Remp Posted July 20, 2021 Author Posted July 20, 2021 Number of Event: 62Date of Event : 19/07/2021Type of Event : Car ShowLWS/Helper : @CurnyPrize : $1.000.000Winner : @brotherhoodmanScreenShots :::::::
JukyPlatinium Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 Number of Event: 63Date of Event : 20/07/2021Type of Event : Chicken NaderLWS/Helper : @JudyesPrize : $1.000.000Winner : @MiltingaryScreenShots :::::::
Bean Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 Number of Activity: 112Date of Activity : 20/07/2021Type of Activity : VIP Rescue and Stopping SRInvolved Members: @K1volt @Razak @YooZyScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted July 21, 2021 Author Posted July 21, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 26@nevs said in Royal Flush | Media Archive:Date: 21.07.21Roleplay number: 48Participants: @Defence-Intelligence-Agency @Remp @ZarcIt was a busy morning with a lot of work to do. The Royal Flush business was going just as well as allways. Several customers from both the local industries and abroad businesses came along with enquieries and large orders. To maintain a great relationship with these customers great service needed to be applied in addition to agreeing on contracts which would benefit both parts. Today Nevs had been sitting inside working on such cases all day long... Luckily he was about get some fresh air...One day ago Nevs drove a new imported japanese car from Los Santos to San fierro. Aparently some police officers from @Defence-Intelligence-Agency heard some loud noices from the car. They also managed to get a picture of his licence plate. Later that they the officers figured out the owner of the car, and contacted Nevs about the matter. They told him that he needed to come by their police station so that they could have a look at the car.Nevs was so thirsty after all of his work, and figured that he needed to get something to drink before leaving the Royal Flush Headquarters. It would probably be good for his hydration as well as his cognitive state.At the police station 2 police officers were allready waiting. Nevs was quite happy about that as he beforehand thought he would need to wait for some time, before someone would proceed to help him.The officers proceeded to talk about the procedure and about what they had heard yesterday. They ment that the exhaust was a bit too loud, and that it would be necesary to have a look at the car. Since the paperwork showed it was newly imported to the city they decided to have a firm look over the whole car.Nevs knew that there shouldnt be any major issues with the car, so he did not hesitate while opening the doors so that the officers could take a closer look.While looking in the left door, it seemed like the officer had found something she wasnt quite happy about. Nevs tried to ask about it, but she told him she would have a summary after looking over the whole car.Nevs`s thoughts were correct. The officer told him there was a minor issue in the left door. It was however not an issue he needed to fix immediately. The exhaust was however not as bad as the officers had thought.Nevs asked to have a look at the issue, as he hadnt seen it before. Apparently there was one part in the closing mechanism of the door which was a little off. The police officer said the she might had one of these parts laying around in her garage, as she had been working as a mechanic earlier... So they proceeded to head over to her garage to have a look.The garage was quite large, but it seemed like the officer knew where it would be laying if she had one of those parts. She was very determined and walked straight over to one of the many cabinets placed in the garage. After some minutes of looking and moving around some parts, she finally raised up again to say what she had found. Unfortunately Nevs was out of luck, as she didnt have the part needed.Nevs proceeded to tell her that wasnt an issue as he probably could fix it himself. He would just have to order the part himself. Luckily for him, he had a lot of contacts he could talk to about that matter.As the officer said it wasnt an issue he needed to get sorted immediately Nevs decided to drive home and order the parts from there, and get it fixed ones they arrived.
