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General Information 


 This is a Criminal Organization


What is OutBreak?


Outbreak Organization had been one of the most respected organizations around back in 2014; however, due to government's decisions and strikes, the organization lost members until it had been disappeared, yet their spirit still around and has wakened...

Our main work is not to DM, we are an organization that it's role is to kidnap and assault trucks, do jailbreaks -but with extreme precision and organization-, and yeah, if we are wanted we will strike the police down if it's needed.

We are not a random group that deathmatches around, everything we do is in order to have fun, not to fight or cause problems.


You don't have to leave your gang to join us.


Four friends who lived in Vice City took the decision to fly directly to Liberty City, state of money and opportunities. Once they made it to Liberty City, they left their friends behind and all four of them got into a rich but hard life. One of them named Kurama was a rich guy from Starfish Island who later decided to fly back to Vice City. The second friend XX3 was a recognized arms&drug dealer from South Beach decided to stay with his friend Dynex, a corrupt politic of Vice City, and friend of these criminals. And the last one Ovora was the leader of the most powerful mafia in Vice City, son of a Vercetti. He made a decision, one that would change everything, he decided to win reputation in San Andreas as well, since some friends called him for some gang creation, so the three friends had been separated for a long time.


Things started going difficult for XX3 and Dynex since they were involved in the mafia. XX3 decided to take control of Liberty City with Dynex by killing the leader of the Forelli Mafia. The problem was, this guy was really recognized, so once the mafia started looking for some criminals they knew they were looking to get XX3's and Dynex' heads. XX3 decided to do some business for Forelli Family to get them chill, the mafia decided to have peace for once, but Dynex didn't like the idea of ass licking anybody. On his rage, he killed a member with a justification, which was the Forelli member who in past took the life of Dynex' brother. He didn't know he was a member of Dynex' family, but Dynex had been planning to kill him since the beginning. After the Forelli family had been disappeared, and Dynex joined a Mafia called Los Capriani -a friend gang of Forrelli- XX3 took the lead and started a new era.


Vice City was a city being controlled by Kurama, but not everything was in peace. After more than 10 years of controlling the city, a dude from San Fierro showed up. Kurama had his family in Vice City, his young brother, a 15-year-old kid. His brother started meeting with some strange guys, but Kurama didn't pay attention to that because of the business he was busy with. But after some days he realized that his brother was kidnapped by some gang members, they asked for some money and Kurama decided to pay the money. Although the amount was too much, $240.000.000, it was worth for his brother's freedom. He went to the beach to pay the cash for his brother, but things didn't go as planned. There was a trap, they managed to shoot Kurama's brother on the head, and his bodyguard as well. Kurama started running for his life to a nearby bridge, the criminals started shooting, he got shot once but it wasn't enough to kill him therefore he escaped. After that, Vice City jumped into a great chaos, between the mafia and the people, Kurama planned a fly to Liberty City to meet his friends XX3 and Dynex, but before that, he found his little dog which was a gift from his brother in the kitchen with a bullet in the head and a note. He cried with anger and fury, he decided to call his contacts on the mafia, called Los Capriani, which was Dynex's mafia, they helped him to find who did the crimes and got his revenge.


While in San Andreas, Ovora was fighting with other gangs looking for a chance to get recognized. Ovora was a rich but a quiet guy, he became a gang with his friend and the gang was going good, on the right path. But of course, there were some powerful gangs that managed to destroy Ovora's gang. His gang disappeared after some years, later he met with some gangsters in LS, soon after that, they started talking about another gang, after some years the gang was one of the biggest gangs in Los Santos. Ovora had been one of the most important members of this gang, and called Kurama, XX3 and Dynex for a plan.


After Ovora's called the three friends met again after more than 10 years. They decided to stay in San Andreas, Ovora shared his ideas about the gang but XX3 decided to join another gang but kept being in contact with the friends. Dynex goes with some friends to spend his money since he didn't care of any gang at all at that moment, but then he join XX3's gang soon after, while Kurama accepts Ovora's opportunity and join his gang, and stay's there for a long time.


