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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. @JasonBourne said in A custom Map Skin for newbies: @MarksMan said in A custom Map Skin for newbies: If you don't know the places then go back to San Andreas Missions !!!! That must be the most retarded thing someone could possibly say. There are people who do not enjoy playing singleplayer GTA SA as they find it boring or just didnt like it and they decide to switch to multiplayer instead to see if its any better and ofcourse theyll be unexperienced and wont know the places if they werent playing GTA SA before and due to the amount of the new players daily joining and starting to play on SAES I find this idea as a very good and a useful one. It's actually retarded to play a game that is originally made for singleplayer online and not play the actual story to know what the fuck you are doing in this city.
  2. @Nav17 said in Trolling SAES>Mohd: wtf is this troll u destoyed my balls Yeah I used to be cringy sadly
  3. reporting SAES>Brophy for deleting my posts
  4. @boylan said in @everyone: who cares Imma give you like don't worry kid ! Edit: Adistar stop being rude to people who wants to get few likes
  5. That's a better guide to teach new players instead of adminjail them which they don't know what the hell that prison is for.
  6. Assassin creed 2 also was free but it ended today kek @Siper_ No it doesn't have multiplayer but it's an amazing open free world game.
  7. Yeah everytime I want to rp with someone I should spend 15mins to search for his discord to add him as a friend and then call him.. Voice chat is a thing in every roleplay server possible yet people here think that it can abused.. Like admins can't set some rules for it or report command won't work anymore.
  8. I don't think this will be considered as a thing or someone will spend some time to script this and add it.. because simply the difference between these two actions is couple of seconds which won't matter or effect on anything.
  9. As it's quarantine and I have nothing to do besides searching in old things Basically.. as the title says, what do you hear? Is it Laurel or Yanny Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X_WvGAhMlQ I personally hear it Laurel
  10. Activity: Trucking around SA with @ZiZou777 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. y3tk 3asba a Issou :hype: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:
  12. Camels patrolling making sure that the city is clean from dirty cops while attending store robberies and then a small jailbreak ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  13. @Spetnazz said in Set Rules About Religions: Just use /ignore. I joined the server in late 2009. Back then, it was edgy and you had to be thickskinned sometimes. Now, in 2020, it's the same. You just have to accept that some people will make fun of you, your religion, your country or whatever. They will call you a retard, and some admin will turn all textures into a guy getting a spoon stuck up his butthole. That's just the way it is on SAES. My take on this is; It's probably not going to change - ever. If you want it all to be all flowers and rainbows, SAES isn't the server for you I actually forgot about that bind.. Yikes, yet I still think we can stop that especially when the game has admins there paying attention to everything and everyone knows each other. In every single online game, you can report a person for being racist or saying bad words towards your religion or the way you speak etc.. Actions can be taken then if the they read the report.. If making fun of people's religions is "funny" and it's "okay" then let the show begins and I can make fun as much as I like about people's thoughts.. But no that's ridiculous for many reasons as I SHOULD RESPECT what people think about god and stuff like that. I think there are a lot of things we can joke about, why would anyone choose that topic? None of the less that's how I can end my words I don't have anything else to say besides taking actions if things goes too far. A short "joke" can be acceptable but if more than that, then no. Oh Im allah look at me Im so funny hahahauahauahaya..
  14. I understand that people can give their opinions about religions and stuff if it's going to be small and short and no one will get offended by any sort of way. But I'm speaking about the fact of somebody acting like "Allah" ingame, that's when things get serious. You don't see me being offended all the times creating topic about such a thing but when I saw that. I thought it's the right time to do so. Be aware that I'm speaking when things are Too far.
  15. @Element I may agree with what you said but that's my point, when it's too far. Shouldn't admins take action about it at least?
  16. @SNome said in Set Rules About Religions: mah man this is the internet I know that people have many opinions about many things but how would you act when somebody wears the name of your god and acts like he is one and people laugh about it. As I said in the topic, It didn't bother me when I saw him first but it went too far when people started on laughing and having fun with "Allah".
  17. Well I suggest to do so in private with your friend not infront of everyone and say it's a "Joke" and that I don't have to take it seriously. I don't care whatever the hell you think about god or what's your issues towards islam or any other religion. You have something in your pocket to say, do it in private. You're literally insulting people with that. Imagine if you know that there are some black or white people here and you go there be racism and say oh I'm joking. Nice way to deal with things but unfortunately no pal. Keep your opinions to yourself or if you have something do say about religions. Grow up and say it with nice words based on facts not "jokes" and yeah in private.
  18. @Joshbond said in Set Rules About Religions: I quote 'Or people who believe that the world is ruled by nature and somehow earth was created by no one and all of these incredible things we see are here somehow?' I still respect that and I really don't care.
  19. @Piercee said in Set Rules About Religions: mfw you're hating on my paganism in this post, nice opression Yikes... I apologize but that's how I felt when I saw them making fun of Allah.
  20. @Lightning said in Set Rules About Religions: Well people are laughing about Jews and shit all day long, do you find me doing the same post? no, because I take everything sarcastic. They are hating on jews themselves not your god himself. Big difference since you weren't hating on muslims which I assume that's what you were trying to do as a "revenege" since you're the one who had a good conversation with that guy. Another difference point here that I love my religion so much that I don't want people to make fun of it. So yeah! Some rules can be added and none will be mad ^^
  21. That's not something I'm gonna put a poll or vote for but It's a must. Tonight I've been playing as usual nothing special until I saw that one guy from akrotiri and dhekelia that has only 3 hours ingame with the nickname "Allah" which is our god's name in Islam. First it didn't bother me so much but until him and a swat guy and bunch of assholes started making fun of the religion and asking him questions like he is a real god by saying "I, me.." When I told that guy to change his nickname and stop the shit he's doing. Some Z guy came up saying "Oooh sombody is offended" So, making fun of religions here in the server is allowed? Can I speak about stupid people who doesn't have a god in their life to follow (Atheist) and that they were born accidentally because somehow a man who was born somehow fucked a woman who was born somehow and raised a son like you? Or people who believe that the world is ruled by nature and somehow earth was created by no one and all of these incredible things we see are here somehow? Or maybe I can laugh at people who believe that animals and idols will actually help them in their life. Comon that's ridiculous.. I know that a lot of tunisians in the server say bad words towards Allah but that doesn't mean some don't or you can laugh about it. I'm not speaking like that only for muslims I mean every religion. I respect your religion you respect mine even if you don't have one. Hope you will do something about that and set some rules such as kick/mute/ban people who make fun of religions or dickheads who wear the name "Allah" and go bitch around with it.. Some screenshots I took about how they were making fun of it ::: ::: That's some screenshots I took but it didn't end shortly.. I'm asking dear admins to take some actions about that. Thanks for reading.
  22. Event Type: LMS Price: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6: @Style. Winner: @Colobria. Screenshots: ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
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