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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. To answer the original question, the rule was not removed, it was moved under another rule that I posted earlier in this thread. @Daryl said in unclimbable roof and srs: :thinking_face: Closing this now before it devolves into another nonsense discussion.
  2. :thinking_face:
  3. @Brophy said in SAES 16th Birthday: :honk: @Linkan
  4. :clown_face:
  5. Money donezo, closing.
  6. money given
  7. @Lil-Rado said in I'm leaving.: See u next week Tell ur sis hey from me. drink ur milk
  8. @VayraN said in I'm leaving.: Lol all of you can suck my dick even the toxic admins, Dickhead motherfuckers if you don't care then just shut the fuck up lol, I really hope a bad life for all of you cancer stupid motherfucker bitches, Go to hell stupid cunts, @Kybali0n @Lil-Rado @Silence How the fuck your parents lets you to insult other people lol, They are stupid because they even let you play, Really get cancer stupid cunts -_- AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  9. Both vehicles moved to VEC base as requested, locked to just yourself.
  10. Tamsou :(
  11. done
  12. Sorted
  13. @Moley said in actives of server in cops: @LAW said in actives of server in cops: @Bunny that is why i say make new rule for clans cops if they dont got 1000 arrest in week they got demoted some thing like that to make them be active and try learn trainer or new players in game play as cop be good and not afk all time That is actually the most retarded shit I've ever heard At the rate you get arrested I'll get my 1000 just from you.
  14. For now two Police LV's in all black have been placed at the property requested, you have 10 more in donations to claim.
  15. Please specify the wrap requested. Please note only police-type wraps can go on police vehicles.
  16. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/43903-donation-mrheis-amount-1000/
  17. Found your vortex on the beach, placed in the position requested and locked to snjader.
  18. Money and donator spawn done, moving to archive, can request your rewards when you have your wrap uploaded.
  19. Once the wrap is done you can request this through the reward change section, closing this topic now as the money was awarded.
  20. Vehicles moved from LVPD to the ETF base as requested
  21. Vehicle moved from LVPD to the ETF base as requested
  22. Cheetah w/ versace wrap in #000000 placed and locked to mikupro. Add additional people using /dvm Thanks for your donation
  23. /dvm should automatically appear when you have a donation vehicle locked in your name The donator spawn, including icon, is limited to donators of 30 or more.
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