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Everything posted by Glayd

  1. ~[Role Play]~ **~[Back story:]~**It was a nice work day how and everyday we get call from driver wich drive near it bridge and he saw that's here broken plane and aroun him ver much fires and he call us for it job,we accepted it call and starting to is going to all instuments,when we did it we starting move.When we reach to there we saw much smokes and fires and namely broken plane.Near it bridge was water tap where we replenished with water our truck.We started trying to extinguish fire when half fires has been extinguish half of us gonna continue extinguish last fire and other half team coming to broken plane.When we reach plane we examined him and my chief asked me to get chainsaw and give him,When i did it he a cut plane where we found 2 womans they has been without consciousnesses,i'm and my mates put they to little house wich was made us.Whend we did it our chief said that's our work was a good he praise us and we drive to base and waiting for next call. ~[Screenshots]~:https://imgur.com/a/hoYtY97
  2. ~[Role Play]~ ~[Back story]~:it was normal night when we get call from worker his company that's something went wrong and his generator/engine in smokes he tell where they are and threw the call.We fast run to a car and we go in,and started prepare some instruments.When we already reached the place,We get out of car and looks around at place.When we did it we saw at some place so much a smokes,My chief said me and my mates go to there and to scout the situation and do somethings.I run to us car for put on the gas mask because there very much smoke.When i did it i'm started slowly move to engine/generator,when i stay near generator/engine i waved his hands to dispel the smoke and i saw on generator/engine so much water that's was reason to short circuit (reason fire).I am put on the gloves and try find button to turn off the generator/engine,when i found button i fast press her and engine slowly ceased buzz.After it i continue find some air valve that'd chill out his,when i found their i open their all,from there smoke came out,and he started Little cool down.After it i said about our the work done to chief he said that's there mini fire and run to put out his,when he did it he said already all done with generator/engine. Others my mates try find some reason short circuit in electric meter,they found main reason short circuit it was same as us it water,they turn on electrics and pulled out the wires.We did done our work about repair it's not our job and we run to car and drive to back our base for waiting next call. ~[Screenshots]~:https://imgur.com/a/dTEIUYc
  3. I just want to crying ((( when first time saw it
  4. he was my a good friend and we was talking about something he like say some jokes, was so much good a moments together... Rest in peace, my friend!
  5. ~[Role Play]~ ~[Back story]~: it was a nice day when we waiting for next call,when we already get it we accept it call and starting talk they said that's fuel station on fire and near it station police departament and some park zone and near house for people.We accepted it call and starting collect some instruments for it situation.When we already did it we faster gonna car and sating inside and starting faster go to it station.when we already reach it place i'm put on gas mask and gonna turn off some gas tap when i did it i coming to my mates and saw how my mate lies on the ground,when i coming to him and asked what happend and after it i faster pulled out my mobile and call some medics,after 2 min he reach us and help to my mates.And when he helped my mates we continue put out the fire and when we did it we comming is going to go base and waiting for next call. ~[Screenshots]~ https://imgur.com/a/DfORObY
  6. Type:chicken shooter LWS/G6: @Legend Prize:1mil Winner: @Hash Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PRpRsID
  7. ~[Role Play]~ **~[Back story]~**It was normal day when we waiting for any call.When one human called us and said water tower on fire please hurry! After his words we started fast collect all instruments (fire extinguishers) and prepare all cars to going.When we all did we fast sat down in cars and fast starting move.When we arrived to water tower we first saw so much smokes and so much dry grass which can light up.We faster get out from cars and take the fire extinguishers wich waiting in our cars.And we started watered all sides of fire,in same time others mates of team they watered fire from water gun above car.When we put out all fire we gonna to our base and continue waiting for next call. **~[Screenshots:]~**https://imgur.com/a/85uIi0u
  8. ~[Role Play]~(red,red,orange,yellow,red,red) ~[Participants]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,red) ~[Back story]~:It was the normal day and it was first call for days and we accepted the call and we hear our house in fire please come faster after it words he said him his address.We accept it call and starting faster collect all things and fill water all cars. it did not take even 5 min. After it we faster starting escape to cars.We turn on siren and starting move to burning house,when driving we try talk with peoples that'd they open road because we very hurry.When we arrived to place burning house there was a lot smoke. Smoke emanated from closed door and windows.We fast park car near house and put barriers arround house that'd no one coming inside because it was a big dangers for all.Before coming inside house We must put on gas mask when we did it,we gonna take water hose of firefighter car and to turn water tap in car and same turn on water for hoses.I am and my mate take hose and fire extinguisher