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FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@Netro @Cataclysm You've both shown a good level of commitment to the squad thus far, both of you were originally denied, you went away and learned what you could and re-applied again. Specifically props to you Cataclysm for joining SAPA and rising through their ranks at the pace you have, it shows a real willingness to get better at the game but also to improve your communication skills.

You're both Pending for the time being, hang around with FBI members in game and do not be overly intrusive. You will receive a final answer in the coming days.

@BruceWayne The above line applies to you also, Pending.



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Personal Information
Account Name:Henry
Primary Language:English
Other Languages you speak:Latvian

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:Almost 3 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 years, i was playing on old account,but i lost it.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No, i dont.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:No previous memberships.
Why do you wish to join the FBI:I want get new experience in this professional departament and learn something new what i dont know.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:I am not.

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:Roleplay is when you have to play like in real life, like if you got shot in your arm you have to wrap bandages around your arm and hold, or just call for EMS.
Define deathmatching: Deathmatch is that when you are shooting peoples/police officers for no reason, exemple-Standing on roof whit sniper and police officer is talking whit people, and that guy whit sniper just start shooting officer for no reason.
State three server rules (F1):You cannot/use Deathmatch,Cheats and you have to talk only English in mainchat.

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Personal Information: My name is Deniz actually my middle name that will do. Im 22 years old and live in Denmark, ive been studying as cook.
Name: Rex
Account Name:Celalbaba
Primary Language: Danish/turkish
Other Languages you speak:English
In-Game Information: Ive been in SAFP long time ago and had alot of training there, we usally went on training and rp with other gangs.
How long have you been playing MTA: 1 year
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 1 year. SAES:RPG was the first server i played and i stayed cus its SAES!.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: no :/
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: SAFP Left due to inactivity cus of studying so i quit the game.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: FBI fits my style of rp/gameplay i would really like to join this agency.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: Havent been banned b4.
General Knowledge: I usually play as Police, criminal not so much, i like the Nightsticks and send bad people to jail. :)
Define roleplaying: Sees a criminal goes 200mph, turns on the sirens and going full speed after the scumbag. Criminal decides to stop, turns out its just pothead doing testing in his new car, and it was quite smoky too, not the engine tho. Basically playing as police/agent cathcing bad people/criminals, roleplaying with them if theyre up to it ofc.
Define deathmatching: Killing without reason, or blowing up others cars because its fun, deathmatching is a no go in saes since its a rp server.
State three server rules (F1): Imptersonating SAES/admins, Killing at hospitals, avoiding arrest.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@tokiits aka Henry

Thanks for applying to FBI! We have decided to proceed with you, aswell you have received entry tests already, and you passed them, nothing else to say but welcome aboard.


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Personal Information
Account Name:edvards890
Primary Language:Latvia
Other Languages you speak:English,Russian
In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:2 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:1 year
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:no
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:no
Why do you wish to join the FBI: FBI fits my style of rp/gameplay i would really like to join this agency.

If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:NO
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: roleplay is real life > roleplay is playing and acting as if in real life
Define deathmatching:You kill another player for no reason
State three server rules (F1): deathmatching,no cheating, do not avoid arrest

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Personal Information
Account Name:kikitis029
Primary Language:Latvia
Other Languages you speak:English,Russian,Germany
In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:2 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:9 months
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:no
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:no
Why do you wish to join the FBI:I and my frend want to be two FBI cops and fight criminals
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:NO
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:in my opinion roleplay is real life in the computer game
Define deathmatching:one guy vs one guy
State three server rules (F1):No cheating

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Personal Information
Account Name:kikitis029
Primary Language:Latvia
Other Languages you speak:English,Russian,Germany
In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:2 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:9 months
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:no
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:no
Why do you wish to join the FBI:I and my frend want to be two FBI cops and fight criminals
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:NO
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:Roleplay is playing and acting as if in real life
Define deathmatching:Deathmatchin is a if you kill a another players for no reason
State three server rules (F1):DM CARDM deathmatching

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Personal Information
Name: Leon
Account Name: Noflex
Nationality: Germany
Age: 23
Primary Language: German
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: over 3 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 weeks
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: no
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: no
Why do you wish to join the FBI: i want to upgrade from police with my friend Rev9 so we can play together at fbi
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: no

