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Everything posted by Glayd

  1. **~[Patrol#2]~(lime,lime,pink,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,lime,#0af5b2,lime,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2)** Patrol duration: about 35 mins Date (DD/MM/YY): 15.06.2019 Location: around SA Participants: @glayd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uA5ZFQN
  2. Glayd


  3. Happy birthday @scooter
  4. Roleplay Description of RP It was a night when we waiting for next call at LSFD station, and suddenly sounded a siren.Everyone hear it and line up on the street near LSFD when one of our boss came there and said about this situation and said plan of work.We listened to him and when he ended we starting took everything what need for that mission like gas masks and fire extinguishers.We get 2 fire engines and fire hydrant engine one .We took fire engines and head towards the scene. When we reach scene we starting working for don't lost a seconds.I have wear a gas mask and take an fire extingusher and move to the roof when climbed on the roof there was too much smoke and fire so i have opened water tap on the extingusher and started watered a fire until my extinguisher ended, after that i going take new extinguisher and when i have taked him i going on the 1st roof and there was more fire than on the roof and not less of smoke but i have watered smoke in hope to put out fire,it was nice idea and in a 5 mins i have put out all fire what were inside while my mates put out fire which were on the roof and in another side of house.After that i going take a fire engine and take a water gun panel and aimed on the 2nd floor and started watered fire while another firefighters trying to put out fire which are on another side of house,in a 3 mins fire ended.After that fire we going back to FD there was our chief which waited for us and when we came he praised us for nice job. Date (DD/MM/YY): 27.05.2019 Location: LS Participants: @glayd @RadiO @Bangas @Bones @Raf0 @ferthis @xDarkMan @Toolbox @Bas and @Crash Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cct041W
  5. **~[Patrol#1]~(lime,lime,pink,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,lime,#0af5b2,lime,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2,#0af5b2)** Patrol duration: about 40 mins Date (DD/MM/YY): 27.05.2019 Location: around SA Participants: @glayd @RadiO Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9VZ5MyK
  6. Happy birthday tutti frutti
  7. Roleplay type: RP Description of roleplay: It was nice night when we get a call by someone, he tell us about fire in a forest in the Red County . Our boss called us for give some job to us.He instructed us and gave some plan what we have to do. So we don't like to wait so we started to cupboard to take some things like gas mask and fire extingushers and take and wear fire suit.When we take everything what need to working we take a water tanks and ride to forest.When we have reach a forest where was fire and much smoke, we going wear a mas mask and take some water hose and try do anything with poor fire.When we have put out a bit fire one of firefighter come in and try find someone maybe someone still in the forest.When he slowly moving inside of forest he have stumbled and fell down on the garbage,he were crying of hurts,when we hear his crying we runing to him.When we found him he were on the ground and his face was in tears, we understand how he feeling so we don't lost a seconds and take his body and come to the ambulance car.i put his body on the ground,and when i go take medical kit for bandaged his leg while i do it one of Firefighter came to us and try asked about what going here,i have tell him about that accident,so he said put his body inside an ambulance car,so i did what he said and bandaged his leg,i did first medical help.While i help to some firefighter with his leg another firefighter put out a fire.After that our boss collected us and make a line and gave one more job,we have to found a reason of fire.I have teory : some tourits came here for make a picnic and just relax in the forest and those mens maded a bonfire and forgot to put out him before go away. So but it was wrong teory because no one know about it, but i found some broken chair and few bottles by beer,and my mates found an id card hes name is Donald Truump so i going find a phone cuz my phone was at home and i forgot take him,so one of firefighter give me a phone and i called a police,those said wait a few mins. So we waited about 3 mins and one police car came,in the car was one officer,he asked us about this situation i tell him about it, and i give him an id card,he taken it and coming check him.Officer said he's from Mexico it's very close to LS so workers who gave him id card writed he's from LS also he said that guy is leader of criminal gang, he were in a jail 4 years ago but his brother help to get out, and now he's on free.he have killed 6 officers when those trying arrest him. So we found a information he trying to make a fire in a forest and near forest were many houses with people,he trying kill them.but anyway we have put out a fire before fire reach a houses. Date (DD/MM/YY): 25.05.2019 Location: Red County Participants: @glayd @_Ghost @ferthis @JoGe @Bidrift @SoulFly @Toolbox @Shadro Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/kn26bXM
  8. ^[] Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: Glayd Username: Pasha656 Old nickname/Other used names ingame: N/A Age: 17 Gender: male Current G/S: SAFP How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? i have been joined to the safp about year ago and now my rank is HQ Current groups:SAPA,SAP,SAM and rTECH Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: N/A Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? yes. Tell us something about yourself: hello,my name is Pasha but everyone know me as Glayd, i'm 17 years old and i live in Ukraine ,in my free time i like to drawing and driving on my skateboard. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? Yes. Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes. Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? Yes. Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? Yes. Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? Rp,Driving,Flying What are your weaknesses? N/A Why do you want to join the SAFD? I want join to SAFD because i like thier rp and i wanna learn more about their role,and try myself in something new for me. Why do you want to join the academy? i wanna join to the SAFD academy because i wanna learn more about firefighters before be one of them... What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? i would like to learn more about firefighter specialization. Applicant's signature:GLAYD Date:23/05/2019
  9. SAFP: https://discord.gg/fPZYDf4
  10. Members: @glayd @Funstein Patrolling time: about 30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5Jp4zPS
  11. Type: land on the vehicle while we driving around LV , there was 3 rounds LWS/G6: @Legend Prize: 500k each Winner: @Dexter @BigSmoke01 @carljohnson Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UwAexDG
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