namely i get hoses he get fire extinguisher.When we already put on gas mask did and get some instruments for ready coming inside we approached to door and tryed open but a pen of door was has very hot,not long thinking we break the door,after breaking door we coming inside after the entrance inside can't discern nothings because there was a large amount of smoke,we started watered all on ours way.When we move more to inside we see so much electik techniques from which smoke came out,my mate faster coming turn off it from power socket and i started watered all smokes and in some time smoke ceases after it we coming to 2th floor and there was not less smoke than 1th floor but we Despite everything continue move inside there was gas stove my mate fast coming to turn off gas after it he showed some signs that's he did it and i started watered fire in same time he comign open the windows that's was at 2th floor after when he did it he starting extinguish other fire with fire extinguisher.When we do it our chief coming to help us because we so much time inside,he coming to 2th floor with fire extinguisher and when he look how we trying put out fire he fast coming help and helped put out last fire.When we did it we coming out side house and see how our other mates in car watered house with firefighter cars.When all fire has been extinguished we starting collect all instruments back.We put off our gas mask in car and starting roll up our hoses when we did it we continue pack our barriers in car,when we did it we get in car and coming back to base. ~[Screenshots]~: https://imgur.com/a/Khbdom6
  9. Type:fish arrest LWS/G6: @Legend Prize:1mil Winner: @Zodiac Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/o16jh26
  10. Section 1 - Basic Information Full Name:James Smith Date of Birth: 07/05/1989 Home Address:San Fierro Number Home 58 Phone Number:148-952-1249 Gender:male Student ID: (will be added by the instructors) Student Signature:James Contact Information (Email Address):jamesmith0307@gmail.com Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department dosen't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people?yes Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month?yes Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department?yes Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course?yes Section 3 - Non-RP Information Will you have enough time to learn at the evening (at the course)?i think yes What is your current nick name?Glayd What is your server login nickname?Pasha656 Do you have any old nick names ingame, if so, write them:nope Are you a member of a gang or squad?yes if yes, how long are you a member of your current gang / squad and what is your rank?i am safp member and my rank is private (1 lvl) Are you a member of any group(s)?yes if yes, what are they and how long you are a member there:SAM(about 8 month) rTECH(about 7-8 month) Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why you received them:nope Section 4 - Detailed Profile Do you think that you have any strengths? if so, what are they?i think yes,i can find any an approach to all members i am friendly boy also i have nice skills with jumping with para/driving/flying Do you think that you have any weaknesses? if so, what are they?weaknesses i think it's my english because i am studying him now Why do you want to join the San Andreas Fire Academy?i wanna trying my forces in others sides and try be firefighter Why do you want to join the academy?because i like firefighter rp and want try be firefighter What specialisation would you like to learn within the academy?i am want to learn more about firefighters and team works with firefighters Section 5 - Medical Part During the past 12 months, have you at any time experienced pain, discomfort or pressure in your chest? (YES/NO)NO During the past 12 months, have you experienced difficulty breathing or shortness of breath? (YES/NO)NO Are you now, or have you ever been, under a doctor's care for a heat or lung related condition? (YES/NO)NO Have you ever been diagnosed with, or treated for, high blood pressure? (YES/NO)NO Do you have asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or elevated cholesterol? (YES/NO)NO Applicant's signature:James Date:11/09/2018
  11. one of my favorite friend happy birthday mate @Bozi
  12. Type:Parkour LWS/G6: @Legend Prize:2mil Winner: @Raiden Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/srb4jZr
  13. happy birthday @Marko mate :)
  14. @barry-allen said in Barry's Application: ^[] Patrol #4 Participants: @Glayd Patrol duration: 30 minutes Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  15. @legend said in Legend's Application: Patrol #4 Participants: Legend, @Glayd Amount of healed individuals: 47 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/gallery/4pp42KE
  16. @dopen said in Dopeen's Application: #3 ~[SAM]~(lime) members: Glayd But he spawned as Criminal And Help Me ~[Medic(s):]~(lime) Dopeen# ~[Participant:]~(lime) @Glayd & @K2rhym Backstory : I was in my office doing some research , Untill i recieved a call on the radio,a citizen at the beach spotted someone drowing so . he managed to drag him to sand,and he needed a urgent medical treatment. I went to my ambulance and responded as fast as i could. When i arrived at the site,the victim was unconscious on the see shore and not breathing .So i prepared myself and tried to rescue him . I managed to recover his conscience and carried him into the ambulance,driving him to the nearest hospital to get him some better procedures . I took his sweater off in order to give him a breast massage,and put him on the scanner to check if he is having some internel symtomps.After that,i carried him to the bed and gave him some serum to rest. After a lot of waiting ,he woke up and directly asked where we was so I explained to him and advised him to have some rest , he could not believe he escaped death barely if it wasnt for me and the citizen who reported the accident . ~[S]~(lime)creenshots : ::: :::
