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alt metni


@King01 : Thanks for applying.I can't say anything bad about your effort but you should talk to people, and more importantly get along with them. It is not all about jailbreaking, we want to have teammates that we know.You might re-apply after two weeks.The application is ~[DENIED.]~(red)

@GanjaB0SS : Thanks for applying, but unfortunately we are not proceeding with your application this time.If you wish to try again, please re-apply after two weeks but show more effort with being involved in our activities.The application is ~[DENIED.]~(red)

@Cruz : Thanks for applying.Unfortunately, not this time.but you might re-apply after two weeks.You might also want to join us in our activities and talk with our members to get known in order to raise your chance of joining us.The application is ~[DENIED.]~(red)

@Griffin : You're showing a good potential, keep it up.Your application remains ~[PENDING]~(orange) until the next reply of the HQ team.

@Douglass , @Spinkes , @DarkSideR ; you guys have been putting a good effort and you already have a nice reputation amongst the members so there's only one thing to say, ~[welcome to the crew!]~(green,lime,yellow,orange,red,black,teal,blueviolet,purple)

If your application haven't been answered yet, please be patient and wait until the next result wave.And don't forget to join us in our activities meanwhile.~[We the Outbreak HQ team wish you a happy week.]~(purple,red,green,yellow,orange,black,teal,blue,violet,olive,pink)


~[coldplay is gay]~(white,white)


-Section 1-

Real Name:Preslav
In-game Nick : Petrow
Age: 15
English proficiency: 9/10
Other Languages: English and a little bit French

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: I really like jailbreaking so I think this is the right place for me. I can also improve my self inside the organization and learn from the best. Also I have a lot of friends which brings me into Out Break even more.

Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?:Firstly and the most important thing for me is my loyalty, I will never let you down even during your hardest moments. I am also skilled and loyal player which I think it is important too. I also could do a lot of activities like events and roleplay.
Current group membership(s):Underground Empire

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: I want to introduce myself to you. My name is Preslav I am 15 years old and now I live ,and study in the United kingdom (Wales). In my spare time, I like to play SAES:RPG and have fun with my friends. My hobbies are video games, football music and fitness. I also have a sister at the age of 13. I play SAES since the beginning of 2015 and if I have to be honest I am quite amused.Now I want to tell you about my career on the server to get a little more idea about me. First I went into SAFP, but they kicked me for inactivity. Then I wanted to try the criminal side so I joined Cripz. I was a little immature and I offended a member of the gang because of that I was kicked, then I went into ThC and I left because the retardness of this gang in my oppinion is going over the limits sometimes. Now I am UE and I hope I will stay there till the end of my SAES carrer.


-Section 1-

Username: Resistant313
Real Name: Abdullah
In-game Nick : Resis
Nationality: Baku
Country of residence: Republic of Azerbaijan
Age: 16
English proficiency: I have understandable english
Other Languages: English

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: I like to cooperate with serious things, I want to achieve new results and achievements by working together with you and in case you can realize that I'm a useful person, and i want to learn more things while working with you. I like to jailbreak like everyone else but i am planning something great to do for OB, I want to bring nice activities to this group, and I want to do my best like everyone else that's why I want to be a part of OB.

Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: You can benefit from my activity even you can see that I am an experienced player and I want you to know that I will be loyal to you and every day I will help about general and activites as much as I can and together we can rise to the level.
How long you been playing in SAES?: 6 Months
Current group membership(s): The Company and rTECH

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words:
I'm a 17 year old student and i am living in Azerbaijan, I'm a man who goes outside for travel with friends spending time and hookah with my friends, seriously i don't know why but I spend a lot of time in the game I am also a person who learns everything fast and carefull in this case I can keep everything in my mind and I am getting result from my achievements, so after coming from school I am going to gym to make muscle i may really need that in the future so I don't hate anyone like everyone i am just a helpful person and i am glad to help people i guess that's what makes me special.


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First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications.

@PewD Thank you very much for your efforts, I am sorry but this time you weren't even close for passing the application stage, In order to join us you'll have to stick with us and join our activities so the members can see you and put any opinion about you, Sorry but you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks from now, Good luck.

