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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (26-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jnaLRre
  2. Roleplay type: 904-A Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): During the start of the afternoon shift, I got an emergency call from the shopping district that a bin had caught fire. As I was the closed unit that could respond, it was my duty to be the first on the scene. I put the sirens on and rushed to the scenery. Once I had arrived the fire had spread itself to the nearest bench which could already be seen as lost. I immediately started clearing the area and take care of the situation. I took my extinguisher of engine 1 and started to maintain the spread of the fire. It didn't take long before I had the situation under control. The bench was lost and the scenery could be cleaned. End of report. Location: Market, Los Santos Participants: Ramby Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tQGbNGw
  3. Driving around burning gas with upcoming talent in the trucking world. Also, putting some shipments aways. ::: https://imgur.com/a/OjaCJ54 ::: Regards, Ramby
  4. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  5. Best wishes to the waffels and other peeps!
  6. Address: Joshboshs Drinks shop Account name: vmangreen Last seen: 17th November 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/R2rOXj5
  7. ^[All Load Trucking Christmas recruitment is now ~[OPENED]~(lime)] ^[Applications and activity will be evaluated on 31/12/2019.] ^[You can submit your applications in the subforum using the correct format.] ^[We expect you to keep updating your applications with creative activities] ^[Our ALT members are wishing every one of you the best of luck.] ^[Don't forget to join our discord here] On behalf of ALT HQ Team, ALT Assistant Yard Manager, Ramby.
  8. ^[All Load Trucking Christmas recruitment is now ~[OPENED]~(lime)] ^[Applications and activity will be evaluated on 31/12/2019.] ^[You can submit your applications in the subforum using the correct format.] ^[We expect you to keep updating your applications with creative activities] ^[Our ALT members are wishing every one of you the best of luck.] ^[Don't forget to join our discord here] On behalf of ALT HQ Team, ALT Assistant Yard Manager, Ramby.
  9. Roleplay type: 904-B and toxic waste Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): A shipment arrived at LS docks containing some toxic waste from international waters. The shipment was loaded onto the docks and started reacting with air. The barrels were heavily corroded and had some holes, where air could enter the barrel. The barrels started to fume excessively. The firefighter attempted to secure the barrels but accidentally made a spark with his axe which made the toxic waste explode and caused a fire in the dock. The firefighters turned from an investigation unit into a fire preventing unit. The situation had been controlled under an hour and the barrels were given over to a specialized team. The Firefighters returned to LS firehouse for a debrief. Location: Highway, Los Santos Participants: @AntiRug @ramby @Ferthis @Freezoom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8uADhlR
  10. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  11. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  12. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (20-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UvD2QKU
  13. strive not to be a success but rather to be of value.
  14. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em You'd better do it 'Cause it makes you feel good.
  15. Lets all spawn binman and drive around town burning gas. The criminals can rob all they want. Who cares.
  16. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (15-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 5 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0Pw3SI5
  17. Removed to honorary: Royalty Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Retired Chief People added to Colonel: Buddler former Major People added to Lieutenant Ramby former Sergeant Herrjorss Suki Blyat People added to Corporal: J.English former Private Matthews* former Private People added to private: SAPA|Dudi|Pvt [A] SAPA|Malteser|Pvt [A] SAPA|Matthews|Pvt [A] SAPA|Mrphrost|Pvt [A] SAPA|Shadro|Pvt [A] SAPA|Bidrift|Pvt [A] SAPA|Hope|Pvt [A] SAPA|Martin|Pvt [A] SAPA|Predator|Pvt [A]
  18. The one time the copside comes back to life. And... we need a rule to make it dead again.
  19. Hbd
  20. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (13-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Vu6i6kR
  21. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  22. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  23. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (11-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 12 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yPq0al3
  24. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (10-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/97OT8eT
  25. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
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