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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Going to end this auction at 21:00 Server Time on Sunday August 18th
  2. @JoeX said in Starting SR: At the old days of SAES 3 months ago..
  3. It should be noted the icon extends to the point of the pumps and not beyond. Area is still quite large, has facilities and would be pretty nice as a base, across from the SAP cave. Starting Bid: $5,000,000 Going to end this auction at 21:00 Server Time on Sunday August 18th I will sell it to the highest bidder at that point
  4. Starting Bid: 1m Will sell it to the highest bidder on Friday
  5. Auction ended, property sold
  6. No. Simply based on the fact you should be spoken to prior to receiving a warning, this would require additional scripting for no discernable benefit.
  7. SGT updated to savevehicle user,eliran25802,malikvx,carbon12,dominik1234
  8. @ClaR said in Official Quote Wall: Meanwhile in UE chat. @Hari ????
  9. Brown Damaged Glendale added to the LS Parking lot across from the betting shop. Locked to oximan42,4e4os333 You still have 20 of donations to claim $3,000,000 also rewarded
  10. Moving to archive. Thanks for donating! Edit: $10,000,000 and 10 vehicles rewarded as per donation.
  11. Sorted @RAMPAGE ?
  12. All black police LV placed at SAPA base locked to afpmorgado,rizacem
  13. Cash given, glendale @ O base locked to oussama88 Thanks for donating!
  14. This property is no longer on that users account, resolving.
  15. You can only request 2 inactive properties per week. This property has been placed on public sale.
  16. This appears to have already changed owners, resolving.
  17. Money rewarded
  18. Yeah selling melee weapons sounds cool, pretty unique too. Biker does need something, not a bad suggestion.
  19. I have sorted this request
  20. ^[] Hey everyone, As you may be aware, when myself and the non-RP government leadership team took on the mantle of facilitating a functioning government on SAES and facilitating elections for that government we announced there would be a new election cycle every 4 months. August marks 4 months from our elections, so here we are - a new election cycle is upon us. This means that anyone who intends on taking part in the upcoming elections/government cycle should have a quick read of this topic and register either yourself, or a candidate, prior to the time given on the topic. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10786/register-your-political-party-august-elections Registration for the election will close on Monday, August 12th @6pm server time. The polls will open on Tuesday, August 13th at a time yet to be determined and run until Saturday August 17th at 6pm server time In related news, we are looking for feedback on the below poll to gauge community interest overall in the frequency of election cycles. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10787/poll-how-often-should-election-cycles-occur On the topic of government inactivity I would like to point something out, as people have been coming to me with complaints about this. Neither myself, or any other SAES member or HQ is responsible for the government being active. This is one of the few institutions on SAES dictated by the player base, democratically. Myself and anyone else in the non-RP leadership team is here solely to ensure we can help the government run smoothly when they ask, and that we can facilitate elections and the existence of the government itself. The activity and the day to day running of the government is purely on the shoulders of those who you elect. Please remember this when you are casting your vote. Cheers and good luck to anyone who wishes to participate!
  21. Prop changed to min 30k max 300k to make more sense request sorted
  22. Requested a minute early but duplicated a topic where he requested it at the right time, so if this icon remains this user is entitled to it However please don't allow this request just yet, as the icons eligibility to be an icon is under review )) Ty for your patience men Update; Request denied, icon removed. Does not fit the standard for an icon.
  23. Requested too early, re-requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10752/inactive-bc
  24. Duplicate of: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10749/inactive-housse-sf
  25. Police LS in all white placed at SAPA based, locked to elpendejo,tut,nh4,zeking SWAT added, all white, locked to elpendejo,tut,nh4,zeking Police Rancher, also SAPA base in white, locked to elpendejo,tut,nh4,zeking Money rewarded by @master Already on donator spawn Thanks for donating ))
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