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Hey guys, Need help ensuring the below translations are all accurate, and if you speak a language that is not on the list please add your translation using the format provided. There will likely be compensation for your efforts :) RUSSIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: F1 # # Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting : / , F1. Do not Deathmatch: . F1 > Rules > Russian. No deathmatch emergency : . . Do not kill cop who is not chasing : Do not DM unwanted criminals : / Do not attack cops in hospital : , . 20 . 1 > Rules > Russian Do not attack criminals in hospital : , 20 . 1 > Rules > Russian Do not marker kill in bankrob : . Speak english in mainchat : - o . . Angliyskiy yazyk yavlyayetsya osnovnym yazykom servera. Govorite po-angliyski v osnovnom chate. EGYPTIAN ARABIC Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: TRANSLATION NEEDED Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting : F1 Do not Deathmatch: , F1 Don't DM emergency : , . f1 don't kill cop who is not chasing : F1 don't DM unwanted crim : F 1 Do not camp at hospital : , , F1 Do not attack cops in hospital : , F1 Do not marker kill/arrest in bankrob : , f1 TUNISIAN ARABIC Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Enzel ala el F1 ou akra eli maktoub fel rules lezmek itabahom. Do not avoid arrest: ki yabda boulisi wrak (cop) matoktelch ro7ek wala to5rej mel game bich mayarrestikich 7awel toktlou wala tohreb. Do not Deathmatch: Matoktelch labed menghir sbab. Do not Deathmatch Emergency:Eli yabdew yechfiw fel labed ou iawnou fehom ou tabda asamehom bel aghder matoktelhomch yetsama deathmatch zeda Do not kill cop who is not chasing: ki yabda boulisi mahouch itaba fik matmesouch ela may7axl yarrestik oktlou. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Ki tabda cop rodbelek tmes el criminals (mjarma) li mandhomch njoum wala wanted. Do not attack cops in hospital: Ki tabda fel sbitar rodbelek tmess el boullisya ou toktelhom wala 7aja Do not attack criminals in hospital: ki tabda fel sbitar rodbelek tmess el criminals ou toktelhom wala 7aja Do not marker kill in bankrob: ki tabda fi banka ou fala robbery (serka) ou yodhel cop wala criminal matmesouch ou howa mezel fel marker rulebreak zeda. Speak english in the mainchat: fel main chat (li bel y) a7ki ken bel anglais. small addition Dont abuse bugs : mat7awelch testamel el bugs ou testghalhom Use /ask in case you need something : ekteb /ask ken t7eb tesel souel wala 7aja Use /report ken t7eb treporti abd : ken t7b treporti abd amal rulebreak wala attackek ekteb /report ou faser kolchay POLISH Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: TRANSLATION NEEDED Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting - Nie unikaj zaaresztowania poprzez samobjstwo. Do not Deathmatch- Nie zabijaj innych graczy bez powodu. No deathmatch emergency - Nie zabijaj straakw, medykw, nie stanawi dla Ciebie zagroenia. Do not kill cop who is not chasing - Nie zabijaj policjantw ktrzy nie podejmuj pocigu za Twoj osob, w innym przypadku jest to Deathmatching. Do not DM unwanted criminals - Nie atakuj/zabijaj kryminalistw ktrzy nie maj gwiazdek. Do not attack cops in hospital - Nie atakuj/zabijaj policjantw przy szpitalu. Do not attack criminals in hospital - Nie atakuj/zabijaj kryminalistw przy szpitalu. Do not marker kill in bankrob - Nie zabijaj od razu osoby wchodzcej w marker, daj mu chwile na zaadowanie si. Speak english in mainchat - Uywaj tylko i wycznie Angielskiego na gownym czacie. LATVIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: TRANSLATION NEEDED Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting : Izbgt arestu ar sevis nogalinanu no policijas ir aizliegta. Ldzams izlast (F1) noteikumus. Do not Deathmatch: . F1 > Rules > Russian.Bez iemesla ir aizliegts aut vai nogalinat citus spltjus. Ldzu izlast noteikumus F1 > Rules > Latvian No deathmatch emergency : . . Nenogalint tras paldzbas brigdes un ugunsdzsjus. Vii nav policisti. Do not kill cop who is not chasing : Nenogalint policistu, kas nemaz neer tevi. Do not DM unwanted criminals : Nenogalint un neaizkart ar jebkdu miesas bojjumu spltjus kuri ir bez zvaigzntem. Do not attack cops in hospital : Nedrkst aut policiju slimncas atdzimanas viet. Noziedziniekiem ir 