@Spicey Thank you very much for your efforts, You may have been around us just a little bit but that's too far from enough to join, plus your attitude Is unacceptable at all, you really need to change your attitude towards the people In the server and also to the members, You applied for OB and yet you were doing shit to the members, You're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 1 month If you're still Interested, Good luck.

@hazy Thank you very much for your efforts, The members have noticed you around in our activities and you've got some good votes to keep you on track, therefore we decided to give you ~[PENDING]~(orange), Keep hanging around with us and show us more of what you've got, Good luck.

@alex0107 Thank you very much for your efforts, You got denied two times before but yet you never stopped trying and you kept hanging with us and showing us your efforts, That's why we decided to finally give you a shot, You're ~[PENDING]~(orange), Keep hanging around with us and you shall succeed, Good luck.

@SoulFly Thank you very much for your efforts, You ain't active enough and you're not even around with us when we're doing any of our activities, so In order to join us or even get a chance you'll have to join you will have to be active and join our activities, However you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested.

@Petrow @Resistant You both will get your answers soon, your applications are under consideration, please hang around with us meanwhile, Good luck

Commander of Outbreak

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In-game Nick : Crazy

Nationality: Dominican Republic

Age: 18

English proficiency: 6/10

Other Languages: spanish

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?:I want to join OB because it is a group that has called me attention and is a good group that likes to do JB, what I also like.

Current membership(s):

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: My real name is Joan manuel, I am someone who likes games and I like studies at this time. I am studying high school, my free time I spend playing or doing something with my friends.


In-game Nick : Orten

Nationality: Tunisia

Age: 14

English proficiency: 7/10

Other Languages: English-Frensh And Arabic.

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: I want to join OB because i want help players,getting many kills and like OB Role

Current membership(s):

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: Well,my real name is Moemen I'm born and raised in Tunisia . I'm a really mature person, who shows both respect and honor in my work. I respect every person who have a higher rank than me ingame, and I'd do anything to serve them. I'm a well-skilled roleplayer, and at the same time a really loved person on the sever. I've got alot of compliments for my good roleplaying abilities, and at the same time for my clean and understandable langauge. I'm a person who writes alot, and I also like to. Also besides that, I'm a fast keyboard typer, which is good. I do not suffer from any mental diseases, which makes me unstable. I don't get easily mad, I have a long fuse, which is good in situations where you have to talk alot, and perhaps explain something complicated to a person with a low knownledge in English. I'm a male and I'm 14 years old. I'm a really mature person compared to my age. As said. Age doesn't define majority. It's all about the environment you grow up in, and the surrounding people you're being with. I'm a good social person, and I love to meet new people and make new friends.


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First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications.

@Crazzy @Ortenn Thank you for your effort, I am sorry to tell you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), that's for your very weak application and lack of efforts/experience Ingame, Apply again In 2 weeks.

@Petrow @Resistant I am happy to inform you both that you are ~[PENDING]~(orange) for now, Keep hanging around with us, Good luck!

Commander of Outbreak

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-Section 1-

Username: joge
Real Name: Markus
In-game Nick : JoGe
Nationality: Finnish
Country of residence: Finland
Age: 22
English proficiency: Good enough to communicate with people
Other Languages: Swedish

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: I like the community you have in OB, i know alot of people in there and i want to become one. I do jailbreak often and it would be more fun and effective with OB members.

Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: Well as you might have noticed, i am very active player and i have pretty good cop killing skills. I am and i have always been very loyal for gangs,squads and groups i have been in.

How long you been playing in SAES?: since 2012, i had my inactivity period but it has been over for approx 4-5 months now.

Current group membership(s): Arms Assassins Level 1, Clucking bell Divison leader, The Forgotten under member.

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words:
My ingame nickname is JoGe and accountname is joge. I am 22-years old boi from finland and my strenghts are my good reputation among the community and ofc shooting and driving skills. My biggest weakness is flying in my opinion. My current memberships in saes are AA and Cluckin' Bell, I have been playing MTA and SAES since 2012. I was couple years inactive due to school and finnish defense forces. And what comes to my personal life, well i live in northern Finland and i love doing winter sports such as alpine skiing and ice fishing. At this spring i will graduate to HVAC engineer and after that i will move to southern Finland.

