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Issue Tracker [Donation Vehicle Shaders]
Everything posted by Filex
Lol its takinh polls to a whole new lvl
**Tunisian / Tounsi ** 1- No Deathmatch: El maksoud meha enek toktel labed menghir sbab. Ou el deathmatch ilem bi barcha 7ajet minhom : Enek toktel players lo5rin oenti boulisi (cop) menghir mat7awel tarrestehom/tchedhom melawel kounchi impossible itnajem tchedhom wala houma akther menek fel adad wala yodherbou fik. Tkaser el vehicles/kraheb/moutourat mta abed o5rin Embad mayoktlek abd tarjalou bich toktlou menghir sbab s7i7. Toktel cops/boulisiya ou enti mandekch njoum ela idha 7awlou yarrestiw criminal wa7de5er Toktel el cops/boulisiya ou houma ma7awlouch ichedouk, ou zeda el boulisya li yamlou fi roleplay mta criminal wa7de5er Toktel player wala t7awel idamagih bi vehicle mteik (tramih ou tafes alih) 5oulaset el kawl mat7awelch tfazed el gameplay mta abd e5er bil onf/violence, ela ken jet teiba lel gameplay. 2- Impersonating: mat7awelch tesrak cha5set admin (min SAES clan) wala ay player wa7de5er 3- Cheating / Trainers / Bug Abuse: matestamelch cheats wala testghal el bugs wala testaml ay mod bich testghalou ala 7seb players o5rin kolhom trikhom ban. 4- Admin Word / Decsions: el kelma mta el admins/staff mafihech klem ken andek mochkla tnajem tcontacti el SAES HQs ama matamelch machekel in game. 5- Harrasement: mat7awelch tet5ata 7doudek ma players o5rin ou tsebhom wala tay7elhom kdarhom fama 5at a7rem ken tfoutou madech fama klem, el 7ajja hedhi twali x2 ma el admins/staff 6- Avoid Arrest: mat7awelch tohreb mel boullisia (maychedoukech) bi fazet 5ayba minhom toktel ro7ek wala to5rej mel game wala tkoul el abd bech yoktlek wala toktel abd bich mayetchadech wala tokab fouk banya maynajmouch inagzou foukha fil store robs, zid ala hedha mandekch l7ak testaml "f1 > i'm stuck' fi interior wala exterior msaker, zeda mandekch l7ak tod5elch blasa msakra ou el boulisya wrak 7- Multiaccounting: mandekch el 7ak ikoun andek akther min compte we7ed brka, ken andek fard PC/IP enti ou abd e5er koul fel #multiaccounting tab ala lisar 8- Mainchat Rules: mandek el 7ak ken ta7ki bel englais fel main chat (y) mandekch l7ak taml adverts/echarat fel main chat zeda kolha thezek le mute izid waktou 7asb el marat li tawed fehom el faza. 9- Animations Abuse: matestamelch el animations bich tet5aba fi 7it wala object/7ajja, matestamelhomch bich iwali andek advantage kolha temchy lil bug abuse rule. 10- Marker Kill: matoktelch labed li mizelou mat7arkouch mel marker (li tod5el bih lel interior) fi west wala kbal bank robbery. 11- Camping The Hospital: matcampich fel sbitar mahma kenet le class mteik, doub ma tespawni hez karhba ou emchy ela el medics inajmou italfou el rule hedhi. 12- False/Fake Reports: matamelch reports ghaltin bich tfarekhom wala tdhor abd bel ghalet el oukouba twali temchy alik 7asb el report mteik 13- Scumming: raghm eli SAES matlawejch brcha ala scam/ta7ayol ela enou idha chadouk tescami rak tetakeb ou el oukouba heya fi aghleb la7yen 200% mel flous li rbe7tha tetna7a mel compte mteik 14- Illegal Actions: ken taml ay 7ajja illegal ou enti testaml fi service men servicet saes (tbi3 drogue wala 7ajet illegal wala taml ay 7ajja haka) rak tetna7a toul 15- Other Servers Advertisment / Damaging SAES: taml echar el serveur wa7de5er wala taml attacks tdhor bi SAES t5alik tetna7a toul 5oulaset el kawl ken tetchad ou enti twakef/tinterupti fi el gameplay mta abd e5er ou tabda mayech teba lel lobaa bi facon 5ayba rak talka awekeb. SAES blasa lel nes lkol bich taml jaw ou el idara mteiha bich taml el ejraet bich matkalkch el gameplay mta serveur. Masouleytek bich itaba el kawed edhouma ou tokad feyak lehom, 5atr yetbadlou dima. Ay e5tirakat lel kaweed hedhom iwaslek ken el oukouba, tetrawa7 mabin el tahdid bel klem 7atta lel ban ou fama fazet o5rin mabin (kicks adminjails) 7asb el 7eda mta el problem. Ken andek ay souel 7awl el 7imeya mta el maloumet mteik (data protection, privacy queries) amel tala ala el link hedha belehy; https://saesrpg.uk/privacy
@nullX said in Translators Needed: Rules & Warnings: sure i can help, i speak many languages like: saudi,iraqi,yemeni,emarati,sayrian,kuwaiti,palestaini,jordani,qatri ,sudani and many lol These are dialects not languages The presence of arabic and tunisian seperated is because its one of the most hard dialects that come from arabic
