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S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactics

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Flusha^

Username / Account-name: ogulcan01

Age: 17.

Gender: Male

Nationality: Turkish

Languages Spoken: English, beginner in Spanish.

Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): I would rate my english skills as B1.

Average Ping: 55-75

Average FPS: 50

Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Cheers, I am Ogulcan from Turkey, I live in Istanbul. I am working in a hospital, also I am preparing for the University. I like to play table-tennis, I was the champion of the school last year. I also like hanging out with my friends when I get free time.

II. In-game experience

When did you join the server: Well, I've joined SAES in 2013, I took a rest for two years.

How much do you play each day: Well, It depends. I am really busy nowadays but perhaps you may remember me as a police as knowing my activity. But If I would rate it, It would be 1.5 - 3 hours each day.

Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAPA,ALT,FBI

Name the reason(s) for leaving: SAPA: I was too busy with the real life, I thought I can't help the cadets anymore, and was bored from rping. ALT: Well, It was really short time for me in ALT. I decided to leave due to being bored from the civilian life. FBI: Not active squad and less skilled members than SWAT.

Current group memberships:
San Andreas Fire Department
Military Civilian Components
San Andreas Interceptors.

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I've been banned for 3 hours long time ago, it was for trolling the server as trainee. I've been punished for sarcasm.

Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Last one for the sarcasm, I can't remember others, because I got them when I was a trainee and wasn't aware of the server rules.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

Your strengths: I am a decent cop, I've traineed myself in SAPA for 1.5 years( I was in SAPA for almost 1.5 - 2 years with some inactivity). I am pretty good at shooting, and can't pass it without letting you know of my teamworking skills.

Your weaknesses: I am really bad at driving planes, helicopters.

Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Well, all you can do guess it as %80 of the server does know that SWAT is the most skilled squad with amazing members. And all of them are respectful persons in the whole community. Also their experience minds me to join SWAT.

Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: Well, I am not that active like old, but I am at least playing or trying to play each day, I am pretty good arrester and a person who has loyalty a lot.(You also can be sure that from the time I spent in SAPA). I am pretty good at teamworking and driving cars(except some of them). And as a old academy instructor and currently MCC member, I gladly can say that I've traineed enough to become a SWAT. Also I will keep training myself in SWAT, for sure.

Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):
It was fully normal day in the city, at the city hall, or the city square as you wish to pronounce it. There was a lot of people, some of them was going to the job, and some of them was trying to don't be late to the school. The city was going on perfectly. At the 16.20 PM, two guys was chilling around, but noone was planned that why they were chilling. Close to 16.40 PM, the bearded one reached his under the Jacket, He pulled out a Magnum 357. Started to shoot around randomly and his friend was looking around if there is any cop on duty. After a while, the friend reached his back pocket and took the button. He pressed it and BOOM The normal day was passed to a fucking hell, everyone was trying to escape the area, there was too many dead people on the ground, many injured. When the shots fired, all the situtation's voice already gone to the Police Radio. State Troopers requested for SWAT backup, When the call went to the SWAT HQ, Officers started to wear their equipments. All of them was with armour and heavy weapons for the dangerous situtation. They did split as two teams and team A got in the SWAT Truck, Team Beta got in the Sultans. Team alpha was with heavy weapons like M4A1, Combat weapons. Team B was fully of Snipers. When they reached to the scene silently, Team B took their position from the buildings' roofs. The Terrorist was already seeing the SWAT team, he was taking cover behind the wreck vehicles. An SWAT officer from the team A tried to shoot near the Terrorist, and the terrorist's mind was mixed. At the same time, an officer threw gas nade, terrorist wasn't able to see around. And finally an Officer from the Team B shot the target with Sniper. SWAT team called the State Troopers back when they became sure that the area is fully clear from the terrorists. Also Medic team got in the area, and they took the dead, injured people in the Ambulances and went to the Hospital immediately. SWAT's mission was already done here, after a while with some classic procedure they reported back to the SWAT HeadQuarters.


@flusha Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



@Lincoln Your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red) & you got kicked from SAT due to your ban.

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@soldier2123x After a brief discussion we've decided not to immediately put your application through as our members currently do not appear to know you very well. Instead we hope that you'll agree to undergo two weeks of S.W.A.T. Academy programme and show us what you've got.

