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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. @SNome said in Set Rules About Religions: mah man this is the internet I know that people have many opinions about many things but how would you act when somebody wears the name of your god and acts like he is one and people laugh about it. As I said in the topic, It didn't bother me when I saw him first but it went too far when people started on laughing and having fun with "Allah".
  2. Well I suggest to do so in private with your friend not infront of everyone and say it's a "Joke" and that I don't have to take it seriously. I don't care whatever the hell you think about god or what's your issues towards islam or any other religion. You have something in your pocket to say, do it in private. You're literally insulting people with that. Imagine if you know that there are some black or white people here and you go there be racism and say oh I'm joking. Nice way to deal with things but unfortunately no pal. Keep your opinions to yourself or if you have something do say about religions. Grow up and say it with nice words based on facts not "jokes" and yeah in private.
  3. @Joshbond said in Set Rules About Religions: I quote 'Or people who believe that the world is ruled by nature and somehow earth was created by no one and all of these incredible things we see are here somehow?' I still respect that and I really don't care.
  4. @Piercee said in Set Rules About Religions: mfw you're hating on my paganism in this post, nice opression Yikes... I apologize but that's how I felt when I saw them making fun of Allah.
  5. @Lightning said in Set Rules About Religions: Well people are laughing about Jews and shit all day long, do you find me doing the same post? no, because I take everything sarcastic. They are hating on jews themselves not your god himself. Big difference since you weren't hating on muslims which I assume that's what you were trying to do as a "revenege" since you're the one who had a good conversation with that guy. Another difference point here that I love my religion so much that I don't want people to make fun of it. So yeah! Some rules can be added and none will be mad ^^
  6. That's not something I'm gonna put a poll or vote for but It's a must. Tonight I've been playing as usual nothing special until I saw that one guy from akrotiri and dhekelia that has only 3 hours ingame with the nickname "Allah" which is our god's name in Islam. First it didn't bother me so much but until him and a swat guy and bunch of assholes started making fun of the religion and asking him questions like he is a real god by saying "I, me.." When I told that guy to change his nickname and stop the shit he's doing. Some Z guy came up saying "Oooh sombody is offended" So, making fun of religions here in the server is allowed? Can I speak about stupid people who doesn't have a god in their life to follow (Atheist) and that they were born accidentally because somehow a man who was born somehow fucked a woman who was born somehow and raised a son like you? Or people who believe that the world is ruled by nature and somehow earth was created by no one and all of these incredible things we see are here somehow? Or maybe I can laugh at people who believe that animals and idols will actually help them in their life. Comon that's ridiculous.. I know that a lot of tunisians in the server say bad words towards Allah but that doesn't mean some don't or you can laugh about it. I'm not speaking like that only for muslims I mean every religion. I respect your religion you respect mine even if you don't have one. Hope you will do something about that and set some rules such as kick/mute/ban people who make fun of religions or dickheads who wear the name "Allah" and go bitch around with it.. Some screenshots I took about how they were making fun of it ::: ::: That's some screenshots I took but it didn't end shortly.. I'm asking dear admins to take some actions about that. Thanks for reading.
  7. Event Type: LMS Price: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6: @Style. Winner: @Colobria. Screenshots: ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  8. Helping O (3) & TT (2) & AA (3) with their BRs in LV(3)/LS/SF/TR/RC/BC ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  9. Destroying cops and attempting store robberies at night with the camels because @turtt said in Black~Bullets | Media Archive: store robbery 6 am because Black~BulletS never sleep ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  10. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/81pzEJo After: https://imgur.com/vLeuTAc
  11. ~[B]~(#ff4500)ank ~[R]~(#ff4500)obbery ~[San Fierro]~(#ff4500) 8/8: ~[B]~(#ff4500)ank ~[R]~(#ff4500)obbery ~[Red Country]~(#ff4500) 8/8: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  12. Attending store robberies with ThCs ::: ::: Helping U & C (2) & O with their BRs in SF/LV/LS/RC 8/8 ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  13. @LightSide said in The Company | Activity Feed: Roleplay #358 - The Plan Participants: @Faysal @Poodlyz Story: I was a big criminal in the city, but my life was in danger by a well-known politician in the SA and he always threatened me, but fortunately my relationship with my friends was good and the most prominent of them is Mr.Faysal and these days I had a plan to get rid of This politician, but one day he repeated this call to me, so I promised him in this call to kill him because he did not believe me and laughed at me.The promised day that I called at Mr.Faysal came to a meeting and when he got to the base I greeted him warmly and we entered the office To agree on how the politician will be killed after the interview endsAfter a while, we went to the politician's hometown, the killing took place, and then I gave him the agreed drugs.
