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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (22-02-2020) Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lXdGNnq
  2. Roleplay type: 904-B Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): ETF had received an emergency call from the dispatch who was on duty at that point. A hostile gang had placed a bomb in a house in the middle of Los Santos. An experienced organization was necessary to take care of the situation. To be certain no other people would get hurt, they called the fire department to take care of the roads. And be there if anything would go wrong. The tasks were divided: SAFD takes care of the roads and stays prepared for any events and ETF does their business in securing the area and defuse the bomb. At the end, ETF did their job and secured the bomb and took it with them. The security measures can be broken down and the roads can be given free for the ongoing traffic. ETF took the bomb to base and SAFD went back to LS firehouse for a debrief. End of duty report. Participants: @ramby @AntiRug @Vennelle @Shadro @MouRiS Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mScHBOA
  3. Roleplay type: 904-A Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): An emergency call was received at the firehouse in LV. A delivery fan of the Cluck organization had caught fire. The 2 units present at LV firehouse responded to the emergency call. The fans were located at the back of the restaurant and were pretty had to come close too. In the end, we managed. We put our equipment on and went into action. With our oxygen mask on and fire extinguishers ready, we went in. The situation was pretty dangerous because the trucks were full of fuel, which could easily combust. My companion got hurt while one of the trucks exploded, but it wasn't too bad at the end so we could go on. The trucks were extinguished within an hour, and we called the cleanup crew to take off the debris. Participants: @ramby @AntiRug Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mScHBOA
  4. Happy birthday my friend
  5. Coastguard can save SAP from drowning. Best RP
  6. I found a soul mate :beers:
  7. Belgium people...
  8. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (14-02-2020) Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gjXAuHa
  9. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (11-02-2020) Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dFOYJYQ
  10. Sucks at Rocket League
  11. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  12. Roleplay type: 904 Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): An emergency call was received at the firehouse in LS. A wildfire was going on in Glen Park. I took my fire engine 2 and headed out to the scene. As it was just a few blocks away, I didn't think any other unit could be closer by. Arrived on scene it turned out a hobo had been spending the night there. A lot of litter was around the area that had caught fire. At first, I gave a few shouts if anyone was still trapped inside. When no sounds were here, I started to connect the hoses and extinguish the fire. A few shopping carts could be seen and a lot of garbage left by the hobo but no casualties could be seen. Time to write down the report at the LS firehouse. Location: Glen Park, Los Santos Participants: @ramby Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XPrt7sT
  13. Instead of just pressing 'space bar' maybe a combination of mulitple keys to press?
  14. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (05-02-2020) Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/O1nJ4KK
  15. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby & Law
  16. Ramby


    Laat ze toch lekker allemaal de pleuris krijgen @Bone Bedankt voor de afgelopen tijd en je inspanning voor deze community. Doe rustig aan en hopelijk zien we je nog eens weer. Groeten.
  17. Participants: Ramby & @Ferthis District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (28-01-2020) Number of vehicles: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Bhvi0b7
  18. Roleplay type: 904-B Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): An emergency message was received at the firehouse in San Fiero. 4 units were deployed to an apartment building in the middle of San Fiero. The fire was coming out of every corner of the building. 3 engine trucks, 1 ladder truck and an emergency helicopter got deployed to the area. The firefighters climbed the building and started to secure the surroundings to keep themselves safe. No casualties were found and so the available units started to clear out the building and extinguish the fires. The ladder truck was deployed at the side of the apartment so firefighter could enter. After awhile the fire was under control and the building could be saved for destruction/collapsing. A short review of the situation was done on the scene, and the cleanup crew was called into the apartment. The Firefighters returned to BC firehouse for a debrief. Location: Down Town, San Fiero Participants: @ramby @Ferthis @Ramos @Marso Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K6YItU5
  19. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (26-01-2020) Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AGO53Eb
  20. Refilling gas stations in Las Venturas and Los Santos. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby
  21. No, how else could I extinguish vehicles or impound them?! Those are the best spots!
  22. Add a pole, seems like a decent suggestion.
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