@flusha Accepted, contact any SWAT HQ ingame for your entry test.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



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December S.W.A.T. Academy Recruitment!

~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red).

~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green)!

During the period that SWAT recruitment is closed, we will no longer ask for applications to join SAT. Instead, all you have to do if you'd like to undergo two weeks of SWAT Academy, is click on the discord link below and express your interest in general chat. Your chances depend entirely on your own skills and results, no player will be favoured over another; this means that you will get an opportunity to show what you're worth and remove any doubts some might have. For more info about SAT, refer to post one.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/w6RsS4D

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@DROT said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic:

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@soldier2123x After a brief discussion we've decided not to immediately put your application through as our members currently do not appear to know you very well. Instead we hope that you'll agree to undergo two weeks of S.W.A.T. Academy programme and show us what you've got.

@flusha Accepted, contact any SWAT HQ ingame for your entry test.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.


Does this mean I am going to S.A.T first?

  • 1 month later...

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February S.W.A.T. Recruitment!

~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green)!

~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green)!

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~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2): All you have to do if you'd like to undergo two weeks of SWAT Academy, is click on the discord link below and express your interest in general chat. Your chances depend entirely on your own skills and results, no player will be favoured over another; this means that you will get an opportunity to show what you're worth and remove any doubts some might have. For more info about SAT, refer to post one.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/w6RsS4D

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If you want to join ~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) without going through S.A.T., you will have to fill out the following application format. Failing to meet the requirements will instantly get you denied so put some thought into it. Expressing interest via application will instantly put you into voting phase, without offering flexibility of S.A.T. to prove your skills and get to know members. If you weren't around for a while or/and aren't known by S.W.A.T. members then you should head to S.A.T. instead.

S.W.A.T. HQ reserves rights of offering S.A.T. membership to applicants who were not ready to join S.W.A.T. at the time of application.


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I. Personal Info

  • In-game Name:

  • Username / Account-name:

  • Age:

  • Gender:

  • Nationality:

  • Languages Spoken:

  • Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference):

  • Average Ping:

  • Average FPS:

  • Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text):

II. In-game experience

  • When did you join the server:

  • How much do you play each day:

  • Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies:

  • Name the reason(s) for leaving:

  • Current group memberships:

  • If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?:

  • Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s):

  • Name the reasons why you received these punishments:

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

  • Your strengths*:

  • Your weaknesses*:

  • Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*:

  • Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*:

  • Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):



I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Aurora

Username / Account-name: jamesmpf

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Nationality: Italian

Languages Spoken: Italian and English

Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): C1

Average Ping: 140

Average FPS: 60

Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is James and I was born in Florence, Italy; But my childhood was mainly spent in the states. I grew up in a small town in Florida. During my childhood I gained a particular inclination to video production and how editing works. When high school came around i was able to further my knowledge by taking production classes for the school news team and graduated with a 4 year certification in Adobe Plus and Final Cut Pro. Another passion of mine is law and security, gaining a state security license at 18. During my free time I study parts of the court system and see how I can apply the knowledge of law to my work in security.

When did you join the server: Roughly 2 years ago, I don't recall the actual date.

How much do you play each day: Roughly 5 hours but it depends on the work hours I get within my part-time job.

Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: San Andreas ProCop Academy, San Andreas Federal Police, The Strike Team and FOX.

Name the reason(s) for leaving:
SAPA; Resigned after gaining my diploma to head for another squad.
FOX; Resigned to head for a more traffic enforcement/law enforcement role play environment.
TST; Kicked due to failing to give an inactivity notice due to massive personal issues at the time.
SAFP; Kicked due to arguing with a staff member.

Current group memberships:
Black Eagle Security; Deputy Director
San Andreas Interceptors; Trooper

If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: I would.

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): 2 bans and a server mute.

Name the reasons why you received these punishments:
1 ban for multi-accounting in the early days of starting SAES and being a moron. (Appealed)
1 temporary ban for arguing too much with others, the ban was basically a way to tell me it's time to cool off.
1 mute for harassing.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

Your strengths:* I would say that my strengths include vehicle operations, advanced role-play and team-work.

Your weaknesses:* My weaknesses include my ongoing temper/issues with arguing and firearms usage.

Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*: I'm seeking to join the SWAT Team so that hopefully they can kick me where it hurts so I can build up maturity and discipline. Furthermore, I'm looking to join a squad that focuses on team-work and builds their members up to become better in the future.

Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*: I have the role-play knowledge from SAI, the ability to work well in a team and learn from my mistakes. Yes my temper does get out of hand sometimes but I feel as that can be controlled, using that negativity to boost production in other areas.

Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):
Role-play type; Bank Robbery

As the shift was coming to a close for the SWAT Team, a hot call came in regarding an ongoing armed robbery at the Los Santos National Bank. Each member would be divided into teams to maintain proper integrity and get the best possible outcome from the situation. Each team would consist of two to three officers, depending on the on-duty officers at the time. Team One and Team Two would engage the situation by entering through the main entrance on ground level while Team Three consisted of an air support unit to watch the roof for any subjects or suspicious activity. For support on the mission, a Tactical Paramedic would assist ground units by providing medical attention along with the San Andreas Medics if available. Ground teams would respond via Enforcers and Tahoe's (SUV's) while the air unit would respond via a Police Maverick. Before heading out each team would load up their respective vehicles with M4's for assault, beanbag shotguns for less-lethal take-downs, flash-bang and smoke grenades for tactical support as well as a sniper rifle for support via the air unit. Furthermore, the tactical paramedic would load their ambulance with medical equipment, ranging from tourniquets to medical kits and gauze. Furthermore; a call would be placed to the San Andreas Medics for support and local police to secure the perimeter around the bank.
As the SWAT Team arrived at the scene, the air unit would relay any activity on the roof as the ground teams went to locate the local police who may have information in regards to the bank layout. Team One would the Enforcer as sort of a mobile command center, attempting to gain access to the bank security feed to get visual inside. Once visual is gained; ground units would stack on the main doors and prepare to breach if they can confirm no civilians are in the lobby, leading to casualties or injuries.
A: If the lobby is clear, the breach would continue as normal.
B: If the lobby holds hostile subjects with hostages, negotiations would take place before a tactical breach and support from Sierra 1 (sniper in the air unit).

Moving on; Once the lobby has been secured by the SWAT Team, they would continue to sweep the floors until reaching the vault. Upon sweeping, the beanbag shotgun in combination with brute force in numbers would take down the subjects who are willing to comply. For those who aren't going to comply, the M4 would be used. We now reach the vault, where the main suspects are. The layout of the vault has two branching paths that both lead down into the vault, so Team One would take one path and Team Two the other. On a set time, both teams would flash and smoke the subjects while using their force to either shoot them down (if they don't comply and act hostile) or stun them with the shotgun to detain and furthermore arrest them. For the subjects who are complying, they are led out of the bank and to local police for transportation to the county jail.
Air Unit; During the time of the initial breach, Team Three would be monitoring the roof and the progress via bank windows. If any suspect was to try and escape via the roof, the air unit would hover by the roof and give verbal commands as Sierra 1 trained their sights on them. If the subjects refused to cooperate and kept trying to escape; Team Three would radio the location and maintain visual on them as local police intervened. If they try to open fire at the unit, Sierra 1 would take them down immediately.
Tactical Paramedic; During the entire time, the tactical paramedic would maintain support outside to the other officers as a second paramedic went with the ground team. If any officer was to be injured during the situation, the paramedic would transfer them to the closest hospital for treatment (or treat on the scene, depends on the injury).
After the bank is secured and confirmed to be clear, the SWAT Team would exit and relay their findings to the local police on scene. LSPD and other units would take care of the scene and re-opening the location as the SWAT Team returned to base for debriefing.


@Aurora On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage- ~[DENIED]~(red), Due to the fact that you were blacklisted from SWAT previously because of behavioral problems.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Phinixofhel
Username / Account-name: Phinixofhel
Age: i'm 14 years old
Gender: male
Nationality: germany
Languages Spoken: german and english
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): .B2
Average Ping: 30 ca.
Average FPS: 30-60
Do you use Teamspeak/IRC: I use teamspeak
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): I am 14 years old, I help others when they need help and I am learning fast. In my free time I go horse riding (and I love horses) and occasionally hang out with friends. I travel a lot in summer. i cant say any more.
II. In-game experience

When did you join the server: I joined SAES: 2018 i joined SAES with my acc
How much do you play each day: 3-4 hours
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: ICE
Name the reason(s) for leaving:
ICE: I left ice because over time i realized the ice dont make the best job
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): punishment
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: reason was maker arrest

