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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. @nyx_ Colour? Usernames? Nos? etc.
  2. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? That's not 30 days https://saesrpg.uk/topic/374/requesting-inactive-properties
  3. SGT placed at TT base, locked to mienjps, slaine97, taj125 Coloured TT orange and nitro added.
  4. @Tut-Greco said in ICE Vehicles/Aircrafts Usernames Changes: sorted god bless you
  5. Probably the most bullshit "xchat" I've ever seen lol
  6. Event by @Dequfire Winner @Lincoln
  7. Event by @Dequfire Winner @Draven
  8. @The-Outfit activity 06/07/19
  9. @The-Outfit BR LV
  10. Police vehicle can only be stored at squad bases or PD's. You can only request a reward change once every 30 days.
  11. Rejectd, Donna is a SAES clan member whos properties cannot be claimed
  12. @Marko said in Cooldown on flashbangs: @Joe said in Cooldown on flashbangs: @Marko said in Cooldown on flashbangs: 10 seconds cooldown for marker usage. Let's see what would you guys say about that cant wait to use a base with 2 markers and I can't even get around because of a cooldown 10 seconds cooldown for the same marker not all around markers. Not applied on base markers or markers that only squad/gang can access just talking about the way criminals go in, out, in and out. Kinda annoying isn't it. anyways it's off topic, about flashbangs, maybe 5 seconds not 10! and think about it, what do cops actually have as an advantage in BR/JB .. They can't do wall tactics and we don't use drugs 24/7. For what its worth, the invincibility in markers was added for cops complaining about being marker killed, not the other way around. So remove the marker invincibility but then deal with being marker killed at jail.
  13. @Marko said in Cooldown on flashbangs: 10 seconds cooldown for marker usage. Let's see what would you guys say about that cant wait to use a base with 2 markers and i cant even get around because of a cooldown
  14. Bankrob from the 5th Unlucky @Jay hhhhhhhh @The-Outfit
  15. Activity from the 5th @The-Outfit
  16. Late night activity from the 4th @The-Outfit
  17. hard agree they're incredibly OP should be a longer cooldown imo and grenades cant be used indoors but these can?????????? inb4 cops "we should have a tank that arrests"
  18. I suggest making a tracker request instead of pinging random people. Also pinging Tut, who handles design about this is.. frivilous.
  19. If you want to talk about being unique, we need to stop all the squads taking eachothers skins. We need to stop gangs doing the same and actually enforce the skin limit. I made a tracker post, below, outlining all gangs and squads who are currently in violation of the rules set by @SAES-Group-Managers It still has not been actioned, despite uploads since then on more than one occasion. https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg-gang/issues/44 That issue is going on 4 months old, if they have no interest in enforcing the rules that already exist they're sadly unlikely to make more, and even when they do they wont be enforced. Good overall idea but not do-able in the current climate unfortunately.
  20. @Joshbond said in Police Combat Shotgun with beanbag rounds: I love how Joe has to get very personal very quickly. Very immature for a SAES Clan member. Grow up Joe. If you disagree with my suggestion that is your prerogative but you don't need to be a cunt about it. Simply say your reason and cast your vote, nothing else needed. That is what I did, I think you misunderstand what being personal is. I called your idea shit, that's not personal. I stated your reasoning for your idea is shit, again this is not personal. You calling me a cunt and tell me to grow up because I disagree with your shit idea - that is being personal. Clearly your idea isn't received well by the community, you fighting for it at this point is frivilous.
  21. @Joshbond said in Police Combat Shotgun with beanbag rounds: Well us squads need something because every group is being made available for gang members which is OP. So why cant us squads have something nice for once?? Selfish gang members just want everything to themselves. Come up with an idea that isn't shit and I imagine people would come round. This isn't a case of cops vs criminals, this is a case of whether or not people want a bad idea implemented. Justifying the addition of something which in theory is going to be incredibly over powered and incredibly unrealistic that is going to completely upset the balance of the server with "WHY CANT WE HAVE SOMETHING NICE????" is ridiculous.
  22. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/97766-sapd-crimes-punishments/ Already done.
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