After some years the four friends decide to create a group named Outbreak which is this Organization now day. Their main role was about kidnapping and liberating criminals from jail and the most important robbing trucks, also selling guns and drugs.


It was a peaceful day in Los Santos, when XX3 got a call from a stranger, the call was regarding his 3 friends and his organization, all of the member's were arrested and sentenced to jail for more than 20 years. Dynex was supposedly killed in Bayside while finishing a Jail Break that took place in a new jailed the city had when the new government implemented the idea, Ovora took a trip back to Vice City where Los Santos had no jurisdiction, while Kurama was busted and jailed for 4 years. XX3 disappeared without leaving a trace.


2017-Present day
It passed nearly 4 years after the great organization disappear without leaving a trace, while Kurama was in jail, he made a few friends, one of them was named Julio. Time went by, and they were getting wasted inside. For surprise of Kurama he saw a new inmate that he knew back in the days, he's name was Velona. He reach him and they talk about how they could make it out, but it was really tough since the F.B.I and SWAT had their eyes on the convicts, yet they were not alone, Terry which was a member of the greatest gang around AA, had his brother jailed and was doing the impossible to get him out, he recruited a few good known criminals and managed to get Velona and Kurama out, while Julio was already out before the outbreak started, since he dug a tunnel with the help of his own gang members. Now Outbreak has risen again strong, and disposed to avenge the old members....



General Information 




 In Game Rules.

  • Respect all rules written in F1 panel.
  • Respect all players on the SAES server.
  • Use your brain and common sense.
  • Do not force anyone to Roleplay.
  • Accept and comply orders from higher ranks inside the group.
  • Inactivity to the group will lead into demotion, and eventually a kick.
  • Do not ask Staff members, HQ or the Leader to join Outbreak, that like everywhere else, is not going to help you at all, so think twice before doing it.


- Forums Rules.

  • Do not bump an old topic.
  • Do not spam.
  • Do not insult or start a flame war on forums.
  • Do not post on our topic unless you're an HQ.


- Roleplay Rules.

  • Always use your roleplay name when roleplaying and remove it while playing as any other class.
  • Always listen to the higher rank in the group.
  • Roleplay as best as you can, use some sense, and do as much emotes /me as the RP requires.
  • Do not kill anyone in your roleplay without permission from the person you are roleplaying with.
  • Always spawn in the correct skin while roleplaying.
  • While roleplaying do not spam LocalChat binds.





Edited by Yoko
  • Like 1
  • Moist 1

-Section 1-

In-game Nick: markus_
Nationality: Estonian.
Age: 15
English proficiency: Pretty decent, I'd give it an 8.5 out of then but, I get some grammar mistakes here and there.
Other Languages: Estonian and a bit of Russian.

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: Because I was actually thinking if there was a criminal organization like this and I planned to make one but the idea fell and didn't do it. And, the whole backstory of OB is very interesting and the general role is very dope and thrilling as well. Also, knowing that this was an old group on this server is very interesting too since I would love to be apart of the 2nd Generation of it and represent it well. Jailbreaking has always been my thing too, it's just fun to kill those filthy bastards and free my fellow in-mates.
Current membership(s):

  • The Company

  • Enternia

  • The Motor Heads

  • MCC

  • San Andreas Medics

  • Lounge Inc.

  • InvestArms Corporation.

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: Well, I am a 15-year-old male from Estonia. I have played SAES for like a year or over, don't quite remember. My current gang is The Company and it's my 2nd time there. I also do sports when I am not behind my PC. I go to Muay Thai which I really like because who doesn't love to beat the shit out of some box bags or even people! I play other games too rather than MTA. Been a criminal most of my SAES Career and do not regret it one bit. I also love to listen to some OG Rap because it's just so good. DRR FTW! I also really like the backstory of OB and their role because I've wanted to do that always. Currently I am a bit inactive because of school and my private life but I am coming back strong and better than ever.


