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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Petrow Prize: 1.100.000$ Type: 1v1 Deagle. Winner(S): @Rizoro. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/pBfvzPg
  2. Event Type: Last Man Standing Price: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6: @Petrow. Winner: @Avanger. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/y3czWn3
  3. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/CbzYsX8 After: https://imgur.com/e7fZNTt
  4. Nice and simple suggestion. Big +1 like why not make this happen?
  5. @Faysal said in Al Munazama | Media Center: RP#35: Just a Mechanic It was another day in Al Munazama, Rayies Mosaam and his Nayeb Abdullah was in the warhouse planning to do something special and smart. So, when they were done, they rode the Sanchez and went to ALT base. When they arrived, they tried to sneak into the base and search for a mechanic. Luckily, they found a mechanic in the garage fixing a car. So, They jumped over the gate and slowly moved behind him. Then, they started shooting everywhere trying to scare him. The mechanic guy was so terrified but Mosaam tried to convince him and make him follow his orders. the plan was simple, Mosaam and Abdullah will find a police car and they will try to destroy it, the police guy will hear it so he will get out immediately. At the same time Rayies and his Nayeb will escape him and the mechanic with his tow truck will be surpassing by them. The officer will see him so he will call him to fix the car. Then, the mechanic will use his tow truck to take the police's car and move to the garage. Meanwhile, Mosaam and Abdullah will be hiding behind the garage waiting for them to cut the officer's head off. The mechanic had nothing to say because he was forced to do that so he won't be killed too. He rode in his tow-truck and followed Mosaam. They went to the nearest Police department, they found a police car parked infront of the interior. So, as the plan they started shooting trying to destroy it. Until the police officer came and they escaped him. The mechanic saw them running so he did what Mosaam told him. The officer stopped him to fix his car, then, they went to the garage. Like that, everything is going according to plan. When the mechanic arrived with the officer, they went in and parked the car inside the garage. It was the perfect position so Abdullah can make his move and kill the cop. The mechanic was trying to take the police's attention while Abdullah slowly went behind the officer and aimed his gun at him. Then, with one bullet the officer was dead. After that, Abdullah saw the mechanic crying for what he have done, So our Nayeb decided to tell him our story and why are we doing this. Our mission was completed. Another Success for Al Munazama.
  6. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/bjM38QG After: https://imgur.com/2AXHhwf
  7. you should apply for Staff not SAHA bro !!!
  8. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/8csY6kB After: https://imgur.com/Ti9NgIr
  9. @Wizax said in BES :: Public Media Archive: ==Black Eagle Security Role-Play== RP# 29 Participants: @wizax @Faysal @Hash @PaBLo @Jerome-Valeska @FireSnow Story: One of richest man in Las Santos decided to move some of his money from Red country bank to Las Santos, so he called All Load Trucking Trucker to deliver it, but the route was not safe, so he was also in need of security and that's why he called me, and he told me to meet him in Red Country with some bodyguards, i phoned some agents to come to Black Eagle Security base to meet me there, then after they came i headed to Red country bank with them, Once we reached our destination we found them still loading money in the trunk, after 30 mins they finished loading and we started moving toward Las Santos Bank, i gave the permission to my members to shoot anything may threat the trunk and told them to use Box form ( VIP In the Middle, one car behind and one infront ), we took a road that no one uses and it was calm, there was no movements, after we reached Las Santos bank, we got paid and after they finished unloading money and putting it in the bank we left them More ScreenShots here > https://imgur.com/a/yEIfhNM
  10. This will make me play the game forever
  11. ~[Part 1 - Player Info]~(#873138) Ingame nick: Faysal Real Name: Faysal Account name: Sakami852 Nationality: I'm from Tunisia. Rate your English Skills (0/10): I would rate it 8.5/10. Current Organization: ~[Underground Empire]~(#500000) Current Group List: ~[Cunning Stunts]~(#f8a675) / ~[Black Eagle Security]~(#2e2e2e) ~[Player 2 - Role-Play Info]~(#873138) Rate your RP skills (0/10): Well, I've been doing so many RPs lately and I have a really good experience since I was SAPA back when I first joined the server. I would say 9/10. Talk about your RP experience: As I said above, I was SAPA and everyone knows that it's a group where you can learn how real RPs works and improve yourself. And now after a long time experiencing and doing many RPs I think my RPs are acceptable and sometimes can be remarkable. But, I'm still improving myself till the end. Write a short RP story related to rebels: Any children's dream is to become a doctor, teacher, engineer and many other jobs. But in a random galaxy, in a random planet, in a random continent, in a random city, in a random neighborhood, In a random house. There lived a young boy called ''Sadaam Kruger'' who suffered a lot ever since he was a kid. He was forced to kill his parents by his hands. He had to watch his brother and his 2 sisters getting killed infront of him. He had to watch all his friends,neighbors sceraming, running, dying infront of his little eyes. His only sin was because he lived in a place where Amaricans took over the country. But Sadaam's story didn't end here, he survived somehow the attack, the danger that happend. And he became not interested in anything, he just wants revenge for his mother,dad, brother and everyone who took a part in his little heart. That's why he joined a group of rebels their goal is the return of peace and the guarantee of freedom even if they had to bloodshed. Add a photo of a rebel please: ::: :::