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

Your strengths: i think i was in shooting good and in flying
Your weaknesses: parachuting,land a plane

Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: because I see the job of SWAT, and I want to help them and I want to be a part of it myself
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.:I can help other members of S.W.A.T, and if they need help, I will always support them, and if one of the leaders tells me to switch someone off, I will not question that
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation:A house is under crim controle and they have civilians (Requirements: minimum 200 words): I would first make a plan in the base as we get the civilians out the best and then I would drive with 3 or more vehicles and a helicopter to use place in the heli sit 2 sniper and drive in the cars SWAT officer with M4. as soon as the sniper has a good possition and is negotiating, the SWAT officer with the M4s at the doors behaves if you ask crims example white a car we give them the car but then try to confuse her or if it is not otherwise she goes out switch on. and if all else fails, the snippers will shut off the crims or the house will be stormed from the top when the house is stormed. if it is stormed from above and from below then 1 m4 team are flown up to the roof and then go in through the roof door and try to get a good possition while the team is sent down the crims to keep it from escaping


@Phinixofhel On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage- ~[DENIED]~(red), Due to the fact that you applied for every official squad on SAES:RPG from 2 different accounts ( @Phinixofhel @vahvah1 ) (Including SWAT), changing your name will not help you in anything.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.


  • 3 weeks later...

In-game Name: Kostolomac
Username / Account-name: Kostolomac
Age: Im 16 years old.
Gender: Male
Languages Spoken: Serbian and English
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): My English skill level is B1.
Average Ping: 60
Average FPS: 74
Do you use Teamspeak/IRC: I am use only discord.
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, My name is Blent ifti . Im 16 years old I graduated from high school, currently, Im looking forward to go to university to ensure my entire life. Beside this, I usually meet with my friends in caf and other such places, my hobbies are playing video games and swimming in my free times.

II. In-game experience

When did you join the server: I joined SAES: RPG in 2015.
How much do you play each day: I'm playing around 4-5 hours per day (Sometimes more).
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: San Andreas Police Academy (SAPA), The Strike Team(TST), Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI), San Andreas Federal Police(SAFP), Fox Operation X(FOX), National Narcotics Bureau(NNB)
Name the reason(s) for leaving: Im bored to FBI because I want to try new thing. I won't give up by the police side at any time.
NNB: I left from NNB due to decided to create our own squad but we had real-life problems, and we couldn't run it.
Current group memberships:
Taxi El Centrino
San Andreas Fire Department
Cunning Stunts
San Andreas Pirates
San Andreas Medic
San Andreas Interceptors
US Marshals(Government)
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): N/A
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I've never been punished before.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

Your strengths: Well my strengths are not too many but I can count some of them; I'm good driver so I could offer my best driver skills at hot-pursuits, I'm also good shooter and I'm able to use taser good enough.I'm able to coordinate with my team mates so I can also offer my best team work efforts to you I guess these are all that I can say.
Your weaknesses: I don't know is it weakness or strength but I'm a bit ambitious some times I become really angry but it also keeps me motivated to my job so I can focus easily on my tasks but it is still weakness I guess or I don't know we'll see if we have time
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I want to be a Swat officer in because I wanted to take part in a team at the highest level. Swat team is always a top-level team located in the most demanding tasks.
so I want to be a part of this team
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I'm always intrigued by difficult tasks.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 200 words): In the center of the city that is experiencing a hostage situation in a company. The LAPD arrived on the scene, but the number of hostages inside the building pretty much And that's not good enough for this task and their equipment. Because of this, LAPD called to the SWAT team and They are wanted to the help from SWAT Team. A few moments later SWAT team arrived at the scene. SWAT team wanted it cleared of the area. Captain McGregor placed a sniper on the roof and created time for preparation of the Swat Team. Captain McGregor, had to get building plans in order to get inside without any mistake and create a safe route into the building. The SWAT team was prepared and they approached the door to get in. Proceeded to call all over the inside of the building. The location of the hostages was identified and began the operation to save them. meanwhile To check the status of the hostages was founded in connection with the contents of the .and the status of the hostages turned out to be good but the criminals wanted a helicopter. Captain McGregor said that it is not possible. The Leader of Criminals said if the helicopter doesn't arrive in time they will start killing innocent hostiles. The SWAT team approached the door where the hostages are located and threw a flashbang inside. The SWAT team caught the criminals as alive.


