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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. https://youtu.be/SFpcDJWlxjE @Mohd
  2. ~[=[TT] - Tuga Thugs=- :]~(red) Join TT and become CLO ~[=[AA] - Arms Assasins=- :]~(#cc0066) Nice gang ! ~[=[B~B] - Black Bullets=- :]~(#ff8c00) Ma second best gang :'o ~[=[Z] - Organization Zero=-:]~(#99cc66) I like the members and specially the base. ~[=[UE] - Underground Empire=- :]~(#800000) Sux af I think they should delete it ~[=[BS] - Black Syndicate=- :]~(#493d26) Not much to say but it's not the worse. ~[=[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- :]~(#80002b) beautiful gang ~[=[O] - The Outfit=-:]~(#696969) I don't like the members tbh. But still, it's a nice gang. ~[=CripZ=-:]~(#00554f) CripZ FTW! ~[=[WA]- Wild Angel=-:]~(#800080) I like the members :D ~[=[THC] - The Company=-:]~(#ababab) The best enemy :'D Squads - level 1-5 ~[=[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- :]~(#000080) More like FIB. ~[=[SWAT] - Special Weapons And Tactics=- :]~(#0000ff) You mean TWAT ? They are good people :'D ~[=[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- :]~(#0000cd) @Wizax for Honorary ~[=[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- :]~(#2f4f4f) I don't know a lot about FOX and their members but I guess they are good and I like them. ~[=[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- :]~(#97a3d2) Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer. ~[=[TST] - The Strike Team=-:]~(#17058e) Who's that again ? ~[=[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-:]~(#0066ff,#00a1f7) Ice Ice Baby. ~[=[STF] - Special Task Force=-:]~(#2C415A) Well, since it's a new squad I don't know anything about it. Good luck ! Companies - level 1-5. [RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas; It's so cool ! [Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell: But, I'm not hungry :'( Best 3 Gang: ~[1-Underground Empire]~(#800000). ~[2-Black Bullets]~(#ff8c00). ~[3-CripZ]~(#00554f). Best 3 Squads: ~[1-National Narcotics Bureau]~(#97a3d2). ~[2-Federal Bureau of Investigation]~(#000080). ~[3-Special Weapons And Tactics]~(#0000ff).
  3. @Skerdi said in (Suggestion) Voice Chat Ingame.: Would you like to have ppl around that scream and shout our stupid things for no reason? Lets take an example that a 8 year old logs in and starts to scream and insult everyone? This will be a mess That's why I said it may be not the perfect idea but if you take a look on other RP server who have that voice chat system you will notice that they use it in a good way.
  4. @Ted said in (Suggestion) Voice Chat Ingame.: Discord Using discord is a way to communicate with your friend.. Saying ''Discord'' means everytime you RP with someone you have to ask him to join Discord? Looks like you didn't get the idea well.
  5. I'll be working on the topic and makes it look more clear so people can understand it well
  6. Well, It's my first suggestion and I hope that my English is clear enough so you guys can understand me and then answer. As you all know SAES:RPG is a server based on Role-Playing which is act like it's in real life. So, I've been watching lately a lot of RP videos specially GTA 5 ones because the graphic is so awesome and the way the RP works makes the game real enough. I've noticed a lot of things that they have and we don't have like: Food / Water / Level.. And the main thing is the voice chat. They communicate with voice chat. I really recommend you guys to check some of those videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oopwcGU8AQ&list=PLkIGJ7Ljv6Yxz6vzkWUScl8pG_7nnm8mm) or (https://www.youtube.com/user/EliteStudioEdits/videos). So, I thought that voice chat is only available for GTA 5. But yesterday, while I was watching youtube I saw that video (It's a part of a series): (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewMrWa8HG7Q&t=652s) As you can see there is a voice chat in this MTA server! And at that time the idea came to my mind to make this topic and ask the HQ team and admins why not like to do this if it's possible? Why should we have a voice chat in SAES ? 1- The voice chat will make people enjoy doing RolePlays. Some are lazy enough to type. 2- The RolePlays will become more easier so people can do it fast. Some hates to RP because //Example: they may get arrested while they are typing (If it's an RP between a wanted crim and a cop). 3- People will know each other better and enjoy the game more, because they can like troll others using the voice chat and laugh about it. 4- Not only the voice chat will make the game more realistic and people more active. It will make the server it self more famous because the players can record and enjoy their time then post it on youtube like a lot of people does (VIEWS !!) Because watching a guy who only type is boring. 5- Basically it's the best thing to have in SAES. Why Shouldn't we have Voice chat in SAES? 1-Well, to be honest in my opinion I think like when there's an event and a lot of people join it and talk at the same time it will be a mess (Can't hear each other / get bugged maybe..) 2-People will take it too far and it will cause some personal problems (Racism) I personally think that those 2 reasons are really nothing comparing them to the good reasons and having a Voice Chat Ingame will be so cool. What About You? What Do You Think About Voice Chat? Thanks for reading :D
  7. TAMSOUH GAVE ME THIS: (totally not a video from youtube that slayer posted). HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  8. @WenDo said in Show us your setup: @Faysal ez best setup bro xD ikr xD ( :'( )
  9. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Yoko_Kurama. Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Last Man Standing. Location: Jiff Winner(S): @Arone. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/zav9RW0
  10. * ~[H]~(maroon,maroon)oster: Underground Empire ~[ZIP/LWS]~(maroon,maroon): @Sam and a help from zKill98. ~[P]~(maroon,maroon)rize: 1,000,000$ ~[T]~(maroon,maroon)ype: Chicken shooter ~[W]~(maroon,maroon)inner(S): @Armarni. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  11. I mean.. It's SAES right? https://youtu.be/Ms9EI5jdWO8
  12. ^[] ~[B]~(maroon,maroon)efore: ::: ~[A]~(maroon,maroon)fter: :::
  13. ^[] ~[B]~(maroon,maroon)efore: ::: ~[A]~(maroon,maroon)fter: :::
  14. -Section 1- In-game Nick: UE|Faysal Nationality: Tunisian Age: 17 English proficiency: My English is professional but I can write understandable sentences, I would say it's 8.5/10 Other Languages: Arabic / French -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I saw a lot of people willing to join OB and it's about jailbreak the the most fun thing I want to do when i'm bored. I will offer Out Break My respect, my trust, my skills and be loyal as much as I can because Joining OB will make me improve my skills and become a good jailbreaker. Current membership(s): Gang:- ~[Underground Empire]~(#500000,#6b0202). Group:- ~[Cunning Stunts]~(#91db23,#91f291). -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Yo, My name is Faysal .. same name ingame, I'm 17 years old and i'm born at 15 Juin 2001. I was playing SAES since a year ago, too many things happend, I tried to join a lot of gangs and none of them worked or tried me. I went inactive for a really long while and came back .. I applied for Underground Empire and luckily they accepted me and that was the best thing happend to me. And here i am now trying to join you guys and show my skills and loyalty because i really love jailbreaking.
  15. Add it so everyone can wear it for free .. when christmas is over just delete it .. Simple as that
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