Pump Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: Finally, I got promoted to a senior member, I was really happy with that decision from the leader after the members requested this promotion, Now I can deal with legally without even taking permission. Whatever, The next day after the promotion, I've been waiting for a phone call for some deals & missions. I waited for like 2 hours then finally someone called the public phone, The leader called me to answer him since he is the shopkeeper of the famous Cars & Bikes Shope in San Fierro of Cuban Cars, (OrganiZation Of the best chosen Mechanics around San Andreas.) He was in need of 4 modded bikes he said "Hello Sir, James, I wanted to say that we are in need of some modded bikes, I want it delivered to our shop." "Hello, Sir, I'm still wondering how you knew my name, Whatever, How much you need, Same type or..., "I'm a client of your organization since 3 Years, I know all of you since your leader tells me every day about what's happening in his gang, I'm in need of 4 Bikes, BF-400 & two NRG-500 and one FCR-900, Here is the location of the shop." Okay, Sir, I'll get it ready, deliver it in 2 hours. As I said, within 2 Hours I reached there, had a talk with him until I said to him that I need to go in 20 Minutes, sir, I'm sorry. After he paid me, I gave him the bikes and went on my back to the headquarters.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: Somehow, when I was driving around San Fierro, I got called from someone called "John", he said "I want someone trustworthy from OrganiZation Zero, Your leader told me that you are the best with this business, okay, here it is hear me, These days, my wife is getting back to home at 1 PM which is Something not normal. Whatever, I need you to follow all her movements, I'll give you the address of my house, come tomorrow 22:00, She will go out of the house, just follow her, if she tried to get in a room with anyone or any something else, just call me. "Okay, Sir I understood what the mission requires but I got something to ask about, How much are you ready to pay?. Whatever, I got ready for this mission, The next day after I had a rest, I got my deagle which is my favorite Gun. I went to the location that he sent it to me. Within 15 minutes, I reached there, I stayed in my car, waited for like 5 minutes in my car, I was waiting. It was 22:25, She got out of the house, I followed her with my car, she reached a well known Bar, she went in, had a drunk then she entered a room with someone who is known as "Snake". I took some photos when she entered the room and when she was drinking then sent it to the guy, The guy was so thankful for this Job then he said that he sent the money to the leader.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Participants: @Danger-letkdStory: All is happening, as usual, we are getting our deals & missions per day, nothing is happening wrongly, all things are calculated and well going. Whatever, All was taking their missions and getting it accomplished, Today, It's my turn to have some missions ordeals. So I was near the public phone of the gang, I was waiting for someone to phone. Within 30 Minutes, It rang, He was James, same like my name. Anyway, he was from UnderGround Empire, he said "Hello, I need some of your time, lastly We got attacked from our enemies, My bike got damaged when I came fast in an accident. Hopefully, I'm fine but my bike got damaged. That's why I needed one of the most experienced mechanics in San Andreas. That's the reason why I called you, OrganiZation Zero, Whatever, If you are able to help message me back. So I accepted it without even thinking to make my mission accomplished without any problems.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Participants: @Danger-letkdStory: I was on my way back to my house to have some fun with the family after I got the permission to have a rest of course. My phone rang, it was the leader he said "Hello, James, I think we might need your services, I Swear I'll give you 3 days as vacation tomorrow, Whatever, Someone from UnderGround Empire, as you know they are our friends, he is in need of a bike, modded one of course, So I came back all my way to the headquarters, parked my car, Went to our hidden of bikes, took one of our best Bikes, After I got his number from the leader, I sent him a message "Hello, dear Luke, I want to say that I will be the dealer from OrganiZation Zero, come to our headquarters, it will be waiting for you, it's one of our modded bikes which cost us a lot to mod it, I'm waiting, cheers, James." Within 2 minutes, he answered, "Okay, James, I'm on the way". I leaned my cigar, waited for the guy from underground Empire. I knew that He reached the headquarters when I heard the sound of the car. We did it as fast as we can since he got something to do.Screenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 Participants: @pazooAll our missions have been done with success without lose anything and any member, also we got a lot of money from this area which is assasination, and now we are trying to upgrade our selfes,we bought many bikes, many cars, some modern weapons, Our HQ team bought a rare GPS that we can know the place of any car or any buddy...today, Our HQ team invite us for a