@Kostolomac as you probably already realized, applying for several squads at once is not how it works.
Copy-pasting other players' applications is also not appreciated. ~[Denied]~(red).

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March S.W.A.T. Recruitment!

~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green) until ~[03/01/2019]~(red)

~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red)!

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I. Personal Info

  • In-game Name:

  • Username / Account-name:

  • Age:

  • Gender:

  • Nationality:

  • Languages Spoken:

  • Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference):

  • Average Ping:

  • Average FPS:

  • Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text):

II. In-game experience

  • When did you join the server:

  • How much do you play each day:

  • Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies:

  • Name the reason(s) for leaving:

  • Current group memberships:

  • If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?:

  • Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s):

  • Name the reasons why you received these punishments:

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

  • Your strengths*:

  • Your weaknesses*:

  • Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*:

  • Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*:

  • Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


  • 2 weeks later...

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March S.W.A.T. Recruitment!

~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red)!

~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red)!

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  • 1 month later...

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S.W.A.T. Academy Trainee (~[S.A.T.]~(blue)) recruitment is currently: ~[OPEN]~(lime)!

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~[S.W.A.T. Academy]~(blue) - April 2019

The academy is essentially the main route of getting into SWAT, and its purpose will be for our members to train people interested in joining the squad, rather than the old way of people having to prove themselves and us telling them to go to SAPA if we don't see them as skilled enough. It is far more focused on what you can do rather than who you are, virtually eliminating "favouritism," and it will be far more oriented towards new players (however few of them there are), meaning we will actively seek out to recruit people with <100 hours and train them to our standards.

We train you at our discretion (whenever a SWAT Officer is online and has some free time) as well as patrol with you. We will monitor your progress to see how you perform and whether you are close enough to our standards. There will also be tests now and then to grade you, which we will base our decision on.
Once we are satisfied with your results, we will discuss your invitation among ourselves. While we don't want favouritism (not that we've been accused of it recently), we don't want people in our squad who may be very skilled but assholes to the community, or people who jump from one gang to the next, or people who generally would break the harmony in our squad.

How hard will it be?

Let's be realistic, it's about as hard as DE tests. That means everyone with a brain who played here for some months can pass it fairly easily. Some people will have difficulties, like people with slow reaction times, people who don't understand instructions, members of National Narcotics Bureau (NNB), and people who are playing cop for the first time. Wait, same thing isn't it?

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How to join the ~[S.W.A.T. Academy]~(blue)?

All you have to do if you'd like to undergo two weeks of SWAT Academy, is click on the discord link below and express your interest in "swat-academy-recruitment" channel, one of HQ's will be messaging you shortly afterwards. Your chances depend entirely on your own skills and results, no player will be favoured over another; this means that you will get an opportunity to show what you're worth and remove any doubts some might have.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/tvP4wtq

  • 4 weeks later...

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May S.W.A.T. Recruitment!

~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green)!

~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red)!

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If you want to join ~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) without going through S.A.T., you will have to fill out the following application format. Failing to meet the requirements will instantly get you denied so put some thought into it. Expressing interest via application will instantly put you into voting phase, without offering flexibility of S.A.T. to prove your skills and get to know members. If you weren't around for a while or/and aren't known by S.W.A.T. members then you should head to S.A.T. instead. Should S.A.T. recruitment be closed, refer to paragraph below:

S.W.A.T. HQ reserves rights of offering S.A.T. membership to applicants who were not ready to join S.W.A.T. at the time of application.


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I. Personal Info

  • In-game Name:

  • Username / Account-name:

  • Age:

  • Gender:

  • Nationality:

  • Languages Spoken:

  • Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference):

  • Average Ping:

  • Average FPS:

  • Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text):

II. In-game experience

  • When did you join the server:

  • How much do you play each day:

  • Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies:

  • Name the reason(s) for leaving:

  • Current group memberships:

  • If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?:

  • Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s):

  • Name the reasons why you received these punishments:

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

  • Your strengths*:

  • Your weaknesses*:

  • Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*:

  • Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*:

  • Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):



I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Markus

Username / Account-name: kalevipoeg

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Nationality: Estonian

Languages Spoken: Estonian, English and shitty Russian

Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B2 or C1.

Average Ping: 60, I'd say.

