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Everything posted by Filex

  1. @Crash said in M PANEL Design: make it a nokia 3310 Newbies will use it for dm
  2. @Markus said in M PANEL Design: Remove your suggestion rights and keep the current one Nope its getting changed F U
  3. @Groove said in The Admiral: Leave the admiral as it is men :( However, willard and a bunch of others shit cars could use some moddings :D Strange but i agree with groove
  4. If we get equal results imma make ability to choose which design
  5. @bazuka36
  6. Well as the title says i will be working on one indeed i want to make a fast poll that bazuka will exploit for his design purposes
  7. Well wasnt a big ride but i felt the wa spirit as a member, as an allie and as an ennemie sad to see such an effort going away but as every cool start the end must be tragedic good luck to all wa members & HQs in the future
  8. Wait what???
  9. @Joe said in Use of exploits reminder: @GanJa said in Use of exploits reminder: !!!!! F '>ThC hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh We are selling ganja bid and we pay what u bid take him in o
  11. This can be locked i think the poll decided it
  12. @buddler said in Use of exploits reminder: Join Global Trust today! For a better Economy in San Andreas!
  13. @Tut-Greco said in Demoting all G/S to lvl 1: what's the fun in getting your gang reset every year? not sure if i understood your suggestion(s), @Filex Well thats the project of my next suggestion "Challenges to keep your level 5"
  14. @Adistar said in Demoting all G/S to lvl 1: @Filex said in Demoting all G/S to lvl 1: yours truly [ThC]Filex Tags off pls
  15. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8267/demoting-all-g-s-to-lvl-1 Topic moved to there
  16. Introduction: This is a remake to the topic under the name of New Line well and after a small discussion with @Bone i found that the topic i made needs some explanations instead of what i did which is throwing an idea which had this as a results Indeed i will try to bring all the reasons of my idea which lasts after all as an idea that can ve rejected or accepted Reasons: 1- First of all the repetitive aspect that we are living each day in this game i myself miss the days i started with when i joinned ThC at the lvl 3 stage and lived that fire inside the game that makes me miss everyday with a new challenge/fight adventure instead of repeating everything for the same reason that aint a goal anymore 2- I dont know if much of you lived that feeling when you succeed to get a level the hard work you did never was a waste isnt it and everyone prepares for the next step? And here i wanna ask @Reggi do you think that all that work after you did matters much if the gang has no more a specific goal and nothing important except some dm or repetitive activity with all the people that went retired or inactive because nothing matters anymore and i wanna come to the thirs point with that. 3- Inactive people some of i knew back in days dissepeared after their gang got the last level which is 5, some i even miss without mentioning some i hated but still felt the competition playing with, im here talking about myself but im sure some of you share the same feeling and want to see their friends back and to make something with, why not give them a reason that their gang/squad needs them to be the best again like what @Fugitive did as he said in his appeal 4- Roleplay aspect one of the most important requirements in the g/s leveling is quality roleplays and the question is anyone doing that anymore except some screenshots and posts with no soul and im talking from what i saw with the presence of exceptions ofc, lets make it not just a dm/turf competition or cracking/brs and bring the rp back with that reason. 5- What is the 5th level except just some material stuff (spawn, base, skins, shaders) they are the reward of a hard work right? But what is the point if they stand without spirit or something behind, its not about just removing that its absolutely about something else its about starting again and what i mean is to get everyone who is above or equal to lvl1 to lvl1 with nothing except lust and ambition to be the best. Adjustement to take a mart with that: A harder testing by gms to the g/s applying Allowing everything a gang gets with lvl 2 to lvl 1 except the material stuff which are the class spawn and all what follows it from skins/shaders... And let the best be the first to reach the last level yours truly [ThC]Filex
  17. @Reggi said in New line: Have you lost your fucking mind? Whats wrong with you... god, I fully blame @Adistar for creating this monster. Stick to the topic
  18. @Ikzelf said in New line: Just... Try top stop talking.. Just for once.. The suggestion is more than just a change its cool ppl are just afraid of the change maybe because they cant do it again and reach a lvl
  19. @Skerdi said in New line: What when they get back to level 5? The best will and it will be deserved
  20. Well i may get insulted for this suggestion i just wanna say im serious Lets demote all gangs/squads to lvl 1 and start again seriously its becoming boring just the same shit everyday sr br turf sr br turf and nothing special about it that its becoming repetitive, turning everyone to the start will get the game alive and i know that some g/s have years with spawn but thats a better reason to start again and show that they are worthy getting what the first generation of the gang did.
  21. Granted, but you will be kicked and blacklisted from ur squad too I want @Bone to give me cs
  22. Get on well bro my old gangmate and my friend
  23. granted but you will get banned first i want to dance
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