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SAES HQ Leader
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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. This topic entitles @Wegz with 10 donation points. Please reply to this topic @Wegz with what you want your rewards to be using the following format:
  2. Hi All, I will be hosting a series of in-game events in which in-game prizes will be up for grabs (money, properties and donation rewards) All you need to do is be on the server at 19:30 GMT (UK / server time) tonight (Friday 19th May). Good luck!
  3. Hi All, I will be hosting a series of in-game events in which in-game prizes will be up for grabs (money, properties and donation rewards) All you need to do is be on the server at 19:30 GMT (UK / server time) tonight (Friday 19th May). Good luck! View full article
  4. Hi All, I will be hosting a series of in-game events in which in-game prizes will be up for grabs (money, properties and donation rewards) All you need to do is be on the server at 19:30 GMT (UK / server time) tonight (Friday 19th May). Good luck!
  5. I've adjusted the first post based on the feedback.
  6. My ideas were just preliminary and are open for changes. I like the ideas you've put forward and will adjust my initial proposal tomorrow to include them.
  7. Yep, I agree @Jay thanks for your input.
  8. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  9. Thanks for the response @ESO. @chaplin you will need to create your own group, please join the group management discord and discuss with the team there.
  10. There are certain rules for this section that we would like members to adhere to. Those who break the rules continuously after being warned will have their posting privileges revoked. Rules for this section Please search this forum and its sub categories prior to asking your question or making a suggestion as it may have already been asked or answered. If a topic with a prefix of '[QUESTION]' has been posted, SAES members are the only people qualified to answer them, so please do not comment as you will be warned and your post deleted. If a topic with a prefix of '[FEATURE] / [QoL] / [CHANGE]' has been posted, public members are allowed to voice their opinions but SAES HQ will ultimately decide on the suggestion. ALWAYS ADD A POLL FOR THESE CATEGORIES! Your topic title should be tagged / prefixed with one of the following; [QUESTION] - Question about the server or rules. [QoL] - Small Quality of Life suggestion. This is a small edit to an existing resource that is entirely beneficial. (Add a poll) [CHANGE] - Bigger changes to existing resources which may not have full support. (Add a poll) [FEATURE] - Fully fledged features resulting in new resources being created. (Add a poll) If you wish to report a bug, use the following: Ingame Bug: https://saesrpg.uk/issues/ingame/ Website Bug: https://saesrpg.uk/issues/web/ How to get a response to your suggestion All suggestions will be responded to if a poll is on the suggestion. This poll must reach at least 40 positive votes for yes with at least 80% of all participants voting in favour of a specific idea. Poll manipulation will result in forum bans. This means no incentivising people to vote in one way under any circumstance. Allow people to vote based purely on the idea itself. These limits may change depending on how frequently they are being met. This system ensures you will receive a response - not that the suggestion will be implemented. A member of the clan will respond after it is discussed internally and you will be given a reason why the suggestion may not be implemented or if successful that we will put it on the roadmap. We will aim to respond to all suggestions who reach the relevant quota within 7 days of the quota being reached. This may not always be possible, as it may be a larger internal discussion point. Once your suggestion is responded to, one of the following will happen: Your suggestion will be moved to the In-Review category for review internally. If your suggestion is accepted, it will be added to the roadmap and added to the gang accordingly and moved to the Archive category If your suggestion requires further community feedback, it will be moved to the community feedback category. If your suggestion is rejected or closed due to a lack of feedback, it will be moved to the Archive category.
  11. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  12. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  13. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  14. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  15. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  16. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  17. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  18. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  19. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  20. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  21. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  22. This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.
  23. Hi. I had an idea to give the cops something to do, instead of just waiting for criminals to commit a crime so they can do something about it. My idea was that we allow cops to raid gang bases for "contraband". How it would work: Gangs would be able to gather contraband to store at bases, by storing it, they give gang members a modifier to boost their criminal activity payouts. Contraband would sit there until a raid is started. Contraband would require your gang to collect a certain amount to lock in the boost modifier and allow the police to raid. Contraband would be gathered from store robberies or using a designated vehicle to collect from the map. (TBD) Cops can raid a gang base once every 24 hours to look for contraband. Squads will be given a 3rd "raid" spawn to use for raids. (to balance the gang member's 3rd hideout spawn below). Cops can only raid a gang base if there are x amount of gang members online (regardless of how they are spawned). Once cops break through the base's contraband interior entrance, they have x time to find the contraband. This should be done via an interior that is the same for every gang. Some bases are harder to breach than others, depending on design and location so they would be targeted more. If each gang had the same 'base raid interior' as an addition to their current interior, then this would function closer to how BRs work for criminals. Gang members can only use the main gang spawns once and will have to respawn at their 3rd "hideout" spawn, their house or hospital afterwards. If cops manage to gather evidence or contraband, they put the base into "lockdown" and are rewarded with x fee Gang members online (regardless of spawn would get 42 stars) Gang members are restricted from using their gang spawn for x time (lockdown). (time TBD). Gangs will be given a 3rd "hideout" spawn to use during this time. A small limit of a 5kb base, no interior, and a couple of gang vehicles could be located there and this would be a 'stronghold' as such, and can't be raided by police. If cops don't succeed in gathering evidence or contraband, the contraband is immediately sold (to start the cycle again) and online gang members are rewarded with a percentage of the sale. This is very much a basic concept and is open to discussion and modification. Let me know your thoughts.
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