  17. @legend said in Legend's Application: SAM members: @Glayd , @JoseFrags Medic(s): Legend Participant: @Glayd , @JoseFrags , @KARIM Backstory: Today I came to my work (LS Hospital) and was waiting for sir Glayd, we had to patrol with him. It was a morning so he was on the way to the hospital. I was having a drink when paramedic JoseFrags came and told me that a person fell from a highest, I got to arrive to LS-LV highway to meet him there. When I was about to go sir glayd came and offered to help me with it as we had to work together, He got an ambulance and we started the moving. It took about 15 mins to find the victim and when we came he couldn't move..(he might has fallen from a bridge near the highway ). So by the instruction we took the guy to the hospital, checked if he's alright and if not what was the problem, then made sure that he's okay, I think he couldnt move because got shocked of the situation. Anyway as this guy was aight we let him go in 30 mins when made sure that he feels better. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/gallery/CzbVtpL
  18. @dopen said in Dopeen's Application: ~[SAM]~(lime) members: Glayd But he spawned as Criminal And Help Me ~[Medic(s):]~(lime) Dopeen# ~[Participant:]~(lime) @Glayd Backstory: I was in my office as usually , i recieved a call on my radio , there is a vehicle crash in Los Santos-Las Vanteras Highway. So i immediately went to the ambulance , turned on the engine and went to the accident's location. I Arrived to the scene , the victim was under the car , I instantly got him out of the vehicle but unfortunately the vitcim was unconscious , in fact it is an advantage because there will be no sudden mouvments which may cause more damage to the victim , i cannot talk to the victim since his unconscious and i should notice the signs on the body myself. After carefull observation , i discovered that the victim got a broken bone and i was obliged to secure part of body with broken bone within 5 minutes. When i secured the bone , i moved him into the ambulance and went to the nearest hospital so doctors can precisely fix the bone position and place the plaster which he will ware at least 4 weeks it may also take longer depends on the level of injury , whatever we arrived to the hospital and i transported him inside the hospital. i gave the doctor the precise informations and details then i went off. ~[S]~(lime)creenshots : ::: :::
  19. @andre said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive: ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 77 ~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,black) The bloody Jailbreak ~[Participents :]~(red,black) @Dazz @MrDeathBoy @Dian @Rocker @Bidrift @Glayd @lord @Gravity @andre @Sabin9928 ~[Story :]~(red,black) As everyday I was having a beer in the BBMC club, suddenly my friend from Organziation Zero, came in and sat next to me, he told me that one of his gang member got arrested and he should escape before telling the cops anything about them, I asked him how should I help him exactly and he told me that he wants me to help him to give his teammate a jailbreak. We took our guns and everything we need and drove to their base to get a chopper, in like 20min later we were in the TST Department, We killed the guards, and then we enter and we point the gun on the cop in the reception desk, we told him to open all the gates, we killed every cop, but when we was trying to open the cells, a cop shot my friend, and he got killed, the other Z member start running with me and we escaped from the department. ~[Screenshots :]~(red,black) https://imgur.com/a/LndHdKg
  20. good luck mate!
  21. Patrol #5 Personal Patrol #1 Participants:[SAM]Glayd,Howard,Bidrift Amount of healed individuals:30+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Q08x2HM
  22. good luck guys!
  23. @winston said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive: ROLE PLAY Date:23.07.2018 Main characters:Winston .Parlament , Glayd , (Police) D0peeN , Noisyboy(Criminals), Firas (Medic) Story:Was a nice day for ICE . i was called , about a Bank Roberry in Red Country . i get my friend and 1 member and get weapons , and armored car and drive fast to Red Country , here was two criminals with two guns in hands , they hurt a cop . After 10 min they no longer had ammunition and was arested be ICE and nice work SAFP ( Glayd ) . We put criminals in jail and Called emergeny medic ,and saved the cop's life. ICE AND SAFP nice WORK . Screenshots:https://imgur.com/gallery/KFwdPo5
  24. @wizax said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: participants: Wizax, Seth, infared and Glayd Sotry: iIn the morning, I went to SA. I saw a man enter the room, told him that the time of the visit ended two hours ago, took out his gun and targeted me, I pressed my radio to ask for backup but he shot my hand and told me to show him Where is his friend " infared ", after I did what he asked me to shoot me again on my chest and ran outside, I called the medical unit to respond to my position, a few minutes later they gave me some initial aid and then brought me to the hospital , There they removed ammunition from my body, left the offender SA. Federal Police Cells But we still have a file that contains many information about him and we will catch him as soon as possible ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/DazF1cb
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