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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Event Number: 12 Event type: Boxing Tournament LWS/G6 Helper: Tritosh Prize: 3.000.000$ Winner(s): Model Screenshots
  2. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied You can only win one SAHA auction per calendar week ^[] ^[] ^[] The Auction will end after 5 days Let's start with My bid, $5,000,000
  3. @lil_borivoje said in lil_borivoje's Application.: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: lil_bori Account name: kurcina21 Greetings, Doctor Borivoje, you would be pleased to hear that you have ~[passed]~(lime,green) the application stage to become one of us, kindly meet a High ranked in game to receive your entry tests. Good luck! Regards, Johnny English. Head of Air Division, San Andreas Medics.
  4. @jaimy said in Palomino Creek |Beach Hut|: @JohnnyEnglish here ur first job, can this be closed ^^ As you wish.
  5. Property is owned by SAES>Henry, you cannot request it
  6. Address: The Penguin Offices Account name: francoz Last seen: 7th April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/r6X01xp
  7. @Joe said in Make LS Cinema great again: Adding Twitch support is a start. I believe Twitch support is already present in the cinema Reducing the price would be better, tbh.
  8. Make separate topics for individual requests please
  9. @Funstein said in Funstein's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: SAFP|Funstein|CDT Account name: arkantos12 Greetings, Doctor Funstein. We would like to let you know that you have ~[passed]~(lime,green) the application stage, kindly find a SAM HQ in game to receive your ingame tests. Regards, Johnny English Head of Air Division, San Andreas Medics
  10. Address: 2 Cum path Account name: zeus74330 Last seen: 4th april Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2lldqZE
  11. Cop coming at you, car is close, aim down, shoot RPG, boom, cop car explodes, you fly damageless and fall somewhere near
  12. @FireFox said in FireFox's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: FireFox Account name: firefox201791 Greetings, Doctor FireFox, we would like to inform you that you have ~[passed]~(lime) the application stage, meet a High ranked ingame for your entrance tests. We wish you the best of luck. Regards, Johnny English. Head of Air Division, San Andreas Medics.
  13. @Hoodie said in Hoodie's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: Hoodie Account name: cuntsme Greetings, Doctor Hoodie. The San Andreas Medics HQ team would firstly like to commend you for your remarkable efforts in application and documentation. Undeniably you have filled all requirements with perfection. Therefore we promote you to the testing phase. Congratulations, your application has been ~[accepted]~(lime). Regards, Johnny English Head of Air Division, San Andreas Medics
  14. Will be waiting for you, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get back on track, let's have fun once again, brother.
  15. @Lincoln said in Lincoln's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: Lincoln Account name: Abdivdbf Decent application, however, ~[Denied]~(red,red), personality is disliked by a lot of our members and you do not seem to cut the activity mark. We suggest you to work on those fields and reapply in 3 weeks if still interested. Regards, Johnny English Head of Air Division - San Andreas Medics
  16. @alex0107 said in Alex' application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: My nickname is [FOX]Alex Account name: My account name is alex0107 Dear applicant, we regrettably inform you that you have ~[not passed]~(red) the application stage, your application lacks content in many phases and your efforts towards SAM is not considered as sincere. Kindly re-apply after 4 weeks if you are still interested. Please don't get disheartened by this and keep striving. Regards, Johnny English Head of Air Division - San Andreas Medics
  17. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in Mohamed's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: Mohamed Account name: Zelozed2 Dear applicant, we appreciate your activity shown however after a discussion with members and the HQ team, we choose to ~[deny]~(red) you, we advise you to work on your personality in the meantime. Kindly re-apply after 3 weeks if interested. We hope you won't give up. Regards, Johnny English Head of Air Division - San Andreas Medics
  18. Granted but now they will have 50 of their additional cars stuffed in every GSC base I want Ape's modded cars
  19. Auction will end in 10 hours @MrDeathBoy Leading bid so far
  20. Auction ends in 10 hours. @ArcoM Leading bid so far.
  21. @Human_ said in Blacklist should be edited for changed people: I did not read this. But what squad/gang has a blacklist in 2019? That's just plain stupid. almost every ones lmao
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