20 sekundas laika lai aizbrauktu no slimncas vietas. Izlast F1 noteikumus > Rules > Latvian Do not attack criminals in hospital : Nedrkst aut/arestt noziedziniekus slimncas atdzimanas viet. Ir dots 20 sekundes lai aizbrauktu. Do not marker kill in bankrob : Nedrkst aut spltjus, kas tikko ienk pa ieejas punktu, bankas aplaupanas brd. Speak english in mainchat : Ldzam izmantot angu valoda galvenaj at. Angu valoda server ir galven sazinans valoda. TURKISH Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: TRANSLATION NEEDED Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting : Intihar ederek veya oyundan karak polisten kamak yasaktr. Kurallar iin ; F1 > Server Rules > Trke Do not Deathmatch: Buras bir Deathmatch serveri deildir. Oyuncular rastgele ekilde ldrmek yasaktr. Kurallar iin ; F1 > Server Rules > Trke Don't DM emergency : Doktorlara vurmak yasaktr. Kurallar iin ; F1 > Server Rules > Trke don't kill cop who is not chasing : Polislere onlar provoke etmeden saldrmak yasaktr. Kurallar iin ; F1 > Server Rules > Trke don't DM unwanted crim : Polis olarak, aranma yldz olmayan oyunculara saldrmak yasaktr. Kurallar iin ; F1 > Server Rules > Trke Do not camp at hospital : Sulular hastanede 20 saniye boyunca yakalanamazlar. Onlara hastanede saldrmak yasaktr. Kurallar iin F1 > Server Rules > Trke Do not attack cops in hospital : Hastanede polisler 20 saniye boyunca sulular yakalayamaz. Polislere hastanede saldrmak yasaktr. Kurallar iin F1 > Server rules > Trke Do not marker kill/arrest in bankrob : Oyuncular banka soygununda kapdan ieri girerken birbirini tutuklayamaz veya ldremez. (Marker kill/arrest) Kurallar iin F1 > Server Rules > Trke PORTUGUESE Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: TRANSLATION NEEDED Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting: No podes evitar ser preso de forma injusta, ou seja, suicidares ou desconectares. Do not Deathmatch: No ataques jogares sem razo alguma. No deathmatch emergency: No mates os mdicos. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: No mates policias se eles no tiverem a tentar prender-te. Do not dm unwanted criminals: No mates criminosos se eles no tiverem nenhuma estrela. Do not attack cops in hospital: No ataques policias nos hospitais. Do not attack criminals in hospital: No ataques criminosos no hospital Do not marker kill in bankrob: No ataques jogadores assim que entrarem ou sairem fora de um "marker", ou seja, o teletransportador. Speak english in the mainchat: Fala ingls no chat principal. ESTONIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Vajuta klahvi F1 ja loe serveri reegleid, reeglid leiad siit: #Server rules# Do not avoid arrest: ra hoidu vangistusest ennast ra tappes vi serverist lahkudes. Do not Deathmatch: ra deathmatch'i teisi mngijaid. (Deathmatching= Teise mngija phjuseta tapmine) Do not Deathmatch Emergency: ra tapa meedikuid, tuletrjujaid ja teisi psteteenistuste ttajaid ilma phjuseta. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: ra tapa politseinikke, kes ei aja mitte kedagi taga. Do not Deathmatch unwanted criminals: ra tapa kriminaale, kes pole tagaotsitavad. (Tagaotsitavus on mrgistatud trnidega) Do not attack cops in hospital: ra rnda haiglas olevaid politseinikke. Do not attack criminals in hospital: ra rnda haiglas olevaid kriminaale. Do not marker kill in bankrob: ra tapa pangarvi ajal inimesi, kes on alles interjri sisenenud ja on ukse juures oleva markeri sees. (Marker on sinist vrvi allapoole nitav nool) Speak english in the mainchat: Palun rgi mainchat'is (T) ainult inglise keeles. FINNISH Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Paina F1 ja lue snnt kohdan #Server Rules# alla. Do not avoid arrest: l vlt pidtetyksi tulemista epreiluilla keinoilla. Do not Deathmatch: l vahingoita muita pelaajia tai heidn omaisuutta ilman syyt. No not Deathmatch Emergency: l vahingoita palokunta- tai ensiaputiimi. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: l tapa poliisia, joka ei jahtaa sinua. Do not dm unwanted criminals: l vahingoita rikollisia, joilla ei ole wanted-leveli. Do not attack cops in hospital: l hykkk poliisin kimppuun sairaalalla. Do not attack criminals in hospital: l hykk rikollisten kimppuun sairaalalla. Do not marker kill in bankrob: l tapa ovien suuaukoilla pankkirystss. Speak english in the mainchat: Puhu Englantia mainchatiss. DANISH Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Tryk F1 og ls venligst reglerne under # Server Rules #. Do not avoid arrest: Du m ikke undg arrest uretfrdigt. Do not Deathmatch: Du m ikke skade andre spillere uden ordenlig grund. Do not Deathmatch Emergency: Du m ikke skade politi styrken uden ordenlig grund. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Du m ikke skade en betjent, som ikke prver p at arrestere nogen spillere. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Du m ikke skade de kriminelle som har 0 stjerner. Do not attack cops in hospital: Du m ikke, uden grund, angribe betjente i hospitalet. Do not attack criminals in hospital: Du m ikke, uden grund, angribe kriminelle i hospitalet. Do not marker kill in bankrob: Lad vre med at arrestere, eller skyde hen mod markeren i et aktivt bank rveri. Speak english in the mainchat: Tal venligst Engelsk i den primre server chat. BULGARIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: F1, #server rules . Do not avoid arrest: / . Do not Deathmatch: , . No not Deathmatch Emergency: , . Do not kill cop who is not chasing: , . Do not dm unwanted criminals: / , . Do not attack cops in hospital: ( ) . 20 , , . Do not attack criminals in hospital: ( ) . Do not marker kill in bankrob: , / . Speak english in the mainchat: ( T ) CROATIAN/SERBIAN CROATIAN / SERBIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Pritisnite tipku F1 i proitajte pravila pod # Server Rules # Do not avoid arrest: Nemojte poiniti samoubojstvo ili napustiti igru radi bijega od policije (avoid). Proitajte pravila F1 > Rules > Croatian Do not Deathmatch: Nemojte ubijati ili ozljeivati druge igrae bez razloga (deathmatch), proitajte pravila F1 > Rules > Croatian No not Deathmatch Emergency: Ubijanje ili ozljeivanje hitnih slubi (deathmatch), nije dozvoljeno. Proitajte pravila F1 > Rules > Croatian Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Ubijanje ili ozljeivanje policije koja ne lovi nikoga (deathmatch), nije dozvoljeno. Proitajte pravila F1 > Rules > Croatian Do not dm unwanted criminals: Ubijanje ili ozljeivanje kriminalaca koji nemaju wanted level (broj pored imena) od strane policije, nije dozvoljeno. Do not attack cops in hospital: Ne napadajte policiju ispred bolnice, imate 20 sekundi zatite za uzeti auto iz diska i otii prije nego vas mogu uhititi. Do not camp at hospital: Ne zadravajte se ispred bolnice (camping) radi lakeg lovljenja kriminalaca. Proitajte pravila F1 > Rules > Croatian Do not marker kill/arrest in bankrob: Ne ubijajte ili hitite igrae unutar markera (vrata) banke dok uitavaju igru. Speak english in the mainchat: Govorite Engleski jezik u glavnom chatu (T), druge jezike mozete koristiti u lokalnom chatu (U). HUNGARIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Olvasd el figyelmesen a szerver szablyzatt. F1 > Server Rules > Magyar nyelv Do not avoid arrest: Letartztatst szablytalan mdon elkerlni szigoran tilos. Do not Deathmatch: A Deathmatch szablynak megszegse szigoran tilos. Do not Deathmatch Emergency: Ne lj Elsseglygyi dolgozkat. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Ne lj rendvdelmi alkalmazottakat / rendrket, akik nem ldznek vagy tmadnak egy bnzt. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Ne lj olyan bnzket, akik nem rendelkeznek krzttsgi szinttel. Do not attack cops in hospital: Ne tmadj meg rendvdelmi alkalmazottakat / rendrket a krhznl. Do not attack criminals in hospital: Bnzket megtmadni, vagy a letartztsukat megksrelni szigoran tilos a krhz terletn. Do not marker kill in bankrob: Bankrablsoknl az abban a pillanatban interiorba lp jtkosokat szigoran tilos meglni, vagy megtmadni. Speak english in the mainchat: Az elsdleges chat-en az angol a megengedett nyelv, minden ms idegennyelv hasznlata tilos. GERMAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Drcke F1 und lese die Regeln unter F1 > Server Rules > German Do not avoid arrest: Vermeidung einer Verhaftung mit unfairen Mitteln (z.B. Selbstmord) ist verboten. Do not Deathmatch: Das Tten von Spielern ohne ersichtlichen Grund ist verboten. No not Deathmatch Emergency: Das Tten von Rettungskrften ist verboten. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Tte keine Polizeikrfte die dich nicht verfolgen. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Das Tten von nicht gesuchten Verbrecher ist verboten. Do not attack cops in hospital: Greife keine Polizeikrfte beim Krankenhaus an. Do not attack criminals in hospital: Greife keine Verbrecher beim Krankenhaus an. Do not marker kill in bankrob: Tte keine Spieler whrend eines Bankraubes, die in einem Marker stehen. Speak english in the mainchat: Sprich Englisch im Hauptchat. DUTCH Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Druk F1 en lees de regels onder het knopje: server rules Do not avoid arrest: Log niet uit, of pleeg geen zelfmoord als je bijna gearresteerd word Do not Deathmatch: Val geen anderen aan zonder reden No not Deathmatch Emergency: Val geen hulpverleners aan Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Ga geen politie doden als hij jou niet achterna zit Do not dm unwanted criminals: Val geen andere criminelen aan zonder reden als diegene geen wanted sterren heeft Do not attack cops in hospital: Val geen politie aan in ziekenhuizen Do not attack criminals in hospital: Val geen criminelen aan in ziekenhuizen Do not marker kill in bankrob: Vermoord geen mensen als ze in de ingang staan van een interieur van een bankoverval Speak english in the mainchat: Spreek Engels in de chat NORWEGIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Trykk p F1 og les reglene under # Server Reglene # Do not avoid arrest: Du skal ikke unng bli arrester p ett urettferdig vis. Do not Deathmatch: Du skal ikke skade andre spillere uten en ordentlig grunn. No not Deathmatch Emergency: Du skal ikke skade politiet uten en ordentlig grunn. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Du skal ikke drepe en politi, som ikke prver arrestere noen spillere. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Du skal ikke skade kriminelle som har 0 stjerner. Do not attack cops in hospital: Du skal ikke, uten grunn, angripe politi p sykehuset. Do not attack criminals in hospital: Du skal ikke, uten grunn, angripe kriminelle p sykehuset. Do not marker kill in bankrob: Ikke skyt eller arrester noen som er i markren til et aktivt bankran. Speak english in the mainchat: Vennligst snakk engelsk i den globale chatten. GREEK Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules # : F1 # Server Rules # . Do not avoid arrest: (. ). Do not Deathmatch: . No not Deathmatch Emergency: . Do not kill cop who is not chasing: . Do not dm unwanted criminals: . Do not attack cops in hospital: . Do not attack criminals in hospital: . Do not marker kill in bankrob: (). Speak english in the mainchat: . CZECH Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Stisknte klvesu F1 a pette si pravidla v sti # Pravidla serveru # Do not avoid arrest: Vyhnout se zaten s nespravedlivmi prostedky (nap. Sebevradou) je zakzno. Do not Deathmatch: Zabjen hr bez zjevnho dvodu je zakzno. No not Deathmatch Emergency: Zabjen tsovch slueb je zakzno. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Nezabjejte policejn sly, kter vs ne pronsleduj. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Zabjen neviditelnch zloinc je zakzno. Do not attack cops in hospital: Netote na policii v nemocnici. Do not attack criminals in hospital: Netote na zloince v nemocnici. Do not marker kill in bankrob: Nezabjejte hre bhem bankovn loupee, kter je ve znace. Speak english in the mainchat: Mluvte anglicky v hlavnm chatu. ALGERIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: clicki 3la F1 ou a9ra les rules tmak a7fadhom wla aktabhom almohim lazam ykono fi rasak, clicki 3la F1 > Server Rules > Arabic bah ta9rahom bel arbiya Do not avoid arrest: aya ki ykon polici yjri morak bah ya7kmk ghir ansaha ta3 deconnecti men l game wla tiri 3la ro7ak bomba wla to9tal ro7ak bah maydakhlkch lel 7abs , ychofk admin ya3tik b ban Do not Deathmatch: chof ki tkon polici lazam dima t7awal dakhalhom lel 7abs machi to9tal , w zid ki tkon criminal w choft polici madarlk walo mat9tloch , zid tani matirich 3la ayo wa7ad wla tiri 3la tonobil ta3o ( mato9talch wa7ad bla saba ) No not Deathmatch Emergency: kayan wa7d l spawn ismha Emergency hadok ymado dam ( heal ) lil 3bad w hadok ymado lil police w l criminals li jaw tsma bla ma to9tlo wla tiri 3lih 7ta w kan y3awan f police madirlo walo ( kima deathmatch ) Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Kima ktabtlk fel deathmatch wa9t