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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Activity Number : 1 Type : Patrol Duration: 26 Minutes Date: 29/05/2019 Location: Las Venturas & Los Santos Participants: None Screenshots Album: https://imgur.com/a/Pa1uQ1R
  2. Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: Filex Username: medtheman Old nickname/Other used names ingame: I use other nicknames based on activities i frequently do like Destruction (for turfs) or TheF Age: 19 Gender: Male Current G/S The Company (ThC) How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? almost 6-7 months or more can't count Current groups: Invest Arms Corporation The Motor Heads San Andreas Medics ZIP Construction & Planning The Forgotten (my own group) DDMC Goverment (Staff) Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: Some Adminjails & mutes upon my career i can say the beginning of it Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? Soon it will be a full vacation for me so yes Tell us something about yourself: I'm Filex pretty much known for my sarcastic behaviour (that comes over the limit sometimes) i really look for new experiences in this game that adds some knowledge to my dear person and thats one of the reasons i'm here, i'm respectful when it needs to be and serious when it also have to be and maybe funny when it's allowed. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? Yes I do Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes I do Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? Yes I do Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? Yes I do Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? Being able to communicate fluently with others , team work and finally basic ig needs (piloting , driving , shooting whatever) What are your weaknesses? Nothing except being annoying when my sarcastic character when it gets over me Why do you want to join the SAFD? Because first of all i like the role and i enjoy spawning as a firefighter same as i do when i spawn as medic (which is another emergency spawn) i feel like it helps people when needed at it's easiest and smallest ways, second is that SAFD is a prestigious group and i wanna add to it much as it will add to me with it's management and people. Why do you want to join the academy? As it's the first step to be a SAFD firefighter i can say the same reasons as stated in SAFD reasons and ofc ability to learn within it What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? I wanna learn simply how to be a firefighter with all it's qualities ^[] Filex 29/05/2019
  3. @Reggi said in Enhancing money receiving range in banks: Wow his first good idea.. Im proud but yea theres good defense positions where you dont get paid so +1 Thats the 20th time someone says to me its my first good suggestion
  4. Recently BR's got changed a bit and a small range got implemented where Criminals have to stand while robbing the bank, if that's not the case they don't get any money. The range is very small and I've seen many people who aint that experienced in BR'ing who always wonder why they aint getting money. I agree moving away from the first room at LS, SF & LV and defend in the corridors but the range there should get raised like a few metres. There's most times not enough space and a few metres would solve this problem already. But this is just a problem besides, the main problem are the County banks. Hard as fuck to defend and no possibility to crack with 2 members same time. The range there Should be fixed asap since it's actually fucked up on the right side of defending. Criminals can only defend from the left side or have to move down the stairs in order to get a payment. Screens of how the range could be at LS, LV & SF: ::: ::: This wouldn't affect the cops at any way since it doesn't give robbers more options to defend, it's just a bit more safety. Screens of how the range could be at RC, BC & TR: ::: ::: Changing this would get Criminals a advantage indeed, but like it is right now it's too hard to defend. This should balance it. The main suggestion is for the County banks, LS LV & SF are just a thought. credits to tunafish (Tuned)
  5. I have a fair enought idea why not keep the sr cj thingy but at the same time keep the random sr thingy and if after a duration of 7min from each sr no one triggered a store then random system starts one
  6. Discord invite not working Best of luck, dont kill it like always fastyounq
  7. @Combine said in Command to restart race script ig: @Filex said in Command to restart race script ig: @Jay said in Command to restart race script ig: Or perhaps request for it to be fixed? Why waste someones time developing that when they can attempt to fix it instead. I mean, seems to make more sense no? Its nothing to be developed just 3 lines of code Thats why its easier because i doubt it took all this time for a simple issue @Filex Stop talking shit you don't even know what a variable is.
  8. @SNome said in Command to restart race script ig: It gets old having to annoy the same people over and over to restart the script, you better off requesting it to be fixed I think it got requested plenty of times to get fixed still maybe looking for the reason of the issue but thats a 2min making solution and useful until it gets fixed @Brophy im making a poll first to have the right to request something like that on the tracker
  9. @Jay said in Command to restart race script ig: Or perhaps request for it to be fixed? Why waste someones time developing that when they can attempt to fix it instead. I mean, seems to make more sense no? Its nothing to be developed just 3 lines of code Thats why its easier because i doubt it took all this time for a simple issue
  10. Well pretty simple a command for admins so they can restart the race resource until someone finds a solution honestly, the absence of the race flags when mostly needed is bad especially with some racing groups rec.
  11. There is no store robbery without robbers indeed its pretty much useless that cops come before criminals to the sr so NoNoNo
  12. Nah it would be an absuable vehicle it's big size can cause problem tho its smoother than other big planes such as the AT-400, in my pilot dcript which is still to be reviewed im including this as a vehicle for flights but with collisions absent ofc Indeed im voting no for its big size which will make it abusable + same for size will be jard to find a place to park it
  13. i didn't come because iftar :'(
  14. rip recruitement with iftar tiime in tunisia, rip tunisian recruits
  15. ^[] ^[Los Santos Bank Robbery - 6/8 - 18/05/2019] ^[]
  16. ^[] ^[San Fierro Bank Robbery - 8/8 - 18/05/2019] ^[]
  17. Half of May Update: WA Removed : Dead SATs Added MJ Entreprise Added SAES News Added DoHE Added
  18. As @Jay @ODAKAB mentionned why not make a gang that reaches lvl 4/5 have a small property where they can spawn aswell and make it "raidable" if thats even a word
  19. @Brophy this should be added to the hall of fame
  20. The forgotten will be fully active again on the 16th of june until this time for anyone interested in joinning the recruitement and applications review is back and until our activities are back the criteria will be based on your english/reputation On behalf of TF council Filex our discord server : https://discord.gg/SmwPR78
  21. What about a system that gives a random price for ur car between the half it costs and its real price but to avoid abuse the system gives just 1 price daily or weekly for the car u are planning to sell that will be rp wize i assume also
  22. Filex


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