: DE Recruitment Know more about this here
  17. This photo service was provided by Kool Times News & free for Desert Eagles' Recruitment. Photos were taken with game smoothness at the least, due to the lag that I was having. A brief description has been added to the pictures, some slightly hilarous, non roleplay notes. Soon when results are out you will see an article and interviews with DE experienced members, and the new recruits, so stay tuned...! [Advertisements] KTN Official Topic KTN Official Media You can now request KTN photo services! Just PM @Combine or @Zombie for an arrangement with us or any of our photographer section employees. [Advertisements] Some people died before the recruitment even started! Their faces reflected poor agony and nervousness. This smartass just realised his pistol has the same name as his army, Desert Eagles. They walked through a path, I guess as a start training to test their discipline. All who managed to simply walk and reach a couple meters further to a test area, well done. They were all shitting their pants at this point. The test area, time for the truth. A photo from a higher perspective. SAES>Patrol as General of the Army has given instructions, the first test will involve parachuting They value the skills and consider who passed the test, here they need to land. Watch this noob, it's better on the middle honey... The second test, with SAES>Kain watching and explaining instructions, which involved driving. Those who passed these two tests were lined up to a voting, to make the final test, a TDM. Teams done and ready for the rock! A photo I made thinking "yeah nice views" - Oh yeah, we are on the training ground now! These two are trippin' so hard they don't know if they are playing MTA or Counter Strike Hold position, but not too much, campers! Oh well, twenty minutes later with sticky boxers full of poop they start to move! Yeah stay closer that's a good tactic chaps! This guy on his knees hasn't moved yet, I think he's literally pooping. This brother from the west occidental probably died, but he ate some nice sushi before the test. Military Commander Patrol, showing off his new glasses he bought at a vietnamese store. The match ended with its deaths and survivors, but results are not yet out! Thanks for watching, On Behalf of Kool Times News, KTN CEO Combine
  18. If you speak using terms like "the retard" and so on I can't expect much more less from you. This server has been running for a decade and you're not gonna change anything so they fit your tastes, plus you should find another server with the things you are asking for as I for sure know they're not going in.
  19. I made a topic as that way I find easier to share my constructions and find them, rather than having to search for them through other members constructions. I will use this as a draft and portfolio. All of my ZIP works are not permitted to use without my permission. Spoilers do not work, so I will have to post them directly & with each pastebin. Basic Building #1 - Minimalistic v1 Minimalist structure to be used as a market, restaurant or a place for anything really. Almost no decoration has been added as this building doesn't have an only purpose. Construction Code / Pastebin - Don't use without permission
  20. Players will be able to show off with their signatures Who cares? It will revive the designing section Most of the designers that are on this community are not even designers, as you can't call design going onto an online photo editor and doing already-done shit The server gangs/squads/groups might have their own designed signatures and that would be very cool! Back 2011 we had group userbars, even then, it was something pathetic to show off It will make the forum look better in general It will definitely make the forums look worst, no need for fancy shit
  21. Kool Times News 1.0 https://discord.gg/EgJuTg
  22. Removing the inactive members won't fix the squad, you need to remove the active ones.
  23. Quick announcement: We are probably kicking from the group everyone that has failed to remove the "kanker" word from their posts, that will happen before tonight. If you think this is unfair then you don't really know the seriousness of the matter so please don't make things hard.
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