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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby) & @TaJ ) Other involved people: CIA-squad Date, time and duration of activity: 22/08/2019, 30 minutes. Activity type: Checkpoint Details: A checkpoint was put-upon the highway from LS to LV. Multiple cars pulled over for inspection and got thoroughly inspected from bottom to top. Most of the drivers could pursue their route without any problems. A few drivers needed some special treatment with a thorough check of registration and driving license. A few BOLO's where successfully taken of the road and driven back to SAI-HQ, together with the suspect(s) for some interrogation. ::: https://imgur.com/a/QaWicu2 :::
  2. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby) & Albert_Meijers @Terry ) Other involved people: Cuban Cars members Date, time and duration of activity: 21/08/2019, 30 minutes. Activity type: Pulling over a suspect Details: We pulled over Cuban Cars, because recently a bolo was given out for the vehicle. We discussed the situation with the driver and his companion. The companion barely spoke English so it was a difficult conversation. It turned out that the driver reported his vehicle stolen, but had managed to get it back by using his own resources and connections. We reported the situation in via the radio, and asked the driver to come visit us at the station for a full explanation regarding the retrieving of his reported stolen vehicle. We noted down his credentials and went further on patrol. ::: https://imgur.com/a/ZgIAQ11 :::
  3. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby) & Albert_Meijers (@Terry also Lieutenant.Hawk and Tony.Cooper Activity screenshot on 21-8-2019:
  4. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby) & Albert_Meijers @Terry also Lieutenant.Hawk and Tony.Cooper) Other involved people: The whole government including SS. Date, time and duration of activity: 21/08/2019, 30 minutes. Activity type: escorting the president. Details: We escorted the president team towards LVPD for an important classified meeting. We secured perimeters, closed off roads and made the road as safe as possible. We reached our destination successfully. ::: https://imgur.com/a/1ryweWG :::
  5. @Bunny said in Bunny's DM Zone Wednesdays!: @Ramby Could do that, I can add hospital respawn close to it, so you should be able to respawn next to the dam. When I get my panel back that is. Also, Naval unit could be used because of the location. Lots of potential, definitely worth looking into! (RP wise as well)
  6. Something with the sherman dam could also be fun? :thinking_face:
  7. You had so many chances already. You had a chance in SAPA which you didn't take. Tut gave you one, and you only caused trouble in SAPA. You should fix your attitude over a longterm, and understand that you're talking with other people who would like to enjoy this game as well. I wish you all the best overall. Regards, Ramby.
  8. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 31 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? June Why do you need this change? I can request 1 more vehicle Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10608/ramby-s-requesting-donator-spawn Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9426/ramby-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed / ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Unmarked Police Enforcer (black coloured) Location: at Five-0 base in the garage at the back of the property: ::: ::: Usernames: ramby, AFPMorgado, rizacem and neinn
  9. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby & @Kowalski
  10. @Rzz0 It really depends on the people who you come across. RP needs to come from both sides to make it interesting. I agree a lot can be repetitive, but it's also what both sides make of it.
  11. So, you were just looking at your screen and ignore everyone who wants to RP and have fun? You're one strange guy. Like, you justed wasted you time and everyone else.
  12. That bridge on the front picture is build very solid I must say. Minecraft style. Also, I wish the people who will attend the best of luck.
  13. Hbd Tapi!
  14. Involved SAI members: @Ramby @Terry Responsible SAI Teams involved: Delta Other involved people: @Resistant Date, time and duration of activity: 30/07/2019 Activity type: Routine check Details: A suspect was pulled over for a routine check. After a suspicious attitude of the driver, a thorough search of the car was conducted. As a result, some evidence was found of drugs smuggling. We bagged the evidence and arrested the suspect. We took him to SAI HQ for further questioning. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9aD7Rtx
  15. Involved SAI members: @Ramby Responsible SAI Teams involved: Delta Other involved people: @Resistant Date, time and duration of activity: 30/07/2019 Activity type: Patrolling around Los Santos Details: We pursuit a couple of suspects, who didn't want to pull over. We took them done with force, both got arrested and are in custody. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uCUmLqa
  16. Involved SAI members: @Ramby Responsible SAI Teams involved: Delta Other involved people: Date, time and duration of activity: 30/07/2019 Activity type: Patrolling the suburbs Details: I pulled over a suspect who was speeding. Asked for his license and registration and confirmed his identity. Everything checked out and I gave him a ticket for speeding which hen paid straight away Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zarvMox
  17. @Kybali0n So that's a "no" from you. Thank you for your opinion.
  18. Username: ramby Amount Donated: 31 pounds Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9426/ramby-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5388/ramby-s-rewards-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3378/donation-ramby-amount-10-00-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/15263-ramby/ @Joe Is this correct/sufficient?
  19. Selling this house in Mullholland, looking for some good offers. Start bidding at 2.000.000 I wish you all a happy auction! ::: :::
  20. @Cappo said in [Suggestion] Jailbreak: Wait what? As @Licano stated, recently the Police Warden Trainees spawn got buffed, they have 250 M4 bullets, also the speed for the crims got 2 more expensive, yeah, it might not seem a lot, but it actually is. So not only that you have kill arrest, the public Warden spawn got M4, but you're also asking to isolate the people that got jailed during the JB? Let's start disallowing the criminals to carry guns from tomorrow, also lets also give the Wardens RPG and Minigun, so "wE cAn EnFoRcE tHe lAW". I can't believe that you're actually having a problem with those huge JBs, as if you manage to tryhard, you can get ~300k just like that, considering the buff for the Public Warden spawn, it could be even easier to get more money. This is a typical Cappo comment. Something you read what's full of bullshit arguments. You don't like it, I get it.
  21. I believe the kill arrest reduces the jailtime, so the full time would be reduced by that anyway. But I understand and respect your explanation.
  22. There are always pros and cons for a suggestion. Please leave a vote.
  23. @Markus Yehea I get it, but when someone gets arrested and instantly comes back, it turns into an infinite loop. I think it is weird when someone who gets arrested for a jailbreak goes back to the same jail where a so-called "riot/jb" is ongoing. But if you don't like it please vote :)
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