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Public Event Hoster spawn



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Create a spawn which has all the abilities LWS has. Whoever uses the spawn to host a particular event, should get a random dimension assigned to them so they can host it. This way they cannot interfere with the normal gameplay, but they can still host their events. Players don't have to wait for a LWS/G6 member to become free but instead can host and manage there own event.

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Literally no downside to this if people are going to be excluded into their own dimensions.

I would suggest adding a system where we can remove people from the spawn if there is abuse, such as spamming adverts, not using spawn as intended etc.

The only people against this idea are those who already have access to the events panel and are being greedy.

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@NanoBob said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

Now I still see a lot of people who are worried about the "abuse" that can happen. If we were to currently just make a new spawn with all of LWS' capibilities, yes it would be abused. Which is why ikzelf suggested doing some additional work to make sure it's safe for usage by the general public. Locking it to dimensions, changing the way advertisements work, changing the way events are displayed in the /event panel, etc.
Maybe even marking events hosted by LWS people a bit differently so they still stand out. But that's all minor issues.

In the end the most important thing is that the features of events are available to the players. And if LWS has insufficient capacity to host them (Which is the case, since otherwise this suggestion would never have been made) then I do believe the best course of action is to make the general public able to host events with the same set of tools LWS has.

Your mention of LWS having insufficient capacity I don't believe was the best terminology you could use to describe my group. If you take a look at the LWS forums you'll be able to see the volume of events my members are churning out on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Furthermore, as per a previous post to Ikzelf, I stated that we have just had an influx of members, and have another recruitment phase open at the moment to help with demand for event hosters.

Over the years, events have gone from being a sporadic once/twice a day spectacle to being literally every 20-30 minutes at peak times. So yes, there is a huge demand. However, I would argue that it is being managed - allowing members to balance between playing the game themselves and hosting events.

On the other hand, I see the reasoning behind this post, and if it is decided that a public spawn is added; I would like to be able to be involved in that process. Which hopefully would still make LWS/G6 viable event hosting spawns as the 'premium'.

As I've said previously though, there are parts to this I agree with, and parts I do not - Especially your mention of "The same set of tools LWS has". So it would be worth us all sitting down and discussing all elements. What I don't wish to happen though, is for LWS/G6 to become irrelevant and to be removed from the server.

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well, if this spawn going to have some restrictions and limitations then why not, maybe people should get a mini spawn first or smth like a test spawn, and if they did not abuse it in a period of one month f.e they get the right spawn, even tho the public spawn should still have few limitations as Ikzelf and others mentioned above.

TL;DR: good idea overall, but there should be limitations.

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