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Good afternoon community, applicants, and members, first of like we always do thank you applicants for showing interest in applying for ~[Outbreak]~(3a2020) as you may know is not easy to get an opportunity on your first try, remember to join, you have to proof you're worthy, prove you're active, loyal and overall a fun player to play with. That said I'd like to answer a couple of applications that were pending and we've decided to answer them.

First of starting with,

@alex0107 Hi there Alex we appreciate your interest in joining our organization, even though some of our members have voted positive towards you as an applicants, you do not meet some of our requirements, I'm really pleased with your activity, and interest, but as an organization we have our own rules and without them we wouldn't be what we are, for now your application will be ~[denied]~(maroon), don't lose your fate, it has nothing to do with your skills but, our rules.

@hazy You've proved you're a really good player, really patient, never bothered our members in a any way, we appreciate your maturity and patient after all this time of waiting for a final answer, as I've stated before we give time to our applicants to show off their skills aswell our members get to know you more as a person/applicant, therefore our final decision is to ~[Accept]~(green) you as a new Outbreak member, remember always to show activity and loyalty towards the organization.

@Griffin Hello there Griffin well I guess we left our most skilled applicants for the last, we've decided to give you a shot to join our organization, remember, stay active , be loyal and as I stated before to the other two applicants, enjoy the game! Your application was ~[Approved]~(green), keep in mind you need to show us activity to remain on the group and that goes to every applicant and member of this organization.

~[OB HQ]~(3a2020)


-Section 1-

Username: Mazgou123
Real Name: Mohamed
In-game Nick : Andre!
Nationality: Tunisian
Country of residence: Tunisia
Age: 17
English proficiency: 7/10
Other Languages: Franch, English

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: as I said before, I want to join the Outbreak Organization because I love the role so much, I also have too many friends who are OB members, and It will be so funny doing jailbreaks with them and also I want to be a member of one of the most active groups in the server.
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: First of all, I want to say that I have a big experience in groups and in SAES in general and I can consider myself as a skilled and a good player, I respect everyone and I'm also mature, second I'm so active in both, Forums and In-game, and I'm sure that I will be so active in OB by making Jailbreaks, and events,
How long you been playing in SAES?: 5 years but I started being so active in the last 3 years
Current group membership(s):

  • OverdoseCrime

  • Demon Disciples MC

  • The Motor Head

  • Black Eagles Security

  • The Forgotten

  • General Eagle Arms

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hi, my name is Mohamed, I'm 17 years old, I'm from Tunisia, I'm a good and a funny guy, I respect everyone my hobbies are playing on the piano, dancing, playing video games especially online video games, and I love watching anime and hanging out with friends, I started playing in SAES in the last months of 2013, but I was kinda inactive, I was playing like 1h in a week, but when I understood everything on the server and knew how it goes, I started being so active and I joined some squads and gangs and there I got all my experiences, I've got too many strengths like shooting, sniping, driving and also parachuting and I only have one weakness and it is playing with lag.


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~[-Section 1-]~

Real Name:Aziz
In-game Nick :freefire
Country of residence:Sousse
Age:17 years old.
English proficiency:8/10
Other Languages:Arabic and frensh.

~[-Section 2-]~(silver,silver,silver)

Why do you want to join us?:I want to join this group because cuz is active in the game and membres respect others. When I see his membres doing their work I was attracted to what they are doing and I hope to be with every longing.
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?:i'm friendlier and active in game.
How long you been playing in SAES?:I'play in this server from 1 years.
Current group membership(s):

~[-Section 3-]~(navy,purple,purple,purple,purple,purple,purple,purple)

Something about you, no less than 100 words:Hello,my name is Aziz know as OC|>Rocket in game i' 17 years old i' live in Tunisia i'm studen i play in this server from 1 years.I have two brothres name's Hamza and iheb they are twins.My father name Mohamed his work in Garde national and my mother name Kraima she is in house.i practise Football and Gym,i like vidos games like MTA:SA.

And thnx for reading :relaxed:

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-Section 1-

In-game Nick : Filex
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: 18
English proficiency: 8-9/10
Other Languages: Arabic French, basics of spanish(1/10)

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?:
While reading the topic i had much fun to know about such organization that existed back and of course to be member after the revive as i like to be included in the server old school groups, in addtion the pricips of the group and role is too original to do jailbreaks organized and to be part of it of course with such cool rules.

