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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. ^[] Total members online : ~[7]~(maroon) ::: :::
  2. Old Beautiful DDT !! <3
  4. It's a good idea becaus asking for LWS and G6 nowadays is like pain in the ass.. At least do the spawn with rules that people have to follow like ZIP trainee.
  5. Remove that shit
  6. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Castiel Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Chicken Nades Location: LV Winner(S): @Mcghee ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/epjKWuD
  7. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Castiel Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Last Man Standing Location: LV Winner(S): @Skerdi ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/jgfwveq
  8. * Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Reggi and a help from Wizax Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Rhino shooter Location: Front Carson Winner(S): @botis ScreenShots:** ::: :::
  9. Total Members online: ~[8]~(maroon) ::: ^[] :::
  10. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Reggi Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Nade LMS Location: LV Winner(S): @Resistant ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/uLl8Pbb
  11. ^[] Total members online : ~[8]~(maroon) ::: :::
  12. ^[] Before: ::: After: :::
  13. Ingame name: Faysal. Ingame username: Sakami852. Previous organizations and leaving causes: ~[SA. Police Academy]~(cyan) Reason: I left to join SAFP once i learned everything i needed about SAES and about Cops side. ~[SA. Federal Police]~(blue,navy,navy,navy,navy,navy) Reason: got bored of cop side and now it's time to try criminal side. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire's role is basically to deal with everything in an illegal [Weapon Trafficking/ Drugs Trafficking / Money Laundering / Corrupting Politicians & Cops Contract Killing ] way which they present themselves as a good busniess mans in front of the community but in reality it's just a cover to make money on illegal ways. What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is one of the legendary and oldest gangs in SAES and it has an experienced and skilled player also my friends recomanded me with it and i have some friends in UE and i would like to join them in this epic gang i will offer Underground Empire My respect, my trust, my skills, my courage and my honesty. And, i try to help anyone from my gangmates that needs help and i will help on spaming Underground Empire media archive with RolePlays and Events and i hope if you give me a chance to prove myself. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity.
  14. Nickname : Faysal Ingame username : sakami852 Nationality & Age : I'm from Tunisia and I'm 17 years old. Previous Punishments : N/A Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them :+ ~[SA. Police Academy]~(cyan) Reason: I left to join SAFP once i learned everything i needed about SAES and about Cops side. ~[SA. Federal Police]~(blue,navy,navy,navy,navy,navy) Reason: got bored of cop side and now it's time to try criminal side. Explain us our role in your own words : sells weapons around LV Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I want to join BS becaus i think it's a really good gang .. The members are awesome and friendly and i promise that i will give my royalty and spend my time there trying to do good things to improve myself.
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