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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. I remember that we had the possiblity to post signatures underneath your name on a previous SAES forum (like an automatic signature for example with Outlook), could that also be an option for this forum? I really liked them cuz you could put your creative ideas in there. Or is there a specific reason that they aren't added to this forum? Sorry if this was suggested before, I couldn't find it. Regards Ramby
  2. Keep the 90s vibe!
  3. But, but that's where the blackhole is for.
  4. Ooh shit, heil @Brophy !
  5. @Joe good poll, keep it up!
  6. Sold, can be closed
  7. Damn almost 90% approves, there is still 10% who love you tho @Filex . Stay possitive
  8. Hello everyone, Since I'm a retarded Dutch person, I bought a game that I apparently already had. So I decided to held an auction/trade. The game that I'm giving up for auction/trade is "Space Engineers". You can offer me a game in return or pay with SAES money. Sunday I'll decide which offer I take. I hope I can make someone happy with this. Regards Ramby
  9. It's a shame I had to run in the middle of the recruitment. I hope the recruitment went well further on, and you found some new valuable recruits. Regards Ramby
  10. Contact the legend horkent, he will buy it
  11. Just no, the weather update is perfect. Stop playing this game on your microwave pc and buy a proper pc, it's worth the investment. The rain and fog give the game a nice new type of gameplay.
  12. Kalm an kerel, we gaan wel effe weer eens Rocket League doen.
  13. Dear miss or mister, Thank you for showing interest in this cottage in a rural area. The cottage is located in the outskirts of Fort Carson in an area called Bone County. There is enough space to spawn a car using the housingicon and you have close acces to the refuel station as a fuel trucker. If you are interesting in more photographs open the spoiler below. ::: ::: If you think this house suits you, be free to make an offer below. If there are any questions regarding this auction, you can always contact me via Discord or a personal message. Kind regards, Ramby
  14. @jaimy said in The current Weather on SAES.: @Ramby said in The current Weather on SAES.: I love it, it makes flying and trucking more interesting. Talking about the fog and things. How often does it change? Every single hour? fact, but in some other things for example racing its not always that interesting, so a feature to disable or able the weather would be appreciated. i would use it to in several things, but not in everything. Then schedule a race when the weather suits you, some weather types are good enough for racing. Cloudy weather could give racing a new perspective on driving. I really like the weather, you could have another opinion on that.
  15. @Thing I hope she wants to play with me :wink: Wait wait, how old is she??
  16. I love it, it makes flying and trucking more interesting. Talking about the fog and things. How often does it change? Every single hour?
  17. Happy birthday @Absent !
  18. It's your money, so your choice. Same goes for the new ICE base. Your squad, so your choice for the appearance of your base. People will always have something to talk about. PS: that doesn't mean I agree about the parkinglot base and how you spent your money. But that's my opinion.
  19. Thank you all appreciate it, I'm drunk now.
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