li tkon nta criminal w tchof polici madarlk walo mato9tloch ba3ad 3lih brk w la sabto yjri morak a3tih Do not dm unwanted criminals: nta polici lazam ki tchof criminal 3andah njom 9dam ismo tmak dakhlo lil 7abs ki tchof criminal ma3andouch njom madirlo walo , njom tsibhom kima haka ( Garcia[0] haka ani 0 w haka Garcia[42] haka ani b njom ta9der dakhalni lel 7abs 7ta w la ykon 3ando najma wa7da ta9der dakhlo lil 7abs ) Do not attack cops in hospital: nta ki tkon criminal w aya rak fel hospital ma3andakch l 7a9 to9tal l police 7ta w ykon ydrob fik bel 3sa wla bsa7 mato9tloch lkhatch may9der ydirlk walo tmak w en plus ma3andkch l 7a9 tab9a tmak lazam tba3ad 3la hospital Do not attack criminals in hospital: ki tkon nta polici w aya rak fel hospital ma3andkch l 7a9 tab9a tdrob wla dakhal lel 7abs l3bad lazam yba3do 3la hospital ba3dha a3tihom Do not marker kill in bankrob: aya choft ghir ki tdkhol lel bank hadak l bab lazam mato9talch fih , 9asdi nta rak dakhal l bank w aya ba3dha ydkhol polici w nta tiri 3lih ghir ydkhol tabda tiri 3lih hadi dirha ya3tok b ban direct Speak english in the mainchat: ahder anglais fel mainchat ( T ) Use /ask in case you need something : chof la mafhamtch kachma 7aja wla 7ab ta3ref kachma 7aja aktab /ask aya ba3dha sa9si wch t7ob la ta3raf eng ahder biha la mata3rfch sa9sihom bel arbiya mais 9olhom bli mata3rafch eng ITALIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Premi F1 e leggi le regole sotto # Regole del server #. Do not avoid arrest: Non evitare l'arresto. (Ad esempio : il suicidio). Do not Deathmatch: Non uccidere i giocatori senza un motivo. No not Deathmatch Emergency: Non uccidere nessun giocatore della squadra di emergenza senza un motivo. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Non uccidere il poliziotto che non sta provando ad arrestarti. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Non uccidere criminali non-ricercati. Do not attack cops in hospital: Non attaccare i poliziotti all'ospedale. Do not attack criminals in hospital: Non attaccare i criminali all'ospedale. Do not marker kill in bankrob: Non uccidere un giocatore che si trovato nel segnalino durante una rapina in banca. Speak english in the mainchat: Parla inglese nella chat generale. Languages Needed Hebrew Swedish [Some languages may be missing, all are welcomed] Format Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Do not avoid arrest: Do not Deathmatch: No not Deathmatch Emergency: Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Do not dm unwanted criminals: Do not attack cops in hospital: Do not attack criminals in hospital: Do not marker kill in bankrob: Speak english in the mainchat:
FYI I have changed the property price to min 50k max 500k. The property price on it previously was dumb
@Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Tut-Greco said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): yes, it's a game Thing, keep that in mind. no need to set absurd high standards for people to join an organisation. we're giving him a path to follow by joining SAPA, and i'd feel guilty for seeing someone leave the server due to selfish people not letting him join anything. give people a chance to have fun instead of questioning someone who's giving another guy an opportunity If you would be realistic and saw his applications, behaviour on the forum etc, you would have a different opinion. But it is just a game, right? Guess that every dumbass can be invited because of that. Then the organisation gets demoted for rulebreakers or bad behaviour towards the community. How do you defend that, it is just a game? in terms of hills to die on you have picked a pretty shit hill I hope the SAPA police academy, responsible for teaching people how to play the game, do not get demoted from being a group on account of a person playing as SAPA with limited game knowlege
@Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Tut-Greco said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): if you're really on the edge of quitting, ill add you to sapa so that you can get some friends and training there :) You are giving him what he wants. If everything gets handed to him, he will never learn. thanks dad
https://saesrpg.uk/topic/374/requesting-inactive-properties Request denied, you have failed to even complete step 1.