-Section 1-
In-game Nick : Aboody
Nationality: Egyptian
Age: 21
English proficiency: 8/10
Other Languages: Arabic

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: This a new group about jail breaking and criminal work and i am pro at jail breaking so i decided to join this professional group so i can help it get high lvl
Current membership(s): None

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is Aboody i am 21 years old i joined saes 2014 then i went inactivity for some real life problems then i came back in 2017 to find a lot of deffrent things in saes and it became very interesting and got a lot of new gang, group and admins i joined gang called ( UA ) Unknown Assassin it was lvl 3 and i was lvl 3 then the leader of the gang got some problems and he closed it then i joined Organization Zero 6 months ago as u can see in game and i i am also active and loyal member a bit so i can help the group doing some activity like events and roleplay


-Section 1-
In-game Nick :makel.
English proficiency:8/10
Other Languages:Latvian and a bit Russian

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?:because i'm jbing lot of time in day and want to help this new JB group grow up.
Current membership(s):Tuga Thugs

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words:Hey my real name is Aivo,i'm from Small country who's name is Latvia.i'm 17yo studying boy.I started playing SAES in 2017 My first gang was ICE in ICE i was long time,i think 7-8 month then i started Crime life cuz cop life is boring,then i joined The Outfit,but i left O cuz they are/was inactive and now i'm part of TT and i think here i will have good carrier. i have a lot of experience in game i'm active and loyal my SAES carrier is not big but now it time to start it.


-Section 1-

In-game Nick : Rowdy
Nationality: Turkey
Age: 18
English proficiency: 8/10
Other Languages: Turkish

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: Well, because Outbreak Organization has quality, good, friendly members and HQs. Also i have friends from there, i would play with them together and have new friends. Shortly i would join Outbreak Organization family. Shortly Outbreak Organization is special on my eye.
Current membership(s):

  • Arms Assassins

  • The Motor Heads

  • Cunning Stunts

  • Central Events Organization

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is Hasan I'm 18 years old I like to play games.Well, actually it depends but mostly my sniper abilities makes me speacial over other players. HQ team's decision is the most important thing for accept situtation. Well first of all i need to say i'll show my best effort and bests for be a part of Outbreak Organization. You can accept me because of my personal futures, for example; I am a friendly, mature, loyal and funny person. Thats why many people calls me as ''ma boi, funny boy and trustable''. I meant, i am not a cunt (). Anyways like i said, i hope Outbreak Organization HQs like my application and wish see me in Outbreak Organization.


-Section 1-
In-game Nick : Brooks
Nationality: Tunisia
Age: 16
English proficiency: 8/10
Other Languages: French - Arabic

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: Well, first of all, i like JailBreaking. I see myself skilled and experienced to join OB, secondly, i liked OB roleplay at all and as i see OB is great organization with experienced and qualified members which i am excited to share some roles with them.
Current membership(s):
. VT
-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is Nadhir, im 16 years old and i live in Tunisia, exactly Sousse. My main hobby is to play video games. I'm a funny and friendly person who has a good reputation in his real like and even in-game. Well, in-game i can considere myself a skilled guy who can handle an army of cops alone. Moreover, i've been playing SAES since 1 year and half ago, so i well know how RPs and JBs deals works. In addition, i m an experienced Jailbreaker, i always head to JB whenever i see a guy gets jailed by a cop and we know that JBing is OB's main role, anyways, as i said before, i can suit and fit OB role.


-Section 1-
In-game Nick : SniperLyfe
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: 18 yo
English proficiency: i'd rathe it 8 out of 10
Other Languages: arabic frensh

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: doing jailbreaks with friends better then alone
Current membership(s): Cuban Cars - Tuga Thugs - San Andreas Pirates - RaceTECH - Cunning Stunts

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: hey there , im knowed as SniperLyfe ingame but my irl name is walid , well joined the server back in 2 years , first gang was cdc really greate gang but i ended up when i got banned for multi accounting back with power to revive organization zero stayed there for a week nobody wants to log in or atleast help me to do some rp or events ended up after leaving the organzitation , tried with tuga thugs it's a good gang , mature members im still part of em :p , well im trying with you guys cause i always do jailbreaks instead of doing srs it's more fun that's why i wanna join and gain more & more experiences


