Not sure why you tagged me, I have no leverage on this. You did only post the suggestion 3 days ago to be fair, probably need to give it some time - and the reviews are.. mixed.
@ILLUSION said in New CS & SAHA Staff: R.I.P. Mainchat advertisers 2004-2019 if you mute more people than me once you get mute i will be very impressed
Hi guys I thought everyone would like to know, Nishki is back! He is now under the name Rico with the username RicoGabriel and has yet again applied to the outfit! Welcome back Nishki, I missed you.
@Ramos said in Bye bye!: Who the fuck cares if you are leaving or taking break. And a message for everyone else, just say good bye and mind your own fucking bussiness jeez. And btw, i see no point in making this good bye topics, foking attention seekers. This is like the most bipolar comment I have ever seen. "I don't fucking care" "Everyone mind your business" "Also you're an attention seeker" lmao
Notice to all @Donator 's We have updated this topic to reflect our new policy around donation reward changes. We will now accept donation reward change requests once every 30 days, instead of once every 60 days. This is due to the ever changing vehicle mods on the server, we want donators to be able to utilise them ASAP. You still should refrain from taking the piss and ruining it for everyone else.
@Joe said in The Outfit: Dear Applicants; We are now encouraging people to apply mainly on discord. The following link will bring you to our discord, where you can copy/past the application into the channel named #applications Please follow the instructions on the #welcome channel. The link is; ^^^^^
@Skerdi said in Revert arms dealer skin?: It doesn't seem like arms dealer if you remove the mod How does this look any less like an arms dealer than the mod? In reality an arms dealer is some russian selling rifles out of the back of a 4x4, not some black dude with a pistol. Either way it doesn't "seem like an arms dealer" technically, but the mod just looks shit. Should remove the prison mods as well tbh
All 4 cars placed outside O base, colour code is 313131, bullet locked to mrkiller1,snome,skerdi,final324 turismo locked to mrkiller1,snome,kipt,odakab damaged glendale to mrkiller1,kipt,odakab,kingandis buffalo added to mrkiller,snome,odakab,kipt cargobob added mrkiller1,snome,kipt,final324
@Marko said in Pro Cop (PC) for Criminals: @DROT said in Pro Cop (PC) for Criminals: @Pera98 said in Pro Cop (PC) for Criminals: Explain to me please, as if i was the dumbest person on SAES (which im starting to think that i might just be) how does this bring any balance on CrimVCop issue? Player gets chance to become PC Player must spend a month in SAPA (increased cop activity) If player is skilled enough to complete same program that cops must to get PC (SAPA, PC test), they get PC. To use any perks of Pro Cop group, player must be spawned on cop team. (increased cop acitivtiy x2) Player uses PC = Player is spawned cop = More players spawned cop I made it as simple as I could for you. What do we (cops) get in return? "What do we get in return." The single sentence that so often comes up that removes so many good ideas. But what's in it for ME? It's selfish, it's arrogant, it's obnoxious but most of all it's just an obstacle to progress. I agree with your idea, DROT. It's ultimately however up to SAPD HQ.
Ive been suggesting redoing the ad format for some time. The idea I eventually came to was that anyone who paid for an /ad wouldn't have it pushed off the top bar by anything else until a certain time period
@McJoni said in Official Quote Wall: @Vennelle said in Official Quote Wall: ETF Lvl 0 but better than ICEncuz there's no retards in. eTf lVl 0 bUt bEtTeR ThAn iCeNcUz tHeRe's nO ReTaRdS In.
1 cargobob on SWAT base for masterkillier, jmyx,alpax,kasparov on the roof next to the existing ones 1 cargobob on SWAT base for masterkillier, jmyx,adem on the roof next to the existing ones 1 Charger inside the garage locked to masterkillier, jmyx color #15254D / 0b1128 and nitro 1Shamal in SF locked to masterkillier, jmyx(any location you can find and donation icon) color code #0000CD All done as described, icon made for plane and given to masterkillier. @Crash please outline specifically the interiors added
It is way off topic but I personally don't see any reason criminals can't become Pro Cops. It's really dumb to limit that in the way it is and I strongly believe it's leading to the death of both the cop side of things but more specifically procops. Nobody spawns procop because the only people who are in ProCop are people already in a squad with a better spawn or else SAES members.