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Everything posted by Glayd

  1. Type of the activity:rp driving,parachute jumping and tdm Members online: @glayd @scooter @Saint21 @Rocoso @officer.mohomed @JoNa Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/temOHTm
  2. RP Number #10 Roleplay Title:burn church The Story:Today was a gread day for me as a neophyte, I've been asked for a job by PoS magnus, and that was a chance to approve that I deserve to be in this organization. The job wasnt that hard, as I have been informed, PoS has got an enemy organization around San Andreas. They had a church in BC and they were going to destroy the Priests of Sodom to get all the power around. Also the magnus told me what and how can i do so i was all ready to go for it. There was a car parked near our RC church, I had to get that, check if everything alright, two barrels were placed on the car body, these were filled with fuel. I had to take the car to our enemies church, park it close to it and fire up then. I felt that easy as one more PoS member was helping me. We have done it well. Participants: @Glayd @Legend Date:06.01.2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/6mnJvg0
  3. Happy birthday @Rocker !
  4. Happy Birthday SAES
  5. 49
  6. Patrol #205 Personal Patrol #8 Participants:[SAM]Glayd Amount of healed or Time of patrol:29 mins ScreenShots: (Please use a link) > https://imgur.com/a/sBNxwkd
  7. @dudi said in Dudi's application: ~[Patrol #5]~(lime) SAM Member: @Benny Participating: @Lightning @Glayd @Dudi @JohnnyEnglish Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xWmesKZ
  8. @lightning said in Lightning's Application: 03/11/2018 Saturday SAM Member(s): @Benny @Glayd Participant(s): @Dudi @JohnnyEnglish Patrol Duration: First 30 minutes we were Me , Glayd , Dudi and Benny , than they left us , and than 30 more minutes Me Glayd and JohnnyEnglish. Screenshot(s):https://imgur.com/a/JPHLjPv
  9. @leonidas said in Leonidas's SAM Application: Patrol #4 Participants: @Glayd Patrol duration: 25 Minutes Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/qLnKbaP
  10. WTF?
  11. thanks, but my birthday will be in 7 month... !!! LoL !!!
  12. Welcome back sir!
  13. happy birthday!
  14. happy birthday!
  15. Good luck!
  16. Good luck everyone!
  17. Type: Reach the roses LWS/G6: @Legend Prize: 3.5m Winner: @Leonidas Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/E3M2DXB
  18. ~[Role Play]~ ~[Back story]~:it was a nice day when we got call on us phone it was human who was passing near broken train and he said that train broken and there much smoke and some barrels from there he hear the smell, he said location and we started collect instruments and we starting move to his train.When we reach traine we saw broken traine and much smoke.We put on masks and starting extinguish the flame,one of us at firefighter truck watered flames and i'm watered fire from water hoses.When flames became less others mates try gonna inside and check has there humans or no,they did check and nobody found.When all fire has been extinguished we saw behind us one of us who lay at ground we fast run to him and have rendered first aid for him,after it we raised him and put him on other place and to call medic for help him,medic drove him to hospital.And we coming to back base in waiting for next call. ~[Screenshots]~: https://imgur.com/a/v51OBxt
  19. Type:Hydra Shooter LWS/G6:Legend Prize:1 mil Winner:Togna Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/lkwJaOt
  20. ~[Role Play]~ ~[Back story]~:It was a nice morning day when we get call where he talk indistinctly and we can't understand half of his words we understood only that's his house in fire and his location.We started collect all instuments (masks) and check how much water in fire trucks,we filled water in all fire truck and started move to his house because we don't know situation at there.When we reached his house,there was much smoke and place where was fire (4-3 floor) was black.I'm looks around and appraise situation around.When i did it and my mates already try extinguish fire,and i'm too join to these mates to extinguish fire.We extinguished fire and saw that's at roof was standing one human, and we at once turned stairs at truck and one of us climbed up it and took his off the roof and handed over his to medics.And our work was done. ~[Screenshots]~:https://imgur.com/a/Smndz3y
  21. Happy birthday my friend revonex! :)
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