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-Section 1-
In-game Nick : OC|>Alex
Nationality: Bulgarian
Age: I'm 11 years old
English proficiency: Will say 7/10
Other Languages: Bulgarian

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: I like to kill cops and I'm making jailbreaks almost everyday and I want to make it with friends, because there are times when the cops are camping inside and can't make jailbreak alone.
Current membership(s): OverdoseCrime - IAC

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: I started playing in SAES in June,2017. I was playing as criminal as cop. My first gang was FXR. This gang wasn't with topic and left them. I played more time and wanted to join a gang which is 0,1 or 2lvl, because I needed to play more to join lvl 4-5 gang. I had a lot of friends there and more of them are in Blood Brothers MC now. I don't know why, but Fastyoung closed it. As I said earlier I wanted to join 0 or 1 lvl. I joined Confero's. They kicked me. It was a normal day and UE and more one gang turfed I don't remember who. I was helping UE and on the next day they kicked me without reason. In November or December, 2017 I joined UE. They kicked me, because my friend and I went to the BR as cops. It wasn't our and someone and my friend told us that we can join it as cops. And they kicked me. Then my friend Mrwan asked for a help to his gang named The Corleone. After 1-2 weeks it was closed. I joined WA and left it, because UE told me to come back again and other people told me to apply for them. I joined UE again and was staying around 2-3 months. I was bored of crim side and went to the cop side. I joined SAPA , I got my PC Diploma and left it. Then I joined Special Task Force - STF. I left and will tell you why in the game :). After that I went inactive for 4-5 months and now I'm in OverdoseCrime. About myself I like to play basketball and MTA. These 2 things are my hobbies.

~Thanks For Reading~
~ Written by Alex~


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-Section 1-
In-game Nick : Douglass
Nationality: Dominican Republic
Age: 16
English proficiency: 7/10
Other Languages: Spanish, English

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: Because I have many colleagues there and I like to jailbreak.
Current membership(s):

  • CEO

  • DZTG

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is manuel vivo in RD with my 2 brothers one who plays mta and the other does not (Zodiac). I like to play saes, it's my favorite game I like to respect others ami am a kind person even if they are my enemies I always treat them well, I like to be playing with my companions because i like


-Section 1-

In-game Nick : Filex
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: 18
English proficiency: 8-9/10
Other Languages: Arabic French, basics of spanish(1/10)

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?:
While reading the topic i had much fun to know about such organization that existed back and of course to be member after the revive as i like to be included in the server old school groups, in addtion the pricips of the group and role is too original to do jailbreaks organized and to be part of it of course with such cool rules.

Current membership(s):

  • The Motor Heads

  • Invest Arms Corporation

  • San Andreas Medics

  • ZIP Construction & Platform

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words:

Im Filex , im an 18 year old teenager from tunisia, i joinned the community 1 year ago and had much fun to know about everything i concidere legendary for a 15 year old thing, i had some problems at the begin but i recovered and started enterring slowly until im who im now, im a helpful person i can say with some anger but the best thing i see in myself is being a sarcastic person that gives message to people honestly in a funny way, other thing is my rp skills and in game skills which i can rate 7/10 as an for average of 1 year of practise


-Section 1-
In-game Nick : OC|>Silver
Nationality: Lithuanian
Age: 15 yo
English proficiency: 8-9/10
Other Languages: Lithuanian,Russian

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: I want to join Outbreak because i wanna help the people that get jailed and i like JB'ing, and Outbreak has Friendly members and HQ.
Current membership(s): OverdoseCrime

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: well i am a 15 years old guy, in freetime i like playing MTA (SAES Server), i like watching movies or anime. My real name is Rokas, I am going to karate class since i was 8 Years old, i like comunicating with people and making new friends.I like Roleplaying in games my roleplay skills are (6-7/10) and im trying to get better at it, I like talking in english language, I always report my inactivity to HQ when i am going somewhere for a longer time than 1 day, I respect other players and people, I am a bit Curious person, when someone says something and doesn't finish it I can't stop thinking what it could be and I always wanna know what is that thing that someone wanted to say if they don't tell me i get a bit sad because i wount stop thinking about it for a long time and stuff like,that


