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Everything posted by Glayd

  1. In-game name Glayd Username pasha656 Age 16 year old Nationality Ukrainian Previous bans/punishments nope Why you think you would be suitable for the role i think because i have big online in day,i am ready help to anyone players with inactive house buy,and i am old player saes (started play about 5 year ago)
  2. My mate happy birthday to you :)
  3. Patrol #5 Personal Patrol #1 Participants:[SAM]Glayd Amount of healed individuals:20+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/4HFG4j8
  4. Patrol #4 Personal Patrol #3 Participants:[SAM]Glayd,Paramedic.JoseFrags,[SAM]Zeking Amount of healed individuals:50+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/w3aaePM
  5. Patrol #3 Personal Patrol #3 Participants:[SAM]Glayd,Paramedic.Wizax,Paramedic.JoseFrags Amount of healed individuals:50+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/U3ZIkYU
  6. sorry for my post this is my mistake :(
  7. Patrol #2 Personal Patrol #2 Participants:[SAM]Glayd,Paramedic.Sparrow Amount of healed individuals:50+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/1VFpARL
  8. Patrol #1 Personal Patrol #1 Participants:[SAM]Glayd Amount of healed individuals:30+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/eq9mTrM
  9. happy birthday!
  10. OFFICIAL MEDIA ARCHIVE OF MI-6 only mi6 members will can post here!
  11. PROLOGUE Miltiary Intelligence Section 6 was founded by Sir Ranger in October 2010, as a subordinate body of SA Prime Ministry in order to protect San Andreas soil against external threats. The organization's mission is simple, MI6 collects intelligence both overseas and in the country. This process is done in a secret way, after the intelligence is collected, it gets forwarded to either security forces or MI6's task force in order to get the required action to be taken. UNDERSTANDING THE ORGANIZATION MI6 is seperated into two main branches. While one's objective is to collect intelligence overseas about gangs, terrorist organizations and companies, the other one takes the required action in order to protect the San Andreas' interests and national security. Basicly the first branch is an intelligence branch while the second is a tactical branch. Both branches also have their sub-branches. UNDERSTANDING THE INTELLIGENCE Intelligence gathering is basicly collecting information about gangs and terrorist organizations in order to forecast their illegal activities to protect the national security. Gathering intelligence happens in three steps. In the first step intelligence gets collected via human reseources or technological devices, in the second step the intelligence gets anaylzed, analyzing process helps us to eliminate unuseful data, after this which brings us to the third step; using the intelligence. CONSTITUTION Military Intelligence Section 6 has sworn to obey the constitution and the laws of Republic of San Andreas which are made by it's legislative organ the SAES:RPG community. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES In intelligence gathering, human resources plays a vital role, MI6 needs individuals in both branches in order to expand it's global network. If you are interested fill out the application today! Real name : Username : In game name(Include your previous nick if you have changed your name) : Age : Nationality : Languages spoken : Education level(High school, university etc..) : Country of residence : English proficiency : Hours played : Do you have a microphone? : Do you use discord? : Previous/current gangs/squads/organizations/groups : Your stats (do /stats in game) : Briefly describe your personality : Briefly introduce yourself : Weaknesses : Have you been banned before ? : Describe roleplay: Describe espionage: List five important server rules: Can you take orders and respect the chain of command? :
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