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Participants: @Twixx; @DJO; @pazoo; @Hesha; @Dudi; @Access; @Lightning; @Benny; @Patrol; @Carter

A very important family member of the russian concil, Mr. Yuri Kovasov, was kidnapped by some terrorist members, a ring-wing party based on the north of Russia. We got intel that they were expecting a helicopter in the San Andreas barrage to take them back home, however, what they did not know, was that the military had already intercepted their ride. We got information that they were waiting for the helicopter in this afternoon so we took no time waiting. Gather around, prepared an operation and took the road. The main focus on this mission was to extract Mr. Yuri safe and arrest the terrorists, take them inside our base and question them about their organization.

Everything went smoothly. We extracted the hostage, and took the criminals back to our base. After our investigation and questionaire that lasted 2 long hours, we found out that they were based in Flint County, and were brothers. Members of the well-known Morasov Family. The youngest one confessed that this crime was part of a major plan: Use Yuri to collect very important files from FBI - a case built on their father: Yordaniv "Luffy" Morasov. One of the dangerous man in Europe and top 3 in the most-wanted interpol list. Because of the severity of this operation, we arrest the criminals, took Mr. Yuri back home safe and took the case to the board, wich decided to lead the case to the governament.

:camera_with_flash: Screenshots:


Operation "Russian Roulette"



@hoodie said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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RP#142 - The Suprise
Participants: [SWAT] > @SKY-911 (Captain.SKY-911) , @FlaMe (Sergeant.FlaMe) , @DJO (Private.DJO) , @Element (Colonial.Element), @Swiggity (Private.Boi) | OC|> @Tape.Adjuster , OC|> @Hoodie
We had a suspicion a few days ago, that we may get raided by SWAT. So we recently moved all our illegal arms out of our base to an undisclosed location. It was late at night, Tape and I were chit-chatting at OverdoseCrimes base in Las Venturas. As we were talking in the distance I heard sounds of heavy vehicles coming our way, Ape and I prepared to fight! As the vehicles got closer, we noticed our suspicion was true and it was in fact SWAT approaching for a raid.
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We were quickly out-numbered, 5-2 I don't like those odds so we quickly complied with SWAT's demands. We held our hands in the air as we were asked, the leader of the team told us they were looking for weapons. Ape and I attempted to refuse to allow the search, but once again these men were well equipped. We both didn't feel like tasting the pavement this week so we complied once again. They escorted us to their van and got us to sit inside, they then proceeded to head across the road to our personal building. The door was locked, of course, so they escorted us out of the van and demanded I unlock it or they would break it down. I do like seeing things broken, but if I didn't unlock it and the door was broken I would be paying for it.
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I quickly unlocked the door, just so we could get this over and done with quicker. It's not like they were going to find anything anyway, so I humoured them. They entered the building quick and fast, throwing a flashbang at the first door to ensure no one was hiding. They proceeded through the whole house, every single room searching. I was surprised at the fact they searched everything so well, even looking in the lamp shades. After a thorough search, they headed back towards us at the entrance hall.
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They spoke with us once again, telling us they had found nothing. I asked them if that means if they will be harassing us all day now? They replied with yes, its there job. They continued to tell us about how they have a lot of information on us and that they will be coming back again to search. They were confident that even though they didn't find weapons this time, they will next time. With a quick smirk at the officers, they left. Good thing, we knew they were coming overwise things could have gone pear-shaped pretty quickly...
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DUTRCnn
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~[SWAT Training]~(blue)
-Shooting tactics and sky dive improvements-
Participants: @Dudi @Elegant @Lightning @Benny
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So,today(08/11/2018) I have called to all SWAT available members for a training, unfortunately only three members were available to come to the training. So we I have trained them today is teamwork tactics and sky dive skills. The SWAT officers were very well at the sky dive and teamwork tactics tho. I think there is still room for improvements , overall very good job, from the officers.
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Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YQZuRIK


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SWAT Activity (10/11/2018)
-Evening activity, including stopping BRs, JBs and SRs in a professional way.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/het7Jt0


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It was an evening, the day was clear, there was pretty much no special tasks to take. I took that as a great opportunity to rest a bit inside SWAT base. There, I started browsing all around the Internet, until I found something on the News that I got pretty interested in. I started reading, it took me awhile, as I wasn't able to realize what that was. The story impressed me, a couple of new and young drug dealers started showing their 'materials' or else their drugs into different ways. In a secret way, to be more exact. They started that "buisness before a month, as it grew a lot until now. The thing they are doing is simple, they want it to look like they're selling a high quality protein in a really low price, which would get everyone's interest towards them, of course. Sadly, they are implementing a great amounts of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins, as well as some drugs just to make sure that the person actually gets addicted, they turn some really well known and perfectly looking athletes, into nothing else, but garbages. They are getting addicted to it in no time. A great amount of "kids" had to taste it as well, the results were obvious. That got me nervous and pretty mad at the thing happening. I head towards the SWAT armoury and pick up some M4 and some other useful guns I'd need if some action happen. I got in my Rancher and quickly headed towards Los Santos Docks. I had the feeling that everything started from there. I was looking around for so long, I was trying to find something useful, yet I didn't. After awhile, I saw a female walking on the walkside, I quickly parked my Rancher and got out, had a quick talk with her where I can have a look at those brand new proteins. She showed me, alsoobviously she was pretty surprised from the way I stopped her also the way that a SWAT member is interested in that kind of stuff. She stated that a brand new cargos were sent to the location, so I can give them a look. I got back in and head towards the given location, there I parked my Rancher and got ready. No, I wasn't even close to actually taking action and try to ruin that "buisness" they got, I just wanted to have a look at it, yet I was well trained and prepared for anything. I started walking around, as I was hearing people's voices talking loudly, as well as machines doing their thing. I didn't manage to talk with anyone about it. I knew enough, after a while, I saw the cargos that I had a talk with the girl earlier. They were empty already. I got closed and had a look at that "protein" as there was some on the floor. After some minutes, I heard 1-2 shots at the sky, I quickly got my M4 and covered behind the Rancher, the people started shouting out "Run away, that's official buissness, you got nothing to do here. Furthermore, none called you, get out before you lose your job." I had enough evidence, so I managed to not get in any fights, as this would ruin pretty much everything. I asked if a person would get down here, so I can ask for a "suspect". I showed a picture of a person that was arrested 1 month ago, yet they didn't know. Of course, none knew anything, but it was enough to get out of that situation.
What was inside those cargos? What's exactly the look of the logo, the name of the gang or else the details of that new kind of drug? Those are the question we'll be trying to answer in the near future.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/doL3Yv8


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SWAT Activity 30/11/2018

-Night Activity, including stopping well organised SRs and taking down well armed criminals.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/d17sSQH

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