  14. Activity: Trucking around SA with my man @Law Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Oh shit guess I'm a little bit late.. Happy birthday Adi <3
  16. The fun part is these Bloodz guys still have balls to speak after getting caught cheating lmao..
  17. @Tritosh said in [SUGGESTION] DE vs CLO Turf Zone: @Faysal said in [SUGGESTION] DE vs CLO Turf Zone: I'm not in CLO nor DE but I don't think it's gonna be cool.. Fighting around San Andreas flying, driving tanks bitching and killing every guy you see is more fun to watch.. Besides I don't think DE or CLO members need money since you did mention ''Each kill made inside the zone gets you 10k'' / ''everyone would get rewarded for a certain amount of money''. CLO and DE fights are based on having fun isn't it? not earn money or collect it from a war. I don't know it's just how I see it Can you atleast read the suggestion before commenting ? It's not the war DE and CLO usually have, it's an event which will be held in another dimension and DE/CLO won't have the access to any of these special vehicles nor others having access to grenades/flashbangs ooowww my bad right.. Thought that it's a change for the war since it's a ''turf zone'' what else would you describe a turf zone besides being a ''war''.. Well the idea is good I guess
  18. I'm not in CLO nor DE but I don't think it's gonna be cool.. Fighting around San Andreas flying, driving tanks bitching and killing every guy you see is more fun to watch.. Besides I don't think DE or CLO members need money since you did mention ''Each kill made inside the zone gets you 10k'' / ''everyone would get rewarded for a certain amount of money''. CLO and DE fights are based on having fun isn't it? not earn money or collect it from a war. I don't know it's just how I see it
  19. ~[B]~(#ff4500)ank ~[R]~(#ff4500)obbery ~[San Fierro]~(#ff4500) 8/8: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  20. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://imgur.com/7H46d7b After: https://imgur.com/qemj4Gy Special Thanks: Goes to my man @JojoDb for helping me refueling the gas stations.
  21. So this idea was suggested by @Wizax... No wait it's @Raf0 ? No no It's @Shadro. Something requested by @Wizax ===> So the video is a meme now in Tunisia about kids who were waiting for their friend who stole a bus and came driving to them. So you know how excited they were! Yeah shit happens in Tunisia. Okay here's the original video of the idea : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqkgMTmqyqk And here's SAES:RPG version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDtiQPIFlw0 Special Thanks to these following tunisians who made that shit happen: @Shadro / @Wizax / @Raf0 / @Laminee / @Tritosh / @Chrome / @voli / @HasomY / @Sanfara / @Amsterdam. Note: Whoever joined that sick Roleplay and I forgot his name please tell me !
  22. @Wizax you should explain to your fans bro
  23. Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: I would like to apologize for not taking a ss ''before'' because I thought Kowalaski was refueling and I went to help him but he was taking care of the refinery After: https://imgur.com/a/QRwtRzl
  24. Assisting In two Arms Assassins BRs ::: ::: Of course @Bartman And @Velona paid me because I let them use BB base for BR otherwise I would dm both of them I got a video for it ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  25. Just a video where I recorded myself doing a lot of activities that I think I should drop here. ENJOY ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klpcuJ8lQfQ PUT THE VIDEO ON 720p CAUSE THE QUALITY IS SHIT ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
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