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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Faysal Username: Sakami852 Age: 17 Nationality: I'm from Tunisia. Languages you can speak: I can speak 3 languages which are English, Arabic and not very well French. Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : I've been playing SAES for a good time and it's 1 year and 10 months exactly. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Yeah I've in a couple squads and one gang which are: Squads: SAPA / SAFP Gangs: Underground Empire If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : SAPA: The reason is obvious, I left SAPA once I thought I've learned a lot about cop side and especially RolePlaying. But the bad thing is I left before having the PC test done. Well, it's a bit of a long story but we can skip that. SAFP: My brother's old squad. It was the only thing I was able to join at that time because he helped and encouraged me to play and do a lot of things. So, I joined SAFP for a couple of weeks until I decided to become a criminal. Underground Empire: That's gonna be fun to write and I'm not gonna ask you guys for details Ingame. I got in UE after trying some other gangs to join such as BS then UE. It was a great journey with them I really enjoyed my time there and it was very awesome until things changed and to be more honest the way they treat me has changed to a bad way which I couldn't handle and the last thing happend was enough to make me leave this gang and become someone else. I'm not gonna blame them like anyone would when he leaves. They were awesome, they are still awesome but I had to make a good step. And I wish I can still be their boy. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No. What groups are you currently part of? : I'm a part of exactly 4 groups which are: Al-Munazama / All Load Trucking / Cunning Stunts / Black Eagle Security. Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I won't consider myself really special and I'm not gonna say I'm perfect but I'm capable of doing many good things such as being active, showing an impressive loyalty, act quick less talk and less problems. and I'll be your guy when you need me for sure. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets is a very special organization known in Liberty City, the main role is killing. To be more specific, Killing to grow up busniess and make money with all kinds of weapons used by professional hitmans who are ex military soldiers well trained guys to act quickly and in a lot of tough times. Doing assassination work for a lot of years made them finally as the biggest and most successful assassinations organiaztion in San Andreas. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Black~Bullets is one of the best organizations in SAES along with a lot of professional players and respectful guys. I'm applying for this organization to have a better journey with only experienced players who will respect me and consider my opinions as an option. And to be more specific, that's the first gang I ever applied to and I applied more than once but now I think I'm ready after all this time to become a camel and join you guys. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yeah I know a lot of B~B members and I have friends there. and the guy who recommended me to apply for you camels is my boy Harb. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thank you for reading! I just want to add two pictures here for my old applications back in old forums. Hope that can help a little! :::: :::: Edit: While rereading the topic I found out I shouldn't use colors so my bad.
  2. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/ElaJDv6 After: https://imgur.com/kEMr0e3 Thanks to: @Hotfire for helping
  3. Event Type: Last Man Standing Price: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6: @Hotfire. Winner: @M9co. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F9cA7tm
  4. @Beckham said in Al Munazama - Official Media Center: ^[- AL-MUNAZAMA ROLE-PLAY -=-] ** RP#Number:** ~[#76]~(#873138) [Stealing fuel] ** Organizations:** All Load Trucking & Al-Munazama ** Participants:** @DBMoodyBlues @Faysal ^[** Story:**] While I was on my way home, I received a call from my colleague in the group "The Turbulent" and asked me to meet at the base to start a new assignment, When I got there, I found him waiting for me ... We started talking and he told me that our group needed fuel Before traveling to Los Santos he told me we would go to the ALT base to make a deal with them. While we were on our way to the ALT base, he told me to equip the weapons because we would steal the fuel because we do not have the money to pay. And when we got there we climbed the wall so we could get into the base, while we sneak in and look for the fuel place we found a man who was smoking, We had no solution but to attack the man with weapons until he told us where the fuel was. We started talking to him and he was very scared. Then he took us to a warehouse where the fuel was abundant ... and while he was talking to my friend, the pump took my pistol and shot him, To the truck. As he was talking to my friend the pump, I took my gun and shot him, and then we started to transfer the money to the truck ... Then we rushed to our well-known base in the streets of Whetstone ^[ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vSg4aoU]
  5. Special Thanks To: @DBMoodyBlues. Story: While I was in ALT base doing nothing, I recived a call from somone. It was a guy from Al-Munazama as expected. he told me to go to his location and I just did that. When I arrived, I saw him waiting for me. So, I parked my car and then we started talking wondering about the issue. But, there was no issue he just wanted to get some mechanic equipments so he won't bother me for help when it's needed. I thought about it and actually it was a good idea. So we rode in my car and we went back to ALT base to grab some old equipments such as wrench, pliers, hammer, nails, screws, in a toolbox. So I did that, I tried to choose the ones that I don't usually use but there was few. I called a friend of mine who is Cunning Stunts member to allow me go to the garage and find some more old equipments. And he allowed me to do that. I went to his garage and I grabbed a lot of old equipments which are still useful and usable then I did put them in the toolbox. After that, I was pretty much done. So we went back to Al-Munazama base and I gave him the toolbox where it was in the car's trunck. Then he did thank me for helping, we shook hands and everything was good! Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/74vHwx2
  6. Yeah it's late but Gz guys ! @SoulFly we don't want BBMC v2 u know that.. Don't let us down !
  7. Event Type: Last Man Standing Price: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6: @Brooks. Winner: @Hassoni. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PuTB5Vd
  8. Why would u DM the carstealer when u are going to blow up your own car anyways to dm him? do u consider this as a ''revenge''? he didn't hurt you so why would you? As DROT said I'm maybe against this because the report shit will be just so messed up.