Sprunk Vending Machines Across SA
Daryl replied to JohnnyEnglish's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Filex said in Sprunk Vending Machines Across SA: @JohnnyEnglish said in Sprunk Vending Machines Across SA: @Flex Kindly state your reason for disagreeing with the suggestion I didnt disagree well i had this idea back in days when i started mta scripting it was one of the first things i made tho wanted to suggest something like that for saes but wasnt with that efficiency indeed im with this suggestion old pic (and its juice xD) Since when are you @Flex -
https://saesrpg.uk/gov The Executive Branch The President @Filex Chief of Staff to The President The Vice President @Poodlyz Chief of Staff to The Vice President Secretary of State Secretary of The Treasury Secretary of Defense Secretary of Health & Education Secretary of Agriculture & Energy White House Press Secretary @ILLUSION The Legislative Branch Senate Majority Leader Senator for Bone County @Mohd Senator for Tierra Robada @Yoko_Kurama Senator for LV South @Law Senator for LV North @Arctic Senator for Red County @Judyes Senator for LS East @JohnnyEnglish Senator for LS Central @SAFP-Stone Senator for LS West @Gonza Senator for SF North @Mickey Senator for SF South @Versace Senator for Flint County & Whetstone @Draven
You left independants out of the first graph. Seems like a big chunk of votes to leave out.
CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI
Daryl replied to Ardron's topic in General Chat
To be fair to Ardron, IG used the official FBI forum account to announce his lack of support for the government. To attribute this coup to the FBI is not totally baseless. Had he not done this in his role as HQ in FBI, nobody would of attached this to your squad. There's a reason groups are distancing themselves from him at this point. You can't be surprised him having the FBI tag on forums, speaking as the FBI HQ and making a post on the official FBI account makes people think "hmm what are the FBI doing" The fault here lies solely on your organisational structure and your lack of control to allow someone to take your squad and make sweeping statements in its name. Do not blame Ardron, or anyone else, for their interpretation of those statements or their attribution of those statements to the FBI, from where they originated. -
CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI
Daryl replied to Ardron's topic in General Chat
@Billionaire said in CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI: @Terry the name itself "AK" party denotes AK 47 lol just lol -
@Adistar said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: @Tritosh said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: @Mrwan said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: Well, I'd like to thank the 51 person who voted for me, I really appreciate your support and Congrats to all the guys who won. They are all OC and ThC, you can thank them in discord Aww. I didn't even know Mrwan was participating in elections, but I would've voted for him if I did though. I would also vote for you if there were elections for the president of the most toxic people on the internet No way, that's @Rzz0 's award to win!
CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI
Daryl replied to Ardron's topic in General Chat
For what it's worth. The non-RP leadership team, consisting right now of Myself, Tut and Mohd will not support these so called 'roleplays'. We will not allow a coup to undermine the work we have all put into the elections and we will not allow people to force-roleplay or ruin other peoples gameplay. These coups are nothing more than disrupting an admin-run RP (the government) and in other cases it's deathmatching. We will put these forced roleplays down, and we will do so using an admin panel, not words. We can re-visit this topic once there's an actual reason for wanting to coup against the government. The fact remains, IG8820 lost the election at 5pm, he was on the streets having a coup at 5:01. The government was not even fucking spawned yet. This is a case of someone being a massive sore loser and abusing his position in other groups as a result of it. We will not entertain this nonsense. We have come to this conclusion in consultation with SAES HQ. Under no circumstance will I allow you to devolve this government into obscurity like the ones before it. There will be no further communication on this, this is our stance and it's how it will remain for the foreseeable future. -
CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI
Daryl replied to Ardron's topic in General Chat
The one thing that does annoy me about this is how shit the RP is. There is no justification for a coup. The president is not in CLO, the Vice President is in DE. This is force-RP'ing at its finest. NOBODY in the government wants a coup or to be involved in a war, but it is being 'forced' on them. BOTH sides need to agree before it's an RP. As of now, this is just DM. It will be treated as such. These people have worked hard and have been elected democratically and you want to actively ruin and abrupt their gameplay. This is nothing more than being a sore loser, and ultimately, a cunt. -
CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI
Daryl replied to Ardron's topic in General Chat
Excellent post, at least there's some squads who understand their role. -
ISIS is the last thing we need
@Ramby said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: @Joe great work! Only sad for the outcome. Too bad Erdogan got more votes. But that's how it works. Can we see how many turkish people voted for that, just out curiosity. Unfortunately not, votes are private but they have been checked to ensure no duplicate voting in terms of accounts or IP's. We're satisfied that this election was carried out with a degree of legitimacy.
@Marko said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: Who the fck is Tayyip Erdogan ( ODAKAB) Your president.
saving this post
Hello one and all, As you are aware for the last 7 days we have run some very well organised elections on the server which everyone has got on board with. These have run without fault and have run very efficiently, for that we must give due credit to @NanoBob . Also credit to my fellow non-RP Government Leadership team members, @Mohd and @Tut-Greco respectively. Now.. on to the results. Bone County A total of 266 unique votes were cast in Bone County, for the following candidates. Leonardo Anderson ( @Nirjhor ) - 106 votes. (39.85% of total vote) Sheikh Maaz ( @Tapi ) - 102 votes. (38.83% of total vote) Thomas Connor ( @Carter ) - 58 votes. (21.80% of total vote) Congratulations to Leonardo Anderson, the new Senator for Bone County. Chilliad & Whetstone A total of 187 unique votes were cast in Chilliad & Whetstone for the following candidates. Suleyman Soylu ( @System31 ) - 80 votes. (42.8% of total vote) Chris Roman ( @Mrwan ) - 51 votes. (27.3% of total vote) Harry Dalton ( @Makefoo ) - 30 votes. (16.0% of total vote) George Brown ( @Ramby ) - 26 votes. (13.9% of total vote) Congratulations to Suleyman Soylu, the new Senator for Chilliad & Whetstone. Flint County A total of 179 unique votes were cast in Flint County for the following candidates. Vadim Gorbachev ( @Nobodyknows ) - 65 votes. (36.3% of total votes) Edward Hudson ( @Lincoln ) - 64 votes. (35.8% of total votes) Igor Markov ( @FastYounq ) - 50 votes. (27.9% of total votes) Congratulations to Vadim Gorbachev, the new Senator for Flint County. (By a very close margin!) LS Central A total of 277 unique votes were cast in LS Central, for the following candidates. Mr. Manuel ( @Zwolle ) - 107 votes. (38.4% of total votes) Mike Hunt ( @Kleptix ) - 72 votes. (25.9% of total votes) Radico Fernandez ( @Radrick ) - 37 votes. (13.4% of total votes) Med Filex ( @Filex ) - 37 votes. (13.4% of total votes) Ezel Bayraktar ( @Jack_ ) - 24 votes. (8.7% of total votes) Congratulations to Mr. Manuel, the new Senator for LS Central. LS East