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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. This is a really really terrible idea and does not at all achieve what you think it does. Also suggesting something and then stating "there are no cons" is mental.
  2. Can you ask any admin/CS for the 100k when you're online. I'll refund whoever pays you if they're unable to use the reward command
  3. @Markus said in Message to San Andreas from Al-Munazama: @Crash said in Message to San Andreas from Al-Munazama: You think you can get to threaten our country and walk around with no consequences? well we bring the fight to yall watch as your comrad "Blue" gets punched around and killed We wont stand down We will bring the fight to you We will protect the citiziens We will turn America, into Syria. Just wait. And, ideally, learn, where, to, put, commas.
  4. Putting even more meaning into FBI being a dead squad
  5. Hey. Your old forums account has 30 worth of donations tied to it, not 60. Would you be able to link the donation topics that total up to 60 please.
  6. Requested too early, denied.
  7. You cannot auction properties you do not own.. Obviously.
  8. This was already sorted. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9290/inactive-ls Please don't waste our time with these requests, check the property first.
  9. The rule, as far as I remember, is not to avoid arrest or escape jail by killing yourself. It doesn't state specifically how, this would fall into that. So yes, it's avoiding arrest.
  10. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/37684-benny/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3421/donation-benny-amount-10-00-gbp/4 Total donations from old forum 20, new forum is 10 3 black dodge challengers placed at swat base, all black, primary donator is bendrin12
  11. Added a dodge charger to SWAT base, all black, primary donator is specialist12. brings total cars to 5, total donation is 52
  12. Request denied. You already have 4 donation vehicles and you have requested 3 more in this, however your total donations are only 50.
  13. Shamal at LV and LS both locked to masterkillier and jmyx money rewarded donator spawn extended by 30 days it should be noted that EACH donation of 5 or more extends your time, your time is not extended by 30 days per 5
  14. Done, Police LS placed as SAI base with nos, full white, locked to kalevipoeg
  15. Shamal placed at LV airport, Caddy at the LV X housing block pictured above. Money not yet rewarded, not yet added to donator spawn.
  16. You should probably open a web issue on the git
  17. @Dead Was this sorted?
  18. Post updated with a few pictures and examples of mods, some mods added/removed.
  19. Sentinel placed with wrap sticker1 User now has 3 donations and 2 standard wraps bringing total reward amount ot 40
  20. So, the Jester doesnt seem to accept any wraps that I've attempted to put on it. You've also not specific the 'new position' for the vehicle. Would you rather a different car? If so, where?
  21. Sorted
  22. Insane activity
  23. Hotring Racer 3 changed to a Huntley as per; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9033/icecold-s-reward-change
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