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Public Event Hoster spawn


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Create a spawn which has all the abilities LWS has. Whoever uses the spawn to host a particular event, should get a random dimension assigned to them so they can host it. This way they cannot interfere with the normal gameplay, but they can still host their events. Players don't have to wait for a LWS/G6 member to become free but instead can host and manage there own event.

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At least people that are not LWS could do some events since we all see that LWS members are a little bit lazy. +1
And other point is that there are people that have awesome ideas for events but they cant make them because LWS members dont want to work, always doing LMS, chicken shooter, chicken arrest, etc

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Quality > Quantity. I rather have 1 nice event which brings something new and exciting then the same 3 events all day long

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@Tut-Greco I never said that so i dont know why are you saying that. but there is a problem, i couldn't make my application cause of not having 1 years in SAES but i know one thing for sure, i could do new events instead of spamming the same everytime

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@ElRastaMan17 said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

@Tut-Greco I never said that so i dont know why are you saying that. but there is a problema, i could make my application cause of not i dont have 1 years in SAES but i know one thing for sure, i could do new events instead of spamming the same everytime

you're saying that there are people who has awesome event ideas but can't make them <implying it's too difficult to join LWS>. am I wrong? if not, I would recommend you bring it up with the group HQs and see if they can go softer on applications/recruitment.

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@Tut-Greco You know why is too difficult to join LWS? cause they dont want to develop new events. Even if a guy has a new idea, LWS members are too lazy to lose some time building. I only saw one guy that showed some will of building and it was Hotfire

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@Tut-Greco said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

@ElRastaMan17 said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

@Tut-Greco I never said that so i dont know why are you saying that. but there is a problema, i could make my application cause of not i dont have 1 years in SAES but i know one thing for sure, i could do new events instead of spamming the same everytime

you're saying that there are people who has awesome event ideas but can't make them <implying it's too difficult to join LWS>. am I wrong? if not, I would recommend you bring it up with the group HQs and see if they can go softer on applications/recruitment.

I don't wanna join a group just to make 1 event for myself every once in a while tbh..

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@ElRastaMan17 said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

@Tut-Greco You know why is too difficult to join LWS? cause they dont want to develop new events. Even if a guy has a new idea, LWS members are too lazy to lose some time building. I only saw one guy that showed some will of building and it was Hotfire

Are you serious dude? I wish people stop bringing up stuff they dont know about. LWS just recruited a bunch of new members.. to pass application stage applicants had to make 3 unique event types.. and many, literally created them and posted them. You telling me Hotfire hosted all those? You guys feeling some type of way and your bringing this suggestion back to life thats great and Im not here to oppose it anymore but get your facts straight man. People building new events all the time I dont think its ok to try and pull lws though the mud just because people want there own event panel.

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@Reggi If you feel so unconfortable with this idea why dont you tell your new members to stop spaming LMS, chicken shooter, fallout,etc?
The point is Im not here only to have a panel but to make the server the best way possible, and this suggestion is one way to do it. If LWS feel so unconfortable with this then start to work and inovate your ideas and this suggestion wont be needed

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@Reggi If you feel so unconfortable with this idea why dont you tell your new members to stop spaming LMS, chicken shooter, fallout,etc?

u should ask the hoster

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@ElRastaMan17 said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

@Reggi If you feel so unconfortable with this idea why dont you tell your new members to stop spaming LMS, chicken shooter, fallout,etc?
The point is Im not here only to have a panel but to make the server the best way possible, and this suggestion is one way to do it. If LWS feel so unconfortable with this then start to work and inovate your ideas and this suggestion wont be needed

I dont feel "uncomfortable" what the idea at all. I said what I had to say ages ago when this came out. What i'm uncomfortable with is members of the community that has absolutely no idea what they are talking about trying to shame something/somebody. If all my customers wanna host chicken shooters and there paying me and there paying a random winning then i'm fine with that. The first thing I say when I party a person for an event is Hi. what type? and you best believe if its a new/unique event im gonna build it and so are other LWS members. My problem is not with this idea but instead its when guys come on this topic and instead of debating and talking to positives of adding this they have to try to slander LWS while the next day there in main chat trying get an lws. We host all type of events daily but if you see multiple chicken shooters its because there requested not because we force it. If you hate those events so much stop going to them. And show us proof of when you asked an lws member to host something unique and he said no. Otherwise this discussion is over, feel free to drag ikself back here and get the fire started again if you want it added so badly. But if coming after LWS's integrity is the only thing you have to say to try and help your case then that's sad.

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