talk and explained us some things we could do in our missions and give us some advice,also, they toll us that there is a guy named "Crispo" this guy provide "Tuga thugs" with all kind of drugs since he got a big laboratory of drugs, however,we decide to steal it, after a few days of collecting some pieces of pieces of information about that guy and plaining for this hard,we decide to steal him tonight cuz we knew that he will transport some drugs to "Cripz",so we got ready,we took our bikes that we can be faster,we bring our weapons and some ammos and we went to this guy,there,we found him putting the drugs on his car while there are not guardcorps guarding him, so we took the opportunity,however,we ran over him and we kept aiming on him while some of us transporting the drugs to our bikes, At the end, we decide to kill him that he cant tell anything to "cirpz" and we went back to our base with this big quantity of drugs .Screenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 Participants:@lordwe heard that there is a guy named "Fabio" has a lot of bikes in his garage, he is a rich man, he likes bikes so much, however, he has the best bikes in the world ,also we heard that those days he bought 2 bikes with rare engine, no one have like those kinds of bikes...this period, some of our bikes have been sold and some of them need some fixes,that why Our HQ team told us that the bikes that we have in base not enough for us so we need to buy new ones, however, I decided to call "Fabio" and I told him that we need to buy the new NRGs that you bought them the last two days, so he agreed,i told him where to meet, and I decide to get ready, I took a burrito that I can put the bikes and some guns...after about 20 mins of walking, I arrived at the meeting place, there, I found him waiting for me, we talk a bit about the new kind of bikes then he decides to show me his bikes, I found all thing goes fine,then we opened a talk about the price, after giving him some suggestions, I decide to take those bikes with 254621$ for each bike,he helped with transporting them to our burrito , I paid him, then I went back to our base to put them inside.Screenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted July 29, 2018 Posted July 29, 2018 Participants:@Arone @Pump @Danger-letkdthis period, we got a lot of money from prostituation it consists in selling girls to the other gangs, but all the womens that we have, have been sold, so we need new ones to sell them, and now we are searching for a gang or a guy that it or he can sell us some with ship price, after few days of thinking, we found solutions which are to buy some of them from "Wild Angels" since they kidnap a lot of womens in every bank rob and every store rob, however, I decide to call "arone " a member of this gang, and I told him that we need some womens for our gang,lickely,he agreed,i told him that I will come to his base that I can see them,so I decide to get ready, I took a burrito that I can put them, some weapons and I went to his base, after 20 mins of walking, I came to Wild angels base,there I found him waiting for me with some girls, I talked with him a bit and I tell him the descriptions of the womens that I prefer, and he decided to show me some of them, after checking them , I decide to take 20 womans from the best womans that wild angels have with 15489$ for each one, after finishing the deal, I took them in my burrito and I went back to our base .Screenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted July 30, 2018 Posted July 30, 2018 Participants:@K2rhym @WitherDcewe have enough women since we bought some of them from wild angles, so we decide to keep some of them of us and we will sell the rest to the other gang, however, today, when I was checking some of our bikes if they need to fix or something like that ...I got a call from "K2rhym" a cripz member, he told me that they will create a party today since they have a new base, in contrast, he will pay me, so I agreed, and I told him to come to our base that he can check them and choose what he likes.after 20 mins, he came with a big vehicle, we talked a bit about the tactics that "The company" use it in their turfs, also, he told me the descriptions of the women that he wants, so I decided to show him our best women that we have, after 20 mins of thing he decide to choose 12 women, however, we decide to open a small chat ,after some suggestions,he decide to buy them with 156849$ for each woman,so he paid me, took them in his car and went back to his base, after finishing the deal, I put all the money in our treasuryScreenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted July 31, 2018 Posted July 31, 2018 Participants:@K2rhymthis period, we are very busy with fixing and upgrading bike since we got new an upgraded machine, so all people like to try this rare machine, and today, when I was doing some stuff, I got a call from a member from cripz named "k2rhym",he told me that he wants to fix his bike since he ran over a car of policeman,we agreed about that,i told him to come in base that I can check it,20 mins later,he came with his bike, he parked his bikes in our garage,however, we talked a bit about the bikes in general,also I gave him some advice like how he can protect his bikes and