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Everything posted by reket

  1. reket


    @Xavier said in End.: Bruh i saw a black pfp and the word "End." i thought filex was fucking off and now im disappointed... anyway cya in 2 weeks ^ im disappointed now
  2. @Bartman said in Increasing the difficulty of a Bank Robbery - POLL: also thc failed with over 30thc members a br on 2th year anniversey + AA failed 1 br too that day (also i saw that day much teamplay on copside), just saying. yeah one member wanted to try to crack first safe and failed, then I started cracking it and all crackers got arrested
  3. Yeah, but keep the /partykick to only the owner of the party. +1 from me.
  4. best of luck!
  5. could also make a script where you instantly teleport there, but it would cost more money (just skid it off gta v taxi script)
  6. i don't see why not, +1
  7. keep in mind that the gamemode is RPG, not RP. there are many features already in the game that aren't realistic. this is a game from the 2000's, it doesn't need to be that realistic. yes, it would be better for more people to RP, however, it isn't mandatory.
  8. simple and efficient suggestion, +1 from me.
  9. congrats
  10. happy birthday!
  11. Name: reket Username: mikupro Team Betting on: thc Amount: 5m
  12. @ChasinTLSN said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: There's always that one guy like this in each gang haha bruh I had showchat on lol
  13. Wow, glad to see this back, good luck!
  14. Activity #5 Type of activity: Hanging out Date of activity: 5.8.2019 Participators: reket, NubBob, Spectre, Jiirak Amount of participators: 4 Screenshots:
  15. Address: the white garage Account name: franklinclint Last seen: 24th march 2019 Screenshots: ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515929103430451201/574294541021085710/mta-screen_2019-05-04_20-39-26.png ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515929103430451201/574294565616615464/mta-screen_2019-05-04_20-39-50.png ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515929103430451201/574294610575097867/mta-screen_2019-05-04_20-39-55.png done by teddy
  16. @ferthis starting bid?
  17. @Jude-Obiasca said in Roadsters of San Andreas V2: Ingame name: BlueZ>iBow|TF Account name:JudeObiasca Age: i'm 14yo Have you ever been adminjailed or banned?: I've got 2 adminjails, 1st is when im new i dmed a car, 2nd is i dmed someone by mistake Tell us a bit about your SAES career (minimum 50 words): hello I'm jude, since i started playing saes was about 2015-2016, then i stop playing because i study more to get my new pc, when im graduated at 6th grade i got gifted with a loptop, then i download gtasa and mtasa because i miss saes alot, then when i joined... i met some peoples that helped me..... days ago like 15 or somehing like that i've become a wannabe of safp, i enjoyed with it alot... then i cancelled my application.. some houra... i decided to join ice... when i joined i stay like 10days.. then i got kicked because james said delete the report but i couldn't because there was no 'edit' or 'delete' button... somedays later i rejoined back with my friend.... 15days later or smthing like that i left in ice because cop side is bored... then i've become oc wannabe aswell.. then in a weeks i cancelled my time as wannabe then applied for CripZ! then now im enjoying my life as BlueZ, ty What is your current G/S/C?: The Forgotten Why do you want to join Roadsters of San Andreas and why should we accept you?: well im not saying im very special player... i can wait even 1or2weeks ( just dont spend my time like if i wait 1weeks then ive got denied ) and im active in the game, im friendly, kind, and also i respect some peoples except for those who doesn't respect me. ( Sorry if some spellinga are not correct i applied with my cp xd ) Lovely Jude, Thanks for reading Reapply in 1 week if still interested, hang in the meantime.
  18. https://youtu.be/Svv0DkVptJ0
  19. Transportation #16 Participators: reket, NubBob Amount of participators: 2 Date of transportation: 4/26/2019 Screenshots:
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