Bean Posted July 22, 2021 Posted July 22, 2021 Number of Activity: 113Date of Activity : 21/07/2021Type of Activity : VIP Rescue and Stopping SRInvolved Members: @Razak @samdanieScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted July 23, 2021 Author Posted July 23, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 27@harold420 said in BloodZ - Media Archive:Date: 23/07/21Title: THE SNOOPING DIA AGENTRoleplay Number: #36Participants: @riffraff3000 @Remp @harold420Story:Me and Riff was day-drinkin' and chilling at the pub in Los Santos. After some time we decided to go to my new house in Las Venturas to pick up some drugs and continue the day. When we get there we see a cop car outside and of course we got suspicious. We walk in to the house and see that a DIA agent was snooping around, we immediately pointed our guns at her and told her to get on her knees. I tell Riff to go get a 4 door car. I point my gun to the agent and tell her to get in the backseat of the car, i sat myself next to her so she wouldn't try to do anything stupid. We drive to a dock in Tierra Robada to get a boat. We killed the DIA agent and dumped her in the ocean.Screenshots:::::::::
Remp Posted July 23, 2021 Author Posted July 23, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 28Date of RolePlay : 23/07/2021Type of RolePlay : Stopping 2 BlooDz Doing Human And Drug TraffickingInvolved Members : @YooZy @Dolbolob46Helpers: @riffraff3000 @harold420Story And ScreenShots :Today An Unknown man called me ,He started directly talking about BloodZ members ,And he explained to me what they going to do,Which is they going to sell him a dead human and some Drugs So i called 2 of DIA members And started to explain to them And then we went to them.And then we went to them And when i arrived i saw them talking to each other and then they started taking somethings from thier Car,So we attacked themAfter that I told them "HANDS UP" And we kept aiming on them then moved them to other side and i started Searching in thier car and i foudn what did the Unknown man told meThen i started taking them from thier car to our carAfter that i told @DoctorD19 to stay at thier car,And i went with Yoozy and other 2 BloodZ to the prison And put them thereAfter that i went with Yoozy to The Lawyer ,And when we arrived we started carrying him the Human and Drugs,And We get to him and he told us to put them on the table And he came and checked them, After that He went back to his place and told us They will be jailed for 8 years And then we went back to our carAnd in the end we went to the 2BloodZ and Explained to them and we took thier ID cards and wrote That both of them are Jailed for 8 years And it was thier First time.
Razak Posted July 23, 2021 Posted July 23, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 29Date of RolePlay : 23/07/2021Type of RolePlay : Dealing drugs.Involved Members : meHelpers: @Orten1Story : On a normal day, I was at our base as usual until I got a call from an unknown number and didn't even show his identity. At first I thought he wanted to mess with me, but he called with an important purpose to tell us about the presence of an unknown person who was circling the pizza shop and this person was new to that neighborhood and the person calling was still From there, he told me about all the details. Fortunately, our base was nearby and it didn't take long to get to that person. I took the car and ran to him and pointed the weapon at him. He was very afraid and didn't know what was happening around him, so I took him by car to the nearest prison from there. This person was trying to smuggle drugs. From the nearest place from there with my intervention, this operation failed.:::
Remp Posted July 24, 2021 Author Posted July 24, 2021 Number of Event: 64Date of Event : 23/07/2021Type of Event : AvDLWS/Helper : @JudyesPrize : $2.000.000Winner : @Cristian And his teamScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted July 24, 2021 Author Posted July 24, 2021 Number of Event: 65Date of Event : 23/07/2021Type of Event : Knock me off my NRGLWS/Helper : @JudyesPrize : $1.000.000Winner : @Cristian @KokScreenShots :::::::
Bean Posted July 24, 2021 Posted July 24, 2021 Number of Activity: 114Date of Activity : 24/07/2021Type of Activity : VIP Rescue and Stopping SRInvolved Members: @Razak @ZarcScreenShots :::::::
Bean Posted July 25, 2021 Posted July 25, 2021 Number of Activity: 115Date of Activity : 25/07/2021Type of Activity : Stopping SRInvolved Members: @Remp @Razak @DIA|RedaScreenShots :::::::
Bean Posted July 25, 2021 Posted July 25, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 30Date of RolePlay: 25/07/2021Type of RolePlay: Daily patrol.Involved Members: me.Helpers: @AveyroStoryline:The Agent Bean of (DIA) was almost finishing his daily patrol, was a pacific night arround San Fierro this day and peoples was enjoying alot partys this night in SF city. Sudenly, someone appear driving a black car with his left light broken and Agent Bean had to stop and warn the owner about the issue. He turns his car and start the procedure to stop the vehicle in question. The driver was very cooperative and stopped with no issues, and the Agent warns him about the light, on the moment the owner of vehicle started to talk, a breath of alcool was in his mouth and the Agent could smell it from a considerable distance. The Agent doesn't use force and lead the driver out of the car to check his brokened light, also took advantage and asked calmly to do an sweep into the car. Inside the car Agent only founds music discs and the documents of vehicle, nothing wrong. But knowing the driver was drunk, the Agent asks him to walk in a straightline and the suspicion turn real, he was really bad drunk. The Agent explain him on this situacion the winch had to take his car and he would be arrested for long night until he be able to drive again, also would receive an tax for driving drunk. Everything goes well but the driver was really sad for this situacion, the Agent gave some words of comfort and left him into the jail of San Fierro Department.Screenshots:::::::