@Dufabo said in General Topics : Informations: You want to discuss scientific facts with people who still dming everyone for no reason? Still there is some peps
@Skerdi said in General Topics : Informations: Lets talk about revoking filex posting rights, makes life easier Cool but not talking about such stuff some serious stuff like scientific facts or whatever
I wanna start a small threaymd where we can speak about a subject weekly and share opinions so we can know much and discover about a specified subject note below some subjects that can be discussed or something and a topic will be created each week.
^[] ^[Night Activity - 27/04/2019] ^[]
^[] ^[Tierra Robada Bank Robbery - 27/04/2019 - 8/8] ^[]
I love your way Vote filex4presidence and imma make better forums
@Epichu nice
@Tut-Greco said in Guard dogs for criminals: ive seen some millionaires irl owning tigers... could add a tiger instead, how about that sir Nah tuti pitbull mods https://www.kisspng.com/png-san-andreas-multiplayer-american-pit-bull-terrier-927142/preview.html
@Spicey said in Guard dogs for criminals: SWAT and other squads are coming at the criminals 1v5 and etc and she want and dogs??? WTF. Damn spicey seems like u didnt learn english yet https://www.tolearnenglish.com
[Suggestion] Bonus for killing cops at bank robbery!
Filex replied to sajjad's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Well when you compare kill arrest to killing criminals i dont think its a good comparison to explain cops job is to arrest and killing triggers an arrests while criminals job is defending the bankrob and they will get cash for that. To summarize no need for that small bonus while you will already get cash from safes the economy is fucked enough for that -
@Ritta @MrBlouba both apps acceptable at a certain range, i assume you will bith show loyalty and as the group is semi-active for now i wont hesitate giving you both a chance Accepted Join the discord for more talk https://discord.gg/SmwPR78
Let's revive the AK! (AK-47 = M4)
Filex replied to I-Gun's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@RAMPAGE lets make ak47 dual -
Stopping the attack idea (raid)
Filex replied to Filex's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Criminals who cast a no vote elaborate dont be dicks for cops if you dont have a reason to vote no Either you give a reason or dont vote -
I support this suggest @Adistar knows why :smirk:
Stopping the attack idea (raid)
Filex replied to Filex's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Well this is a suggestion is for cops and its something that will benefit just cops so to start. The idea is about making something every 20min for cops with an information about a terrorist attack/robbery happening ofc this wont have real players doing the mentioned activity but some peds which will be attacking the area. The mission of the cops will be killing these peds and controlling a marker inside the place that is getting robbed for a number of time like in store robberies. note: peds will be respawning randomly in the area and they will be shooting ofc -
@KARIM said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: u r not satisfied with new toggle? eject ? kill arresting ? and u want dogs after all ? ok I will change my mind to yes just to stop you from crying Rude
@DROT said in Enforcer Passeger Capacity: Bump! DE Barracks passenger passenger script (/hopin) can be used or edited to include Enforcer ID. Also tagging @Bone because why not I think we can use some element attachment with offsets to make it look like real truck
^[] ^[Morning Activity] ^[]
^[] ^[Los Santos Bank Robbery - 21/04/2019] ^[]