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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. 13 Man Patrol & Turf Raid of C in North LS ::: :::
  2. 10 FBI stopping SR's ::: :::
  3. Sorted
  4. Failure to stop OC BR - 8/8, decent response though, crims OP
  5. @FBI Stopped Undisputed Command BR - 5/8 Good response from @San-Andreas-Federal-Police and @Five-0
  6. @Draven said in [POLL] Remove Speed: My only concern in this is some gang's roleplay and their selling ability. If one of the gangs have only drugs as main roleplay what would they do and what would they sell? This suggested changes seems to be around removing speed, not all drugs. You would still have the ability to sell the other drugs I imagine, but yeah that's less lucrative.
  7. Personally I feel like the game would be more consistent without speed. Even now when cops are benefitting from it to some extent during bankrobs, I do think that overall the idea that adding a mechanic to the game where you could pay to move faster, shoot faster and drive faster than other people was short sighted. I actually don't think this is even a cops vs crims issue, genuinely think removal of speed wouldn't impact one side more or less than the other, it would just make the game more consistent. I doubt it will pass, people aren't very fond of change but it'd be nice if people considered this from a perspective of the game itself as opposed to "us vs them" mentality.
  8. Activity: Stopping a C bankrob with the help of our friends at The Company ::: https://i.imgur.com/9Khn2Au.jpg :::
  9. 5th rule added to allow criminals to kill drug dealers selling to cops in the prison yard.
  10. The following rules are to be adhered to while in the jail and the surrounding area: The jail is NOT to be utilised as a deathmatching zone. You will be found in breach of the rules if you are not ACTIVELY trying to jailbreak or defend a jailbreak. No deathmatching cops without trying to actually take back the jail/escape. Spawn killing is strictly against the rules. You may not kill cops as they spawn. As a criminal you may NOT kill other criminals in the Jail. You will be jailed for 84 stars if you do this. If you ask someone to kill you in jail you will also be found in violation of this rule. Using animations inside the jail to hide in walls is forbidden and will be punished with a ban for bug abuse. Any criminal in the yard can be killed and it is not considered deathmatching.
  11. Auction starting price: $5.000.000
  12. Adress : The outfit Las Barrancas username : houssem1998 last seen: 27 november 2019 Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/RfdTFXz.jpg
  13. Claimed too early, not inactive until tomorrow.
  14. Burrito placed outside MMC base and the bar in Ganton with RebelsKustoms shader. Yosemite placed at the lil probe inn, as well as a flatbed. Yosemite not placed as requested as you had it half on the road and looking thrown there instead of placed. Money still to be rewarded
  15. Hotring 3 added to bayside house Turismo with police wrap added to SAFP base, both locked to nvb
  16. Archiving as over 7 days since donation.
  17. 50 of donations confirmed Added to the donator spawn, archiving.
  18. Wrong forum and format. Open in this forum: https://saesrpg.uk/category/219/reward-change Use this format: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/544/reward-changes-format
  19. This appears to be the first claim of this property that is on time. Congratulations, Merry Christmas. You have 48 hours from this post to claim this property.
  20. This appears to be the first claim of this property that is on time. Congratulations, Merry Christmas. You have 48 hours from this post to claim this property.
  21. This appears to be the first claim of this property that is on time. Congratulations, Merry Christmas. You have 48 hours from this post to claim this property.
  22. This appears to be the first claim of this property that is on time. Congratulations, Merry Christmas. You have 48 hours from this post to claim this property.
  23. This appears to be the first claim of this property that is on time. Congratulations, Merry Christmas. You have 48 hours from this post to claim this property.
  24. This appears to be the first claim of this property that is on time. Congratulations, Merry Christmas. You have 48 hours from this post to claim this property.
  25. @FBI Organised squad response to 'arrest the SAP' event Thanks for the event @San-Andreas-Pirates
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