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: playing an imaginary character / role
Define deathmatching: killing players/dealing damage without a reason (e.g. if you are police and the other person doesnt have wanteds)
State three server rules (F1): no cheating
no Deathmatch
no bug abuse

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Personal Information
Name: Fabian
Account Name: Rev9
Nationality: German
Age: 23
Primary Language: German
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: over 3 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 weeks
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: no
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: no
Why do you wish to join the FBI: i want to upgrade from police with my friend Noflex so we can play together at fbi
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: no

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: playing a Situation only in Chat. No ingame function needed.
Define deathmatching: killing players/dealing damage without a reason
State three server rules (F1):
no cheating / no modding
no Deathmatch
no Camping at hospital

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

Dear @kikitis029 and @edvards890

Please note you are now on a Pending status. Hang around with FBI members in game to get accompanied with us.

Dear @celalbaba @Faris1 @Rev9

Please find an FBI level 3+ in game to speak to and be tested.



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Personal Information
Name: Walid Mohamed
Account Name: walid32
Nationality: Egyptian
Age: 20
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: Since 2010.
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Since 2011.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: I had before, but I lost it due to diverting to the criminal side.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: OC, SAPA, TST, FBI, Helvete, TT and HS.
I left every organization for a specific reason, but I can't really remember exactly why I left; it's been a while.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because it's been the first squad that I joined in 2012. In addition, I am settled and I am mature enough to choose precisely what fits me well. That's why I think it fits me.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: None.

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Roleplaying is a simplified meaning of playing a role. It's like pretend playing. You choose a role, and you have to act it's actions, reactions and obligations. And you implement it into the server by embodied animations.
Define deathmatching: Deathmatching is hurting, harassing or killing anybody for no specific reasons. Even though if it was for the cause of revenge, it's considered deathmatch.
State three server rules (F1):
1- Do not avoid arrest.
2- Do not impersonate others players on the server.
3- Do not talk in a foreign language.

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Personal Information
Name: Corrupt
Account Name:Nightmare222
Nationality: Bulgaria
Age: 15
Primary Language: Bulgarian
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: from 2014
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Since 2018
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:CDC
Why do you wish to join the FBI:Because everyone in FBI are so good with me they i respect them and i need to be a part of this big family
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: i was banned only for 1 hour

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Roleplaying is to act like in real life everybody have a role
Define deathmatching: Deathmatching is to kill other players for no reason or to damage they car
State three server rules (F1):
1- Dont kill at hospital
2-Do not avoid arrest
3- Do not deathmatching

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Personal Information
Name: anwar
Account Name: horir
Nationalit > Algeria>

Age: 18 years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English
In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 1 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 9 month ago
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: nope
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIA
from this squad
if you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: nope
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Role play is acting the real life like cops following his job and arresting crims also
there is a anims can be used like /wash /talk also there is a chat /me , also cop always on a duty, and crims on purist and raid sr's etc...
Define deathmatching: deathmatch is meaning a killing someone or bother a personwith out any reason and
thats called a dming there is many kinds of deathmatching like park kill insulting in chat without any reason.
State three server rules (F1): Do not marker kill or marker arrest. / Do not avoid arrest. / Do not camp the hospital as any class.
I am was FBI Member ,,,-records-and-media-archive/131?_=1579092872416&page=7
Thanks for reading
Officer : anwar

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Personal Information

Name: Ivailo
Account Name: CapitalWE
Nationality: Bulgarian
Primary Language: Bulgarian
Other Languages you speak:English/Russian/Bulgarian

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA:2016
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:2017
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
CDC - I left it because they were too inactive.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: because I think you're one of the active and skilled squads, i would like to show efforts and skills!
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:Multi account, just to find my old main account and not to prevent my punishments. link - https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14362/capital-s-ban-appeal

General Knowledge*

Define roleplaying: Roleplay is a simulation of a real action like for example, a cop pulls you over and start to investigate your indetification licenses.
Define deathmatching: Killing someone without a proper reason i.e deathmatching you for no reason
State three server rules (F1):

  • Always when you find out a bug, always report it to saes admins.

  • Talk english in mainchat (its a must).

  • Do not Deathmatch players for no reason.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

Dear @CapitalWE @Corrupt @anwar20

Please note you are now on a Pending status. Hang around with FBI members in game to get accompanied with us.

Over the coming days you may be invited to a test and at that point you will receive your final result.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.



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