-Section 1-
In-game Nick :Skinner
English proficiency:8/10
Other Languages:Greeks

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?:beacuse this group they are About Jailbreaking and i like to doin Jailbreak beacuse i getting eashy Kills and i like to helping other guys to escape from they Jail!
Current membership(s):

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words:i'm 15 year old i'm from Greece i like to playning video games and Football i tryning to be good with everyone i like to making new friends i start to playning saes last 4-5 months i have join to ICE-CripZ-BBMC from ICE i left for idiot leadership and later he's calling me back! in CripZ i was left beacuse i was haved some problems there and when i was come back from 10 days offline to doin left gang i see to i was kicked and really i was don't care now in BBMC some guys called me to join and i joined and i tryning to help him alot to go up :D... i get one new sister this last days and im very happy for this and i playning per day in saes like 3-4 hours and i like beacuse i playning with my friends and my gang and he's have fun!


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In-game Nick : Zodiac

Nationality: Dominican Republic

Age: 15

English proficiency: 7/10

Other Languages: spanish

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: I want to join OB because they are a group that likes to do JB which I like too

Current membership(s):

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: My real name is Daniel, I am someone who likes games and I like studies at this time. I am studying high school, my free time I spend playing or doing something with my friends.


-Section 1-
In-game Nick : [CDC]TCrazyC*
English proficiency:5/10
Other Languages: spanish

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?:Because he's the only one who does enough jb and I like that a lot.
Current membership(s): Comando_da_Captial

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words:I am a very funny person I worry about improving my appearance and learn new things every day more and I love weapons and handling kitchens


Hello there community, on behalf of our members, we would like to thank you for the support, specially those who know our past, and they're looking forward to the future, that way, we will demonstrate once more of what we're made of, with our principles of having fun, and helping the server to prosper. Regarding the applications please bear with us, as for this moment the HQ Team is reviewing each one of them, OB will still remain the same way it recruited before, not everyone will make it, but never give up.

Remember you can also find us on our discord server ! https://discord.gg/UsfctGy

~[- OB HQ Team.]~(901717)


-Section 1-

In-game Nick: PerroLoco

Nationality: Argentinian

Age: 20

English proficiency: 5/10

Other Languages: Spanish

-Section 2-

Why do you want to join us?: I want to join Outbreak because I want to help incarcerated people and I like to kill pig bastards.

Current membership(s): The Company

-Section 3-

Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is Matias, I'm 20 years old. I have played SAES since 2016, I do not remember well the date on which I started in this sv, I am gang The Company, I like very much rugby and dogs of any breed. For now I am seeing well that I could study, I play many games when I get bored of MTA. I've been a criminal ever since I started playing at SAES. I like cumbia because it gives me the sensation of dancing to other genres such as metal, rap or rock.


Dear @markus_ and @Aboody,
Thanks for showing interest.You've been reviewed by our members and the HQ team, and we decided to reject your applications for now after bouncing ideas of eachother.Since we went back to the drawing board, we've been thinking that the key to be a successful organization is to keep it strict to people who've well knowledge about the organization itself and who might benefit it, so we want both of you to show yourself around and hang with us in order if you want to apply again.

~[-Outbreak HQ Team]~(#901717)


-Section 1-
In-game Nick : [WA]KARIM
Nationality: algerian
Age: 19yo
English proficiency: Nrml,not that good
Other Languages: Arabic & French

-Section 2-
Why do you want to join us?: well, I think this group got experienced and skilled members and I wanted to join too, and that's not new to me also sometimes i do jailbreak so which makes me belong here
Current membership(s):

  • Wild Angels (WA)

  • Cartel El Muertos (CEM)

  • San Andreas Pirates (SAP)


  • TMH

-Section 3-
Something about you, no less than 100 words: I am known as Karim (my real name) i'm 19 yo from Algeria. I started to play in the server at the beginning of 2015 but I was under conditions that made me inactive. i returned to the game in the last months of 2017 I do not know many rules and this made me get a ban and few aj and after a while I found the gang new called (wild angels) I decided to join them and stay there .. qs you see now I am still a member so far and i took many of experience there.

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