Current membership(s):

  • The Company

  • The Motor Heads

  • Invest Arms Corporation

  • San Andreas Medics

  • ZIP Construction & Platform

  • DDMC

  • The Forgotten

  • Kool Time News

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words:

Im Filex , im an 18 year old teenager from tunisia, i joinned the community 1 year ago and had much fun to know about everything i concidere legendary for a 15 year old thing, i had some problems at the begin but i recovered and started enterring slowly until im who im now, im a helpful person i can say with some anger but the best thing i see in myself is being a sarcastic person that gives message to people honestly in a funny way, other thing is my rp skills and in game skills which i can rate 7/10 as an for average of 1 year of practise


-Section 1-

Username: JudeObiasca

Real Name: Jude Obiasca Campanera

In-game Nick : OC-H|>xJuDe or sometime OB.xJuDe.Helper

Nationality: Pinoy / Australian

Country of residence: Philippines , cebu city

Age: 18

English proficiency: 9/10

Other Languages: Tagalog , Italian , English

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: Because i wanna JailBreak always

Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: ican offer my loyalty my respect and my skills . and also im everyday active

How long you been playing in SAES?: almost 1 week

Current group membership(s): none yet

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words:
hello im jude i born in the philippine's but my mom is from australia and my dad is from philippines , when i was a kid i like to play BaseBall and all GTA Games till i found MTASA and play it , i found SAESRPG and play it . it's like 2015 but i've been inactive for like 3year's because i have some school and some activities to do in my school , then i came back like 1week's and i see that there was too many gang official and more player's than since and so many kind player's , my cousin name is Martin Jxmes Solis A.K.A BloodZ*>Jxmes . and im always active from now on because i love SAES RPG !


-Section 1-

Username: theclaw
Real Name: Yusufcan
In-game Nick : TheClaw
Nationality: Turkish
Country of residence: Republic of Turkey
Age: 17
English proficiency: B2 English Degree certificated by British Council(Online).
Other Languages: A2 German, Starter Italian.

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: My whole career as a criminal, I love jailbreaking other fellows. In real life, I'm very helpful too. I thought that why I should not bring this to the SAES as being in a group ? Therefore I decided to apply to Outbreak Organization. Also I'm a calm person, I can appease myself easily and I'm always respectful to other players, especially admins. Also I love helping to my fellows and teammates. I think I will be a good member for Outbreak.
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I'm loyal, calm and respectful person, as I mentioned above, I can appease myself easily in bad situations. Therefore I can offer you guys my loyalty, skills and amiability.
How long you been playing in SAES?: I have been playing on SAES for more than eight years. Couple of inactivity times has occured but they have already finished.
Current group membership(s):

  • The Motor Heads Technical Division

  • GEA Supervisor (vL)

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello my dear fellows. My name is Yusufcan. I'm seventeen years old boy which lives in a small city called Yalova. I moved here approximately six years ago. As Yalova is a small city, I love cycling around Yalova which is so enjoyable and relaxing activity. Also I love playing on my computer, specifically I play Formula 1 2018, DiRT series and MTA and Tomb Raider series(my favourite). But most of the time I play on SAES. My hobbies are: playing games, cycling, all kind of sports(especially Court Tennis, long live Federer !), programming robots listening to songs. Well that's me, thank you.

Your sincerely,

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-Section 1-

Real Name:Burak
In-game Nick :Ganja
Country of residence:Turkey
English proficiency:6/10
Other Languages:N/A

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?:Have a good roleplay and many friends are inside of the group.
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?:I'm good roleplayer.I have good shooting skills ,have a good driving skills.I'm mature player and knowledgeable, funny and friendly.
How long you been playing in SAES?: I started to play saes in 2011 summer. I stay inactive 2-2,5 years and stay active like 4-4,5 years.
Current group membership(s):N/A.

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words::I am Burak Sonmez I live in Turkey/stanbul.I am study of machine engineering .I am 21 years old.I am fan of Besiktas.I love fps games too like Counter Strike:Global Offensive my CSGO rank is Global Elite and have good stats from Faceit.I like to play Pubg too I got nice rank from there too gold 1.I love crimside of SAES I like roleplaying I like gang but hating cops(pigs).

Thanks for Reading.