A total of 229 unique votes were cast in LS East, for the following candidates. Alejandro ( @Yoko_Kurama ) - 120 votes. (52.4% of total votes) Jason Sandro ( @Killer ) - 60 votes. (26.2% of total votes) Mike Litoris ( @N-FUN ) - 49 votes. (21.4% of total votes) Congratulations to Alejandro, the new Senator for LS East. LS West A total of 209 unique votes were cast in LS West, for the following candidates. Ramiz Karaeski ( @zaza ) - 75 votes. (35.9% of total votes) Alcott Cardwell ( @Ted ) - 61 votes. (29.2% of total votes) Marcus Lamirez ( @Markus ) - 41 votes. (19.6% of total votes) Amin Smith ( @MeDai ) - 32 votes. (15.3% of total votes) Congratulations to Ramiz Karaeski, the new Senator for LS West. North Venturas A total of 287 unique votes were cast in North Venturas, for the following candidates. Mark Calaway ( @TaJ ) - 120 votes. (41.8% of total votes) Wayne Marshal ( @Skerdi ) - 100 votes. (34.8% of total votes) Cornelius Carter ( @Cornelius ) - 47 votes. (16.4% of total votes) Mchael Enpelope ( @reket ) - 20 votes. (7.0% of total votes) Congratulations to Mark Calaway, the new Senator for North Venturas. South Venturas A total of 329 unique votes were cast in South Venturas for the following candidates. Bob Russel ( @ZeKinG ) - 176 votes. (53.5% of total votes) Albertino Nguyen ( @SoulFly ) - 107 votes. (32.5% of total votes) Charles Bergling ( @Anas_ ) - 46 votes. (14.0% of total votes) Congratulations ot Bob Russel, the new Senator for South Venturas. Red County A total of 171 unique votes were cast in Red County for the following candidates. Roberto Cavalli ( @kockata ) - 70 votes. (40.9% of total votes) Jack Darwin ( @Sam ) - 63 votes. (36.8% of total votes) Devin Thorne ( @JohnTurner ) - 38 votes. (22.2% of total votes) Congratulations to Roberto Cavalli, the new Senator for Red County. SF North/Bayside A total of 144 unique votes were cast in SF North/Bayside for the following candidates. Taavi Tamm ( @TaaviLaudur ) - 97 votes. (67.4% of total votes) Delaval Astley ( @lil_borivoje ) - 47 votes. (32.6% of total votes) Congratulations to Taavi Tamm, the new Senator for SF North/Bayside. SF Central A total of 200 unique votes were cast in SF Central for the following candidates. Muharrem Ince ( @Velona ) - 94 votes. (47.0% of total votes) Raymond Collins ( @Niceez ) - 64 votes. (32.0% of total votes) Joshua Clark ( @Joshbond ) - 42 votes. (21.0% of total votes) Congratulations to Muharrem Ince, the new Senator for SF Central. SF South A total of 220 unique votes were cast in SF South for the following candidates. Casper Stapleton ( @Hoodie ) - 109 votes. (49.5% of total votes) Oliver Kent ( @Qweezy ) - 71 votes. (32.3% of total votes) Michael Colins ( @Asgal ) - 40 votes. (18.2% of total votes) Congratulations to Casper Stapleton, the new Senator for SF South. Tierro Robada Last, but not least, there was a total of 212 unique votes cast in Tierro Robada for the following candidates. Mr. Cazorla ( @Human_ ) - 112 votes. (52.8% of total votes) Johnny English ( @JohnnyEnglish ) - 78 votes. (36.8% of total votes) Rocket Ronny ( @RocketLuncher ) - 22 votes. (10.4% of total votes) Congratulations to Mr. Cazorla, the new Senator for Tierro Robada. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA What we have all been waiting for. 240 Unique Votes were cast in the ballot box to elect the new President, and Vice President, of the United States. They are as follows.. Tayyip Erdogan ( @ODAKAB ) & Binali Yildirim ( @Terry ) - 88 votes. (36.7% of total votes) Michael Payne ( @IG8820 ) & Rakesh Gupta ( @Scorpyo ) - 80 votes. (33.3% of total votes) Billy Barbosa ( @Billionaire ) & Jazzy Jazz ( @flappy ) - 72 votes. (30.0% of total votes) Congratulations to Tayyip Erdogan & Binali Yildrim, your new democractically elected President and Vice President. On a personal note, thank you everyone for getting so involved. We had hundreds of unique voters, 46 candidates and 3 electoral parties. I'm extremely happy with how these elections were conducted, we will be looking for the next elections around August as we plan on three times a year. For all of the new members of government, please await a PM from myself with instructions. I will add you to the respective spawns and discord(s) once I speak to you all. Do not go and get yourself added to anything. If you require anything please feel free to reach out. Once again, congratulations to all of those who have succeded and commiserations to those of you who have failed this time around. Au revoir, Joe.
Hey everyone, The polling stations will close at 5pm BST tomorrow. This is to give me enough times to collate results and create the topic. You should have the results of the election by 9pm BST tomorrow. Good luck to all.
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