Remp Posted July 25, 2021 Author Posted July 25, 2021 Number of Event: 66Date of Event : 25/07/2021Type of Event : FishermanLWS/Helper : @JudyesPrize : $1.000.000Winner : @TITCHScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted July 25, 2021 Author Posted July 25, 2021 Number of Activity: 116Date of Activity : 24/07/2021Type of Activity : Stopping PBRInvolved Members: @Bean @Razak @thegost442 @JukyPlatinium @Dominic And @RempScreenShots :
Bean Posted July 25, 2021 Posted July 25, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 31Date of RolePlay: 25/07/2021Type of RolePlay: Random situacion.Involved Members: me.Helpers: @iAcezStoryline:Los Santos is a dangerous city since everything happens there, money transactions, alot of small business (what mean much money rolling) and not less important, is the principal City of all San Andreas. This night, Agent Bean was finishing his day and going to his house, when inside of his car, saw a Store Robbery happening. Agent Bean couldn't call for backup since he was on his personal car, but he was wearing all his police equipments and as a Officer, coudn't let this situacion happen in his eyes view. The Agent parked your car quietly near scene and hided on the car door while recharged his shotgun. He get close using criminal car as protection and starts approach trying to calm down the robber. He had no sucess, the criminal shoots on Agent direction and with profanity showes rage. The Agent get a grazed shoot his leg but with his blood on fire, didn't feel anything and kept hiding trying to take him down. In a moment of lucky, the criminal suspect run inside the Store trying scape by back doors, but the Agent was faster and noticed this situacion, using his knowledge and trainments, he caught the criminal and don't think twice, he open fire and takes him down. The suspect was dead on the scene and the clerk suffered no damages. The blood went down, the cop feels the damage on his leg, so the clerk called a emergency unit and faster arrived the SAM.Acez, who lead the situacion with compassion and profissionality. God Bless nothing so dangerous happened to Agent and with pain medications more bandage band, all was solved, the Agent could finish his day with healty and alive.Screenshots:::::::
Remp Posted July 26, 2021 Author Posted July 26, 2021 Number of RolePlay: 32Date of RolePlay : 26/07/2021Type of RolePlay : Deliverying moneyInvolved Members : N/AHelpers: SohaybStory ScreenShots :Today I was driving my car around BC then i got called by unknown guy and he told me that he saw i guy at BC BANK.Then i went to BC BANK and i saw a car there and didn't see anyone near it,THen i waited until he get out and when he get out he starting puting money at his car then i rushed himThen i started talking to him,And he started explaining to me that he's doing that job since years And he told me to help him to take the money to LV bank ,The n i helped him.After we arrived He started taking them from the car then we went inside and gave them to the Guys at LV bank and We went again to our cars.
Remp Posted July 28, 2021 Author Posted July 28, 2021 Number of Event: 67Date of Event : 26/07/2021Type of Event : LMSLWS/Helper : @JudyesPrize : $1.000.000Winner : @SheraPScreenShots :::::::
Bean Posted July 31, 2021 Posted July 31, 2021 Number of Activity: 117Date of Activity : 31/07/2021Type of Activity : Stopping SRs and VIP rescueInvolved Members: @Dolbolob46 @YooZy @Pistache @thegost442 @Razak @samdanie @DIA|RedaScreenShots :::::::
Bean Posted August 6, 2021 Posted August 6, 2021 Number of Activity: 118Date of Activity : 06/08/2021Type of Activity : Daily Patrol, Stopping SRs and VIPs rescueInvolved Members: @exotic0 @Dolbolob46 @Remp @aymanninja @Razak @PistacheScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted August 6, 2021 Author Posted August 6, 2021 Number of Activity: 119Date of Activity : 05/08/2021Type of Activity : Stopping an SRInvolved Members: @sohaybX @fra1n And @RempScreenShots :
Remp Posted August 7, 2021 Author Posted August 7, 2021 Number of Event: 68Date of Event : 06/08/2021Type of Event : AvD[20 Spots]LWS/Helper : @JudyesPrize : $3.000.000 300k each oneWinner : X Team ( @BurakO @Capital @Razak @Jean75002 @cenadoloko @M7mDGr7 @Gyula @staylok @Remp )ScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted August 7, 2021 Author Posted August 7, 2021 Number of Event: 69Date of Event : 07/08/2021Type of Event : Kill me FirstLWS/Helper : @hessan210Prize : $1.000.000Winner : @YankaTaScreenShots :::::::
Remp Posted August 8, 2021 Author Posted August 8, 2021 Number of Activity: 120Date of Activity : 08/08/2021Type of Activity : Stopping an SR and getting VIPInvolved Members: @TATORO @poste @exotic0 and @RempScreenShots :
Bean Posted August 10, 2021 Posted August 10, 2021 Number of Activity: 121Date of Activity : 09/08/2021Type of Activity : Daily Patrol, Stopping Sr's and VIP RescueInvolved Members: @exotic0 @Razak @BL4T4NT @RempScreenShots :::::::
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