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Everything posted by Filex

  1. @Joe said in Official Quote Wall: @McJoni said in Official Quote Wall: @Vennelle said in Official Quote Wall: ETF Lvl 0 but better than ICEncuz there's no retards in. eTf lVl 0 bUt bEtTeR ThAn iCeNcUz tHeRe's nO ReTaRdS In. yOu SuCk JoE
  2. Address: Backdoor Services Corp Account name: superperritoman Last seen: 20th of may Screenshots: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/london
  3. Address: Royal Club Headquarter Account name: superperritoman Last seen: 20th of may Screenshots: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/london
  4. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 106] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Sommo Monter Wrestling] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Sam] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Kok] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture / Picture2] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 105] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Sommo Monter Wrestling] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: John] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Rolando] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture / Picture2] ^[]
  6. @Licano you are not alone dw Name: Filex Username: medtheman Team Betting on: ThC Ammount: 2m
  7. i voted yes but i more to what @buddler said, this can be awesome with groups
  8. Introduction: As many of you not all ofc know i'm working on the casino Robbery suggestion which was made by matizz and can be found here, anyway i'm been working on the circuit breaker which is a mini-game inspired from GTA V and i've finished thanks to my skills :smirk: but the problem here is i couldn't achieve a point of getting the possibility/path and obstiticles at a random position that comes in order to keep the way i want it to be for the core in general and the leak of funtionalities in the mta modification which caused me to ask for help here, in order to keep the spirit of the feature i've decided to achieve this randomness but in a freaky way as i want ppl to help me generate many possibilities to implement them. this picture shall help understand more what i mean with the obsticles that can't be generated randomly can see in this picture : How can you help ? : Basically first of all you will need to know how to set the gui-editor as you will need it and follow the steps imma introduce in this topic as the rest which you are supposed to do is just some right-clicks & copy/pasting you can check combine topics about guieditor : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9221/how-to-install-gui-editor https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9223/how-to-use-gui-editor Indeed first of all you will have to open the gui-editor and right-click to see the panel below : you will need to click Load Code and click Paste after the window in the picture next appears : then paste this block of code local devScreenW, devScreenH = 1600, 900 local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() dxDrawRectangle( (screenW - 541 / screenW * devScreenW) / 2, (screenH - 286 / screenH * devScreenH) / 2, 541 / screenW * devScreenW, 286 / screenH * devScreenH, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200) ) end ) and click Load This Code you will get a gray rectangle and start placing other rectangles and try to not escape the dimensions of the gray one and make sure to have path between an enter and an end point like in the first picture i showed when you finish you will need to right click again to get the editor panel and click on output and as you see i placed two rectangles indeed i will get something like that you will need to focus only on the lines that have the function dxDrawRectangle() and ignore the first one as it shows the main rectangle that we loaded function and copy the rest. Final Step : the final step is the copy pasting you will need to know 3 things which are the Width*Height if your don't know how just check the options > Video > Resolution for example mine are 1600*900 and finally you need to know that dxDrawRectangle(1007, 307, 64, 148, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)) means dxDrawRectangle(startX , startY, Width, Height, color) and paste me something like that startX = { 1028 / screenW * devScreenW, 907 / screenW * devScreenW, 731 / screenW * devScreenW, 869 / screenW * devScreenW, 529 / screenW * devScreenW, 529 / screenW * devScreenW, 529 / screenW * devScreenW }, startY = { 308 / screenH * devScreenH, 307 / screenH * devScreenH, 419 / screenH * devScreenH, 507 / screenH * devScreenH, 307 / screenH * devScreenH, 428 / screenH * devScreenH, 522 / screenH * devScreenH }, width = { 42 / screenW * devScreenW, 91 / screenW * devScreenW, 103 / screenW * devScreenW, 201 / screenW * devScreenW, 314 / screenW * devScreenW, 167 / screenW * devScreenW, 55 / screenW * devScreenW }, height = { 120 / screenH * devScreenH, 163 / screenH * devScreenH, 174 / screenH * devScreenH, 86 / screenH * devScreenH, 84 / screenH * devScreenH, 77 / screenH * devScreenH, 71 / screenH * devScreenH } } where you place the infos from the functions you get and paste instead of devScreenW your Width that we got and instead of devScreenH your Height that we got aswell make sure to keep the order After you finish you need to contact me on discord or on forums preferabaly on discord and send me the table of information like that with a preview picture of the final thing, remember guys that faster i get help faster the project ends and you get a new feature ig, i would've really done all of that alone but after all i'm 1 person adn i won't be able to generate unique results as many ppl can
  9. https://youtu.be/Vxao274Obl4 the gui is a bit ugly tho can get a fix
  10. i already have a cracking simulator ig, if one of the devs want to implement i have ofc no problem https://github.com/FilexGH/Resources/tree/master/crackingPad
  11. @Silence said in Sheriff Trainee spawn: @Epichu give squad members access to join clo then @Cuban-Liberation-Organisation
  12. Mid-Of-Juin Updates ETF Added Al Munazima Added The Forgotten Updated
  13. The Forgotten: https://discord.gg/SmwPR78
  14. So basically after some discussions i wanna if its possible instead adding a trooper spawn on countrysides with a different shader to show the difference
  15. guys pc will keep it's spawn it will be just a different spawn for trainees like on big cities, pc won't lose anything aslong as it will keep the weapons privelidge and much more, it's more for rp
  16. As we all know cops who are new to copside or trying it for the first time have the ability of using 3 spawns which are the Police Trainee spawn on the 3 big cities LS/LV/SF or State Tropper once they reach 750 Arrests with the presence ofc of a police warden trainee that requires 50 arrests in jail, each of these spawns have it's rp role and the need of it's presence except that the sheriff spawn which should be present on the small cities is avaible just for Pro Cops that"s a right ofc but the suggestion comes here to give the ability of using a sheriff spawn with it's rp definition for those who are not apart of the Pro Cops group, this can come with a small shader from our lovely @Tut-Greco a poll got added
  17. i'm working on this and updates will be posted soon, sry carter but u took more than what bill gates took to found microsoft for such a simple script
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