shits like that...then he showed me his bike, I checked the engine, the lights ...and I found all the things goes fine in this bike but it needs some fixes in the engine, I told him that it needs 3 days to be fixed,so he decided to come back to his base with his car, after 3 days of fixing, I called him to tell him that his bike has been fixed, so we decide to take this bike and go to cripz base, there, I found him waiting for me, I gave him the bike, then we opened a small chat about the price, after some suggestions, he decided to give us 15489$ for what we did, after finishing the deal, we took our money and we came back to our baseScreenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted August 2, 2018 Posted August 2, 2018 Participants:@pazooAfter a lot of missions that it has been done with successful, we felt tired.today, there is nothing to do, I decide to have fun, however, I took my bike and I went to chill out around Los Santos, on my way, I found a rich girl going to play some tennis matches with her friends, so she parked her bike in front of the Stadium, took her racket and some balls that she brought from her house and she went to the stadium,so I decide to take the opportunity,however, I parked my bike in a hidden place that no one can see it, and so quickly, I ran over this rare bike without making any noise, and I take it out of stadium and I went back to our base, finally, the mission was done with successful, I decide to park it in our base that we can use it engine in a lot of stuff like upgrading bike...Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 2, 2018 Posted August 2, 2018 Participants: @K2rhymStory: 0/02/1980, it was the day when the goods will reach our headquarters located in Flint County. That's why the leader announced that. Within 2 days, he got like 6 Phone Calls that are in need of these Tobaccos. One of them was from CripZ, he was "Karim", I dealt with him 2 weeks ago. The leader gave me the permission to deal with him again since I told him that I'm free. So I called "Karim", He said "Hey, James What's up Brodda, as I heard from your leader, your goods of tobaccos, tomorrow will be in your headquarters if I'm not wrong, That's why I'm calling you, I want to buy some of it, we are organising to do a big party, we would like to try your tobaccos at this party, I hope I'm not the last one that called you, whatever, I'm ready to pay 20.000$ Dollars which is a good price I think. "Hello, Karim you are right 20.000$ Dollars is a good price for it but you called me within the last ones I can give you just 15 Kilos instead of 20, so it will be 15.000$, I'm sorry. Next time, I'll call you when we get our Tabbacos again. Remember we don't care about whoever calls us. It's just about time, Peace, see you tomorrow. The next day, it all happened as planned.Screenshots::::![::: Quote
Pump Posted August 2, 2018 Posted August 2, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: 1 month passed since we started losing some of our money because of crafting ammo and weapons and we were looking for any missions ordeal to do to make the money back. These words were the leader's ones. That's a reason why we took it seriously because he didn't ever talk like that. The next day, I got a phone call, he was a civilian that someone carjacked his car, he said that he wanted it back to him if it required to assassinate him or kidnap. I said "Hello, Sir, I'm James_Rivala, One of the trusted members of OrganiZation Zero, Okay I understood that someone got your car carjacked if I'm not wrong, you want to take it back by anyway. I can say I'm up for this mission but I got two conditions which are the money & Information about this guy. I can't get someone I don't know." "Sir, James, I'm one of the Hollywood Actors, we are rich, I think 50.000$ is enough for this mission. About the information, he is a tall guy & black eyes & Hair, no mustache, he lives in San Fierro near the bank." So I accepted without even thinking, the next day, I got all my preparations (Guns & car & permission) Then I headed to his place of living where I found the recommended car of the guy that called me since he sent me it's photo. So I entered the house, I found the guy smoking some weed. I got him by my Deagle then I took the keys, Entered the car headed back to Los Santos where I met the guy that paid me.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: It was 2:50, It was hard to sleep for me since I knew that I need to deliver some bikes in 40 minutes to a man that is working illegally with this business, he called me two days ago saying that he is need of a deliver of 3 modded bikes from us to him and it needs to be secretly done. It was a bit dangerous since I'll deliver it to San Fierro, there are a lot of cops in the highways. That's why I needed to go from another way which is not well-known but before that, I needed to call the man. I said "Hello, Man, Within 20 Minutes, I'll got in the way so be ready, this place you are in might be unsecured, be careful, Cya Man. To not take the risk, I wanted to take someone with me, maybe something happen, none know. So I called Flappy, one of my gangmates which I can count as my best Friend, I told him about the situation so I headed to the headquarters where we loaded the bikes in our car. After that, we got on our way to San Fierro where we are going to meet the guy. Whatever, As I said I selected the unknown road which I need to pass from Tierra Roboda to claim it easily. Whatever, When I reached Tierra Roboda, I told to flappy to go check if there are some cops or not. After he checked he did a signal saying "No". So I passed to him, he entered the car, Continued our chat like nothing happened. When we reached San Fierro I sent a message to the guy saying to him to send me his location. Within 1 Minute he sent it to me, So I headed to there where I found him waiting to start the deal.