~[-Section 1-]~

Username: alayamba
Real Name: Mostfa
In-game Nick : JaKeL
Nationality: Tunisia
Country of residence: Tunisia
Age: 17
English proficiency: 6.5/10
Other Languages: Arabic / french

~[-Section 2-]~

Why do you want to join us?: Because this group is good and works impossible to escape from prison this group has members good and helpful.
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I can give respect and help when needed.
How long you been playing in SAES?: 2 years

Current group membership(s):

Gang: Comando da Capital.
Groups: - Reach and Rescue Team.(GEA) / Hell Hounds Motorcycle Club.(HHMC)

~[-Section 3-]~

Something about you, no less than 100 words: I am Mustafa from Tunisia. I have one brother and I live in Tunisia specifically in Sousse. I love playing with computers and I dream that I am a doctor. I play SAES for 2 years I am 17 years old and I love those who respect me and those who help me. And also I do not like those who insult me.


In-game Nick : Pomie

Nationality: Tunisia

Age: 14

English proficiency: 7/10

Other Languages: Frensh And Arabic.

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: I want to join OB because i want help players,getting many kills and like OB Role

Current membership(s):

Gangs: At The Moment Nothing but hanging with CripZ and i was

-Tuga_Thugs: I'm Kicked Because i took ban
-The_Blood_Brothers_MC: I Left BBMC Because Died And i decide To join Organization Zero.
-Organization Zero: Z Have 73 Members And Inactive.
-T~~AR: Gang Died.
-SA: Gang Closed.
-ICE Police: i left it Because i have problem with Members.
-QSAQ: Died Gang
-MI5: Have a Few activity
-MI6: Squad Closed
-The Omerta: Gang Closed.
-Dragon Skinner: Bad Gang.
-FBI: I'm Kicked Without Reason and i decide to join CripZ with my Friends.
-SATS: Bad Squad.
-SAPA: Kicked.

Groups: Cunning Stunts

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: Well,my real name is Moemen I'm born and raised in Tunisia . I'm a really mature person, who shows both respect and honor in my work. I respect every person who have a higher rank than me ingame, and I'd do anything to serve them. I'm a well-skilled roleplayer, and at the same time a really loved person on the sever. I've got alot of compliments for my good roleplaying abilities, and at the same time for my clean and understandable langauge. I'm a person who writes alot, and I also like to. Also besides that, I'm a fast keyboard typer, which is good. I do not suffer from any mental diseases, which makes me unstable. I don't get easily mad, I have a long fuse, which is good in situations where you have to talk alot, and perhaps explain something complicated to a person with a low knownledge in English. I'm a male and I'm 14 years old. I'm a really mature person compared to my age. As said. Age doesn't define majority. It's all about the environment you grow up in, and the surrounding people you're being with. I'm a good social person, and I love to meet new people and make new friends.


Joge - Accepted
Ganja - Under review
Jakel - Denied
Petrow - Denied
Resistant - Denied
Crazy - Denied
Pomie - Denied
Andre - Denied
Rocketlauncher - Denied
Filex - Denied
Jude obiasca - Denied
TheClaw - Denied


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@Jakel, @Petrow, @Resistant, @Crazzy , @Pomie , @Andre, @RocketLuncher @Filex, @Jude-Obiasca , @TheClaw :

Good afternoon dear applicants, and members, first of like we always do thank you applicants for showing interest in applying for Outbreak as you may know is not easy to get an opportunity on your first try, remember to join, you have to proof you're worthy, prove you're active, loyal and overall a fun player to play with. Thats why I wanted to make clear your past answers.

@GanjaB0SS : After discussion between our members we have made a concluison. Congratulations! You are ~[Accepted.]~(red,red)

And say welcome to our new VIP member! @Ikzelf

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-Section 1-

Username: MortalSupreme
Real Name: Rizky
In-game Nick: [WA]PewD|TF
Nationality: Indonesia
Age: 15
English proficiency: 8/10
Other Languages: Indonesia

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: i Like helping people and i like Outbreak Organization
How long you been playing in SAES?: 395 Hours
Current group membership(s):

  • Wild Angels

  • The Forgotten

  • 4x4

  • DDMC

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello there, Im Rizky! you can call me PewD if you are in game. My hobbie is playing game, and i can play game's like 5-6 hours per day. I'm a friendly and kind guy and also i like to helping someone that is in trouble. That's all about me