  9. Big -1 from me. First of all do not think about comparing SRs to BRs. SRs happens every like 15 mins or 20 mins I don't know exactly. But BRs when they are done there's a long time to restart it and a lot of other shit. Also the BR is already hard since there are not a lot of good crackers which makes them not able to even finish the BR in time. Besides cops have kill arrest like what do u want more than ''kill arrest'' which is not in SRs. Making the BRs hard will just cause the gangs never able to accomplish 8/8. Maybe those who will do it can have a big reward if BRs are going to be ''More difficult'' than it is.
  10. The design is so.. omg so good! Good luck man I hope people won't let you down!
  11. Special Thanks To: @Warrior213 and @Gopnik. Story: While I was in ALT base doing nothing, I recieved a call from ''Al-Munazama'' the guys that I met before. their car stopped working of all the suddens and luckily it was near ALT base. So, I took my tow-truck and reported to their location. When I arrived, I saw the two guys infront of the car waiting for me and the hood was open. I parked my car and head to see the issue. We had a little conversation about exactly what happend. I found out that the engine should be changed to a new one. I tried to make the wires and cables mix again but restard the engine but that didn't work. So, I used my tow-truck to deliever the car to ALT garage and there I can work properly. When we arrived at the base, I slowely parked the car very well so I can start working. I opened the hood and cut the engine out to replace it with a new one. I tried to look for the new models for a strong and fast engine that can fit in the car. I used Nissan Qashqai which is one of the best well known engines in UK created in 2006 but it's still strong and good to use in a an Admiral. I installed the engine and changed some cables to make the car work. Then I made some changes in the wheels and inside the car. Then I tried to restard and it worked pretty fine. I parked the car near the two guys and they rode in and tried it. They were happy about it, I was suprised because he eventually gave me some cash for my work ! I was satisfied about it and happy to serve them. Then they continued on their way.
  12. Special Thanks To: @Warrior213 and @Gopnik. Story: While I was working trying to fix my car because it stopped working of the all suddens. I heared someone driving by my side, stopped suddenly and directly took his gun and aimed yelling at me to put my hands up. I was choked and scared so I couldn't do anything about it. Then a guy came out as well and started talking to me. He didn't want to harm me, they just wanted my help to fix their cars in the base. I knew they were from the group ''Al-Munazama'' Like I heared this name before because everyone were talking about it in the city. I had nothing to do just to follow them and do whatever they say. So we rode on his car and the other guy took my car and followed us. We went to Al-Munazama's base, where I found a lot of cars and they told me to fix them and try to upgrade and make them better. So I had nothing else to do expect obeying them. I took my equipments from the car and started working, the cars were not really damaged expect of some problems in the engine because the cars were really old. I tried to do anything I was capable of like trying to know the type of the engine and many other things to make the car faster and also change the cars's wheels. I couldn't do much since I'm not in the garage where all the best equipments can be found But I had a little chat with the two guys to tell them about things that they should get to make the cars better and I may help them to install it. I was thankful because they didn't kill me but eventually they told me that killing civilians is not what they are aiming for but they had to force me because they have no money to pay. So, I told them that I would be okay to help them anytime needed without taking money unless the Government can't find out or I will be destroyed. Then we shaked hands and I went on my way.
  13. @Xavier said in Did you know?: Thank you @Faysal , Very Cool! Yeah don't mention bro we should make this a thing
  14. Did you know? That there's a hidden message as an ''Attention'' written in all SAES ATMs The message is: ''Whoever reads this is a raging fag'' A screenshot about this shit: Like and Subscribe to spread knowledge in SAES
  15. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/QA7otlj After: https://imgur.com/a/LboNfqE Special Thanks to: @lil_borivoje And @Hotfire for helping
  16. Event Type: Kart Race. Price: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6: @Hotfire. Winner: @MatizZ. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/k30hZ8I
  17. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/nMvpQj9 After: https://imgur.com/cDhm4Dj Thanks to: @Kristofer for helping
  18. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/nMvpQj9 After: https://imgur.com/pmCAp3O Thanks to: @Henry for helping a bit
  19. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/uRBA8pk After: https://imgur.com/7SGfohZ Special Thanks to: @RadiO and Carol for helping
  20. @Zei said in Local Voice Chat: @Faysal said in Local Voice Chat: Already did suggest this. But they don't seem to care or give a fuck about it. even tho it's a really nice idea to make RPs way easier for slow niggas who can't type without looking at the keyboard twice Link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5390/suggestion-voice-chat-ingame Man you wrote an essay and you say why people do not care ? XD also you did not even put a poll When I said ''they don't seem to care'' I mean they didn't like the idea or care about it. You can check that there was a lot giving their opinions :)
  21. Already did suggest this. But they don't seem to care or give a fuck about it. even tho it's a really nice idea to make RPs way easier for slow niggas who can't type without looking at the keyboard twice Link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5390/suggestion-voice-chat-ingame
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