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: It was a night of a big day I did with OrganiZation Zero, I was really tired, I can't blame my leader for this since We are in need of someone who is capable to do 5 daily missions & Deals to be the Member of the month which can make him easily promoted to the next rank. I was willing to get this promotion, That's why I'm taking all & all the Business. I was willing to be the manager too. Who knows maybe I can be respected. As I said it was night of a day, Someone called "Marco" from "Italie" Called me, he is one of the most well-known gamblers around "U.S.A", he said that he is in need of some whores & prostitutes that he will gamble with and he is really ready to pay whatever it takes no matter whatever it takes for him. I was impressed with his words. Whatever, within 2 minutes, I answered with "yes" without any doubts, then I went to our secret bar which only the trustworthy members know about it. It cost a lot for OrganiZation Zero especially the drinks and this shit since the leader was so impressed with something like this. Anyway, I went there, I found the leader dancing with some girls, He told him about the case, So the leader gave him a signal to where are the whores. So James picked 1 of them then he called "Marco" said to him that he got the goods ready. So "Marco" Gave him a location where they are gonna meet. Then James went there where he dealt with the man, he got the whore for 2 days with 10.000$.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: Lastly, we spent a lot of whores in our deals of prostitution which is something good but we got like 1 or 2 whores. So we needed to take some by buying some of them and recruit or whatever. I didn't like to do as always "requirement", I liked to make something new that can make for us an accomplished mission without any mistakes and doesn't take money from us. It was about kidnapping a whore. So I called a well-known guy that is a director of a bar that knows a lot of whores escaped. Whatever, he gave me a photo with I can find this girl saying that she lives in Los Santos near Groove Street. So I took my car, went to Los Santos where he headed to "Groove Street". I really found her there. She was beautiful, I wanted to fuck her big ass. Whatever, I took her back to the headquarters.Screenshots::::::: Quote
flappppyyy Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants:@MrDeathBoyStory:after years and years of fixing and upgrading bikes, many updates have been done in this area, we got a lot of money in this area and especially when we bought a new machine called "free-153", now we can upgrade or fix any rare engine and all the kind of bikes,also many gangs asking us for upgrading and fixing their bikes but they don't have enough for money for this stuff since we have the best quality in whole San Andreas,but this day, we got a different client, one of the famous and richest men in all San Andreas, called me today and he told me that he wants to upgrade his bike with a rare engine called "sahio" cuz he has a race after a week and he wants to get ready for this big race, only 2 or 3 guys, have this kind of engine, I decided to check the engines that we had in our base, likely, I found it, so I told him to come to base that I can check his bike.20 mins later, he came with his bike, we entered our base, then we opened a talk about the bikes in general, I gave him some advice that he can use them to protect it, then I started by checking his bike' lights, engine ...then I decide to put "Sahio" in his NRG, after some fixes, the bike becomes ready for the race, he thanks me for what I did, after a talk about the price and some suggestions, he decides to get it with 45642138$, after paying me, he took his bike and he went to train for this big race.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: It was happening, the day I waited for came. Yesterday, 14:00 PM, when I was watching TV with some of my friends, all channels of San Andreas changed to the news because it was an urgent news as The reporter described. Whatever, The President of San Andreas Is out, he said, "Greetings for all who are watching & listening to me, I came here to say that we are preparing to do a big race from "White House" to MC TOP, To get into this race you have just to buy a ticket that will cost for you 5 Dollars. You will get tested, Whatever, the winner will get 500.000 Dollars, forgot to say, Only Bikes allowed. Good Bye, I hope all of you will come." So I called my leader to give me the permission to be the one from OrganiZation Zero to participate in this race. He accepted, so I took my bike that I modded it by myself with all kind of stuff needed then I got on my way to the recommended place. The Next day, I did a party since I won the race.