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Everything posted by Glayd

  1. Type:race on the police tank LWS/G6: @Star Prize: 1mil Winner: @Sem Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/i5vSGTt
  2. Type: race on the police ranger LWS/G6: @Star Prize: 1mil Winner: @Sem Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/9P07I6Q
  3. Happy birthday Glayd
  4. Type:Race LWS/G6: @Sam Prize:1mil Winner: @Honer112 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Hs6kkMJ
  5. Patrol #481 Personal Patrol #14 Participants: Glayd Amount of healed or Time of patrol: about 25 mins ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/0JZ0tmV
  6. @Supreme said in Supreme's Application: Roleplay #5 SAM Member: @Glayd, @Chris_nova Helpers: Pilot.Ghost, [TT]Brooks Story: Today we were patrolling in LV and we receive a emergency call at LV Airport , we're responding to a emergency called, They saw crashed plane and when we came and came inside and we found some body and he were alive we faster take him to LS hospital then we're starting to checked his body and we found his head broke so we bandage his head wound and he's alive now and he said thank u Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/d72zUfA
  7. @Supreme said in Supreme's Application: Patrol #8 SAM(s) members: @Glayd @Chris_nova Amount of healed: 25+ people healing Patrol duration: 30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/f4I6jyW
  8. Type of the activity: jump with parachute on the sf bank roof and destroy my car by their Members online: @INFLY @supreme @ Ghost Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/lK18umZ
  9. Type of the activity: jump with parachute and tdm Members online: @INFLY @supreme @ Ghost Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/XAX07Lw
  10. Patrol #473 Personal Patrol #13 Participants: Glayd Amount of healed or Time of patrol:about 25 min ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/X5OHl7F
  11. @SAFP-Carl said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Helpers' Media Archive (For Wannabes): ~[Role Play Number:]~(green,teal) #5 ~[Participants in The RP:]~(green,teal) @Supreme @Glayd ~[RP Scenario:]~(green,teal) Today i just arrived at LS and got a new Tow Truck and before even starting my journey their i received a call from a Medic that they lost control of the vehicle and they crashed. I was already 250M away so i arrived immediately at the scene to check out what's going on. The vehicle was severely damaged and i assumed he was driving really fast for this to happen. I talked with the medics about how bad the vehicle was damaged then i towed the vehicle and took it back to the garage in LS. I opened the hood and started by the engine as the exhaust was producing black smoke which means the engine is burning too much fuel so i checked the air-filter, fuel injectors and fuel-pressure regulator, I replaced whatever need replacement and then called the medic. He came to see the car after adding new door and new wind-shield and new engine cause we had to change it tho, He was surprised and so happy with the car he said that its like a new one ! We shake hands and got payed for the job. Well .. I'm always happy with jobs like this, the more work, the more fun ! :smiley: ~[ScreenShot(s):]~(green,teal) ::: :::
  12. @Supreme said in Supreme's Application: Patrol #6 SAM(s) members: @Glayd Amount of healed: 25+ people healing Patrol duration: 45 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4Pn8g3q
  13. Patrol #454 Personal Patrol #11 Participants: Glayd Amount of healed or Time of patrol: about 25 min ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/odwlFEH
  14. Patrol #453 Personal Patrol #10 Participants: Glayd Amount of healed or Time of patrol:about 20 min ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/GTyvc9l
  15. Event Number:37 Event Type:land on the DFT Prize:1 mil LWS/G6 Helpers: @Legend Winners: @MrSolrac @fad Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nxCg2BE
  16. @Lancee Hello there, this is to announce that you have ~[PASSED]~(lime,lime,lime) your application stage and now have to pass in game tests to become a full member of PoS. Meet me in game to ask for you probation task tho. best regards magister Glayd
  17. RP Number39 Roleplay Title:body The Story:Well that's was Thursday,and we get another call,when i accept this call there's tell me that we can get body for out experiments, didn't think too much i've accepted this, and walking to my car and driving to there.When i came there i saw vehicle and near vehicle was one man and he was without of consciousness after it i check his pulse and i know he's died...I take his body and put him in the my car and fast turn on the engine and drive to a cemetery.When we was reach the cemetery i put down his body in the coffin which were in house which was on the cemetery area... Participants: @glayd @Lance Date:07.03.2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/ZMlg488
  18. Happy birthday @TaJ
