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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Money rewarded
  2. Police Mustang and Sultan added at Five-0 base, locked to l4ki1 l4ki1 added to donator sql $6,000,000 rewarded Medium interior added Added to donator group on forums Ping a SAES HQ for the one on discord, add additional users or upgrades following the below; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13527/donation-vehicle-manager-engine-drive-type-upgrades
  3. 1#Vehicle Type: Stratum Vehicle Colour: Standard wrap - Versace (versace) 2#Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Standard wrap - Weed (weed) 3#Vehicle Type: Sentinel Vehicle Colour: Standard wrap - Clo1 (clo1) 4#Vehicle Type: Savanna Vehicle Colour: Standard wrap - Sticker1 (sticker1) 5#Vehicle Type: Alpha Vehicle Colour: Standard wrap - Hacker (hacker) Placed at https://imgur.com/a/tuI3wLk - Address: Richman love Cabin All locked to marso To add additional users or upgrades check out this topic; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13527/donation-vehicle-manager-engine-drive-type-upgrades/ $10,000,000 rewarded and added to donator.
  4. Added to donator group on forums, ping a SAES HQ on discord for the group there.
  5. Added to donator group on forums, ping a SAES HQ on discord for the group there. Please flag the fact you need the money to any SAES member in game at your earliest convenience
  6. A week has passed, archiving. Request awards in a reward change at a later point.
  7. Money awarded
  8. Gang robs has been an ongoing, frivilous discussion since its introduction. When it was introduced, multiple gangs opted out. To this day a large amount of gangs do not have a safe or keep money in their gang bank to avoid the issues of GR's. GR's should either be forced on all gangs or removed entirely. It is completely broken in its current state and when the rare GR does happen, it just leads to incredible amounts of reporting, bitchiness and harassment. I would veer strongly on the side of not introducing anything similar to this, when the original is in such a broken state. @Bartman said in [DISCUSSION] Future of SAES:RPG: bring back old salerys! ??????? What's changed?
  9. @Groove said in Donation: Howlze (Amount 100.00 GBP): which bank did you hack
  10. Sorted
  11. Most people should have received a message bye now but if you have not, please use the following link to join the government discord to be given your senator role and start voting/interacting with the government; https://discord.gg/hMneZYZ
  12. Hello all, Over the week we've run another successful election cycle on SAES. We have sifted through the results and put together this post as its easier to read than just the table. We will also link below, in case you still wanted to look at them Without further ado, please find your December 2019 Election Results below. Bone County In Bone County there were a total of 271 unique votes cast. The winner with 99 votes was Mr. Ledger ( @Smokey187 ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for Bone County click HERE. Chilliad & Whetstone In Chilliad & Whetstone there were a total of 173 votes cast, with one candidate, Griffin Blake of the SACP, disqualified and votes removed. The winner with 99 of the votes was the unnamed candidate ( @KARIM ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for Chillid & Whetstone click HERE. Flint County In Flint County there were a total of 216 unique votes cast. The winner with 80 votes was Lotfi Lameri ( @Draven ) formerly of the now closed EM Party! For the complete results for Flint County click HERE. LS Central In LS Central there were a total of 286 unique votes cast. The winner with 99 votes was Mr. Dawson ( @Ardron ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for LS Central click HERE. LS East In LS East there were a total of 223 unique votes cast. The winner with 126 votes was Elbert Warner ( @Venom ) of the SACP! For the complete results for LS East click HERE. LS West In LS West there were a total of 243 unique votes cast. The winner with 104 votes was the un named candidate ( @Siirtuga ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for LS West click HERE. North Venturas In North Venturas there were a total of 257 unique votes cast. The winner with 106 votes was Mr Calaway ( @TaJ ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for North Venturas click HERE. Red County In Red County there were a total of 195 unique votes cast. The winner with 86 votes was Duff Gaviria ( @Duff ) of the SACP! For the complete results for Red County click HERE. SF Central In SF Central there were a total of 295 unique votes cast. The winner with 132 votes was Mr. Zaidi ( @Haseeb ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for SF Central click HERE. SF North/Bayside In SF North/Bayside there were a total of 184 unique votes cast. The winner with 86 votes was Mr. Castro ( @RadiO ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for SF North/Bayside click HERE. SF South In SF South there were a total of 275 unique votes cast. The winner with 85 votes was Flora GolBasi ( @flora ) of the SACP! For the complete results for SF South click HERE. South Venturas In South Venturas there were a total of 320 unique votes cast. The winner with 175 votes was Mr. Abdhul ( @Bartman ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for South Venturas click HERE. Tierra Robada In Tierra Robada there were a total of 217 unique votes cast. The winner with 88 votes was Leonardo Anderson ( @Nirjhor ) of the AKP! For the complete results for Tierra Robada click HERE. President! For the Presidential Election there were a total of 335 unique votes cast. The winners with 146 votes are Bob Russell ( @ZeKinG ) & Joshua Watson ( @Howlze ) of the Liberty Party! For the complete results for Presidential vote click HERE. SEATS LAYOUT Liberty Party - 8 Seats San Andreas Conservative Party - 3 Seats AKP - 1 Seat EM/Independant? - 1 Seat Once again I thank everyone for their cooperation throughout this election and a sincere and warm thanks to anyone who has offered assistance along the way. I am here to assist the new government, but ultimately the activity of the government is up to them. Hold them accountable, do not re-elect people who are inactive. And again, thank you. Daryl.
