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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Adress: Abandoned Burnt Out Apartment Complex Account name: ameurbouzaabia Last seen: 12/08/2019 Screenshots: ::: ::: A c c o u n t n a m e : ameurbouzaabia L a s t s e e n : 12nd A u g u s t 2 0 1 9 . S c r e e n s h o t s : https://imgur.com/zc6ei8B
  2. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  3. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby) Other involved people: Suspects and citizens of San Andreas Date, time and duration of activity: 23/09/2019, 30 minutes. Activity type: In pursuit of a suspicious vehicle. Details: During my patrol, I encountered a vehicle who was speeding at the highway towards San Fierro. He didn't react to my sirens and my megaphone binds. So, I decided to pull him over with force. I used the PIT tactic to get him at the side of the road and put the suspect into custody. During this, I called for back-up but there were no available units available to back me up. End of duty report. ::: https://imgur.com/a/UiSth3M :::
  4. Address: 28 Seedy Side Appartments Account name: ChopTheDog1 Last seen: 9th of February Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Participants: Ramby District: Las Santos Shift period: Afternoon (23-09-2019) Number of vehicles: 4 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/m1XlXkX
  6. Activity: Regards, Ramby
  7. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  8. Happy birthday supreme leader!
  9. Roleplay type: Explosion hazard Description of roleplay: An explosion occurred in Las Venturas in an area with a dense population. Once the emergency personal arrived at the scene, the Five-0 task force was called in. The area was still classified as a hazard zone and wasnt declared save. Once the Five-0 task force arrived, they went on a thoroughly investigation on the perimeter. They already spotted a bomb at their six in the first couple of minutes, and called in ETF for a disposal of the bomb. During the arrival of EFT, the emergency personal took care of controlling the fire which was spreading fast. ETF arrived at the scene and started to defuse the bomb with help of the commander of the Five-0 task force. The bomb was defused and the area was given greenlight. ETF took the bomb with them to ETF HQ and completely disarmed the bomb for doing any harm. At the end of the day the Fire department secured the motel and prevented it to being lost to the ground. Location: Las Venturas East Participants: @AntiRug @redband @Terry @Ramby @Traflanger Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/eSJVCBd :::
  10. Hbd!
  11. Roleplay type: An emergency call at Interglobal Television Description of roleplay: A group of firefighters were playing cards at LSFD, when suddenly an emergency call came through via the radio. A gas explosion had occurred at a local television station in Los Santos. The firefighters quickly divided their tasks between each other and responded under code 3. Once arrived the fire was quickly under control and the scene was given a code 4. When the situation was under control, SAPD took over for an inspection of the scene. Location: Los Santos Participants: @ferthis @Ramos @Ramby @Shadro @Batuhan Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/nHsVUeM :::
  12. Participants: Ramby District: Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (06-09-2019) Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JRUX6Zy
  13. Participants: Ramby District: Los Santos Shift period: Evening (05-09-2019) Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RyiAbNF
  14. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas Shift period: Afternoon (04-09-2019) Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QrW9Bgg
  15. At first, I thought you wanted to make a dimension for Ghost town fighters etc, so they wouldn't be interupted. For example they can enter a marker to get teleported to a private area (LWS dimension or something). But after reading it again, are you suggesting a teleport system? Get in a marker and get out in the same dimension and be somewhere else?
  16. Participants: Ramby District: Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (03-09-2019) Number of vehicles: 5 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Xm1x6a5
  17. Happy birthday SF marko!
  18. Participants: Ramby District: Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (03-09-2019) Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UHwnGFT
  19. Why why why, would someone do that. He took it really far, to be considered as a joke. I hope multiple people will learn from this.
  20. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  21. Participants: Ramby District: Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (31-08-2019) Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5zp8U53
  22. Participants: Ramby District: Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (30-08-2019) Number of vehicles: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PFbw9MY
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