-Section 1-

Real Name:filip
In-game Nick :Nav
Nationality: Macedonian
Country of residence: Macedonia
English proficiency:7/10
Other Languages:serbian and a bit Russian

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: I like the role of the group
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I can offer JB events and more
How long you been playing in SAES?: 1 year
Current group membership(s): The Motor Heads , lounge inc , The Outfit

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: well my name is filip im from macedonia currently in highschool for electrical engineering i like to train when i have time and play some games with my toster :P mostly mta


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-Section 1-
In-game Nick : Judyes
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: 17 years old
English proficiency: I wouldn't rate 10/10 or 08/10 , Just i would like to rate to my english skills 7/10.
Other Languages: Arabe , Frensh

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: Well , I want to join this is group what is called as "OutBreak" , Because i want to be an member of them , they're active a lot , and i can bring all of my activities to this group.
Current membership(s):

  • The Motor Heads.

  • Cunning Stunts.

  • Black Bullets.

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello there, Im Amine I live in Tunisia , Sousse am 17 years old i study in high school i got 1 brothers i began playing video games since Im a kid i started with play station one and two then my father bought me a computer i was addicted to play FIFA and PES nobody can beat me in these games day after day my friend gave me few games that he already downloaded them and recommended me to play them and one of them was grand theft auto San Andreas, so i started playing the game it took me long time to complete all the missions it was such difficult even through cheating , and one day my friend recommended me to download Multi Theft Auto.


-Section 1-

Username: oussama88
Real Name: Oussama Jemli
In-game Nick: RadiO
Nationality: Tunisian
Country of residence: Tunisia
Age: 16 years old
English proficiency: 7/10
Other Languages: Arabic and French

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: Well, because Outbreak Organization has quality, good, friendly members and HQs. Also i havn't a lot of experience, so i would play with them together and have new friends and improve my self. Shortly Outbreak Organization is special on my eye.
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: i have some strengths like communicating, teamwork, maturity, listening and obey the orders given by the higher ranked individuals, also roleplaying is one of my strongest sides and i think that i am one of you because i like doing JailBreaks and give freedom to people.
How long you been playing in SAES?: Since 2015 but after a long inactive period i was back since 2 months ago.
Current group membership(s):

  • CripZ

  • Cluckin'Bell

  • The Motor Heads

  • Cunning Stunts

  • Priests Of Sodom

  • Hell Hounds MC

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: my ingame name is RadiO, but my real name is Oussama Jemli, i was born in beautiful country in Tunisie called Sousse on the 23rd of October 2002, i am now sixteen years old . I live with my family in Sousse,my father works as a School Director and my mother is a Dentist i love her so much such as my Brother he is a puple in a Private School. Im studying in Economices class and i would like to be Economiqe teacher or maybe a Bank Manager. I like listening to English music, playing computer games and Bascketball. Also i am intersted to Agriculture, Space Scinces, GTA Game Moding and playing on SAES:RPG i like it so much. I always go to GYM with my brother but sometimes i go to the Consert or the Cinema with my girlfriend.

Kind regards,
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-Section 1-

Username: JudeObiasca
Real Name: Jude Obiasca Campanera
In-game Nick : [Cluck*]xJuDe or OB.xJuDe.Helper , sometimes
Nationality: half Pinoy half Australian
Country of residence: Pilippines ,Cebu city
Age: 18
English proficiency: 9/10
Other Languages: Italian , Tagalog

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: Because i like JailBreaking and i like to help OB to their activities
Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: i can offer my loyalty my kindness and my respect and ofcourse my skills
How long you been playing in SAES?: since 3weeks
Current group membership(s):
Cluckin' Bell

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello , i am Jude i love to play Baseball with my cousin and friend's and ofcourse computer games such as , MTA , CSGO , Minecraft etc.... i born since August 19 , 2000 , my father is Filipino and my Mother is Austalian and they all love me and im studying hard so i can make Job when i grow up a lil bit . My Favorite server in MTA is SAES:RPG because all people are kind and they all helped me since i played , they told me to read rules , etc.. then some week later i know all rule's but i forget sometime , and i love to jailbreak my friend's so i joined OB

Regards ,

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