  12. @Wizax Who showed me the game hahaha
  13. Happy Birthday Boss !
  14. It's really sad to see that. Well, RIP BS :')
  15. H.B.D ma nigga
  16. Total members online : ~[10]~(maroon) ::: :::
  17. ::: We got our places on LV! :::
  18. GZ you are 11 now right ? Happy Birthday :D
  19. ^[] ::: We took over San Anderas again! :::
  20. https://youtu.be/SFpcDJWlxjE @Mohd
  21. ~[=[TT] - Tuga Thugs=- :]~(red) Join TT and become CLO ~[=[AA] - Arms Assasins=- :]~(#cc0066) Nice gang ! ~[=[B~B] - Black Bullets=- :]~(#ff8c00) Ma second best gang :'o ~[=[Z] - Organization Zero=-:]~(#99cc66) I like the members and specially the base. ~[=[UE] - Underground Empire=- :]~(#800000) Sux af I think they should delete it ~[=[BS] - Black Syndicate=- :]~(#493d26) Not much to say but it's not the worse. ~[=[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- :]~(#80002b) beautiful gang ~[=[O] - The Outfit=-:]~(#696969) I don't like the members tbh. But still, it's a nice gang. ~[=CripZ=-:]~(#00554f) CripZ FTW! ~[=[WA]- Wild Angel=-:]~(#800080) I like the members :D ~[=[THC] - The Company=-:]~(#ababab) The best enemy :'D Squads - level 1-5 ~[=[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- :]~(#000080) More like FIB. ~[=[SWAT] - Special Weapons And Tactics=- :]~(#0000ff) You mean TWAT ? They are good people :'D ~[=[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- :]~(#0000cd) @Wizax for Honorary ~[=[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- :]~(#2f4f4f) I don't know a lot about FOX and their members but I guess they are good and I like them. ~[=[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- :]~(#97a3d2) Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer. ~[=[TST] - The Strike Team=-:]~(#17058e) Who's that again ? ~[=[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-:]~(#0066ff,#00a1f7) Ice Ice Baby. ~[=[STF] - Special Task Force=-:]~(#2C415A) Well, since it's a new squad I don't know anything about it. Good luck ! Companies - level 1-5. [RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas; It's so cool ! [Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell: But, I'm not hungry :'( Best 3 Gang: ~[1-Underground Empire]~(#800000). ~[2-Black Bullets]~(#ff8c00). ~[3-CripZ]~(#00554f). Best 3 Squads: ~[1-National Narcotics Bureau]~(#97a3d2). ~[2-Federal Bureau of Investigation]~(#000080). ~[3-Special Weapons And Tactics]~(#0000ff).
  22. @Skerdi said in (Suggestion) Voice Chat Ingame.: Would you like to have ppl around that scream and shout our stupid things for no reason? Lets take an example that a 8 year old logs in and starts to scream and insult everyone? This will be a mess That's why I said it may be not the perfect idea but if you take a look on other RP server who have that voice chat system you will notice that they use it in a good way.
  23. @Ted said in (Suggestion) Voice Chat Ingame.: Discord Using discord is a way to communicate with your friend.. Saying ''Discord'' means everytime you RP with someone you have to ask him to join Discord? Looks like you didn't get the idea well.
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