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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Fuck this shit, this is the most horrible way to lose something.
  2. ^[For our real heroes:] ^[Waar komen Joden toch vandaan?] ^[Isral hier ver vandaan!] ^[Wonen daar ook Superjoden?] ^[Ja daar wonen Superjoden!] ^[Vinden Joden voetbal fijn?] ^[Als ze maar voor Ajax zijn!] ^[Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Amsterdam!] ^[Who do you guys support and what would be the final score in Amsterdam?]
  3. XXX (only the real supporters of the best club of the world know) #superjoden
  4. @ESO said in SAES:RPG Rules Update!: @Bone said in SAES:RPG Rules Update!: @ESO hes not a native dutch! well, maybe if you weren't too stoned you could'v provided one! I'll have a look, when you need me too
  5. Who is working on the Dutch translation? @Joe
  6. @Makaveli said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Ey guys check if these guys were in contact by superior Horkent, he was probably first who found this bug :smiley: Stay away from the transporter god Horkent, you should spawn as cop and follow him.
  7. Wouldn't knockback still be a problem?
  8. National Narcotics Bureau Event - 03.05.2019 Event Type: Escape the hunter Prize: $1,000,000 Winner: OC|>Gimix Helper (LWS/G6): Tritosh Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7RmK9M1
  9. Refilling gas stations around San Andreas. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby .
  10. National Narcotics Bureau Event - 03.05.2019 Event Type: Last Man Standing Prize: $2,500,000 Winner: [ThC]Moley Helper (LWS/G6): Tritosh Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3Vc4LyF
  11. @Crash my boi
  12. Why is it when people stop playing they want their account to be removed. Apparently you are mad at something and you posted this in rage. Well, goodbye or see you soon or have fun.
  13. This is some interesting story, I hope it doesn't get removed. Transparency is important.
  14. Atleast NNB from your point of view helps the community out. We could also be like SWAT spam a bind and spam your batton stick around to arrest someone.
  15. That doggy scared me when I pressed down.
  16. Happy birthday chief!
  17. Add the cute dogo.
  18. @Berker said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: Also there should be changes with rules, like handlers must be allowed to spawn as squad member. That is allowed now, only the squad member should have PC as well.
  19. ^ true, when a canine bites, you are done. Funny idea tho, but I have some doubt about rules and so one. Curious how this will work out.
  20. Anyone can sit in the passenger seat.
  21. ^ exactly, illegal trucking!
  22. 'Increase RPing in the server' Yehea right...
  23. Hbd!
  24. Arguing results in nothing so why bother...
  25. Ugh what an essay without relevant content. What a complete waste of time from both sides. You tricked me into reading this and a lot of facts are just wrong. I hope you are satisified in what you achieved by writing this. Best of luck.
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