  13. The script itself would have to be changed to allow you to input the exact amount you want which isn't simple or worth the time. (its a super fucking old script) The workaround would be just changing the figures so you buy 100x M4 instead of 10x per click. Would that be more preferrable?
  14. Hey @Donator , Over the last few months the wonderful @Mega9 has pushed several very nice quality of life updates and additional features for donators to have more control and edit their donation vehicles. These are the Donation Vehicle Manager and the ability to upgrade your donation vehicles, free of charge. Recently I've had numerous people ask me to add V8/AWD to their cars. Admins cannot do this. This has to be done by the donation owner. Similarily not many people know they can update the access to their cars themselves. This topic will hopefully explain the two features in full. Donation Vehicle Manager To open your Donation Vehicle Manager type /dvm in game. This command will only work if you already have a donation vehicle and your username is the PRIMARY (first) username on the vehicle. It will open this menu; ::: ::: From here you can add, change and remove up to 3 users locked to any of your vehicles. This is currently the only functionality of DVM, however more functionality is intended in the future. This means when you donate or request a reward change, specify ONLY your username. Do not ask for multiple usernames, as you can do this yourself at a later date Free Upgrades on Donation Vehicles This one is very simple. You can take your donation car (if you are the primary owner AND you are in the donator SQL) to any modshop capable of doing upgrades, and all upgrades will be free. To get into the donator sql (which your membership is indicated by the crown beside your name) you must have donated 30 to the server in total over your life time. If you meet this criteria but you have not yet been added to the donator SQL/Spawn, you can apply for that HERE. When you take your vehicle that you are primary owner of, to an eligible modshop (I recommend the rTech one beside LV Hospital) it will appear as follows; ::: ::: Again this means when requesting reward changes do not ask for V8/AWD - you can add this yourself and this is not something an admin can add using the existing functionality of the adminpanel. Similarily when admins are completing reward change or donation requests, they will likely not add upgrades to your vehicle (unless it is an emergency vehicle) as this can be done by you at a mod shop, for free or low cost. Hopefully this topic explains the features in a way which will eliminate further questions, if something was not explained properly please do feel free to ask questions below and the topic will be updated to reflect your common queries. Thanks!
  15. @Bartman said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: @Daryl https://saesrpg.uk/topic/486/arms-assassins-media-archive/521?page=27 alone this page have 4brs+ included AA statistics > homeland securety statistics "daryls denial picture" @Kain said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: In its current state, out of 136 during the past 2 weeks organised crime attacks on official government banking assets, 82% were deemed successful. Your topic you linked has BR's from November 5th. That is longer than 2 weeks ago. BUT Interestingly, your topic there are 4 BR's on that page, according to you. What you failed to realise is that the post by SiirTuga HERE contains 2 BR's. But then, interestingly, Maroo makes 2 more posts after editing SiirTuga's original picture, days later HERE. He makes it look like AA did two more BR's by editing the first picture into two seperate BR's days later.. Now of course all of this happened longer than 2 weeks ago so none of it is included on these stats anyway, but the real question now is why are AA members reposting bankrobs on their media archive as if they were new bankrobs? Interesting that you brought this up, Bartman.. Either way, the stats on this topic come from a database which tracks bankrobs. It is not wrong. I trust the database more than your members duplicating posts from outside of the time frame of the stats posted on the topic. There's no need to question the accuracy of the stats provided by providing false information.
  16. @Bartman said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: who ever made this statistics, AA did way more robs than 2 *checks AA media for more precice statistics. AA statistics > homelend securety = AA more ninja than any gang You realise these stats are pulled from a database right? They literally can't be wrong. You are on stage 1.
  17. @KARIM said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: criminals earn money and you count how many br they did
  18. I don't like to double-dip but this is probably my favourite meme idea i've had in forever.
  19. This seems to have been done.
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