Average FPS: 50

Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Well, I am a 15-year-old male from Estonia. MTA & CS:GO are the only two things I play but mostly SAES on MTA. Started playing SAES in about 2017 or so and still playing. I have 1800h+ of in-game time. I have been in several gangs and some squads as well, so I have experience on both sides. I am in the 8th grade which means I have more time but I also like to hang out with my friends. Also going to the gym from time to time is quite of a passion.

II. In-game experience

When did you join the server: December 25, 2017

How much do you play each day: Too much, depends on the day of course. I'd say about 4h to 6h.

Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: Hampton Saints MC, OverdoseCrime (2nd generation I believe), The Company, Fox Operation X, Underground Empire, Special Task Force, National Narcotics Bureau, Rebels MC.

Name the reason(s) for leaving: Well well well, where do we begin. Hampton Saints MC was my first gang that a couple of Estonian dudes convinced me to join in. I was there for a good 2-3 months until the activity dropped like a Russian drops an empty vodka bottle, literally. We had 20 members online, daily, but it went to 2-3 which eventually led the gang into closing down. I was gangless for a while and I wasn't quite familiar with the gangs but something pulled me towards OverdoseCrime, I guess their roleplaying role but next thing you know, I get accepted and Mrwan decides to close down the gang in 4 days after my acceptance. A mentor from The Company was talking to me and that kinda motivated me to join them, they were Level 2 at the moment. Times were pretty good then, we turfed, bank robbed and did everything as a whole pack, we did it for fun. Was there for about, a month I'd say until I decided to give a shot at the Law Enforcement. I was scrolling thru all of these squads, patrolling with the members and I decided to go for Fox Operation X, they were pretty active and I had fun there with these 2 Bgs, Sam and Hassoni, bullied Kristiina too sometimes. Everything was going fine until I found myself as the only one online for 4 days in a row, I wasn't in their discord so I was super confused. As I was quite new, I didn't know how to approach such situations so I just decided to leave. Summer came up, and I decided to apply for the Underground Empire, was quite fun there DMing everyone but you know, it was summer and I was pretty inactive, spent like 3-4 months there. But, I didn't like the decisions that the HQ team made with the recruitments, etc and I left. I was an ALT Applicant at the time until Laza contacted me for some help with the Special Task Force, withdrew my application from ALT and went straight to STF. Became a Sergeant there and led the way to level 2 with my fellow squad mates, it was quite fun and an experience I'd like to experience again but won't happen since I am a lazy son of a bastard. I was kicked for telling Laza that I felt like my work is done by getting ourselves to level 2 and then the story ended. National Narcotics Bureau, it started out fun, had plenty of friends there, did awesome training and raids but when the Leader tells you not to wear OB tags which are not associated with NNB at all and tells you that you're under his dictatorship, I ain't going with that flow and left. Last but not least, the family, Rebels MC. I was an Honorary member for there for quite a while, about 3 months until I decided to finally join them. It all begun well, everything was super fun and shit but kinda started collapsing when Felix resigned from the Prez spot, we were still holding strong tho and I tried to do my best. Eventually, all motivation was gone, I resigned from HQ to Veteran and from there, left.

Current group memberships:

[RadioSA] Radio San Andreas - Full DJ
[SAN] San Andreas News - Director of the Agency
[SAI] San Andreas Interceptors - Sergeant
[SAM] San Andreas Medics - SAM Sea
[SAFD] San Andreas Fire Department - Firefighter
[CS] Cunning Stunts - Member
[E] Enternia - Chef, Head of the Kitchen
[=OB=] OutBreak Organization - VIP

If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Can't really be done since the Academy is closed but yeah if it was an option.

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have been banned once, alongside with DROT :smile: for abusing the SF CC Carshop roof to my advantage and killing a shit ton of criminals that were turfing.

Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Explained above.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Your strengths: My strengths are communication, teamwork, team spirit, roleplaying, flying aircraft, analyzing different situations quickly, reaction time and common sense.

Your weaknesses: My weaknesses are, might be short tempered but I try to keep it to myself, a bit too many jokes, driving sometimes, parachuting.

Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I want to join SWAT because I've found the motivation to serve the country and protect our homeland. Being a Sergeant in SAI even gives me more motivation because I want to serve time also as a Tactical Officer and do something else besides patrolling all the time. Also, Kasparov has pushed me and told me to give this a shot, a one that I won't regret.

Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I think I will be good for SWAT because of my previous experiences as serving as an Officer for the Country. My Strengths can come into play and improve various situations. I am also pretty decent at roleplaying.

Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):

Roleplay Scenario: Double Homicide

It was a sunny afternoon in Bone County where Officer Markus from the SAI PD was on a regular patrol. He noticed an open garage that had 2 people inside of it, both tied up to chairs and also 1 man who was standing with an M4A1-S Rifle. The suspect spotted me and I reported the situation quickly to the Local Radio which was forwarded to the SWAT Dispatchers. It was a holiday and most of the men were out of the Office except for the Commander and a Captain. This situation was bad. Markus was commanded quickly to report to the nearest Police Department, take the S.W.A.T. Suit, put on, take a rifle and also a handgun and report to the suspect's garage. Markus followed the Commanders Orders and went to the garage. But, the garage had been closed. He crouched there, behind his Ford Crown screaming for the suspect to come out of the garage, he did not respond. Commander DROT and his Captain had arrived with a Tactical Unit Car which was full of local PD members, just like me.

Two gun shots were heard and then, it went silence. We knew he had murdered both of the innocent people but we couldn't yet approach or open fire since we needed a full confirmation first. The garage door opens slowly, we're pointing our guns at the raising door, next thing you know. The suspect has a minigun and started blasting his way towards us, I quickly opened fire and shot 3 bullets into his head while Captain Dileremmo shot his body. His victims were dead and as was the suspect.

When we filed the Double Homicide to the SAPD Detectives, they told us that this was payback. The victims who had been slaughtered scammed and killed his father and 2 siblings because of a stupid night out in Las Venturas. More deeper reasons are yet unknown.

The Suspect, Veteran Hollers was an Ex-Desert Eagles Major and this was very odd. To see an Ex-Major take the lives of 2 young males was odd, but I guess this was all for a reason.


@Markus said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic:

In-game Name: Markus
Username / Account-name: kalevipoeg
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: Estonian

@Markus said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic:

If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Can't really be done since the Academy is closed but yeah if it was an option.

You will be honoured to hear that we decided to it an option just for you! Given your past g/s memberships we're naturally concerned when it comes to your loyalty, but are willing to give you the opportunity to prove us wrong. You may head to SWAT discord and specify your interest in the SAT Recruitment channel, from where you will be led to SAT membership by one of our available HQ's. We wish you all the best during your stay in SWAT Academy and good luck!

alt text

Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



I. Personal Info
In-game Name: pr0abel
Username / Account-name: pr0abel
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Nationality: Baltic Russian
Languages Spoken: Hebrew/English
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference):10 Out of 10
Average Ping: 55
Average FPS: 35 out of 35
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Strong self-centered man, highly reliable. Im the one you call when you find your hands and legs tied up to a pole in a house full of 16 Essays. Envision this scene after the phone call ends then, close your eyes and open them youll then realize that everyone in the house is dead but you and me.

II. In-game experience
When did you join the server: 2018
How much do you play each day: Enough
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAPA
Name the reason(s) for leaving: Shoved a cigar into the lieutenant Js knee for not wanting to support fellow officers in a fire fight. I ended up killing 12 hotheads that day.
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? no
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): no
Name the reasons why you received these punishments:
III. Personal skills and knowledge
(= this question has to be answered in full sentences)
Your strengths
: I succeed at driving from Los Santos to San Fiero under 45 seconds. RKOing people from behind, drinking henny, espionage.
Your weaknesses*: Cannot kill my enemies in my sleep for some reason.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I would like to be the one to push everyone out of the helicopter while theyre helmet is off.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.
: Everyone needs a push here and there and sip of milk vodka, anyways some of the guys need a push.

Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): Some of you dont know this, but weve had a rat informant squirming, hes been strapped up with a wire or whatever. Anyways the guy hasnt had pussy for over 2 years and lately hes been kinda suicidal so we might as well use him for good before he blows his nuts off and deems himself useless, this is all off the books by the way weve been paying him with the organizations money and free gift cards from the local pizzeria down the block from grove street. So, we send this guy off into the gangs territory and infiltrate the zone, people wake up next thing you know theres an all-out war outside. Now everyone and their moms involved.