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @ShakespeareStory: I was having a party at my home with some of the friends who are pretty tired of working and this shit. That was the reason for making this party. Whatever We needed some alcohol such as "Vodka" or "Wine". Since CripZ is well-known for this business since ages ago, I called one of my friends there to make a deal with him. He accepted without any doubts or even thinking, So I headed to their headquarters located in "Santa Maria Beach" after I took some money from his friends & my pocket. When he reached there, He found his friend already waiting for him, they cheered each other. They met each other 2 years ago. Whatever, He asked me to show him the money first so I got the money out of the trunk put it on the ground, said to him "I can make you count it after I see the Recommended Goods. So he showed it to me, I had a drunk, it was really as they are paying per day "AMAZING", So I ordered 160 Bottles, it was enough for today's party. Then I loaded the drinks in our trunk. Luckily, the car stored that much. So I went back to the house where we had the fun that we needed after we did missions.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @SethStory: eth got called by a member of Organization Zero who was looking for proteins, Seth packed the packets of Proteins in a bag and took the bike and drove to the Organization's Zero's base. While he was on his way to the Organization Zero's base his bike stopped working in the midway, But after a while, it starts working once again so Seth didn't waste much time with the bike. After reaching there, Seth talked with Pump, both of them ask each other question. After a long chat Pump took into the Organization Zero's meeting area, Seth placed the Proteins on the table and told Pump how to use it and what are the advantages. Pump paid money to Seth. While Seth was leaving the base Seth observed that there is smoke coming out of his bike, He called Pump as Organization Zero members are professional bike manufactures so Pump came and checked the bike and find out that its a big problem, He said Seth that it will be fixed till tomorrow, Seth said gave him the requested amount of money for the repair of the bike, Pump gave Seth his own car to go back to Overdose Crime base. Seth thanks Pump and drove back to Overdose Crime's base.Screenshots::::https://imgur.com/a/I4G8cFu::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: Today, When I was guarding our headquarters against any attack or any something dangerous, "Sami" came to take my position, I was wondering why he came right now, it was still too earlier for him to take it until he said "James the leader is in need of you with something, he ordered me to call you and take his position" I felt like it's really something important. However, I headed to his office where I found him smoking. He said that he needs someone to come with our tabaccos he recommended from a russian to the headquarters & made a good deal with him and he wants me to take responsibility of this which is the work I was happy hen I heard it. So I called my wife said to her that I'm not coming home today & to kill the children then I took some money from our safe to deal with the guy with & key of our car which we count as our "Truck". We deliver our goods with car. I headed to Whetstone where he recommend me to come after I called him. Somehow, It looked like we will easily accept each other's offer after I had a talk with him when I reached Whetstone. He was repeating the same words "Glad that I'm dealing with you". That's why I was thinking he will accept my offer. So I offered 20.000$ which we can count as the least price as we ever bought 30 Kilos of Tobacco. After loading it into the car's trunk, I went back to the headquarters after I said bye to the man.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @PeaCeStory: I was preparing to do a mission which I can describe as a big one that I will lead properly without even one high ranked member. That was a reason why I needed to wait for the perfect moment which cost for 2 weeks waiting for it, it was really good news for us, organization zero, It was clearly the perfect moment for it. After I announced to all our allies about the big mission we are planning to do. Commando Da Capital called me saying that they had some pieces of information, So I got my car out of the garage, got on my way to their headquarters where I met the member that called me. he said "Hello, You are James from OrganiZation Zero if I'm not wrong, Nice to meet you, we got the same name, I'm James_Travolta, After seeing what you said, I think I got the recommended stuff, Anyway, Here it is, read this, better make it worth because it's really important as you can see." "Wow, I'm so glad that we got someone like you as allies, I'm impressed that you got these kinds of information. Whatever, Thank you,Take this bag and I promise next time I'll come with x2."Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @lord @flappppyyyStory: After I got the recommended pieces of information from Commando Da Capital, it was time to make the decision about the members I'm going to take with me on this mission. So I needed to make a test to all of our well-recruited members. I got permission from the leader, that's why I got the right to make whatever I want with them. To Start with, I had a talk with them about the tests and what they need to claim to be the chosen ones so I said to them, "Hello, Guys, clearly and as you can see, I got promoted to our missions' manager which made me look for some fitting members to make my first mission as the leader. I will make some tests from it I can choose who will come with me. Okay, you will have to pass at least 2 of it since we got 5 tests for you.I wish for each one of you good luck. I know that some of you will do it." Then I went to a room from where I can watch the members. I exepted that Jaimy & Cole will do it. That's what happened, So I informed the leader that we are ready to move the next day, then I went back to my house where I stayed in my office, made a plan which can make for us the win since I've readen the pieces of information. It was about a Drinks Shop located In Bone County which is not protected by even one guy, there was just the shopkeeper.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @lord @flappppyyyStory: 06/08/1960, the day when my plan got accomplished, After I made the test to some of our well-recruited members, choosed the players, made a plan, Nothing was unready. The NExt day, I passed to the chosen members, Found them ready for the mission, So I went to the leader, took from him permission to take some guns from our hidden, After loading it in the car's trunk then they took their way to "Bone County" where a lot of banks & Stores & shops got robbed there. It's a bit clear that it's one of the most robbable Town in all San Andreas which is something good for now. I wasn't expecting that we will reach in 2 Hours. Whatever, when we got there, I Parked the car the other guys parkerd their bikes, (note: We came with bikes since we're well-known as the "Modern Motorcycle Club") As the kind of information described, it was a store without security, even a normal criminal. So we entered the store where I started talking with the Shopkeeper as a client then the other two guys will rush at him. They will get Everything to our trunk when I was taking care by aiming at the cashier. Within 15 Minutes, they ended up taking all the goods. So I gave the man an address where he can sell his goods better than getting robbed every month or so. Then we loaded the goods into our safe when we reached the headquarters.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @flappppyyyStory: Lastly, we spent a lot of whores in our deals of prostitution which is something good but we got like 0 whores. So we needed to take some by buying some of them and recruit or whatever. I didn't like to do as always "recruitment", I liked to make something new that can make for us an accomplished mission without any mistakes and doesn't take money from us. It was about kidnapping a whore. So I called a well-known guy that is a director of a bar that knows a lot of whores escaped. Whatever, he gave me a photo with I can find this girl saying that she lives in Los Santos near Groove Street. So I took my car, went to Los Santos where he headed to "Groove Street". I really found her there. She was beauty, I wanted to fuck her big ass. Whatever, I took her back to the headquarters.Screenshots::::::: Quote
Pump Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 Participants: @DopenStory: OrganiZation Zero, after a lot of missions & criminal activities such as Bank Robberies & Store Robberies and Jail Breaks, was running out of guns & ammos. So the leader "John", which is one of the most known respectful leaders, ordered me since I'm the perfect choice for him because our dealers went to do their job around San Andreas Streets. He ordered me saying "James, I'm sorry, I need you in a mission which is not your business but as you know our dealers went to do their business, 2 hours ago, I sent "Jaimy" to check our hidden of guns, he said that we are out of it which is something unnormal for a popular gang like us, Let's think about it, "The Company" Is the best within this kind of stuff because they are making products by theirselves." I sent him a message back saying "I'm ready for any deal or mission, no need to worry, just send me their phone's number". Then I phoned them, someone from their special team of weapons' product answered me, He said that they weapons you are recommending will be ready tomorrow 4:00. So I thanked him then I went to my bed to take a rest since I worked a lot this day. Whatever, Within 5 Hours and 45 Minutes, I was awake, It was 3: 45, So I Got the keys of my car then loaded some money from our safe after I took the permission from my leader. Then I got on my way to the recommended location which was The Company Headquarters, It's location is well-Known around San Andreas, It is in Bone County where usually a lot of smuggling missions happen. When I reached the headquarters, I found the guy I called on the phone, We made it as fast as we can then I went back to the headquarters.Screenshots::::::: Quote
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