  19. dear @Lancee Your application got status "~[PENDING]~(orange)" keep showing you loyal join us and attend our activity, also you can join our discord channel>https://discord.gg/xTnM4r there will be posted when will be some activity best regards magister Glayd
  20. Main characters: @glayd @Matvey-g88 Story:Well,that was a monday when i was at base and training little bit,we get a call by reason hacking system and robbery cinema stock,he was alone we can see this by camera and we go to cars and fast move to there.When we reach the cinema i by one eye saw a robber and starting following him,when i was almost near him i by chance step on the branch and branch has breaked i made noise which robber hear it, he startining run from me and try shooting me , he have shooting a pretty accurate but i have a armor, in one moment thinked about i need help but if i've alone i should do that alone and be more careful, i little bit starting move to him when i don't see him,and when i reach him i run and try to shoot by tazzer him and one of patrons reach him body and he has paralyzed and he fell down, and at once i grab on him hand and put cuffs and go to vehicle which waiting for us an outside street, i planted him in the police vehicle,and drove to SAFP Department where i interrogated him,jailed him after that discussion,later police truck came to SAFP Department to take him and drove to main jail. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TpnZjF3
  21. RP Number 38 Roleplay Title: Weird thing around the church The Story:Well,That was a simple monday when we get the next call,a man told that he can't go sleep when he see a lot smoke near his house from the cemetery and some bad noise came from there and he called us. When we was reach the cemetery there was stand elderly man he was alone one the street and i walking to him,he asked to help him with cemetery he can't to go sleep because he see a lot smoke near his house and he fears and he was try to be careful and called the police to help with that problems.Well, we a slowly walking to cemetery with m4 charged,well when we reached door in the church we try to knock but they don't try follow us and open door normaly,and we made decisions break the door, when i knoked door with leg and and door had been break.Inside the church was one man like priest and he do something in other angle,i told him THIS IS POLICE! HANDS UP! when he heared it he at once take some bottle and run on the street, i don't understand what the hell here going but i go pursuit for a him but when i go outside on the street and looks around but i don't saw him anymore,i go to search him,i found some clear bottle on the ground but i don't found him... in one moment i was hear some noise around the corner and in this moment i saw some man going from there i walking to him to ask about around going he told me he's going to home, he from another country and try find some hotel for a few nights and don't know where he's are, i point way for a him to hotel,but i asked about priest that he's was here but he denied that he saw him, for me nothing remained how to let go him. Participants: @glayd @Matvey-g88 Date: 25.02.2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/Nei43xE
  22. Main characters: @glayd @Matvey-g88 Story:Well,That was a simple monday when we get the next call,a man told that he can't go sleep when he see a lot smoke near his house from the cemetery and some bad noise came from there and he called us. When we was reach the cemetery there was stand elderly man he was alone one the street and i walking to him,he asked to help him with cemetery he can't to go sleep because he see a lot smoke near his house and he fears and he was try to be careful and called the police to help with that problems.Well, we a slowly walking to cemetery with m4 charged,well when we reached door in the church we try to knock but they don't try follow us and open door normaly,and we made decisions break the door, when i knoked door with leg and and door had been break.Inside the church was one man like priest and he do something in other angle,i told him THIS IS POLICE! HANDS UP! when he heared it he at once take some bottle and run on the street, i don't understand what the hell here going but i go pursuit for a him but when i go outside on the street and looks around but i don't saw him anymore,i go to search him,i found some clear bottle on the ground but i don't found him... in one moment i was hear some noise around the corner and in this moment i saw some man going from there i walking to him to ask about around going he told me he's going to home, he from another country and try find some hotel for a few nights and don't know where he's are, i point way for a him to hotel,but i asked about priest that he's was here but he denied that he saw him, for me nothing remained how to let go him. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/Nei43xE
  23. Type of the activity:jump with parachute and tdm Members online: @Shadro @Kilios and @Laminee Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/OV5vHOw
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