@pr0abel On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, since you're not interested in SAT there's nothing else that I can say but no.

alt text

Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



I. Personal Info

  • In-game Name: NH4|PC*

  • Username / Account-name: nh4

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Male

  • Nationality: Turk

  • Languages Spoken: English and Turkish.

  • Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): I would like to rate it as B1 or B2. (It might be close to B2, I am not sure)

  • Average Ping: 60-70

  • Average FPS: 60

  • Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello I am Enes, I am 22 years old. I living at Turkey/Eskisehir but I born at Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. My family move out from there when I was a little baby so I didnt have chance to know there. I would like to know both sides people Greeks and Cyprus Turks but I didn't have a chance anyway. Its been 20 years. BTW I am a huge nationalist. I do not afraid to say I am a Turk, I am proud of it. I like football and football games too. I like videos games as we all do. I most likely playing FIFA 18 and BF1 at PS4. I am a student at University. I am an Engineer cadet. I have 3 years for graduate. Anyway, that's who I am.

II. In-game experience

  • When did you join the server: With this name, I joined 1.5 years ago.

  • How much do you play each day: Well sometimes I am playing 8-9 hours per day but sometimes its 3-4 hours per day. It changes with my lecture hours.

  • Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: NNB and STF.

  • Name the reason(s) for leaving: NNB wasn't a good choice, someone brainwashed me and I apply and join to there. But they were just a bunch of clowns so I left there. STF wasnt active enough so I left.

  • Current group memberships: SAPA SGT and procop member.

  • If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Yes, I will.

  • Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Yes, I have been banned 3-4 times.

  • Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I really dont remember the reasons.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

  • Your strengths: Well, I am a decent cop, I have been in SAPA over a year and I train myself really hard in there. Same time I was an instructor in there so I learn many things. I am good at flying and driving.I was DDi in SAPA so I know how to use the radio properly. I know how to do a RP and organize properly.

  • Your weaknesses: I am not good at shooting my main goal is arresting all the time so I didnt improve myself about it. I am not good at boat driving.

  • Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Well first I want to be part of a family, people who accept me as their friend. I would like to feel I am comfortable. I want to be in a high-class squad in SAES. SWAT is not like other squads. It is the best squad in SAES so I want to be in top with you.

  • Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: Well I am a decent cop, I am sticking the rules all the time. I am a good player so I know what I want and what can I give to SWAT. I am capable of many things. I am able to work under pressure and able the follow orders so I can be useful for SWAT.

  • Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):
    It was a regular day. At 08:00 A.M David is entered SWAT HQ as usual and he went to his team's locker room. At the same time, an armed group enters the LV bank for robbery. Once the bank manager realizes that, he hit the silent alarm and dispatcher receive that warning and dispatcher send this message to units and special task force. After couple minutes later team leader Joe. Went to the team's locker room and called the whole team for duty. After five minutes, the whole team was ready in the car park. Once team leader Joe reaches the car park, he starts briefing the team about their mission. Robbers holding 13 hostages and they are heavily armored and equipped. When the briefing is ended they hop into their SUVs and starts moving to the scene. Once they arrive there, police units already surrounded the building and start waiting for special force. David took his shield from the back of the SUV and go in front of the team. He takes off his P226 from his hostler and starts moves to a proper position with his team. Authorities give a green light for operation and the team starts moving the bank. Delta Squad were entering the bank from the main entrance and Charlie Squad is entering the bank from the back door. Charlie Squad were entering the bank from back door but robbers make a some reinforced doors so they set a satchel charge and detonates it. Once the door blows up, squad leader throw two flashbangs and once its explode, they entered inside and they reached to back rooms. There was a robber, who patrolling around there and once he sees the SWATs he tries to reach his AK-47 but squad leader shoots him with his M4 and they secure the back doors. While Charlie squad securing the back doors, Delta Squad is starting moving through the front door. SWAT officer use his grenade launcher and blow up to the main door and another SWAT officer right behind the David, throw three flashbangs inside and once its explode, Charlie Squad already in its position and once flashbangs explode, both squads start entering the main hall. They start taking down the robbers. While in this combat team leader Joe saw a scared girl inside the bank and he took the girl outside the building. After all, robbers eliminated, the team secure the bank and hostiles starts getting out from the bank. They saved the 13 hostages and eliminated the 5 robbers. After that mission team gets a break for a day.

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